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Beating Hearts

Page 21

by Lucretia Stanhope

  “Where's Warren?” he asked coldly, when he was greeted.

  “If you are Nick, Warren says to tell you that he is waiting for you,” the man said. “And for every person you killed in his club, your Kate is paying a heavy price.”

  Nick didn't waver, his anger started to rise. “If you don't want to be a casualty in this war, I'd advise you to tell me where Warren is.”

  “Aren't you an old tracker? Track them.” The man slammed the door.

  Nick knocked on the door again, and the man swung it opened, “You'd do best by her to leave, Nick.”

  Nick reached out and pulled him close, drinking every drop in less than a minute. “I forgot something,” he said as he let the body drop to the floor.

  Nick got in his car and drove in widening circles of the city. Warren wasn't going to be too far out, he never strayed too far from 'his' city.

  Several hours later, he caught a faint presence. He veered off and let it wash over him and pull him toward it. Then he got back on the road.

  Not long now, Kate.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  K ate stirred, she felt pain radiating from everywhere. She sat up and felt instantly pulled back in the bed. She knew Warren was near, she could feel him get closer. She opened her eyes and looked down at her wrist. It still looked bad, but more pain was coming from her waist and thigh.

  When Warren walked in, she tried to back up into the corner of the bed. “Please, I can't,” she said barely above a whisper.

  “I have more water and some food.” He sat down beside her. “Do try and eat, Nick is on the way. I am sure you at least want the strength to say hello.”

  “Nick.” She reached out for the glass in his hand. Her hand trembled as she tried to hold it.

  “Let me, it seems I left you a little dry.” He held the glass for her.

  She sipped, coughed a little, and tried again.

  “Did you want something stronger?” he said, and again offered his wrist to her.

  She looked down at it and shook her head no.

  “Pity that,” he said, and held out a piece of bread. “Try something on your stomach.”

  She managed to eat a little, but her eyes closed again as the pain washed over her. “How long will it hurt?”

  “Days, weeks, months, could be seconds if I turn you,” he said, and leaned into her neck.

  She felt his fangs scrape against her skin. “Please, no more, I don't have the strength.”

  “I do wish we had more time, Kate. I have only touched on what I wanted to do to you.” He scraped his fangs deeper making small cuts on her shoulder. He moaned as he tasted the small amount of blood from the cuts he just made.

  She held on to him to steady herself. “Warren …”

  He pulled back and stood up. “There is more water and bread on the table. I need to go greet our company. We can finish this after he is gone.”


  “Yes, dear, Nick is very nearly here. Do you think he will be upset that you are mine now?”

  She felt tears burning her eyes. “I'm not, never.”

  “Don't cry. You were always mine. Besides, he may not care that you are drawn to, bound to another man,” he said, and reached out, his finger touched her face.

  Warren walked out, leaving her to think about that. Her pain was so great she could barely form coherent thoughts. She could feel Warren walk away, feel a pull to him. Was Nick coming to get her? Did he know what happened? Would he still love her now that she was bitten, now that she was marked by that monster?

  She sat up and reached over to the table, drinking the water and eating the bread he left. She was still trembling, still feeling pain pulsing through her, but she needed to see Nick, needed him to know she wanted out of there, and that she wanted in his arms with every fiber of her being.

  She pulled on that desire and used it to stand. Ignoring the pain, she took slow, measured steps toward the door. Once in the hallway, she leaned against the wall and started edging toward the presence of Warren. Nick would be with him.


  ello Nick,” Warren said as he stepped outside.

  Nick stood at the edge of the yard, and stopped walking when he spotted Warren. “Where is Kate?”

  “Is that any way to greet an old friend?”

  “If you have hurt her Warren, I… “

  Warren laughed, interrupting him. “I have hurt her very badly, Nick. In fact, it might take one of us to save her.”

  Nick closed his eyes, now was not the time to lose control. He needed all of his focus to kill this monster. “Is she here?”

