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Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club

Page 4

by Jacqui Knight

  Rachel put her face near his. “Right, you kinky fucker, who put you up to doing all of this, these pictures?”

  He blustered and protested, but it didn’t take long to get the truth out of him. John Curtis was his cousin and had talked him into putting the pictures in the lockers.

  “I didn’t have a choice, he made me do it,” he shouted desperately

  “But he didn’t make you plaster them all over the walls, did you?”

  He didn’t reply. We took photos of the workshop walls covered in pornographic images and then took them down and tore them into little pieces.

  “What are you going to do now?” the helpless caretaker asked in a terrified voice.

  Rachel laughed. “You like looking at pictures of girls, we’ll help you out, Joe. Hold him girls, Lisa, get on with it.”

  He tried to struggle but after several kicks decided that it was less painful to stay still. Lisa went to work on his face, half an hour later she had finished. She held a mirror in front of him and he nearly died with shock. She had permanently made up his lips to be full and red, they were very, very feminine, his eyebrows too had been remodeled, she’d shaved off the originals and permanently made up high, elegant arches either side.

  “Oh fuck, I can’t let anyone see me like that,” he wailed.

  “Think of it, Joe, every time you look in your mirror you’ll see those pretty, girlie lips and eyebrows and have yourself a ball. You’ll fall in love with yourself every morning, you look so pretty. Like a girl.”

  He actually looked garish, but in a very feminine way, almost like a pantomime clown, but it was less than he deserved, he’d have to deal with it.

  “Don’t forget,” Rachel continued. “Anytime you want to spend ten years in the county jail and the rest of your life on the sex offender’s register, go around and tell everyone who did it to you and we’ll gladly pass on the pictures of your lovely workshop with the fancy wall decorations. Have fun.”

  We left him to sort out his own problems. There was still another problem to resolve over the pictures in the lockers, John Curtis, the nasty little fucker who’d dreamed up the whole scheme.

  “I’ve got an idea of how to deal with him,” Yvonne, our computer whizz, said. “If he thinks distributing fake porn is so funny, let’s hit him back with the same thing. I’ll put together some pictures of John’s face pasted onto some obscene homosexual porn, see how he likes it. But this time, we’ll plaster them around the town. That’ll make him think twice before he tangles with us girls.”

  We were shocked for a few moments, it was a lethal way to get revenge, but the more we thought about it, the more we liked it. Emma smiled broadly.

  “Do you need a volunteer to put out the pictures around the town? I’ll do it.”

  That was it, we doubled up with laughter. Mr. John Curtis was about to find out what his own medicine was like.

  The following day I played hockey again, the cheerleaders were out on the field and I felt as if they were cheering me alone, every time I ran with the ball they were leaping and waving, dancing and chanting, it was wonderful, I felt like the star quarterback. After the game, we went into the changing rooms to shower the sweat from our hot bodies.

  “Helen,” Emma called over to me. “We’ve got the use of the coach's personal shower room, rarely use it these days. Come and shower with us, you’re one of the Glee club now.”

  “Thanks, I will,” I replied. I grabbed my kit and went through the door into the coaches area, a definite improvement on the rather basic girls changing rooms, always damp and musty smelling. The other girls had already gone into the shower so I stripped off and put my towel around me. I walked over to the shower and looked in. The hot water made it pretty steamy, but to my surprise it was a single shower room, undivided, with several shower heads. The six girls were all in there, naked of course, showering together. I felt guilty, remembering my shower with Karen Green. Emma caught sight of me and called me in.

  “Hey, Helen, ditch the towel and join us, the water’s hot.”

  After a short hesitation, I put my towel down and stepped inside. I noticed that Lisa and Yvonne were busy soaping each other down, at least, they were doing it the way I remembered Karen and I doing it. Rachel was with Amy, the group swot and Allison, our singer, a threesome, but I swallowed when I saw what she was doing with the soap. Emma saw me looking at them and grinned.

