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The Grave

Page 18

by Diane M Dickson

  Samuel was a reasonably wealthy man, with a house in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. His bank account was very healthy due to the regular payments and in truth he would probably never have to work again. Knowing this Detective Bailey wouldn’t change places with this grieving, lonely, damaged individual even if he had to work until the day he dropped dead.

  Chapter 57

  “He didn’t even know who I was. Either he really didn’t recognise me or he didn’t want me there, I don’t know which but I couldn’t ever bear to see such a look on his face again. He looked straight through me. It’s over, for me and him. I’m sure it’s over.

  “So what is it, what’s your idea?”

  Sylvie was sitting on the couch, exhausted mentally and physically. Her heart was leaden, every time she thought of Samuel and the blank and unknowing expression in his eyes she wanted to curl into a ball and wail and thrash and rail at the unfairness of life. After all the years of mixing with dead beats and dangerous criminals she had found him. When he told her he was on the run she had pushed the knowledge aside. Deep in her soul she believed he was a good man and the story of loss and tragedy he told her reinforced that belief.

  She gave herself to him totally, the sex had been good and within it she had chosen to believe there was genuine feeling and caring, maybe even love. If it was the case surely, no matter how ill he was and how afraid, he would have known her, something would have been carried over from then to now.

  It seemed she had been wrong and now she was alone. This was not a new situation, in the other life, before Samuel, she had been on her own but in her own place, she had a life there. It hadn’t been much of a life but it was hers, now there was nothing. No home, the clothes she stood up in and the tiny bit of money in her bank account and that was it. Nothing to hold, nothing to hope for and nothing to lose.

  So, she sat back against the slightly greasy cover of Lennie’s auntie’s sofa and opened herself up to what the other girl had to say.

  “I’ve been running from Si and Mo for a long time. Since before Brian died, yeah long before. They’re thugs and lowlifes but they have money and power and I think they are part of something big, really big. I hate the bizzies, never had anything to do with ‘em that came out well, but I’ve been thinking. This is never goin’ to go away, now I’m mixed up with you I feel I’ve been sucked further in.”

  Sylvie gasped at this and leaned forward. Lennie shook her head and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “Don’t worry I don’t blame you, I really don’t. With you all I feel is guilt, really deep guilt. When I saw what they’d done to you, in the warehouse, well I could ‘ave died. I can’t let this go on any longer. What will they ‘ave me doin’ next eh? How far will they make me go? No. It stops ‘ere. It ‘as to because I think if I don’t do something I’ll end up dead.

  “I thought we could go to the cops, you and me. We can make up a story, we’ll tell ‘em you were raped, tell ‘em you ‘ad to shoot that bloke because he was goin’ to kill you and your Samuel. Maybe they’ll do a witness protectin’ thing. I know where they go when they’re here, Si and Mo and some others. I know where they keep their stuff. Don’t ask me how ‘cos I won’t tell you but I know and I know other stuff as well, stuff the filth might really like to know. Honest, there are bodies I know about, there are girls as well, girls locked up and abused. I know where they are. I wouldn’t ‘ave ever gone on my own it’s too scary, but I will if you come with me. What do you think?”

  The tears wouldn’t be dammed any longer and they flooded down Sylvie’s cheeks. She lowered her head into her hands and sobbed as life disintegrated around her. All the new hope, the fresh happiness and the blossoming love washed away in this grimy house in a strange town in the bony arms of a stranger and she let it go, what choice did she have? She just let it go.

  “What will I do afterwards though, where will I go. I’m so scared, I try to see what will happen and there’s nothing. I can’t even imagine tomorrow. It’s like I’m falling, deeper and deeper into some sort of great hole and it’s bottomless and endless. I don’t want to end on the streets; I don’t want to go on the game and just don’t understand how this has all happened.”

  Even now, in the deepest despair she couldn’t tell Lennie about Phil. She had buried it so deep that if she spoke his name, related the events of that dark and ghastly night then all the hounds of hell would be loosed and the chaos it caused would be unstoppable. Could she though carry this secret with her forever, locked in her soul, a dark and dreadful pulse to be borne until her last moments and then what, to carry it still into whatever there was beyond this reality. Would it not drive her insane, never sharing, holding it close and keeping it part of her forever? Was it possible to have any sort of life, happiness and hope with such baggage? She would never know unless she tried and right now there was no other road to take and so she gulped back the fear, looked into Lennie’s eyes and nodded.

  They didn’t hug or smile, this was no time for a high five they were two frightened desperate women and they had a stony path ahead of them and so they sat quietly in the little house and lost themselves in their own thoughts and tried to summon the courage to move on.

  “What about Samuel though, what will happen to him do you think?”

  “I don’t know love, I really don’t. If he can’t remember you, maybe he can’t remember anything at all about the past and then what will they do? If he can’t remember and they can’t prove anything well it could be all right. I know you don’t want to hear it just now but leaving him might be the biggest favour you could do him. Maybe it’s for the best in the end and it’s the way it has to be. He hasn’t been arrested has he? They seem to be looking after him well. Maybe he’ll be okay and it’s better like this, for him and for you. D’ya think?”

