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Black Annis: Demon Hunter (Dark Urban Fantasy Book 1)

Page 7

by Aubrey Law

  "I'm not telling you shit!" said Sonja. "And I'd rather die than go back to that dungeon so you're just gonna have to kill me."

  "That can be arranged! Before you die, remember the name of the one who defeated you and your precious Black Witch," he said. "I am Supreme Necromancer Marius." His hand moved away from my face and toward Sonja's skin. One touch from his finger and her heart would stop beating permanently. I struggled and strained to scream curses at him but my mouth was icy numb from his deadening spell. My hands felt lifeless as if they'd been broken but my legs were still fully functional. I jumped out of the chair where he was interrogating me and rose up to my feet. "Sit down or she dies instantly!" said Marius. His finger hovered over Sonja's face and her wide eyes were flooded with terror and tears. "Your beauty deceived me when we first met at the dungeon," he said to me. "I never expected a Black Witch with the power of Possession to knock on the door of my chamber. I must admit I envy your ability to transfer your soul. How did you acquire it? Were you born with it? Are you truly Black Annis of the Dane Hills, daughter of Amelia the Witch Queen? If you really are her then your death by my hands will elevate my status among all Mages. Even the Vampires and Shifters will tremble at my name. No one will ever dare to challenge the slayer of the dreadful Black Annis. Now I may need to end both of your lives although it truly is a shame to see such flawless flesh destroyed and wasted. The endless pleasures the three of us could have known together are beyond your imagination." Marius puffed out his sunken chest and smiled smugly as if he were some kind of sexual god that demanded our praise.

  Beyond our imagination? What I could imagine was the miniature old man suffering a stroke within seconds of attempted intercourse with Sonja or myself. His frail body and bones wouldn't last a minute with either one of us in bed. I would've laughed in his elderly face if my mouth wasn't deadened with necrosis.

  "Just kill me," said Sonja. "There's no way in Hell I'm ever sleeping with you."

  "That is your loss!" Marius was in a rage and focused his fury on Sonja while I carefully gripped the Judas Dagger's handle with the soles of my feet hidden under my robe. I was able to drop the blade to the floor when I'd jumped up before Marius forced to me sit down again. Luckily the razor-sharp silver didn't slice my skin and I'd caught the dagger perfectly. Ashley had large feet for a woman and in this situation I wasn't complaining. The Necromancer lost his temper and I could see in his eyes that he truly intended to kill Sonja. I angled the blade at his stomach and pushed with all the strength of my legs to insert the Judas Dagger deep into Marius' abdomen. He shrieked in pain and temporarily lost consciousness from the shock of feeling the serrated silver puncture his gut. I focused my thoughts on Cure Disease which released me from the necrotic spells. My crippled hands and paralyzed tongue were able to move again. I was finally free to retaliate.

  I pointed at him and shouted. "Serpent's Snare!" A slithering Shadow Snake ascended from out of the floor and wrapped itself around the Necromancer's legs like a ravenous python. His consciousness was restored and he realized his life was about to end. In his panic Marius successfully teleported somewhere out of Sonja's apartment but left most of his lower body behind. The coiled Shadow Snake continued to constrict the severed legs and the searing residual heat from the Dark Magic cauterized the wounds. Marius may have survived but even a so-called 'Supreme' Necromancer could never regenerate half of his entire body back to normal. He would forever be disfigured and continuously reminded of what happened on the day he dared to challenge me. Fortunately for us the munchkin bastard had forgotten the very first rule of Teleportation: 'Never Teleport when Snared.'

  Sonja gasped. "Holy shit did you just kill him?"

  I smiled. "Probably."

  "Yes!" she said. "Screw you Super Mario! I hate him!" Sonja ran to me and we briefly embraced in celebration. I was relieved to see she’d survived and didn’t get touched by the notorious Finger of Death.

