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Chosen By The Prince

Page 12

by Calyope Adams

  "What of-"

  She stopped short, chewing her lip again. He sighed. It was really like playing a game of cat and mouse with her.

  "What is it?"

  "Nothing. It's not my place to ask."

  He gripped her chin again.


  "I was just wondering what had become of your bride?"

  He smiled grimly.

  "She's gone. For good."


  He could feel her wanting to ask him a million questions but she was right, it wasn't her place. She was there to serve him. The future queen was of little concern to her, even though the woman could make her life a living hell if she so chose to. Little did she know, he had decided not to marry for exactly that reason.

  The door opened then and the doctor stepped in. There would be time to deal with all of this later.

  The next week was spent nurturing Jillian's memory. He allowed some of her friends from before to visit her. The silly little debutants she used to surround herself with paled in comparison to his lush concubine as he watched them walk through the gardens. Her mother also came, though that visit left Jillian in a strange mood. At night he came to her and took her but it was different.

  Something had changed.

  The Prince could see that even though her body responded to his, she was not content. He told himself it would change in time. She'd been through so much. Surely he couldn't blame her for harboring resentment towards him for it. But he found himself resisting the urge to punish her for her reticence. He had to tease her body relentlessly into giving him the wild release he'd come to crave from her.

  Finally he asked for her to be given aphrodisiacs again, starting tonight. He felt a little guilty about it, but he would get what he wanted from her. He was determined.

  He came to collect his pet for dinner. She stood at the window, wearing a gown of shimmering crimson. As usual, it hung low on her back, leaving little to the imagination. He felt his loins tighten in appreciation for her beauty. She turned and he saw the stubborn tilt of her chin.


  She was obedient as always. She crossed the room to him, her head held high. He looked her over, unsmiling this time. Her beauty seemed to taunt him, as it had before he'd claimed her for himself. Finally he lifted the chain and attached it to her collar. He saw her watching as he wrapped the gold chain and leather strap around his hand.

  She followed the guards through the castle, her back ramrod straight. He watched her with narrowed eyes. Perhaps some sort of lesson was called for after all. If she only knew what he had gone through for her, what he had sacrificed. He couldn't give her that kind of power.

  But he could take it away.

  Tonight, he would chain her. He'd use the cuffs made to restrain her in any position for his pleasure. Tonight he'd make her admit her desire for him. She would tell him she loved him tonight. Tell him she cared.

  The Prince's Command


  Jillian sat at the table with Sephina, slowly eating and drinking her sparse meal. The familiar taste of aphrodisiacs was back in her food. She frowned, wondering about the change. Sephina attempted to cajole her but Jillian's mood was bleak, as it had been since she woke from her amnesia.

  This was her life. Forever.

  She hated it.

  It wasn't the Prince who she despised. She knew she cared for him, wanted him, maybe even more than that. He'd awoken her body to the pleasures of making love with him, and she craved his touch. But she wanted it to be her choice.

  The thought of watching him marry another would be unbearable. She couldn't go through it again. Not that she had a choice.

  She was so lost in her own inner turmoil that she missed the dark looks she was getting from the Prince. Sephina put her hand over hers.

  "He's upset."


  "I am afraid that something is very wrong, my dear."

  Just then the servers placed a small chocolate cake in front of Jillian. The last time they had given her this dessert, she'd been unable to control her raging desire for the Prince, unable to be satisfied all night long. It was laced, overfull of aphrodisiacs. Why had they given it to her again?

  She shuddered and looked up at the Prince. He was rubbing his finger across his wineglass. Sephina was right. He looked angry.

  "Oh dear."

  "I can't- I-"

  Jillian was whispering but the sound of desperation was clear in her voice. Sephina's hand came down on hers, squeezing her hard.

  "You must."

  Jillian closed her eyes and whimpered.

  "You remember then?"

  She nodded.

  "I remember this cake and what it did to me. Oh god."

