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Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club

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by Jacqui Knight

  Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club


  Jacqui Knight


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  PUBLISHED BY: Miro Books

  Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club Copyright © 2010 by Jacqui Knight

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  chapter ONE

  “Could I have a glass of wine, mom, I reckon I’m old enough now? I am eighteen, you know.”

  My mother looked around the table at the other women, her three colleagues from the Forest Heights Medical Centre. She smiled at me. “You’re actually eighteen tomorrow, young lady, but I guess it’s ok, why not?”

  “Thanks, mom.”

  I was wearing my school uniform, dark red and white tartan school skirt, it was so tiny that it barely covered my crotch, but even so it still wasn’t very sexy, especially when worn with thick, dark red tights as school rules insisted, with a white school blouse. Mom had even done my hair in two bunches for tonight with two dark red ribbons tied in bows, I felt like a little kid.

  “I want you to try on your new uniform before tomorrow in case anything needs altering, Helen,” she’d said. “Besides, it’ll look smart for when my colleagues come around for dinner.”

  Yeah, like little orphan Annie, I’d thought. I poured a glass of wine and sat listening to these fascinating women at our dining table, they were all clever, bright professionals. We’d just finished the main course, mom was an excellent cook, and had sat back to talk. She’d invited them to our home to get to know them, a kind of hello dinner for her new workmates. Well educated and confident, they were also all quite young and beautiful. Mom was thirty five, the oldest of the group, the others ranged from twenty three to just under thirty. I’d noticed that mom enjoyed the company of pretty young women, which suited me just fine. It meant that I could keep up with what was happening outside the enclosed world of girl’s high school, although I would have liked it if my dad came home occasionally. He was an executive with Microsoft, he’d been commuting for the past year and mom had said we would move house so that we could be with him more often, but sadly he seemed to spend most of his waking life at the office. Maybe he slept there too, he never seemed to come home.

  I looked up, someone was speaking to me.

  “I asked if you were looking forward to your new school, Helen,” Karen Green asked me, the youngest of mom’s new colleagues. She put her hand on my wrist as she spoke, to catch my attention, and looked me in the eyes with a deep smile. Her touch sent a shiver down my spine, it was so cool and smooth. She had dark skin, almost coffee colored, her face was impeccably made up and her clothes were all without doubt designer label. She was so gorgeous, I wanted her to keep her hand on me and she did. A delicious feeling surged through me, what was it about this beautiful woman that I found so exciting? But of course, I knew the answer to that question.

  “Yes, I am looking forward to tomorrow, it’s quite exciting going somewhere entirely new.”

  “I hope it goes well for you,” she said, her voice low and throaty. My stomach had butterflies now and my hand almost stole automatically down to my crotch to satisfy the familiar itch that was nagging at me from down there.

  “I think I’ll clear the dishes,” I said abruptly, getting up and starting to clear the table. Mom looked surprised, I wasn’t noted for being overly domesticated. I got the table cleared and started to load the dishwasher.

  “Do you need any help?” I heard Karen say as she same into the kitchen.

  I straightened to look at her. “Er, well, I’m not, the thing is...”

  She put one hand on my shoulder, the other on my breast and pulled my head towards her.

  “It’s ok, Helen, I know what you’re feeling, it’s nothing to worry about.”

  “No, it’s not, well...”

  She covered my mouth with hers and I felt a delicious, giddy sensation as her tongue explored inside my mouth, it was like taking a powerful drug. I put my hands up and held her to me, returning her kiss with equal passion. I was awkward, gauche, I’d never done this before, not with a woman, anyway. Not many times with a guy, either.

  She gently pulled me away. “You’re still a virgin aren’t you?”

  I nodded breathlessly.

  “You’re very young, very beautiful and very passionate, my dear Helen. You’ve got a lot to think about. If you need a talk come and see me, anytime. Why not wear something prettier if you do come, I’d love to see you in a pretty dress.”

  She passed me her card. ‘Karen Green, Clinical Psychologist, Forest Heights Medical Centre’. I put it in the pocket of my blouse. Wear something prettier? Like what? I had a vision of myself in a black satin cocktail dress with a pink sash, pink, high heeled shoes, my hair and makeup done to perfection. Was that what she meant?

  Mom came into the kitchen. “Oh, I see you’ve almost finished. Are you coming in to join us?”

  “I’ve got a couple of emails to deal with upstairs on my computer, mom. I’ll be with you in about twenty minutes.”

  She smiled and pecked me on the cheek. “That’ll be fine. Do you like my new colleagues, dear?”

  “Yes, they’re great.”

  “Karen is nice, isn’t she?” she said with a strange look in her eyes. Bloody hell, did she suspect? No, probably not, but I’d need to be careful. Maybe it was time for me to get a boyfriend and lose my virginity, but in the meantime there was something I needed to attend to.