  "He won't fuck with us again." I exhaled a deep breath and swirled my throbbing tongue around the inside of my mouth. My sense of taste was returning and I could finally feel my hands again. All Mages, both Dark and Light, developed a resistance to magic over time. The more experienced the Mage meant a higher chance to resist any harmful or fatal spells cast on us. Marius was far from 'Supreme' in my eyes but he was still a powerful Necromancer and never to be taken lightly. Both of the spells he’d cast on me were successful and if I hadn't broken his concentration by stabbing him then my tongue would have decayed in my mouth and my hands would have fallen off at the wrist. Necromancer attacks always resulted in extremely painful side effects but I would completely recover in time. The physical and psychological toll from experiencing Marius' necrotic curses was still devastating and all I could think about was sleep.

  "Yuck! What do we do about those?" She wrinkled her nose at the sight of Marius' leftover legs that were still displayed on the floor. "I have some trash bags?"

  "Step back.” I knew exactly how to clean up after a messy battle. "Dissolve!" The Necromancer's abandoned clothes, flesh, and bones all completely melted as if they'd been dipped into boiling acid.


  "I've decided we're not having sex tonight. Or any other night," said Sonja. She pulled her long red hair back into a ponytail and stared at me with dead-serious eyes while she sat cross legged on her bed.

  "Oh?" I said curiously. I didn't realize I'd ever actually agreed to engage in sex with her.

  'I just can't do it." She shook her head. "This is all just too much for me. Sex would just complicate things even more and my brain hurts from thinking about it. When I look at you I see Ashley but I know it's not her on the inside."

  “I understand.” Even though I hadn't consented to sleeping with the beautiful Blood-eater I still felt a sense of rejection. Ashley's remnant ghost continued to play tricks with my mind since I'd never even fully accepted the idea of sexual intimacy with a woman. Pleasures of the flesh were always fun but after the traumatic day's events I was beyond exhausted with no interest in sex with anyone. I could usually endure several days without sleep but after losing three fingers to Zaebos, colliding with concrete after Luke pushed me, and being cursed with the Language of the Dead by Marius I was in desperate need of a full night's rest.

  “Are you gonna take a shower? Do you want to try on some of my clothes? I can wash the robe if you want to keep wearing it. What do you think?” Sonja battered me with questions but I knew her intentions were in my best interest.

  “A shower sounds good.” I removed my robe and revealed my naked body to her.

  She blushed and turned away. “Please don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” I smiled.

  “Tempt me.” Sonja handed me a burgundy-colored cotton towel while her emerald eyes avoided my exposed breasts.

  “Thank you.” I accepted the towel and entered into the shower. I turned on the flowing water and adjusted the heat of the soothing liquid. Steam surrounded me and blurred my nakedness like an erotic haze. The warm water washed my flesh but it could never cleanse the blackness of my hollow heart. Even with Ashley’s haunting memories that allowed me to occasionally experience her empathy I was still dark-minded as a demon most of the time. I wondered of ways to permanently extinguish the flame of Ashley’s ghost because if I didn't then I risked never-ending madness. I couldn’t live being torn between emptiness and emotion. This dual reality was also a dangerous distraction and could cost me my life in battle when I needed to make decisions without being weighed down by a hindering conscience.

  I exited the shower while wrapped up in the towel and found Sonja waiting for me with an elegant black nightgown in her hands. “Wear this for now,” she said. “I'm washing your robe since you seem to love it so much."

  I dropped the towel and slipped on the silken nightgown. "This feels good on my skin. Thank you Sonja."

  "You're welcome. What's mine is yours. But don't get any ideas about sex." She yawned and lay down on her enormo
us bed while wearing only a long white t-shirt that covered most of her body.

  "Speaking of sex I wouldn't mind the company of a well-endowed man right now." I was still too tired to engage in proper intercourse but the thought of being slowly stroked while I rested on my side was comforting.

  Sonja moaned at the thought. "Oh I know exactly what you mean. Too bad about Luke. Damn, he was so fucking handsome and his body was perfect."

  "Except for the becoming a demon part." I joined her in bed but kept plenty of space between us.

