Chosen By The Prince

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Chosen By The Prince Page 3

by Calyope Adams

  He moaned in ecstasy as he stared down at her glowing flesh, lowering his mouth to her belly, kissing her, moving up to her breasts. He slid a finger under the lace and her breasts sprang free, the corset obviously designed to come apart at the slightest touch.


  He was worshipping her breasts now, holding them and kissing them passionately, sucking her nipples into his warm mouth. She realized that her hands were in his hair, tangling in the soft waves as she held him in place, urging him to taste her, wanting more.


  She gasped as he tugged her nipple sharply, chuckling. Then he was kissing her belly again, his hands sliding her panties off over her hips, bearing her mound to him, her pink lips shining softly in the firelight.

  He moaned and he lowered his mouth to her, his tongue teasing the slit where her pouting lips met.

  She squealed and tried to get away, shocked by what he was doing. He used his weight to hold her hips down. His hands grabbed her wrists as she instinctively tried to push him away. He stared up at her, seeing the panic in her eyes, unmoved this time.

  "Don't deny me, Jillian."

  She stared into his hard eyes, seeing the futility in her actions. She was breathing heavily as he waited to see what she would do. She closed her eyes tightly and pulled her hands away, giving him access to her most intimate place. He lowered his head instantly, letting his tongue slide up her tiny slit again. He moaned into her, his breath fanning her bare lips.

  "Hmmmm... you taste so sweet."

  He was licking her as if she was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. His tongue slid up and down her nether lips, flicking at the sensitive nub above. Her hips circled against him involuntarily, her shyness battling with the intense pleasure his mouth was giving her. He moaned again, sensing her surrender and let his tongue slip inside her, pressing between her plump petals and into her tight femininity.


  She made her hands into fists to stop herself for pushing him away again. The sensation was too much. Dear god! His hand held her down as he plundered her with his mouth, his tongue stroking her intimately, deep inside. Her hips shot up into the air as a strange shuddering feeling come over her, wracking her body with shivers.

  "Oh, oh, oh, OH!"

  He held her hips in place against his mouth, his tongue working her insistently as she shook uncontrollably. It seemed to go on forever. Finally he let her body slide back to the floor, his eyes on her face as her head tossed helplessly.

  "Oh god Jillian..."

  He shifted his weight over her, opening his clothes. She felt his hot skin against her chest, her nipples pressing against his bare chest. He was doing something with his hands, removing his pants and quickly guiding his manhood to her tight slit. She was slick with her juices as he pressed forward, sliding the tip inside her. The skin on his shaft was so hot... His cock stretching her open wide. He pressed forward experimentally, coming into contact with her barrier.

  "Jillian, oh god... do you know what happens now?"

  She opened her eyes to stare up at him. The Prince stared down at her, an intense longing in his slanted green eyes. She shook her head, mindless. She wanted him to move- to press into her- oh!

  Her hips moved against him instinctively. He shut his eyes, his hips jerking.

  "Oh- hmmmmfffff- Jillian I have to hurt you now. But it's only this once, I promise."

  She barely heard him, her hips rocking against him, making tiny circles... in the back of her mind she wondered what she had been so afraid of after all.

  "Oh god... you're so tight Jillian. Unfff... I'm sorry but I can't wait-"

  He shifted back and drove forward, tearing through her sheath. She tensed up as the pain washed through her, sweeping away the desire. He held her tightly as she thrashed in his arms, wanting to get away, to move away from the huge shape inside her, causing her pain.

  "Don't move! Oh god-"

  He pushed inside her again, making her cry out. She looked up to see his face squeezed tightly in agony as he fought his instincts with every fiber of his being.

  "Okay... hmmmfff... unnnfff... just... don't move."

  He opened his eyes and looked down at her. She was watching him, looking like a cornered animal. He tried to soothe her with a smile that looked more like a grimace, his huge cock pinning her to the bed.

  "Oh god! Hmmfff... I can't-"

  He lowered his hand to her face, cupping her cheek.

  "I'm sorry Jillian. I can't wait any longer."

  He pulled out of her slightly, driving back in almost immediately. Then again. The pain was receding now, but it still felt uncomfortable. He rocked his manhood into her again and again, his face a mask of ecstasy.

