Chosen By The Prince

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Chosen By The Prince Page 4

by Calyope Adams

  Someone pulled on her chain sharply, making her look up. Valspar was pulling her forward, away from her former fiancé, away from the Prince who was striding across the room to his friend.

  "Henry, be reasonable."

  "You be reasonable! You could have any woman in the kingdom and you chose her?"

  "Well before you did. Come, let's talk."

  "There's nothing to talk about! You've made my fiance into your whore!"

  The sound of a punch landing solidly against Henry's jaw was all she heard.

  Jillian was seated with Sephina again. The whole room was silent as they waited for the Prince to join them. He came in a few minutes later, looking flushed. Everyone stood as he took the chain from Valspar and took his seat.

  "How are you feeling today?"

  Jillian was staring down at her plate, her emotions thrown into turmoil from Henry's outburst. The pain between her legs wasn't helping either. The cold, hard wood of the chair pressed into her softness cruelly.

  She shook her head softly, unable to answer.

  "I see. The Duke was the one you were to marry?"

  She nodded softly.

  "Did you love him?"

  Jillian shook her head. She'd been fond of the Duke but they'd barely known each other. Last night had practically erased him from her mind, until now. She hated the pain she'd heard in his voice.

  "Ah. That's good. I didn't think so, from the way you and his highness crackled and popped."

  Jillian looked at the older woman, who was smiling slightly.

  "I did not!"

  Sephina only laughed.

  "You did well last night, I can tell."

  Jillian shot her another look. She was doing her best not to look at the Prince but she felt his eyes on her. Her cheeks were warm suddenly.

  "How could you tell that? From the screaming match in the hallway?"

  "No, I was at breakfast and the Prince looked happier than I've ever seen him."

  Jillian swallowed. She wanted him to be happy... but she was in such turmoil.

  "But you don't"

  Jillian sipped the wine they brought her. She drank it swiftly, hoping it would settled her nerves.

  "Something else is bothering you, I can tell."

  "How do you do that?"

  Jillian stared at Sephina with fond exasperation. The older woman smiled.

  "Years of practice. Now tell me."

  "Last night was... unexpected."


  "Yes. You were right. He doesn't hate me. He was... kind."

  Sephina nodded.

  "I knew he would be. So, what is wrong? You did not enjoy his lovemaking?"

  Jillian finished her wine and another glass was immediately poured for her.

  "No, I did. Much more than I thought I would. But-"

  Sephina raised her eyebrow, waiting.

  "Something is wrong now. I- I hurt."

  The color drained from Sephina's face. That alone made Jillian's pulse race. Nothing so far had made the King's Sofriquette so much as blink.

  "How many times did you make love last night?"

  "Five times, I think. Maybe more. The last time went on for over an hour."

  Sephina cursed under her breath.

  "My dear, this is not good. He should have been more careful. A woman needs time to recover after making love, especially the first time."

  "But what can I do?"

  Sephina glanced at the Prince and groaned.

  "I'm afraid you will have to risk his displeasure and tell him. He will be very disappointed but he won't want to harm you."

  Jillian risked a peek at the Prince. He was gazing at her with sensual intent. She inhaled as his eyes drifted over her body. He was undressing her with his mind she could tell. Probably everyone in the room knew what he was doing. She felt warm all over and very, very alarmed.

  Sephina had also noticed.

  "Oh dear. I wish they would have let me instruct you. There are other ways to give him release and pleasure but you must know how."

  "Can you tell me now? Please? I can't risk angering him."

  Sephina shook her head sadly.

  "There's no time. Look, he's already leaving."

  She was right. The guards were there to collect her before lunch was even over. The Prince was staring at her, a hard look on his face. He was impatient to make love again.

  Jillian followed the guards as they took the spiral staircase to her room, the Prince close behind her. At least they were going back to her chamber... maybe she could take more of that medicine...

  She shivered, suddenly afraid. He didn't want to hurt her, he wouldn't do so deliberately she knew. But it was against the rules for her to say anything to dissuade him.

