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Beating Hearts

Page 16

by Lucretia Stanhope

  She sat on the lounger, the little box beside her and gazed in the fire, ignoring the wiggling man on the floor. Her mind drifted back to that night, back to her brave stand. She breathed deep and tried to summon that strong woman who had smiled despite the pain.

  Warren was going to pay, and she was going to be a part of that. She felt more determined than ever to go back there and expose the nasty trade of his. She wanted to expose him, and every other vile creature who thought so little of life.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  N ick walked out of his door and stopped in his tracks, sensing a second human heartbeat. He turned his head quickly to see the man laying bound on the floor.

  “Kate?” he called out, and hurried in the direction of her scent.

  He rushed into the dining room where she sat at the table, eating a bowl of soup, as if everything was perfectly normal.

  She turned to him and smiled sweetly. There was a hard, determined look in her eyes.

  He gave her a questioning look. “Sweetheart, is there something you want to tell me? Are you hurt?”

  “No, I am perfectly fine. I made you dinner, it's by the fire.” She stood, and kissed him.

  Nick stepped back, shocked. “What happened?”

  “That, my love, is Warren's deliveryman. He came to bring me the pin that the monster used while I was at the club. I wasn't happy about the gift, so I hit him with a metal pipe,” she said, and paused, smiling again.

  Nick was silent, he looked at his beautiful Kate stood staring at him.

  She continued, “I had to hit him twice, thick-headed, I guess. I left him for you in case you are hungry, or think he might tell you anything useful.” She kissed him again, and walked into the kitchen with him following behind her.

  “You hit him, and tied him up? You are telling me this man came here to scare you, and you attacked him?”

  “Yes, Nick. I know you asked me to stay inside, but I didn't. He was rude, and Warren sent such a nasty gift. What would you have me do, let him walk away and then cry to you about it later?”

  Nick took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. “I am going to need to take you again. Perhaps right here on the counter. Jesus, you are something special.”

  “Why don't you go find out whatever you think you can from him, and then eat him? The fresh blood will make you stronger, yes?”

  “Yes, it will, and then I am going to pin you to that lovely new lounger.”

  “I'd like that,” she said playfully, and kissed him again.

  Nick walked back out to the main room with a light step. He couldn't help but feel optimistic as he began to understand even more how perfect Kate was for him. He had noticed she was brave and a little broken when she arrived at his home, but he had no idea just how bright her fire burned. He almost wished the man wasn't there to deal with, he wanted to go back in the kitchen and show her just how much she meant to him.

  But there was the man to see to. Kate had left him as a tidy gift, and he was going to make the most of it. He walked into the room and stood over the man, looking at him. He was a big man and Nick was glad Kate had connected on her first swing, or things could have gone badly. He reached down and tore off the tape.

  “Evening. Are you going to be helpful, or shall I just kill you now?” Nick asked.

  “You may as well kill me, you dead freak.”

  “Kate, stay in the kitchen,” he ordered.

  “You don't want your little bitch to see you kill?”

  “You shouldn't tease a hungry vampire. I'm giving you a second, and last chance to make yourself useful.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “That wasn't what I had in mind,” Nick said, and his eyes turned black. In a flash, he was on the floor with his fangs buried in the man's neck.

  Kate could hear the screams all the way in the kitchen, and she used the counter to steady herself. She tried not to think too much about what was happening. “The man deserved it,” she told herself. She could tell Nick was not taking him gently, not waiting for his saliva to take effect.

  Once he drained the man, Nick stood up, heaved the body over his shoulder, and walked outside. He threw it in the back of the van and drove to the edge of the woods. Then he tossed the man out for the animals to handle. He would sort the van later.

  After he drove back to the house, he went upstairs to wash his face. On the way back to the kitchen, he took off his shirt and tossed it in the fire.

  He found Kate standing in the kitchen, drinking water, like she always did when she was nervous.

  She turned to look at him when he walked in. All of his bruising was gone, his face was healed and he had the look of a man who was ready to take on the world. She also couldn't help but notice he was half dressed.

  He didn't say anything to her, he just walked over and put one of his hands in her hair, pulling her into a powerful kiss. He tore open her shirt, a few of the buttons twanged as they hit the ground, and he reached around unhooking her bra. He pulled her against him, feeling her warm skin melt into his.

  His monster side was energized from the fresh blood, and alive with hunger from the fire in her spirit. He didn't fight it, it was a part of him and it wanted her too. He allowed that side to take over as he undid his pants and rolled them down, stepping out of them and watching as she did the same.

  She looked at him and saw his eyes were different, almost black. Her heartbeat quickened with her own need.

  He stepped to her, picked her up, and sat her on the counter. Moving nearer, his body spread her legs, as he pulled her closer to the edge.

  She twined her legs around his waist and hung on to his shoulders as he thrust inside her, with a need she had never felt before. She made a soft moan and he growled, plunging deep, and holding her against him.