  "Be strong. You know you have no choice."

  Jillian nodded and opened her eyes. She reached for her fork and slowly began to eat the cake. Her cheeks burned with humiliation as she felt the effects take hold almost immediately. Warmth flooded her body, centering between her legs. She moaned, resisting the urge to grind herself into the chair. She'd barely scratched the surface of the cake.

  She bowed her head, fighting for control. She wouldn't look at the Prince. She couldn't.

  She did.

  He was smiling sensually at her. His hooded eyes were traveling slowly over her body, down to her breasts and up again to her flushed face. He grinned, rubbing his lips with a long finger. A shock went through her.

  "Jillian, do not test him please."

  She lifted her fork at the older woman's urging. She forced bite after bite down her throat. The feelings of arousal intensified with each bite. She closed her eyes in agony, tears rolling down her face. She felt Sephina adjusting her chair, trying to block her from view. But nothing could stop the Prince from staring at her from his seat above, watching her torment.

  She finished the cake and sat there, her head lowered. Only a few crumbs remained on the plate. The Prince stood abruptly and stood beside her. He tugged on her collar with the chain and she stood shakily. She followed the guards as they led them back to her chamber.

  The moment they were inside her knees buckled. He caught her against him and she felt his arousal press against her hip. He carried her across the room and lowered her to the chair.

  "The cuffs."

  Her maids scrambled to get the box containing the cuffs and chains. They quickly slid the cuffs onto her wrists and ankles, locking them firmly into place.

  "Leave us."

  He watched her from where he leaned casually against the mantle. She stared at the ground, crossing her arms over her chest. She was utterly defeated.

  "Stand up."

  Woodenly, she did as he asked. She felt him come closer, shivering as he ran his fingertips over her dress. Slowly, he slid it off her shoulders so that it pooled at her feet. She stood before him, her naked body glowing in the firelight.

  He leaned down and kissed her. She whimpered as his lips pressed into hers. He forced her mouth open and plundered her with his tongue. She didn't respond quickly enough. He pulled back, an angry look on his face.

  "Get on the bed."

  She hurried to the bed and looked back to him, desperate not to anger him further.

  "Spread your legs and lift your arms over your head."

  She closed her eyes tightly, doing as he asked. She wanted to beg him not to torment her- to make love to her normally- but she knew he wouldn't listen.

  And she could not say no anyway. She had no rights at all. She was his slave.

  She heard him moving around the bed, heard the chains as they clinked against each other. He tied her wrists above her first, and then her ankles to either side of the bed. She felt so exposed...

  "Open your eyes."

  She forced herself to look up at the ceiling.

  "Look at me Jillian."

  He stood by the side of the bed, fully clothed. He had a hard look on his face.
br />   "Do you want me, Jillian?"

  She moaned, nodding her head.

  "Yes... please..."

  He smiled coldy.


  He climbed onto the bed, his broad shoulders leaning over her. He started to run his fingers up and down her body, over her breasts and hip bones, down her legs nearly to her feet. Then up again, over and over until she was struggling against the chains.

  "Do you want me to touch you here?"

  He circled her nipple with his finger, not touching it.

  "Ye- yes- oh god!"

  He smiled and leaned down, pulling her nipple into his mouth. Her back arched as pleasure coursed through her body. He lifted his head, making her moan. He slid his hand down to her apex.

  "Do you want me to touch you here?"

  She was breathing heavily, hating him for doing this to her. She turned away from him, fighting back tears.

  "Jillian! Look at me!"

  She turned her head back, lifting her blazing eyes to his. He was staring at her with longing. He needed to hear it, she realized. She closed her eyes again. His finger drifted closer and closer to her center.

  "Yes. I want you to- oh!"

  He was between her legs suddenly, pushing himself inside her. He'd freed his cock from his pants without removing them.

  "Unffff, oh god Jillian, I can't wait."

  He pushed himself into her body and withdrew almost completely. Her flesh quivered around the tip of his shaft.