  "Oh god... oh god..."

  He grunted with pleasure with each stroke, pounding his hips into hers as he slid in and out of her tight slit. She gasped as her body started to respond again, her nipples scratched by his chest as he slid against her.


  Her soft moan catapulted him out of control, his hips pumping his shaft into her wildly. She was writhing against him now, so close to reaching her peak, but he froze before she could get there, his body convulsing as he filled her with his seed.

  He lay on top of her, his breathing ragged as he struggled to regain control of his body. She was quivering, overstimulated where he held her open with his thick root. He stared down at her as he slid out, leaning down to kiss her briefly. Then he stood and walked into an open doorway across the room. The bathroom.

  She lay there, afraid to move. Her body felt shattered into a thousand pieces. He was back quickly, his body lit softly by the fire light. He was beautiful, she thought as she gazed up at him. His body was hard and strong and perfectly proportioned. His shoulders broad, his chest chiseled and his hips- oh. His shaft was rising again as he watched her eyes move over his body. Her startled gaze flew to his face as he smiled at her.

  He knelt and pressed a warm washcloth to her cleft, making her wince. He swallowed, closing his eyes, just holding the cloth against her. It was very soothing.

  He put it aside and gathered her up in his arms again. He kissed her tenderly, pulling back as she pressed against the full length of his body. He laughed ruefully.

  "Oh god, don't touch me like that Jillian. I want to have you again but it's too soon. I don't want to hurt you."

  She looked up at him, her eyes full of wonder.

  "I'm not allowed to say no to you."

  He stared at her, unapologetic.

  "No, you're not."

  She looked away, then shyly lifted her luminous eyes to his.

  "So I won't."

  He moaned and rolled on top of her, taking her lips in an endless kiss. He made love to her again, slowly this time. It did hurt, but not nearly as much as the first time. And he brought her to climax twice. By dawn he'd taken her three more times, making her peak more times than she could count. She rolled over on his bed, thinking lazily that she might not mind being in service to the Prince so much after all.

  The Prince's Pleasure


  Jillian rolled over on the enormous bed, her body feeling heavy and tender. The light filtering in through the window made it look like late morning. She looked around the room and let it sink back in; she was at the Palace and she belonged to the Prince. It didn't seem as awful today, now that she knew how much she meant to him.

  She smiled, remembering how fierce his green eyes had looked as he had plunged in and out of her again and again, making love to her as if his life depended on it.

  Except the reality was, it was her life that depended on it. Her life and that of her entire family. Being selected as the Prince's Sofriquette was an enormous honor but also a heavy responsibility. She had to see to his pleasure, or else. Thankfully he hadn't expected her to actually 'do' anything. As a sheltered virgin, she had known less than nothing about how to please a man, let alone
a Royal one.

  She stretched and sat up, wondering what time it was. Her maids chose that exact moment to open the door. They were like cats, always appearing from nowhere.

  They said nothing, just reaching for her and leading her to the bathing chamber.

  Ouch. She was so sore between her legs it was difficult to walk.

  "Wait- oh god-"

  The maids glanced at her, knowing looks on their faces.

  "Come Sofriquette, we will bathe you now. You are expected to join the Prince for meals. He already allowed you to skip breakfast."

  She grimaced and let them pull her into the bathroom. 'Join' was the wrong word. She was to be displayed, always within his vision. The whole point was to keep him satisfied, and assured that his needs would be met at any time.

  Jillian stepped into the pool as they guided her into the warm water. The water swirled around her legs, then higher, brushing against her apex. She screamed, jerking away. It felt like fire burning her between her legs. It hurt more than anything she'd ever experienced.

  The maids looked at each other nervously, pushing her deeper into the water.

  She was weeping as the water burned her most intimate spot. The maids soaped her up, rubbing between her legs as she sobbed.

  "Hush Sofriquette. We will give you something to help with that."

  They led her back to the table and guided her onto her back. Then they smoothed an unguent on her cleft. She immediately felt a cooling sensation. Claire, the head maid, was staring down at her, frowning.

  "You are very irritated. Get some ice, Sabrina. And ask Valspar for some opiate."