  She kissed his neck and wrapped her arms around him, as he pulled her even tighter against him and drove harder and faster.

  Each thrust made him want more. The feeling of her fiery hotness as it wrapped around him sent sensations to his soul that deepened his need.

  He had one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip, trying to be even deeper, he needed to have her all, every single part of her. When he was overcome with pleasure, it rocked his whole body.

  After standing still a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at her beautiful face.

  He was stunned that anything could feel so intense, so shattering. He took her in his arms and carried her into the main room.

  They sat on the lounger, where he cradled her in his lap, enjoying having her against him.

  “I'm sorry that wasn't…” he started to say, but she sat up and kissed him.

  “It doesn't always have to be sweet, my lover.”

  He had no idea what to say, it seemed like she had been created just for him. He couldn't express to her what he was feeling, so he just kissed her again and held her tight.

  “Nick,” she started, after a few hours passed. “We need to help those people. I can't enjoy this like I should while people are suffering.”

  “I agree. We need to be ready tomorrow with a plan, because when the lovely dinner you made for me doesn't show up tonight, Warren will be even more aggressive.”

  “I can bait Warren away while you go get the humans out. If you are strong enough now that is. Can you handle the bouncers and any vampires that might be there?”

  “I could, but you are not going to be bait for Warren.”

  “Why not? I could drive to town, then slowly lead him away, while you wait until you sense him leave. Then you can go in and clean house. Once that is done, I can circle back to you.”

  “How will you tell how close or far Warren is to you? It's too dangerous. You can't sense him. He could have you before you even realized he was there.”

  She frowned and thought a moment. “I could email him that I want to see him here, and then when he comes here we could go to the club while he sleeps.”

  “While I sleep too?”

; “Well, yeah, you can wait here for him and I can go there during the day.”

  Nick frowned at her. “No, we will not separate by that far. It puts us way out of range to help each other.”

  “Hey, if I could get in there and document what he is doing, I can blow open the whole human trading underground, and not just his place. It would save so many lives.”

  “He would know you from miles away, sweetheart. He never leaves that place.”

  “He would leave if he were coming here,” she said.

  “But he would sense we were not here.”

  “Not if you stayed.”

  “No. You are seriously asking me to stay here and fight Warren, while you go to that place alone?”

  “Yes, you do realize I can take care of myself,” she said in a harsher tone than she meant to use.

  “No, you would be a beacon of delicious untapped blood in a room full of hungry monsters. Not to mention, how the hell would you get out again?”

  “You could bite me and then I could pass as a junkie, they let them come and go freely.”

  Nick shook his head and looked at her as if she were crazy. “Hello? First, I will not bite you. Second, what do you think happens to junkies in that place?”

  She looked down. “They get bitten.”

  “Yes, a lot, and you would be high from it, and not able to document anything.”

  “There has to be a way I can get in there, and back out again.”

  “Not with me here, that isn't going to happen. I will not let you go off alone like that again.”

  “Not let?”

  “That's right, not let. You may not be marked, but make no mistake, you are my lover.”

  While she wasn't totally put off by the idea that he felt she was his, she wasn't sure she would ever get used to such possessiveness, not even from Nick. “What do you suggest then? We agree something needs done, soon, tomorrow if possible.”

  “Maybe you don't have to be alone to document a sale.”

  “But you can't sneak in there, Warren would know. Hell, I need you to keep Warren away while I get the proof. If I can get proof, the FBI will shut it down and Warren will get a death sentence.”

  “He is a slippery bastard; I wouldn't count on that.” Nick watched the flames dance in the fire.

  “What was your idea?” She nestled in his lap more.

  “Paul, Paul can be trusted I think. He goes through money like water, and he can certainly be bought into helping us again.”

  “I don't follow?”

  “I can lead Warren away while you and Paul wait at a safe distance. After I know we are out of range, I can call him or you, and you will know to go on, get the footage and get out. Paul can pose as both your master and a buyer seeking a new slave, you can film it all. I will handle Warren for good, and the trafficking issue gets exposed. With both issues handled, then you and I can come back here and have white-hot sex every night.”

  “I like the ending.”

  “I like that it is just the beginning.” He pulled her into a kiss.

  “Do you really think Paul would take such a risk?”

  “For the right amount, sure.”

  “How deep are your resources?” she asked.

  “Deep enough for many lifetimes.”

  “You feel safe with me alone with Paul? He did have a drop, you said that would be a powerful temptation, even for you.”

  “It is a risk, but I think he likes money even better than blood.”

  “Sounds like Warren to me.”

  “You know I wouldn't put you in any unnecessary risk.”

  “I know that.”

  “I will call Paul then. Get some rest, my lover, I will need you sharp for tomorrow, my beautiful slayer of big, strong henchmen. You are full of surprises.”

  She smiled up at him, and relaxed, laying out with her head in his lap.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  aul, it's Nick. I am afraid I need another favor.” Nick paced the porch, not wanting to wake Kate while he talked.