  I went upstairs to my bedroom, shut the door and pulled down my panties. I lay on my bed and felt down to my crotch, then inside my cunt, deeper, probing, my fingers deep inside. With my other hand I found my clit and started stroking it, gently, Christ, it was so good. My vaginal juices were soaking my hole now as the fiery arousal took total possession of my body and soul. I became more and more excited, but there was something missing. Then a picture of Karen Green came into my mind and now there was nothing missing. I rubbed harder, probed even deeper with my fingers. Should I try putting my whole hand in there? We’d talked about it at school, I’d read about it too but I was a bit frightened. Maybe another time, for now I was really cooking. It wasn’t me that was caressing my cunt, it was Karen, she was lying on the bed
next to me, and I pictured her perfect face, her lovely, soft, shiny hair. Her hands became more urgent, I could smell her, the subtle fragrance of her perfume, the even more subtle, rich underlying hint of musk, of her creamy skin, her hair, everything that she was. Harder, faster she stroked me, was that her dress that brushed my face, was that a wisp of her glossy hair that I felt touch my face? It became unbearable, Karen, my sweet lover, I can’t stand much more, then I came, my breath hissed out of my mouth, I had to keep it closed to stop screaming out in the sheer bliss of the moment. That would be something for mom’s new colleagues to talk about, I smiled to myself. My moaning came out in a low hum as my hips bucked up and down for a few seconds, and then it was over.

  I opened my eyes, Karen had disappeared, of course. It had been good, but not as good as the real thing would have been, or so I thought. Damnit, I needed a nice boyfriend, one to take my mind off of this girlie adoration nonsense. But it didn’t stop me from taking off my school uniform and putting on my prettiest dress. It wasn’t a black satin cocktail dress, in fact it was a short, dark blue satin prom dress that I kept for special occasions. I checked my makeup and touched it in, then re-made my hair and fastened a matching dark blue satin ribbon on one side. I looked at my black patent high heels, four inches of impossible stiletto heels and thought, why not? I slipped them on and went carefully down the stairs.

  “Helen, you’ve changed,” mom said, sounding surprised.

  “Yeah, well I thought I’d try and look a bit dressier as we have guests.”

  “You look lovely, my darling, very pretty.”

  I smiled at her. “Thanks, mom.”

  “That’s a beautiful dress, Helen,” Karen said. She paused and her eyes traveled down my body and back up. She knew what had taken place upstairs, it was obvious she did. After a short pause, she said, “is it for ‘special’ occasions?”

  I looked at her meaningfully. “Yes, Karen, yes it is.”

  She smiled back. “That’s nice. Why don’t you join us, we’ve having a nice girlie chat at the table. Here, there’s a chair next to me.”

  I sat down next to her. For the next hour, we played with each other, I prayed that mom and the other women wouldn’t know what was taking place under their noses. Our feet touched and she caressed my foot with hers. Her hand was below the table, underneath the overhanging tablecloth and unexpectedly she pressed her fingertips against my cunt, I felt as if I’d been jolted with high power electricity. I tried to caress her too, in my clumsy inexperienced way, but I doubt she got the pleasure from it that I did from her touch.

  At the end of the evening I knew two things, that I was entranced by Karen Green and that I needed to get a boyfriend, to lose my virginity as an escape from my lesbian fantasies. As she left Karen took my hand.

  “Don’t forget to contact me if there’s anything you need to talk about,” she said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

  “Thanks Karen, I’ll bear it in mind,” I replied, my voice so throaty with emotion I was almost choking. Even mom looked at me strangely. “Are you ok, Helen?”

  “I might have a cold coming, mom.”

  “Look after yourself, dear.”

  The following morning I began to get ready for school. I took a shower and then rummaged around for my clothes. I looked in my drawers for underwear, should I wear good old white school panties, or something sexier? My mind touched on an image of Karen and I found a matching bra and panties set, they were cream satin with a dark red ruffled trim. Fuck ‘em, why shouldn’t I feel sexy underneath, especially on my first day? Besides, the dark red trim was the same as the school colors. I put on my underwear, cupping my boobs as I pulled on my bra, thinking of someone else cupping them for me. Karen.

  “Hurry up, Helen, you’ll be late,” mom shouted up the stairs.”

  I finished fastening my bra and pulled on my tights, the thick, dark red tights that complimented my short, dark red and white tartan skirt. I shrugged into my white blouse, put on my school blazer and I was almost ready to go. I sat at my dressing table and touched in a little makeup, schools got a little irritated if we wore too much makeup. A single dark red ribbon in my hair and I was ready to go. I went downstairs, mom had toast and juice ready. I downed them fast, grabbed my bag and followed her out of the door.