  Sylvie nodded slowly, could this be what was meant to happen and though it had wrapped her in barbs of guilt until the day she died it had freed Samuel and right now perhaps that was enough. For him to be free to live in his lovely house in The Lake District and to find peace in the turmoil of his life would make some sort of sense after all.

  Chapter 58

  The quiet was overwhelming, street sounds and the ticking clock underlined their inability to make more conversation. With no further excuse to stay Lennie stood and picked up her bag and jacket, she scribbled a note for her auntie and turned to her friend.

  “Come on love. We should go and if we’re gonna do this thing I think we should do it now. They’re out there, I’ve seen ‘em today and I’m scared.”

  Sylvie nodded and together they left the little house, casting glances back and forth. Their nervousness grew sharply the longer they were in the open. The route twisted and turned down the back alleys and narrow streets as they scuttled back to the flat…

  “We need a story. It ‘as to be simple and we both need to be able to stick to it no matter what. I know there are things you ‘aven’t told me and it’s okay, I have enough stuff of my own to cart about, I don’t need any more garbage...”

  Lennie’s lips lifted in a smile which didn’t reach her eyes. She plonked two mugs of coffee down on the carpet and flung herself against the bean bag. A great sigh lifted her shoulders and then she stiffened. “Okay, let’s get on with it.”

  Sylvie sipped at her coffee before asking, “All this stuff you say you know, how sure are you about it all? I mean if we go to the police and then they don’t find what you say it’ll all fall apart.”

  “Oh believe me I know.” Lennie visibly paled and she hugged herself, this reaction stilled any more questions from Sylvie. She didn’t want to know, the horrors she carried were enough for her, she had no room for more.

  “So what do you think, do we ring them? Go to the police station? Once we do they will have me won’t they? There’ll be no way back.” She grasped the other woman’s hand, “I’m scared, I am really scared.”

  “I know love, I know but I can’t think what
else to do. I’m not going to force you, ‘course I’m not but I think I ‘ave to do it, for me. If you want to run, leave me to it then I wouldn’t blame you, I would never blame you.”

  “I have nowhere to go, I have no-one to be with, except you and this has got to finish...”

  “Christ what was that noise?” The crash of the front door brought them both to their feet.

  The interior door slammed against the wall and bounced back to hit the fist of the man glowering in the doorway. Behind him the dark shadow of a second male reinforced the threat and drew a shriek of fear from Sylvie. Lennie for her part simply muttered under her breath. “Oh God.”

  The two women had stepped instinctively toward each other, their hands joined. Terrified eyes watched as the two thugs stepped over the threshold and pushed the door closed behind them.

  “Ladies.” Si bent from the waist, a mocking parody of chivalry.

  Lennie could feel Sylvie’s fingers shuddering with fear and heard her rapid panting. Her stomach had clenched and bile filled her throat, this was it. She had known really that a face off was inevitable but she had turned away from the belief and carried on in false hope.

  “How are you Lennie? And you slut, getting better are you? Ready for some more fun perhaps?” He turned. “What do you reckon Mo, d’ya think you’d like a bit more party.” He jabbed a finger towards where Sylvie was fighting to keep it together, her instincts told her to scream and run but her eyes showed her there was nowhere to go and so she clung to Lennie’s nerve damp hand and waited.

  “Yeah, mebbe. Mind she wasn’t very good, not last time, a bit dull ‘f I remember. Lennie now, well we can always rely on Lennie, what’ya say girl, ready for a bit a jiggy?” He moved into the room, pushing past his friend and stepping to where the two women were pressed now against the wall.

  Si glanced around, “How do you live here, really how? It’s shit. Did you know that Lennie? You live in shit. But then how would you know eh? it’s all you’ve ever lived in isn’t it? Pigs in shit, you and your worthless brother, your junkie waste of skin Brian. Oh, oh no, he isn’t living in shit anymore is he Lennie?”

  When it came none of them were ready, it was a sudden and violent explosion. Sylvie had been aware of Lennie’s fingers clenching and unclenching and she felt the body beside her tense and tighten but when the other girl moved the force of it knocked her to her knees on the grubby carpet.

  She looked up in bewilderment as the streak of violence which had once been Lennie screamed across the room and connected with Si. Fists, nails and teeth raked, bit, punched and slapped. Si, caught unprepared as he was, could do no more than raise his hands to try and protect his eyes. Lennie didn’t let it stop her, she had taken all she could take and now the fury and fear drove her on.

  Even as the blood began to trickle from the deep gouges on his cheeks she grabbed at his ears and, screaming now with the passion of it, she pulled at them and stretched in towards him to bite and tear with her teeth.

