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The Boss's Pet: Office Training Goes Home

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by Tonya Kinzer


  Office Training Goes Home


  Tonya Kinzer at Smashwords

  Copyright 2010 Tonya Kinzer

  ISBN - 978-1-4524-0787-6

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Chapter One

  Sondra’s muscles finally eased under the hot shower water this morning as the soft lathered shower puff moved over her body, reaching down and over her back. Yesterday’s workout may have been a bit too strenuous, but she’d loved it. She wouldn’t change a thing about her workout ethics; taking her body to the extreme made her feel alive though she sometimes found muscles she didn’t realize she had. Those younger women had nothing on her; she could stay in just as good of shape as they could and Nick Carrington loved that about her.

  Even in the shower she could feel those juices let go again. It never failed when she thought of Him, His sexy blue eyes and that tall, muscled body! Not bad for a 40 year old investment mogul. Both of them loved working out, whether it was together or not, but it kept their minds in shape as well.

  As the warm soap suds slid down her body, her hand followed the sensuous curves and inner folds to be sure everything was smooth and shaven. Sondra knew better than to pleasure herself before preparing to see Nick. The spanking she would receive wasn’t worth it. She thought of His touch, His caress, and what it did to her. He knew exactly what He was doing each time and how to work her body to conform to His desires. His gentle caress never exhibited the strength of the man, only the care He took not to hurt her. A true Dom knew his limitation with his submissive. He’d already taught her so much since she allowed Him to take her to new heights, to trust in His wisdom.

  Turning off the water, she grabbed a fresh warm towel and dried her face and hair, then wrapped it around her. She had several things to do at the office again today; she had a great job now that she thought about it. Working with Nick was the best move she’d ever made when He asked her to be a working partner/manager at His office, combining their client base for investments and retirement planning.

  The phone rang and she ran to sat on the bed to answer it. Draping the warm towel over her knee, she reached for the portable on the marble night stand, her heart already racing with anticipation.

  “Good morning, pet.”

  Just the sound of His deep sensual voice made her heart flutter as she towel dried her hair. “Good morning, Master.”

  “I assume you’re just finishing your morning rituals as usual?”

  “Yes, Sir. Everything is as smooth as a baby’s behind, as instructed.”

  “You DO follow directions well, my pet. Then again, you know very well what the consequences are when you don’t.”

  She could hear the smile of satisfaction in His voice and felt proud that she could easily please Him. Had she not been so comfortable with herself and where she stood in the world, she would never be able to accomplish the submissive role she’d taken on to make Him such a wonderful Master. She’d witnessed what other submissives went through as a result of an abusive Master at the “sessions” she’d attended with Nick and wondered about their relationship. The fact that her Master cared so much for her in return kept a smile on her face and even more eager to please. “Master, I know very well what punishment will be inflicted so I’m always on my best behavior.” She couldn’t help but smile to herself.

  “I’ll let you go so you can get yourself ready for work. You may be a partner here, but you’ll always be my pet. I’ll see you later, lil one.”

  She punched the end button and laid the phone back on the cradle, happy to hear His voice again, as she was every morning. He certainly knew how to get her slippery juices flowing to last the whole day. They both looked forward to these daily calls.

  Finished with her hair and make-up, she grabbed her black stockings and sat on the bed. Stretching the silk stockings over her toes, pulling it up her calf, carefully over her knee, and up her slender thigh, she stood and hooked the garters onto the lace top, then proceeded to the other leg. Then she placed His delicate gold ankle bracelet on her left ankle to show she belonged to Him.

  Sitting back on the bed, she lie across it and reached for her training plug and lube. Should she forget to insert this on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she feared the restriction that He’d place on her, so she did as instructed. Carefully, she lubed the tip of the fairly large plug, though He told her this is a medium, and she would progress in her training to a much larger plug. How will she ever be able to take a larger one all day at the office? As she rolled onto her side, reaching behind her, humiliated that she was actually doing this, she gently worked the lubed tip against her rosebud opening. Taking a few deep breaths, she slipped it in, easing it out, then a few more times before slipping it in a bit deeper to spread the lube as it eventually slipped in, all the way to the slender base that locked it into place. The pleasure surprised her as she lay there squeezing and swirling her hips to feel this monster in her anal cavity. What if her coworkers found out about this? She would be so humiliated. Her heart raced and her breathing quickened at the thought of sitting on this all day, waiting for Him to call her for her inspection. The smile she’ll see spread over His face will be worth the pleasure-pain she’ll endure again today.

  Before standing, she stepped into her black lace thong that helped hold in her training plug, knowing He thought about this all day the same as she did.

  As she stood in front of the mirror, her dark nipples stood erect, tight and puckered at the thought of being inspected sometime today. She reached for the sharp gold nipple clamps her Master gave her and smiled. Tweaking her nipples with her nails, she winced at the pleasure-pain, then fitted the nipple clamps around her pert dark nipple and squeezed them into place, again wincing slightly as she did so.