  One of the maids ran from the room as they continued to tend to her, rubbing oil into her flesh. They brushed her hair out and were applying her makeup as she lay there, still on her back. She looked up as Sabrina came back into the room.

  She held a small brown bottle in one hand and an ice pack in the other.

  Claire took the ice and laid it directly on Jillian's exposed sex. She flinched at the coolness, but the pain began to recede immediately.

  "Oh... thank you."

  Claire took a deep breath.

  "Here, open your mouth."

  "What is it?"

  "It's a pain killer. It will help ease the discomfort. I'm afraid..."


  Jillian allowed Claire to dribble a few drops into her mouth. The taste was bitter but she immediately felt warmth spreading through her body. Ahhh...

  "That's all I can give you right now I'm afraid. Any more will make you appear woozy. But I will leave this by your bedside. Once you are in bed, you can take more. Just don't be obvious about it."

  Jillian nodded at Claire, liking the maid much better now. But Claire was frowning.

  "Listen to me. You will have to take much more of this medicine. This pain will only get worse until you are allowed to heal. But there's no hope for it, he will want you again soon. I only wish he had gone gentler on you."

  She snapped her mouth shut, realizing what she had just said. It sounded dangerously critical of the Prince. The maids all exchanged glances. Claire clapped her hands abruptly.


  They removed the ice pack from her soft mound and sat her up. Then it was a flurry of dressing her hair, again lifting it high and back so that her face and throat were visible. Then they slipped pale silver underthings on her, the lace scratching her erect nipples. When Marie, the third maid, knelt before her to apply the honey to her lips she gasped, the light touch causing pain to rock through her once again.

  The maids exchanged worried looks again but Jillian was too distracted to notice. Her nipples were so hard from the special cream they had applied. She wondered if she would ever get used to it.

  They draped a silver dress over her body. It clung to her breasts and exposed the skin on her back, similar to the gown from the night before. It seemed even more erotic to be dressed this way during the day...

  "Why are you preparing me this way now? Surely it can wait until dinner?"

  The maids looked away from her, even Claire. They lifted the collar over her neck, locking it into place.

  "You can be called to service at any time, Sofriquette. In fact..."

  Jillian stared at the maid, realization dawning. She had said 'at any time.'

  At any time.

  "In fact, we were told to make you ready for this afternoon."

  Oh god.

  He was going to have her again. Soon. Of course he was. He had waited years apparently, unable to make love to anyone. The Royal penis being too precious to put just anywhere.

  Of course he'd had some sort of instructor, he'd told her about this all last night. But he'd not made love until her, only observed. They'd both been innocents last night in a way. It had been intoxicating. If she wasn't so sore, she would want to climb back into bed with him again too.

  She opened her eyes. Claire was staring at her.

  "You can't tell him."

  Jillian nodded. She knew that.

  "Just take a few drops of the opiate. It will help. We will be back later to fit you for a new collar and wrist cuffs."

  "Wrist cuffs?"

  "Yes. The Prince wants a full set made. Wrists, ankles and waist."

  "What for?"

  Claire just shook her head.

  "You'll see."

  Jillian stood and waited just inside the door. After a few moments the knock came and the Prince stepped inside. He stepped forward and embraced her quickly.

  "Hello my pet."

  His warm voice tickled her ear. She smiled up at him as he stroked her face. He was so happy to see her. She could see the change in him. The Prince had always looked so serious, as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Now he looked almost free.

  He lifted the chain from his pocket and latched it to her collar. He ran the edge of his finger across her neck where the collar bit into her flesh.

  "We'll replace this later today."

  She nodded, her eyes on the gold chain as he let it run through his fingers.


  She fell into step behind the guards, taking the same route to the dining hall as yesterday. There was something going on up ahead, a commotion. She recognized the voice that was raised in anger.


  "Take her into the dining room, quickly."

  She turned her head as they hurried through the great hall, seeing him there. Duke Henry was staring at her, his mouth agape. He took in her outfit as she froze, unable to take another step. His eyes flared as he noticed her nipples, barely covered by the flimsy dress she wore.

  "Lady Jillian!"

  He shouted and struggled against the guards who were holding him back.


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