  He screamed, “Mo, for God’s sake Mo, get her off me.” As the other man made his move so Sylvie came to her senses, these were the men who had punished her so badly and now there was a chance for revenge. Grabbing the lamp from the little side table she smashed the bulb against the wall and approached the roiling mass of skin, flesh and fury at the other side of the room. She jabbed and poked with the sharp edges of glass catching both Mo and Si in turn, driving them back away from the sobbing, gulping Lennie who followed the retreating thugs, still kicking and thumping. Blind with fury, totally beyond any sort of control she was an unstoppable force.

  As Si tried to grab her hands she brought her knee up to his groin with all the force her scrawny body could manage, behind the action was years of pain and grief and when it found its mark Si screamed as his world dissolved into red pain and he fell to his knees gasping and groaning.

  Mo was struggling now with Sylvie, trying to wrench the lamp from her hands but she whirled and spun jabbing at him with the glass-sharp end and he leapt back again and again unable to penetrate the wall of hate. Lennie’s legs were working now, she still had on her boots and she kicked and stamped on the groaning Si, his back, his head, his belly over and over. She was sobbing and grunting like some demented creature and long after he lay still she continued to beat at the ruined unconscious thing he had become.

  Sylvie for her part was weakening against the strength of Mo, he was too much for her. She was a small thing and he was sturdy and fit, long hours in the gym had built muscles and power and it was a match doomed to failure from the very moment it started. Once the light bulb had disintegrated he simply dragged the lamp from the girl’s hands and threw it aside. With a glance at his fallen comrade and with a chilling calm he spun to face where Sylvie backed away from him retreating into the corner by the window. He followed her, two steps brought him to where she was pressed against the dowdy walls and as he stretched his great hands towards her she understood that she was lost.

  With a piercing screech Lennie launched herself across the room and flung herself back into the fray. Had she come from behind it would have been a lost cause but coming sideways she caught Mo mid step, off-balance and he tipped towards the bed. As his legs connected with the metal frame she pressed home her advantage leaping onto his body, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and taking him down with the weight and force of her forward motion. He fell partly onto the bed and then squirming to drag himself from under the screaming furious woman he slid further to slouch against the frame. Sylvie re-joined the fight. She picked up the table, scattering the bottles and mirror across the floor and with a wild yell she brought the heavy wood down onto Mo’s head. Still it wasn’t enough to defeat him and he grabbed at the broken furniture flinging it aside even as he struggled to regain his feet.

  Lennie tore aside the curtain separating the kitchen from the living room. She dragged open a narrow drawer and snatched up the big carving knife. Without a beat of hesitation she flew across the small space the blade brandished before her and with no thought as to where it would pierce she jabbed and stabbed at what had been but short moments before an arrogant and powerful male. Now, reduced to a bloody mess he fell back against the bed, red flooded from his belly which he clutched with slick and desperate hands. He raised his eyes to hers, the look in them was fear, disbelief and hatred and then they clouded and a great and sudden silence engulfed the shabby flat.

  Chapter 59

  By the time the police arrived Si was groaning and rolling on the blood stained carpet. Emergency workers were trying to help him but he fought and struggled with them. He was semi-conscious and bleeding from his ears and nose. His face was a mass of bruises, his lips were split they thought some ribs were broken. The paramedics were trying to calm him and prevent further harm. Lennie watched with dead eyes wondering just what damage she had been able to inflict, hoping it was extensive and permanent.

  The bloke from the lower flat was hovering near the door. The look on his face said he would rather be anywhere but here. He had thundered up the stairs and come upon the scene of devastation without real forethought. Though he was completely out of his depth, he was glad he had ‘done something’ for his friend without being required to risk actual physical harm. He had dialled 999 and started the whole reaction but now he wanted to go. He had wrapped Sylvie and Lennie in the duvet and blanket from the bed. The dead body had appalled and terrified him and he had simply let it be and the mess that was Si had overwhelmed him. He had tried to put a pillow under the man’s head but Lennie’s scream had stopped him.

  “Don’t; don’t even touch him, the bastard. Leave him be Davey, let him die.”

  The two women were side by side on the edge of the bed. Both were shaking with shock and the effects of the adrenaline rush. Their hands were clasped on top of the mattress and now and again Sylvie gave a quiet sob...

  Sylvie hoped the police presence might include the detective she already knew. In her befuddled mind it seemed may
be it would help. They had not had a chance to formulate a plan and she had no idea what Lennie was going to say. Now, if the detective and woman constable arrived then she would simply hand over to them. “Here I am, take me and do what you will. I am finished and can’t fight anymore.”

  Lennie though wasn’t ready to give in so easily and immediately the senior police officer, a stranger, approached them and introduced himself she launched into a tirade.

  “Get them buggers out of my place, shift em. Christ you’re not even safe in your own home any more. What are you lot doin’ letting scum like that roam the streets. You just think yourself lucky you ‘aven’t got more bodies to deal with mate. It’s a miracle we aren’t raped and dead.” She seemed to crumble then, her shoulders heaved as she gulped and sniffed. Sylvie moved across the bed and cradled her, as they leaned in together Lennie whispered urgently. “Keep your mouth shut, don’t say anything.” She nodded imperceptibly.


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