  The slight pain she felt through the day only kept her moist for Him and she knew He loved and craved that. She put on her black lace bra then slipped into her black sweater set that buttoned in the front. Her black lace thong helped hold the plug into place, and then she pulled on the tight black pencil skirt and checked her appearance. Last, tightening her kegal muscles around her plug, she stepped into her black three-inch heels and added earrings, necklace and bracelets.

  Along with admiring His diamond ring on her finger, her nails were also done for Master, so she could lightly run them over His cheek or lower lip, or his smooth scrotum then enjoy His reaction. A light spray of perfume for Master and she was on her way.

  She loved getting herself ready for work, ready for her Master’s inspection. She never knew when He’d show up in her office, or how many times a day she’d be treated to His presence. But she knew better than to disobey. His disapproval was harder to take than his punishments, so she was very careful not to cause Him displeasure. This new lifestyle was fun but she knew they couldn’t do it 24/7 like some did. As she walked through the house before leaving for work, her training plug constantly reminded her of exactly what this training would lead to and the pleasures it would bring. To finally give that ultimate pleasure to her Master will be worth anything she must endure, to hear His exquisite groans as He gently removes her plug and replaces it with His hard cock will be the greatest pleasure for her if it’s anything like
the pleasure these plugs give her.

  Of course, she certainly didn’t feel that way the first few weeks of her training but her opinions have changed. He told her they would once she learned more of this lifestyle, the mutual respect and discipline necessary on both their parts. She squeezed gently on the plug again as she filled her coffee cup before slipping out the back door for work, but the sheer pleasure-pain nearly caused her to lose her grip on the coffee pot.

  She took a deep breath, a moment to enjoy the pleasure, and then proceeded out the door. Her Master made her drive to the office by a special route that was filled with railroad tracks, bad bumpy roads and a few speed bumps. He knew exactly what kind of feelings this drive created within her body and that she enjoyed the pleasure as much as he enjoyed thinking about what it did to her body. He knew her juices would soak her panties before she arrived at the office and that He would eventually be able to smell her scent.

  Her phone was already ringing as she entered her office; the receptionist was already busy, too. Tuesday’s were normally as hectic as Monday, but she’d manage to get through another one as she always did; she scheduled three appointments for today. She glanced at her Master’s extension; He was already busy, too. But she knew He’d not be too busy for His inspections today. That is one thing He DID make time for, even if her inspection lasted only a minute or two. She smiled as she thought back on some of those inspections and how wet they made her all day.

  She didn’t intentionally walk past His office, but it was necessary when she wanted coffee, so she knew she’d have to walk past that door soon. Sorting the morning mail and the day’s appointments keep her busy for an hour, along with the blinking voice mail that waited. As she made notes on the incoming voice mails, the message with her Master’s sexy voice created another smile on my face. His daily good morning messages were something she looked forward to.

  His morning message today instructed her to stop by His office before she got her coffee, so she completed a few more tasks, and then headed on down the hall. She could hear His deep voice as she neared His door, so she leaned against the doorway until He finished His call. As He chatted, His eyes immediately followed her body lines from top to bottom and the familiar glint sparkled in His eye with approval.

  He motioned for her to enter and shut the door. She knew the routine, clicked the lock, and stepped directly in front of His desk to wait until He finished the phone call. The humiliation filled her as much as the tension did, to be forced to stand here waiting, to know what was going to happen. She tightened her inner muscles around the plug and reveled in the sensations it sent swirling through her body, exciting her, freeing more of her body fluids that seeped onto her thong already soaked from her drive to work.

  As He finished the call, He hung up the phone with a smile. His blue eyes again gave her the once-over and her woman’s center leaked yet again. She wondered if it would trickle down her inner thigh or not.

  “Good morning, my pet.”

  “Good Morning, Master,” she answered, looking at the edge of his desk. A submissive never made eye contact with a Master unless instructed so she kept her eyes downcast but gave Him a matching smile.

  He waited a moment; He liked to make her wait to see if she’d obey and not meet His gaze. “Well…You know the routine, pet.”

  She did, indeed, know the routine. She turned her back to His desk, bent slightly at the waist and lifted her tight black skirt past her hips so He could see that she’d arrived as He instructed. When He approved, she then pulled her skirt back down and stepped to the side of his desk. Again, she turned her back to him, bent at the waist, lifted her skirt past her hips, stood with her feet apart and waited. And waited, knowing He enjoyed this immensely and that the wait made her even wetter.