  "Yeah, except for that. I always get horny as hell when lying in my bed at night. But it sounds like you do too."

  I decided to change the subject. "So you've always known about the existence of demons and angels? What about Witches and Warlocks? Shifters and Vampires?"

  Sonja turned off the lights in her bedroom with a remote switch while a burning cinnamon candle flickered and reflected its dancing flame on the ceiling. "I’ve always heard the stories about angels and demons but thought they were just fairy tales. Most people won't really believe until they see one of them with their own eyes."

  "And the magic and sorcery? The supernatural creatures? Does the world know?"

  "Sort of," said Sonja. "Since the Hellgates were found there are a lot of rumors about other kinds of creatures out there. I've never seen a Wolf-man or a Vampire but I know people who say they have. You're the first real Witch I've ever met. Luke was the first angel and Super Mario the first Necromancer."

  "But the demons you knew of already?”

  Sonja nodded. "Before they kidnapped us at the night club and put us in that dungeon yeah I'd seen a demon from a distance before. A lot of people around here have seen them but only after dark."

  "Demons rarely ever come out during the day. Did they hurt you at the dungeon? The Priesthood or the demons?"

  "Not really," said Sonja. "But I was next in line for more of their freaky sex games. I wasn't looking forward to it since sometimes they let demons join in. Ashley tried to run away when they came for her. Then you showed up."

  "You mentioned an inheritance. From a dead relative?"

  Sonja was silent then finally answered. "My parents died when I was seventeen. A crazy car accident killed them both. I got a lot of money after they died but I'd trade it all to have them back."

  "No other family here in Los Angeles?"

  "No. Just me. I have some aunts and uncles and a few cousins in other states. But I never see or talk to any of them. Grandparents are all gone too."

  I sensed sadness in her voice and decided to stop questioning her for the night. "Let's get some rest. I have no doubt we will need it for tomorrow."

  "Goodnight," said Sonja and she quickly faded to sleep.

  "Shadowbeast," I whispered and summoned a Shadow Cat to watch over us as we slept. “Guard us well,” I commanded the creature. “And keep your eyes on that silver blade.” I pointed to the Judas Dagger that was displayed on the nightstand near the bed. The Shadow Cat acknowledged my instructions with a wicked growl and I slowly shut my weary eyes.

  My restless mind was still conscious when Sonja woke in the middle of the night and turned to me. "Tell me why you killed her. How could you do such a terrible thing? Ashley didn't deserve to die." Her head was soaked with sweat after an apparent nightmare. "Tell me!"

  I cringed and searched for the right words. "My soul was trapped in eternal darkness. A place of everlasting fire where demons rule. After four-hundred years of torment I finally discovered a way out. When Ashley opened that door I didn't know who she was. All I knew at that moment was my chance to escape. If I could go back and spare her life, I would consider it."

  "So you know what you did was wrong?"

  I paused. Right and wrong? They were concepts unknown to me. Who decided what was truly good or evil? I made my own rules to live by and I was never going to follow laws invented by mankind, least of all not any commandments from the Creator. Why would I? I didn't have any reason or desire to care, until now. "Yes," I finally answered. "Killing Ashley was wrong." Regardless of my response to Sonja there was no going back. What I'd done to her friend could never be undone. Even if I agreed to abandon Ashley's body she'd just be an empty lifeless shell without a soul. Once I possessed someone it was impossible to ever restore the original person back to the frame of blood and bones I'd stolen.

  Sonja covered her face with her hands and wept as she tried to fall back asleep. She was very emotional and I felt a sense of guilt but I had no idea what to do. "Annis I have to ask you something else."


  "What did you look like before you took Ashley's body?"

  I hesitated but chose to tell her the truth. "A monster."

  Sonja didn’t respond and I realized my answer may have been inappropriate given her state of mind. “You don’t have to sleep,” I said. “If you’re having bad dreams you can just stay awake. As a Blood-eater you don’t need…”

  “I know!” she snapped. “I don’t want to think about Black Witches or demons or eating blood any more tonight. I just want to sleep.”