  Like schools everywhere, kids were milling around the entrance, parents pulling in and dropping their kids off, like my own mother was going.

  “Hi, I haven’t seen you around here before?”

  I looked up, a guy of about my own age, tall, slim, very nice looking, standing next to a big, macho looking Chevrolet. I blushed, surely I wasn’t going to score this early?

  “Yeah, I’m new, my name’s Helen.”

  “I’m John, look, if you need anyone to help show you around town, you know, tell you where everything is, the best places to hang out, whatever, let me know. I take my little sister to and from school every day, maybe I’ll see you when I pick her up, yeah?”

  “That’ll be nice, yes. Thanks.”

  Wow. I wondered if I was already on my way to achieving my ambition. I wandered into the school and found my way to the office. A miserable old clerk took the details and sent me to the first class, on the way I put my stuff in the locker I’d been assigned the key to. There were other girls clustered around the locker area, looking at me with that ‘who the fuck do you think you are?’ look that teenage girls can do so well. I guessed they would be in some of my classes, they were all about the same age as me. Another thing, most of them were gorgeous. Slim, so artfully made up to look as if they weren’t made up at all, mini skirts just that tiny bit shorter than normal, blouses a little tighter to show off their tits, hair in those tousled styles that looked as if they had got out of bed like that, except that it took an hour to get the effect. In short, they looked classy and sexy. Careful, Helen, I reminded myself, let’s hope that boy looks me up later.

  “Hi,” I said to them. “It’s my first day here, I’m Helen Vance.”

  I gave them a brief, ‘take it or leave it smile’. Then one held out her hand and we shook.

  “Emma Byrne, pleased to meet you,” she said with surprising warmth. She was cute, so cute, a heart shaped face, slim, legs to die for, dressed like me in dark red tartan skirt, red tights and white blouse. She introduced me to the others.

  “We’re the Glee club, really, we’re all there is of the Glee club. That’s Amy Mills, Lisa Armstrong, Allison Brokaw, Yvonne Gibbons and Rachel Griffith.” They all looked at me and carried on talking. Well fuck you too, I thought. Emma shrugged.

  “Have you got science first lesson?” she asked. I told her that I had.

  “In that case, you can come with us. Look, its early days, but I don’t suppose you can sing can you?” she asked as we walked along.

  “I used to do song and dance at my old school, but I really want to concentrate on sport, I’m aiming for the hockey team.”

  “Really,” she said. “That’s a shame. Well if you change your mind, let us know. We don’t have much to do with the hockey girls.”

  And that was that. She rejoined her friends and I felt empty as the cute little Emma left me behind. I lamely followed them and sat on my own in the science class. A crap start to my first day. During the lesson I kept glancing at Emma, she was so, what was the word? Perfect, yeah, that was it. Very pretty in her short skirt and blouse a size too small. She was so slim and moved so elegantly, like a ballet dancer. One of those girls that you wanted to be like. Or to have a crush on. I spent a miserable morning, no-one else bothered to speak to me and I felt sufficiently miffed not to bother with them. At lunch time in the cafeteria, I sat on my own in the cafeteria. Happy eighteen birthday, I thought bitterly.

  As I left the school gates, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Hi, babe, how did it go?”

  I looked up and smiled, it was John Curtis, the boy I had met that morning.

  “It was ok,” I said. What I didn’t do was admit the
truth, it was my eighteenth birthday and a new day at a new school and I had felt like a social leper.

  “Great. Look, on the weekends I normally hang out at the mall, why don’t you and I meet there, we can have a burger and go and take in a movie?”

  He seemed a nice enough guy, if a bit forward, but thank Christ someone was a bit forward, no-one else even wanted to look at me let alone spend any time with me.

  “Yeah, that would be nice,” I said to him.

  “Right, it’s a date.”

  The rest of that week was no less dismal that first day. I kept my head down and no-one spoke to me, I didn’t speak to them. Except for John, he met me on Friday after school and we fixed up to meet the following evening at the mall. When I got home, mom asked me how my first week had gone.

  “Ok, I guess,” I replied.

  “That bad, was it,” she smiled. Of course, she was a psychologist, she understood the way I thought. I laughed. “Yep, it was.”

  “It always settles down after the first couple of weeks, darling, you’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

  I looked up at her. “Is that your professional opinion, mom?”

  She looked at me seriously. “It’s my opinion as a mom who was once in the same situation. And as a psychologist, too,” she grinned at me.

  “Ok, whatever,” I replied.

  “Karen Green mentioned you, she thought you were really nice, she was asking how it was all going.”

  “She said I could talk to her if I ever had any problems.”

  “I know she did, darling, she’s very kind.”

  If you only knew what she’s like you might be surprised, I thought. Or did she know, mom knew most things? Well, she’d soon tell me if she was worried about it.


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