  “Yes, in fact, I can feel her struggling to come join us. Even at the edge like she is, there is still a fire in her soul. It is a delectable fire.”

  “Why, Warren? Your problem is with me,” he said, his voice filled with anger and anguish.

  “Because I can. I can, and I liked it. I liked every scream, every struggle, and I really liked watching as she realized you were not going to get here in time to save her.”

  Nick crossed the yard to Warren with inhuman speed, smashing into him, and sending both of them down to land on the ground. He knew hitting him wouldn't kill him, but he pounded him with his fists anyway. There was an animal rage that had been let loose and he needed to feel flesh give under the force of his blows.

  Warren fought back with the same intensity as they both suffered broken bones and bruised flesh. Warren flipped Nick and wrapped both of his hands around his neck, pinning him to the ground.

  “Did you really think that bottled crap would give you the strength to fight me?” Warren asked, and squeezed tighter. “What is it like to know I got my strength straight from your lover's beautiful soft thigh?”

  Nick reached up and pulled back Warren's hand, snapping back his wrist, which made a loud popping sound.

  They both stood back up and looked at each other. Both knew it was going to take a while before either of them was weak enough to be killed.

  “Did I touch a nerve, lover-boy?”

  “You are going to feel pain for every drop, every single one.”

  “Oh but they were so worth it. The screams were like a sweet siren song calling to me.”

  Nick ran at him again, this time landing an uppercut that sent Warren to the ground.

  He quickly recovered and laughed. “Of course, when she lost her strength to fight, the begging was nice too. I'm not sure which was more satisfying.”

  Nick ran at him again, but this time Warren caught him, and when he hit the ground he felt himself pinned as Warren reached down, sinking his fingers between his ribs, tearing at his flesh.

  Nick swung and knocked him off, sending a spattering of blood flying as he split his lip into his teeth.

  Warren wiped his mouth as he stood back up and straightened his shirt. Warren continued to talk, baiting Nick, knowing he was still not as strong as he could be, and wanting to let him use his steam up. “Did you know that when you mark a human they want you? Even if they hate you?”

  Nicks' eyes filled with rage and he reached for his stake.

  “Now, now, that isn't a fair way to fight. I wonder, if you stake me, will she still always want my blood?” Warren asked, still baiting.

  Nick came at him and aimed straight for his chest.

  Warren reached up and grabbed his hand, twisting it.

  Nick held tight to the stake, and pushed against Warren's hand, trying to make a connection with his flesh anywhere, just to start the pain and weakening process.

  A smile came across Warren's face as he sensed Kate getting closer. She has good timing, he thought.

  Nick looked up when he heard the door opening, still fighting for control of his hand.

  Kate leaned against the door frame, her whole body trembling from the effort it took to get there.

  “We have company, dear. I'm sure you remember Nick?” Warren said, feeling her at the door, not needing to turn around.

  “Jesus, Kate,” Nick
said, his voice heavy with torment. He could sense her heartbeat was slow. “Did you change her already?”

  Nick's hand relaxed and Warren batted the stake away. It skidded off into the dirt.

  They both stood and stepped back from each other.

  Warren watched Nick, looking to see the weak spot Kate would create for him to attack. “No, I didn't change her, yet. That is the sound of a dying heart. I told her to rest, but she is stubborn. She wanted to see you one last time, I guess.”

  “Warren, you are going to pay for this,” Nick said, as his eyes filled with sadness.

  “Nick,” Kate managed to say.

  “It's not appropriate for a marked woman to be out at night calling for another man, sweetheart. Go inside.”

  Nick's eyes flashed black and he was on Warren, his fingers digging into his chest. He was going to rip his heart out if he had too.

  Warren laughed and snatched his hand, bending it back and flipping him over. “Play time is over.”

  Nick could feel the pressure now as Warren knelt into his sternum. He felt it starting to crack, felt ribs starting to give. Warren had been right, the difference between fresh and bottled blood was bigger than he imagined, even with the few people he drained over the last few days.