  "Jillian. Tell me."

  He was tenderly stroking the side of her face. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. She knew he was asking her for something she had never given him, or anyone else. She couldn't fight it anymore.

  "I want you."

  "What else?"

  He kept himself just outside her body, tormenting her with need. But it was the look on his face that undid her resistance once and for all. He loved her. And she loved him. So for the first time, she said the words aloud.

  "I love you."

  He moaned and buried himself inside her, bucking wildly in and out. She found her release almost immediately, her hips flailing beneath him. He held her steady as he pounded into her flesh.

  "Oh god, I love you Jillian. Oh god, yes!"

  He threw his head back as hot sticky fluid pulsed into her. Her body responded, clamping down on him, sending her into another orgasm.

  Finally he collapsed on top of her. He started kissing her face, tiny little kisses.

  "I love you Jillian. I love you. Don't fight me anymore, please..."

  "I won't. I promise..."

  He leaned up so he could look at her.

  "Did you mean it, Jillian?"

  She nodded shyly.

  "Yes. I love you, your highness. I do."

  He moaned and wrapped himself around her. She whispered into his ear.

  "If you untie me, I'll show you."

  In the morning Jillian woke up to the Prince kissing her face. He was quickly making tender love to her yet again. She knew he loved her. It was obvious from the way he was touching her, the way he always touched her.

  She had mixed feelings about admitting her love for him. It was just another way that he held power over her. He owned her completely now, even her heart.

  She cried out in pleasure as he poured himself into her again. He seemed to take even greater pleasure in finishing this way now, rarely ever having her take him in her mouth. She wondered why but knew she wasn't supposed to ask. She could ponder the reasons though... Her mind at least, was still her own.

  He left her afterwards, telling her he loved her again. She smiled at the memory. At least she wasn't alone in this love. And when he married, she would have his love if not his name or his child.

  At breakfast she had a hard time eating her food. It was the one hearty meal of the day. Sephina looked on sympathetically as Jillian clamped her hand over her mouth.

  "I'm going to throw up."

  Sephina's eyes were wide as Jillian started to stand. Everyone stared as the Sophriquette broke all tradition and started to run from the room. Her chain brought her up abruptly, jerking her backwards. The Prince released it immediately, running to her side in an instant.

  "Jillian! Are you alright?"

  She threw up on the floor in the middle of the dining room. Chaos broke out as the Prince lifted her into his arms and carried her from the room. She looked up at him, mortified.

  He was smiling.

  An hour later she understood the reason. The doctor was speaking to the Prince in low voices just outside the door but she clearly heard the word "bed rest."

  When the Prince came back inside, his green eyes were glowing with pleasure. She narrowed hers at him and started to rise from the bed. He was across the room and pressing her back down before she knew what was happening.

  "You need to rest."

  She stared at him mutinously, crossing her arms over her chest. He laughed.

  He was so smug, it made her want to scream. She turned her head away, suddenly feeling tearful again. What was wrong with her?

  "Oh Jillian, don't cry my pet."

  He pulled her into his arms.

  "I'm so happy. You're going to give me a child."

  Her eyes widened and she bolted upright.


  He laughed again. He was always laughing at her. If he wasn't the Prince she would have smacked him.

  "You're pregnant my love. That's why you threw up."

  She paled and turned away from him.

  It couldn't be.

  "But I thought they took precautions for things like that- in my food..."

  "I told them to stop a long time ago. After you disappeared. I want to have a child with you."

  She choked back an angry retort. Her body curled in on itself as she started to weep in earnest. She tried to stop, to remember her position, but she could not.

  "What is it Jillian? Aren't you happy?"

  She only cried harder


  "Answer me Jillian! That's an order!"

  His voice rang out like a whip as he pushed her onto her back, forcing her to face him.


  "No! I am not happy!"

  The shock and hurt on his face struck her to the core. But she couldn't lie. Not about this.


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