  The guards opened her door and they stepped inside. The Prince frowned as her maids leapt forward with her new collar and cuffs.

  "Shall we try these now your highness? We can adjust the size before dinner if need be?"

  He nodded sharply and sat down, clearly annoyed. His eyes were on her as she stood stiffly, allowing them to place the new collar around her neck. It was wider, but it felt smoother against her throat, not as constricting. Next they knelt and attached matching cuffs to her ankles, snapping them into place. Then came a band that fit around her waist, this one with two loops on either side of her. Finally they slipped two bands over her wrists.

  "How do they feel?"

  Claire and the other maids were trying to hide their concern. It was useless to try and postpone the inevitable.

  She tried to smile at them reassuringly but inside she felt only fear.

  "Fine, thank you."

  Jillian stared at her reflection in the mirror. She suddenly had a vision of herself, chained in any position he desired, awaiting his pleasure.

  "Leave us."

  "Shall we remove these first?"


  The maids curtsied and left, Claire's eyes shifting to the bottle and back to Jillian's face. She nodded imperceptibly.

  The moment the door closed Jillian's breath started to come faster, her chest rising and falling in fast little bursts. She knew what was coming. She knew-

  "Come here Jillian."

  She turned and walked toward him, her eyes lowered. He held his hand out and she took it, letting him guide her to his lap.

  His hands wandered over her body as he sighed.

  "I missed you this morning, but I thought I should let you sleep."

  He nuzzled her neck, making her sigh with pleasure.

  "You gave me great pleasure last night, little one."

  His hands roved up to her breasts, opening her top so that they spilled out and into his eager hands. He moaned as he stroked her soft globes.

  "I'm sorry you had to see that."

  Her eyes lifted to his face, then lowered again. He was so much kinder than she ever imagined. Was it really possible she had so misunderstood him for all these years?

  "I promised Henry many things today. I hate to see him suffer. I think he loved you."

  She said nothing. What was there to say?

  "I told him he could have any woman he wanted. I even offered to double his chosen bride's dower. I don't think he was pacified though."

  His lips pressed against her temple as he inhaled her scent. She felt his manhood growing, pushing against her hip. Fear pooled in her stomach. If only she weren't so tender...

  "I don't blame him of course. There's no woman alive who compares to you."

  He kissed her, his tongue seeking deep in her mouth then withdrawing. It felt like- oh!

  She felt her desire rising again. Her body responding to his, despite her discomfort. He groaned as he pressed his body against her.

  "Come my pet. I would try out your new cuffs."

  He stood and led her to the bed. She kept her eyes lowered so he would not see her fear. Perhaps it would be over quickly and he would
let her rest. They could apply more ice. She could take- the medicine! She'd forgotten to take more. Her eyes darted to it as he pushed her toward the bed and onto her back.

  He smiled at her sensuously as he opened a box by the bed. Gold chains lay inside, along with several locks and a key. He held the key up and grinned. Then he pulled one of the chains out and lifted her wrist, stringing the chain through the loop. There was a hook in the corner of the bed that she hadn't seen before. He guided the chain through the hook and tightened it, pulling her arm up and to the side. He clicked a lock into place, holding her securely. Then he moved down to her ankle.

  He repeated the process with each leg and arm until she was spread eagle on the bed. She'd never felt so exposed in her life. She watched through hooded eyes as he undressed, his eyes never leaving hers. Then he climbed on top of her and started to undress her, slowly, as if unwrapping a gift.

  His hands slid over every inch of her skin as it was exposed, making him moan. He ran his fingers up and down her thighs. Her hips circled. She was excited beyond belief, her desire mixing with the fear of what was to come. He leaned over her, kissing her mouth as he guided his shaft to her opening.

  Oh god.

  It hurt already. Just the lightest of touches burned her flesh. Then he slid forward, parting her plump lips. She closed her eyes tightly, grimacing. The pain was terrible and getting worse as he pushed deeper inside her tender slit.