  “So soon?”

  “Yes, it seems Warren has become a problem.”

  “Yes, he has, I have been followed for a few days now. I assumed it might be related. Why is that woman alive still? More to the point, why the hell is she so important to you? Or Warren, for that matter?”

  “He wants her because she is mine, you know there is bad blood there.”

  “Yeah but why do you want her so badly, and how the hell can you not bite her?”

  “I have lots of cash, so before you hang up laughing, consider that.”

  “Nick, we have been friends for a very long time, but if you tell me you are in love with a human, I might have to not be your friend anymore,” Paul said, and chuckled.

  “You don't have to be my friend, but I would still appreciate your services.”

  There was silence on the line for a minute.

  “You love her? No shit?” Paul asked.

  “No shit, very much, and Warren knows that. He will do things that you and I would never consider.”

  Nick knew deep down Paul would agree. They had been friends for a very long time, and over the years had both needed things and been able to count on each other. As a rule, vampires were solitary, but when he had been at his lowest, working with Warren, Paul had been there for him, and he had been there for Paul when he hit dark days as they all did.

  “What is the plan? You know the price of course will depend on the foolhardiness,” Paul said.

  Nick told Paul the plan he discussed with Kate and reassured him that she would edit out his features and voice.

  “But if she exposes the trading circles, where will I get my slaves? I do like one from time to time, you know.”

  “You are a vampire. Get your own, it isn't like you are a tenth generation. You can track something much nicer than what you will find there. Besides that, with what I pay you, you can buy one from anywhere else, if you insist.”

  “Yeah, okay, you know I am always up for your shenanigans. But you seriously owe me now, even if you pay me well. The next time I call, you better be willing to do anything.”

  “I will.”

  “Do you know how hard this will be on my nerves? I can sense she is alive from wherever you are. As soon as you hit town last time, I knew it.”

  “I know. Look, I need you to meet me out of town. Let's meet at the same spot as before.”

  “Yeah, yeah, call when you get close.”

  Nick hung up and walked inside. He packed everything he could think of, and left Kate a note to be ready to go when he woke up.

  Before he went down for the night, he stood and watched her sleep. He was again amazed by how beautiful and sweet she looked. The part of him that was a man, still loved that. Of course, he knew she had a fierce side, and it was one that the monster in him wanted badly. She was so perfectly his.

  K ate woke and smiled when she read the note. She was excited and frightened at the idea of going back. The excitement came from being able to bring the awful new practice out into the light, but she was still scared of Warren. He was so evil, and her sweet Nick was going to be the bait. It could end like last time, or worse, and that worried her.

  She tried not to think about a weak, beaten, Nick as she packed her things. He had really been badly hurt by Teddy, and she sensed Warren was even stronger. It didn't help settle her mind to think that Nick might still not be up to his full strength either. She assumed Warren stayed well fed and would always be at his peak.

  She pushed away the unpleasant thoughts, and double-checked her purse camera was working. After she hid a stake in the lining of the purse, she walked downstairs to take things to the car.

  When she peered out the window she was startled to see the van, but then quickly remembered why it was there.

  She walked outside, put her things in the backseat of the car, and looked around. Nothing immediately looked suspicious. Since she was still feeling edgy, she walk
ed to the end of the drive and stood at the mailbox and looked down the road in both directions, while she listened for any strange sounds. There was green as far as she could see, nothing stood out to her as being off.

  She slowly made her way back to the house and made something to eat. Afterward, she fired up her computer and checked her email, there were no new messages. If the man Nick killed had missed a check-in with Warren last night, he was probably irritated, but as far as she could tell he hadn't reacted.

  She allowed herself to relax a little and drifted off.


  ate, sweetheart.” Nick gently nudged her shoulder.

  “Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry.” She sat up.

  “It's okay, go eat, I made eggs, we need to go.”

  She ran to the kitchen and scarfed down the eggs. “I'm ready, I was already dressed and have my stuff set up,” she shouted, as she walked back in to see him looking out the window.

  “Good, let's go.” Before they took another step, he pulled her to him and kissed her. “I love you,” he said, pulling back from the kiss.

  “Forever, Nick. I love you forever.” She kissed him again with the same passion, and then took his hand in hers, lacing her fingers between his.

  They walked out, got in the car, and pulled off quickly as they set out for the long drive.

  “Nick, are you worried?” Kate asked, as she watched the mile-markers fly quickly by.

  “Yes, of course I am. You should be too; it will keep you sharp.”

  “Is Warren stronger than Teddy?” She remembered her thoughts from earlier.

  “Yes, I should think so.”

  “Is he stronger than you?”

  “Listen to me, sweetheart,” he said, and reached down with one hand to squeeze her thigh. “Warren is my problem; I want you to concentrate on the club. You need to be aware of your own challenges, not mine.”

  “How can I not worry about you, after what happened last time?”


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