  His warm fingers gently caressed their way up her inner thigh and slowly teased her moist lips through the silk thong, taking her breath away. She felt His thumb slide over the training plug and He pushed slightly until she gasped. His foot moved between her heels, instructing her to spread further and she did, knowing better than to disobey. He ever so slowly slipped two fingers passed the crotch of her thong and deep inside her, swirling them until she moaned with pleasure and her knees nearly buckled. She tightened her inner muscles around His fingers and enjoyed each wonderful slow stroke until she nearly panted with need. He then removed His fingers and caressed her ass. Her juices seep between her lips with want of more, but she knew this was all she would receive for now. With a squeeze of her inner muscles, she straightened up and pulled her skirt down, then turned around in time to see Him licking her juices from His fingers.

  “You may get your coffee now, pet, but I expect you back here in one hour. I have a new surprise for you, but you’ll have to wait for it.”

  “Yes, Sir.” His teasing smile melted her heart. She knew He loved teasing her, getting her so visibly hot that He could smell her across the room. She squeezed her inner muscles a few times to savor the sensation of the plug then grabbed her coffee cup and headed for the door.

  Before she opened it, His sexy voice filled the room. “My pet, uumm…Thursday, you WILL move on to the next training plug.” He winked at her, knowing it also excited her to receive His orders and obey.

  “Yes, Master. As You wish, Sir.” She left His office dripping wet, refilled her coffee and made her way back to her office, all the while feeling the plug twist and turn against sensitive nerve endings with every step she took. She squeezed her tight anal ring to feel the fullness there, eager to know what it would feel like to have her Master’s hard cock thrust deep inside of her, yet knew she’d feel very little pain once the training was completed. She wasn’t sure who would be more eager for her training to be complete, but she knew she would get such enjoyment from knowing that He would love entering the tightness of her body in such a way.

  Back in her office, she glanced at the clock on her phone, making a mental note of when she had to return to His office, and then proceeded to complete a few tasks before their next meeting. She reviewed several customer files and made sure orders had been placed properly and sent out, and started the monthly sales reports for next week’s meeting. She’d become so engrossed in her work, the receptionist startled her when she’d buzzed through that she was to meet the boss immediately downstairs in the conference room and to take the sales figures with her.

  She glanced at the clock. It was exactly an hour later. She smiled, arched her back and swirled her ass into her chair, squeezing her inner muscles tight around the plug. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the control and pleasure she felt being forced to wear His plug and follow His orders. None of this would be possible had she not agreed to be His submissive in the first place. She made all this possible and she smiled to herself. Grabbing her sales figures and a yellow pad, she headed downstairs to their meeting.

  Chapter Two

  Slowly making her way down the stairs, she knew He listened intently for the clicking of her heels as she walked the long hallway toward the conference room. The scent of His cologne permeated the hall down here so she knew He was already in there waiting for her. Her heart raced with anticipation of their meeting, as it always did. Her Master excited her like no other man ever had in her life. It’s hard for the vanilla world to understand the Master/submissive relationship when they’ve never tried it.

  There was only one light on in the long hallway besides the one in the conference room and she knew no one else would be down here. They only kept old files and a few supplies down here, yet it was a nice place for the larger conference room.

  As she entered the room, the door suddenly shut and she was gently but firmly grabbed from behind. His arm went around her neck while His other hand grabbed her pad and file and tossed them onto the table, then He set down her cup. Her breathing became ragged with excitement as His hand reached the side of her thigh and moved higher, inching her skirt up. His hard arousal lay against her ass as He pressed her hips back against His. Wa
rm lips touched her neck while His hand captured her breast, massaging her until her nipple hardened even more at his touch, immediately pressing the sharp points of the nipple ring deeper into her flesh.

  She couldn’t help but let a moan of pain slip out.

  “I’m glad my slut wasn’t late for our meeting. You know how I hate it when you disobey me.” He moved them to the edge of the large waist-high table and pressed her forward to lay flat onto the table, positioning her hands out to the sides.

  “You know better than to move an inch.” Both his hands now caressed her outer thighs, inching her skirt up over her hips to expose her ass to his view. She heard him groan as He stared at her bare ass, her silk thong pressed between her cheeks, holding in her plug and she waited for further instructions. The waiting made her slippery and He knew it.

  “Spread your feet, slut. You know you want to show Me how much you’ve seeped in the last hour. And arch your back so I can better see your wet thong.”

  He sniffed the air.

  Humility consumed her, but its part of what made her do this, knowing He had total control as long as she allowed it. She did as instructed and stepped as far apart as her legs would go, her high heels arching her back even more. As she tipped her hips, she felt so exposed as the silk thong moved between her lips. She heard His intake of breath the moment He saw the same thing.

  Again she waited. And waited, sensing His gaze as it moved over her rounded cheeks and thong between them. She clenched her muscles around the training plug which then moved inside her.

  Suddenly but ever so slowly, a hot tongue moved along crotch of her thong, making her gasp. The pleasure of His hot tongue engulfed her and she reveled in it, allowing herself to moan with the pleasure. Before she realized it, the oak paddle smacked hard against her tender cheeks, then once more. Pain brought tears to her eyes.


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