  “Yeah, it might take a bit longer to get clean but we’re sure having some fun doing it. Come on, girlie, let me wash your back.”

  Not entirely unwillingly, I joined her under a stream of hot water. She picked up some shower soap and sure enough started rubbing my back, applying the soap liberally. Her hand went lower, then lower. She soaped my ass, then under my ass, and I felt her soaping outside my vagina. It felt good, so good, then she maneuvered the soap bar and I felt it slip inside me. My eyes widened, but she spoke quickly before I could protest.

  “Look, it’s ok, its soap on a rope, it’ll come out when you want it to, like a tampon,” she grinned. Just relax and let me do this to you. Trust me?”

  I nodded, I did trust her, my feelings went much deeper than that.

  Her fingers reached in and pushed the soap far up into my cunt, it was a nice feeling, warm, slippery, then she yanked the rope and abruptly pulled it out. I knew that my eyes must have widened even more, it was like, fucking fantastic, as the soap came out I saw it was an odd shape too, of course, it was a kid’s soap on a rope bar, made in the shape of a whale. She pushed it in again and this time I moved my legs slightly to make room for her. The soap slipped in, her fingers probed and touched inside me as she pushed it up. She left it there for a short time and brought her face close to mine. Water was pouring down over us, but she put her mouth through the water and found my lips. She kissed me passionately, a kiss that started to ignite the fire inside me. With one hand, I held her face close to mine, I never wanted it to end, with the other hand I felt down her smooth, slim body to find her cunt and slipped my fingers inside her. I stroked and rubbed her clit while she played with the soap on the rope, the feeling was intense, indescribable. Obviously it was for the others, before long the shower room was echoing to the sound of groaning, climaxing girls, shrieking and screaming with the blissful enjoyment that can only come from someone who knows a woman’s body intimately. Around me there was a twisting, writhing mass of girl’s wet bodies, all making love under the streaming water, bodies glistening with water droplets, faces flushed, hands exploring each other’s innermost parts. Just the sight of the other girls was enough to send me over the edge, but Emma’s mouth was still firmly clamped over mine, our tongues intertwined, our hands inside each other’s cunts, my own full of soap that repeatedly slipped in and out and was driving me insane with lust. Emma came first, she screamed with sheer joy and put her hand down to clamp my hand inside her as she exhausted her lust. I heard two of the other girls climax, then my mind took me over the top and I came, Emma nibbled at my mouth, kept her fingers on my clit and eased me through a soaring peak that left me dizzy with disbelief. Finally the movements stopped, the sounds died away and there was only the noise of the water cascading on the floor of the shower room.

  Rachel spoke first. “You still holding on to that soap, Helen?”

  The others burst out laughing and I pulled it out of me, rinsed it off thoroughly and passed it to her. She casually used it on her body as if it had just been unwrapped from a packet. We eventually got out of the shower, toweled off and I put my uniform back on. Mom was waiting for me outside school.

  “You had a good day, darling? Karen was asking after you, she said you should call around and see her again if you need any help with anything.”

  Oh shit. This was developing into a rollercoaster.

  “Sure, I’ll give her a call in the next day or so.”

  * * * * *

  chapter FIVE

  Getting ready for school the next morning, I took extra care to look my best, afte
r all, my friends were something else, especially Emma. She was more than special, she really was my best friend. No, more than that, who was I kidding. We were fast becoming lovers. With her in mind, I wore creamy silk panties, with delicate embroidery on the hem. My bra matched them, soft, silky, it allowed my nipples to show through. I thought of her touching my tits, her hand on my bra, gently squeezing, touching me, her other hand feeling the fabric of my panties. With a shock I realized that I’d put one hand inside the elastic and was reaching for my vagina, damn, I needed to get a grip. Too much of a good thing probably, but maybe I’d just have to live with it from here on in, it sure would be fun. I’d pressed and starched my clean blouse, it was cool and crisp to my skin, I smoothed it around me and imagined my friend touching my body. I buttoned my little skirt and pulled it up just a little higher than normal. I even spent more time on my makeup, my eyes, well, a little extra mascara, some eye shadow, lovely, my eyes looked huge. I was ready. Mom noticed, of course. “You’re looking very pretty, darling, special day today? Or do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Nothing like that, mom, I just wanted to look nice.”