  He reached up and tried to pry his hands off, but nothing happened.

  Looking at Warren, he could see that his eyes were all black, it was all monster and no man. If he could just get a small gain anywhere.

  Kate saw Nick was in trouble, she saw that Warren was in a position to kill him. She focused her eyes on the stake and took a few steps. It took every ounce of strength she had not to fall, or cry out. Her body trembled with the effort as she bent to pick it up. All of the bites burned, but at bending, the bite on her waist sent a whole new pain throughout her.

  She pushed back the pain and felt her hand wrap around the stake. Slowly she straightened and walked toward them. As she stumbled toward them, Nick saw a silver flash. Once she was close enough, she made a weak effort to stab at Warren, and connected, barely scraping the skin on his arm.

  Warren made a growling sound and released one of his hands from Nick, hitting her in the stomach and sending her back a few feet where she landed on the ground.

  It was all the gain Nick needed to flip Warren over, he pinned him down and sunk his teeth into his neck, drinking deep.

  Warren struggled and pushed, but Nick was draining quickly, pulling his strength.

  Nick felt a fist connect with his head and the bite was broken, as he took part of the flesh of Warren's neck, when his head was forced back.

  Knowing he was now at the disadvantage, Warren turned to see where Kate and the stake had landed.

  Nick followed his eyes and both men rushed the few feet toward the shining blade in the dirt.

  Warren grabbed the handle and Nick reached for the blade, trying to pull it free from his weakened grasp.

  The blade cut into Nick's hand and he knew he had to act now. Once the silver broke flesh he would start to weaken too and lose any advantage Kate had given him when she cut Warren.

  He grabbed at Warren's hand and bit down into his neck again, into the same bite as before. He drank deep, trying to create a dizzying effect. He could sense Warren was starting to feel the combined effects of the bite, the cut, and the blood loss.

  Warren wiggled the stake free, and tossed it aside.

  Nick could feel Warren didn’t have the strength left to do any lasting damage of his own, but he knew he needed the sliver to finish him.

  He held him firmly, and looked up from biting him to see Kate crawling over.

  She struggled for each inch, the stake was held tight in her fingers. Soft sounds of pain came from her. Her eyes were slits, focused on Warren.

  He wanted to get up and help her, but knew if he let Warren go, even for a second, things could change quickly. He bit down again, hoping to keep him weak, and give her the time she needed to get closer.

  It seemed like forever passed in the few minutes it took for her to get to where they fought. “Move, Nick.” Her voice trembled.

  Nick rolled on to his knees, and held Warren in front of him, his hands pinned behind him.

  Kate pulled up on Warren, getting to her knees, looked him in the eyes, and said, “Now you are mine,” and then pounded the stake into his chest.

  She connected, it was the right spot, she pounded again, and again, not stopping until well after Warren was gone. Then she threw the stake down and fell backward.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  N ick put his hands on Kate's pale face. Her heartbeat was faint. Time was not on their side, he took her in his arms and walked toward his car. They needed to get home, they still had enough time, but he had to go. There was no point in taking her to the hospital. They didn't treat humans who were in this state. Over time, so many junkies went to the ER for blood just so they could return and get another bite, that they had stopped treating blood loss.

  As he drove he was glad Warren had not drunk from him. He could feel the wound from holding the blade and it was eating away at his blood. By the time they got home he would be famished.

  “Kate, honey, are you with me?” He sensed her moving a little.

  She tried to say something, but it came out as an inaudible whisper.

  He drove faster, all the while playing with what he could do. What would he do if she started to slip away? Should he even consider changing her? He hoped that wasn't the only option, because he felt like he would, just so he didn't lose her.

  “Nick,” she whispered.

  “Yes, sweetheart, you are safe now,” he said, trying to sound strong and assured so she wouldn't hear the heartbreak in his voice.

  “Warren. I did get him?”