  I sighed. “Goodnight Sonja.”

  After five minutes of awkward silence she decided to revive our conversation. "Who is Amelia the Witch Queen? Are you really her daughter? Does that mean you're a princess?"

  "A princess?" I laughed. "Far from it. Amelia would never share her power. Not even with her only child."

  "So she is your mother?"

  I tensed at the memories of my life with Amelia and all those horrible years living in her precious castle. "She gave birth to me. That's all."

  Sonja continued to curiously interrogate me. "Where is she now?"

  "No one knows. Hopefully dead."

  She sighed. "I would give anything for my mom to still be alive."

  "And if your mother was a monster who discarded you like trash? Would you still miss her after she was gone?"

  Sonja shrugged. "I don't know. Sorry for asking so many questions. I guess I just want to know you better."

  "I need to rest." I buried my face in the soft silk-covered pillow and cleared my mind of any disturbing memories about Amelia. As I began to drift asleep the ceiling lamp suddenly illuminated and I sat up in the bed. The Shadow Cat hissed and we both squinted while scanning the room for the bastard who'd just blinded our eyes. The only drawback to our Night Vision was that a flash of bright light could be disorienting.

  "Is that why you do evil things?" said Sonja with her hand still on the light switch.

  "Evil things?" I swatted her fingers away from the switch and turned off the lamp.

  "Like what you did to Ashley. Is your mom the reason you became a Black Witch?"

  "Go to sleep Sonja." The inner depths of my dark heart, especially thoughts about Amelia, were not secrets I wanted to share with anyone. Sonja was crossing the line and I feared her cat-like curiosity may get her killed one day. I suppressed my fury and forced myself to stay calm. Hurting Sonja again was not something I ever wanted to happen. She'd already lost her best friend to a murderer and I imagined that memory was more than enough pain for her to carry. How was this new relationship ever going to work? My instincts were to inflict harm on anyone who touched me or even questioned my motives. I felt a sense of comfort with Sonja by my side but I also struggled to keep from strangling her at times. I reminded myself of the promise I'd made to watch over her since I was the one responsible for bringing her back from the dead. I wondered how Amelia had survived in a marriage as long as she did. Her empty heart was blacker than mine and if my father ever dared an attempt to get close to her she made him regret it. Was my soul doomed to the same eternal darkness as hers? What if I wanted someone to love? I could never forgive Amelia for taking my father away from me. He was the only real friend and family I'd ever known and the day she killed him was the day I became Black Annis. Even after a thousand years I could still remember the exact moment when I found his burned and broken body on the cold floor of the Witch Queen�
��s castle.


  I opened my eyes and Sonja was gone. Somehow I'd managed to fall asleep but only for a few hours which were still enough to help regenerate my damaged body. My tongue felt normal and both of my hands were fully functional again. The Shadow Cat curiously stared at me as I rose out of bed to look for the missing Blood-eater. "Watch that dagger for me," I reminded the Shadowbeast and walked out of the bedroom. Sonja was sitting in a black leather chair in the living room with her lips locked on to the mouth of a blonde-haired man. They passionately kissed and when she moved her head I could see the man's face. Either I was still asleep and dreaming or Luke the fallen angel was inside the apartment again with his hands all over Sonja's breasts. "What the fuck?"

  "Oh hey!" said Sonja. "Good morning." She grinned and jumped out of Luke's lap. "I have your robe all ready for you. Let me grab it from the dryer."

  "Luke?" I said. "You're dead and banished to Hell. How is this possible?"

  The angel wore different clothes and he was without any wings which caused him to appear completely human. "Annis wait! I can explain everything so please don't start casting that nasty Black Magic." He held out his open palms in attempt to keep me calm.

  I focused my thoughts and prepared to Paralyze whoever or whatever 'Luke' really was. He was an impostor of some kind but definitely not the real angel. "Get far away from him Sonja. That's not Luke!"


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