  She didn’t believe me, but she let it go. She wouldn’t have liked the truth anyway. At school, we had even more problems.

  I joined the other six Glee club girls during the break and we sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria to talk about it. The others had sharpened up the way they looked too, I noticed other girls darting jealous looks towards us, we were seven pretty, beautifully made up girls in immaculate, crisp blouses, neat, tiny skirts, had Emma taken up the hem of hers too, I wondered? It looked positively indecent, I had to stop myself from putting my hands on her hips. We’d all taken pains with our hair, I’d braided thin dark red ribbons through mine and plaited it each side, the plaits swirling around my head to join at the back, Emma kept looking at it. Rachel spoke first.

  “We’ve got more video images on the internet, they’re worse than ever. I checked first thing this morning, someone posted up a clip of us in the shower yesterday. It’s bad.”

  There was a sharp intake of breath. We all remembered in intricate details that delicious session in the coach’s shower, but to have it on the internet for public consumption, that was beyond the realms of anything we’d ever known. If people found out we were literally doomed, finished in the school, finished in the town. We all looked at Yvonne.

  “Can you do anything?” Rachel asked her.

  “It’ll be hard, I’d need to hack the account of the fucker that originally posted up the video, then go in and pull it down. Yeah, I suppose I could do it, no guarantees though.”

  “You need to get on it straight away” Lisa said to her. We all nodded, this was disaster staring at us in the face.

  “Yvonne, get to the computer room and make a start, we’ll cover for you in class for the rest of the day, see if you can get it pulled,” Rachel said.

  She nodded, “yeah, ok, I’ll do that. Wish me luck.”

  She left us to make a start, I had an idea.

  “Look, I’m due to visit my mom’s psychologist colleague, Karen Green, I’ll see if she can throw some more light on what kind of person could be doing this. She was right on the button with the other problem.

  “Excellent,” Rachel said. “See what you can get out of her. But won’t it be a bit of a shock, her knowing about the video, what we were doing?”

  “Er, no, it won’t,” I said quietly.

  They looked at me sharply. Emma’s eyes narrowed, she obviously wondered what the hell was going on between me and Karen.

  “Fair enough then, let’s make a start.”

  I went into the corridor and used my cell to phone Karen, who said she’d be delighted to see me after school. I told her what the problem was and she said she’d think about it in the meantime.

  “I can pick you up if you like, outside the school. I’ll let your mom know.”

  I thanked her and hung up. Emma was waiting for me.

  “What’s going on with Karen?” she asked. “I thought you and me were, well, you know, best friends.”

  She didn’t say lovers, but it would have been true. I decided that it was time for truth.

  “Emma, you may as well know that Karen showed me a few things about my sexual side that I wasn’t aware of, but we’re not heavily into each other, not in any physical sense. You know that you and me are more than best friends, don’t you? If we were a guy and a girl, we’d be lovers, isn’t that what we are?”

  She nodded.

  “Right, that’s the way I feel about you, there’s no-one else.”

  She smiled happily, I had to step back to stop her from throwing her arms around me and kissing me there and then, it wasn’t the place. It was awful being so close and yet so far, almost touching each other in the corridor, yet unable to feel the warmth and reassurance of your lover’s body, of her lips pressing on yours. Of reaching under the hem of her tiny school skirt and giving her the pleasure and release you knew she craved.

  Yvonne reported to us in the afternoon that she’d managed to pull the video clip, she’d been working all day on it and skipped lunch. It was a huge relief and we all relaxed a little. Karen was outside after school, waiting in her car, a cute little Beamer Z4, an open sports car, two seats, she had the top down.