  “Gone, forever,” he said, and watched as she seemed to settle back deeper in the seat, relaxing.

  When they pulled in the yard, she hadn't opened her eyes or made another sound. He picked her up, ran inside, and locked the door behind them. Their biggest outside danger was gone, so he took her into his room and bolted them in together. He didn't have time to set her up out there in the main room, he barely had time to lay her down before the morning came.

  N ick's eyes flashed opened. He heard a faint heartbeat beside him and smiled a small smile of relief. She had survived the day. Tonight he would make a better judgment of just what Warren did to her, and how he could undo it.

  When he sat up, she stirred a little.

  Her eyes didn't open.

  He looked down at her laying there, she was very pale, as was to be expected after being fed on. He didn't imagine Warren used any restraint, and probably only stopped in time by sheer luck for her.

  He could see a bite on her neck and a few scrapes, it didn't look like a terribly deep or brutal injury, and it didn't look infected or marked. While he was glad for that, it also made him sad, because he knew that wasn't the kind of bite Warren would have stopped at, there would be more.

  He gently moved her left arm and looked at her wrist, there was nothing. He looked at the other one, and tears came to his eyes. There was a deep bite, it looked like he had bit straight to the bone. The bite was surrounded by a large purple bruise, with little lines of purple trailing out from it.

  It smelled of Warren. The bite already closed, and Nick knew why, Warren used his blood to heal it, to mark her. It wasn't good considering her body was already weak from losing blood to the monster. The infection and the virus in their blood would take strength to heal, strength she didn't have.

  He remembered Warren had mentioned her thigh, and his mind went to a dark place. He would have killed him again if he could. Had the monster really fed from her three times in such a short span of time? And marked her? Would she be able to recover on her own?

  He ran his eyes down toward her legs, he didn't want to look, didn't know if he could stand to look at more damage on his beautiful Kate. How had he let this happen? Would she forgive him for not getting ther
e in time? He scooted down a little, careful not to move her too much.

  Her legs were slightly parted, so he didn't have to move her too much to see another dark, bruised bite.

  Jesus, he marked her twice in two days, he thought. One mark would take weeks to heal, but two?

  Looking down her legs, his eyes noted other bites, a trail of bites. He tried not to think about the pain she would have felt. He couldn't help but imagine that she would have been counting on him, and thinking he was just around the corner, as he should have been.

  He dragged himself from the bed, and went upstairs. He fed quickly, and realized he was going to need more blood for himself too.

  Just in case he could get her to eat or drink, he made a pitcher of water and some broth. He wanted with all of his heart to be able to nurse her back to health, and not have to resort to using his own blood.

  Mind still reeling with sorrow, he made his way back downstairs and sat the broth and water on the nightstand. Then he sat down as lightly as he could on the bed beside her, and took her hand. “Kate, my love.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  Her eyes tried to open, but failed. “Please, no more, please,” she whispered.

  He fought back the combination of rage and sadness that started to well up inside. “If I help you sit, can you drink some water, my love?”

  She tried again to open her eyes. They fluttered a little. “Nick? You came.”

  He put a hand under her back and sat her up, letting her rest on him. The doubt in her voice tore through him, as he wondered how many times his heart could break and still beat. “I will always come for you. I have some water.” He reached over for the glass. “Sip slowly.” He pressed it to her lips.

  She drank a little, choked a little, and laid back down. He watched her as he still considered what he should do. He wondered if she still had the fight to get through the long recovery. It was more painful to wonder if she really thought he wouldn't come.

  “Damn it,” he muttered, and walked upstairs and outside.

  The cool air hit his face and added to how cold and black he felt. He knew if he had to turn her it wouldn't change how he felt. He was certain there would always be a heat between them, even if her skin were as cold as his. The question was, would she still love him? Would she become cold inside like he had? Would she hate him for what he had done? He promised her that Warren would never hurt her again. He also promised that he never would do anything to hurt her.


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