  She whimpered as he began to move inside her. His eyes were closed as her warmth surrounded him. He was lost in his pleasure, making small satisfied sounds in the back of his throat.

  Tears were streaming down her face as he slid in and out of her without cease. Each stroke brought a fresh wave of pain. It felt as if her insides were scraped raw, without skin to protect her from his punishment.

  He moved faster now, making her cry out again. He groaned, thinking she was moaning in pleasure. Her eyes turned to the side staring at the bottle of opiate, wishing she could take some. Maybe it would help- maybe-

  He froze above her.


  He had stopped moving, his shaft embedded deeply inside her.

  "Look at me."

  She closed her eyes and lifted them to his, unable to mask the tears of pain.

  "My god, am I hurting you?"

  She didn't answer him, just looked away. She was afraid.

  He moaned in agony as he pulled himself out of her. He was staring down at her now, seeing how red her tiny cleft was.

  "I was too rough with you- oh god. Why didn't you say anything to me Jillian?"

  She stared off to the side, the pain between her legs unbearable. Her eyes flickered to the bottle again.

  "What are you looking at?"

  He stood and strode over to the bedside table. He saw the bottle then and picked it up. He held it in front of her face.

  "Is this what you want? What is this Jillian?"

  He took her chin roughly and forced her to look at him. He was very, very angry. She whimpered, turning her head away.

  "Be careful Jillian. That was very close to being a refusal."

  She swallowed and forced herself to relax. She turned her head back and looked at him. He flinched when he saw her eyes. She was hurt and afraid.

  "What is this? Who gave it to you?"

  "The maids. It's- supposed to help with-"

  She couldn't finish, the rage on his face making her close her eyes in fear. This was a man that was not to be trifled with. He closed his hand over the bottle convulsively. He face was a mask of disbelief.

  "They knew you were hurt and they told you to drug yourself?"

  She swallowed and nodded.

  He closed his eyes and turned away from her, pulling his clothes back on.

  He could barely look at her when he was done. He set the bottle back on the bedside table and pulled a blanket carelessly over her body, not looking at her.

  Then he opened the door and stepped out. She heard his voice in the hallway.

  "See to her."

  Then he was gone.

  Jillian didn't see the Prince for three days. She was on forced bed rest while she healed. Her maids waited on her hand and foot, bringing her food and books to pass the time. The Royal Physician was there at least three times a day to check on her progress.

  She'd been shy at first but he'd assured her that he'd seen many beautiful naked women. The elderly doctor had teased her and made her laugh before he lifted the sheet to examine her. On the first day his eyes had looked concerned. He'd said little, only instructing her maids to reapply the ice once an hour and to keep her sedated.

  On the second day he said she was healing nicely. They'd decreased her medicine and stopped using the ice.

  On the third day the tenderness was almost gone completely. They had her laying on her back still though, refusing to let her rise. She was getting restless being immobile for so long.

  But there was still no sign of the Prince. On the fourth day she was starting to worry that he was too angry to bear the sight of her. Perhaps he was already planning to rid himself of her. But she didn't truly believe that.

  She lay on the bed, thinking about how he made her feel. She had time to think about her position and what it meant for the rest of her life... she could never marry. She couldn't even leave without his permission. And someday, she'd have to watch him marry another woman.

  What would that be like? What about children? She longed to ask Sephina what she had done when the King married the Queen.

  As if by magic her door opened and the King's Sofriquette slipped inside. She carried roses and a large wooden box.

  "Don't get up!"

  Jillian had been about to rise, to properly greet the older woman. Sephina sat on the edge of the bed, smiling widely at her young friend. Her blue gray eyes crinkled at her.

  "Well, you've caused quite an uproar my dear."

  "I have?"

  Sephina nodded and handed her the box.

  "From the Prince."

  Then she lifted the roses.

  "From me."

  "Thank you."

  Sephina merely smiled and looked around the room for a place to set her bouquet. She rose and walked toward the window, setting the flowers down on the small table there.


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