  “You look lovely today, Helen, what’s the big occasion?”

  “Nothing special, I just wanted to look nice.”

  But she was a psychologist of course, she could put two and two together easily, knowing what she did about the video.

  “What’s her name, what’s she like?”

  “Who’s name?”

  She smiled. “Your lover, of course, the girl that you made yourself look so pretty for.”

  We drove for a mile before I answered, but she was helping us, the least I could do was to be truthful.

  “Emma, her name’s Emma. She’s beautiful, Karen, very pretty, a little shorter than me, very slim, she’s just lovely. You won’t tell mom, will you?”

  “Of course not, Helen, that’s the first thing we psychologists learn, client confidentiality. But even so, we’re friends, I know how to keep a secret so don’t worry.

  I was relieved. We got back to her stylish apartment, she got soda from the ice box and we sat down for a chat.

  “Before we start, I need to be frank with you,” she warned. “After you told me what happened, I pulled up the video on the internet, so I know what it’s all about. You all seem to have a thing about showers.”

  She smiled as she said it, I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing and soon we were laughing together uncontrollably.

  “You’re right, they can be a lot of fun.”

  “Do you fancy a shower now, freshen up while we talk?” she said eagerly. I didn’t need to be a psychologist to know that she had been turned on herself by seeing our antics in the coach’s shower. I didn’t hesitate. “I’d love to, Karen.”

  Five minutes later we were soaping each other in the shower. It was wonderful, although I loved Emma, Karen knew exactly how to press the right buttons. She touched my tits with soapy hands, almost a brush across my nipples but it was high voltage stuff. My cunt was aching for release, she understood and dropped her hand down and inside, her touch again was soft, subtle, it left me crying out for more, anything. She knew that too.

  “Helen, if you want something more, I’ve got a strap on dildo, it’s pretty awesome, but you’ll lose your hymen if I use it.”

  I didn’t need to stop and think. “Yes, Karen, I want it, do it to me.”

  She went out of the shower and came back, but this time she had cock, a huge, flesh colored penis sticking out of her cunt, fastened around her waist with thin straps. She smiled.

  “This one goes all the way inside me too, so we both share the action while I fuck you. You sure?”

  “Fuck me, Karen, do it now.”

  She soaped the shaft of the dildo, lubricating it, at the same time the action o
f her stroking it inflamed our desires and by the time she gently made me spread my legs apart to receive it we were both panting for release. She pressed in gently, I gasped with shock and pain as it touched my hymen, she kept on pushing, the pain increased, she paused and looked me in the eyes.

  “Push it in, all the way,” I moaned.

  There was a sharp, awful pain, I cried out and saw drops of blood spattering the base of the shower.

  “Are you ok?” Karen asked. I nodded. She pushed the dildo in even further, I was wet, wet with vaginal juices, wet with soap and water, with sheer excitement. The dildo started to touch the sides of my virginity, finding parts of me that were new, novel, exotic, God, I didn’t know. She settled into a gentle rhythm, her eyes closed, enjoying the deflowering of my virginity in such a unique way. I was enjoying it now, the pain forgotten, a whole, new chapter of my life had opened just as my cunt had opened. A wonderful, golden warmth swept over me, I never wanted to be anywhere else except in this shower, to be with anyone except this exceptional woman, so lithe, so knowing, so erotic. The dildo inside me started to do it’s work, I recognized the symptoms of an approaching climax and grasped Karen’s tits, I leaned forward to suck on them, they were sweet, musky, firm yet rubbery, they were so right. She moaned deeper as my mouth on her nipples sent rippling sensations of joy through my whole body. Then I couldn’t take any more, I came sizzling to a climax, my moan turned into a deep gasp of astonishment that such a feeling could exist in this universe. She came too, I looked down and realized that I was still holding onto her tits. I let go and slid my hands down her body, around her hips and held her to me. We kissed, long and deep, and then she slid the device out of me.


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