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Page 3

by Matthew Lee

  By the fourth floor he was erect and she had positioned herself so his hard-on rested between her ass cheeks. She waited until he was fully nestled and then she squeezed her cheeks around him like he was a huge tube of toothpaste. She heard him gasp softly and described it as one of the sexiest sounds she'd ever heard. She relaxed her cheeks, moved slightly higher, and then clenched them again like she tried to crush a walnut. His hot breath hit the nape of her neck, raising goose bumps.

  Neither of them admitted to anything. All the way to the top floor Tiffany held him in her grip, moving slightly up and down. As enough people left the elevator she could no longer maintain her charade so she released him and stepped free. They avoided each other’s eyes but she said the tension in that little metal box was thick. She had sweat on her forehead and between her shoulder blades. He exited before she did and she calmly wished him a pleasant day and he turned to face her and said the same.

  “David, the desire in his eyes was insane! I felt so sexy and powerful. I need you to fuck me hard.”

  Her story drove me crazy. I flipped Tiff onto her stomach and got behind her. She was dripping wet and I slid right in. She asked me if she'd done well and I assured her she had, and then I fucked her brains out. This was wild sexy fun.

  Again, for the next month our sex life was like nothing either of us had ever known. Tiffany flashed men whenever she wished and occasionally bumped or rubbed the guys she found really hot. My wife was a nympho in bed. She confessed surprise regarding her male participants. To a man they reacted eagerly to her, showed obvious desire and lust, and tried to make their encounter with her last as long as possible. That made her feel sexy and gorgeous. I wasn't surprised by that at all.

  One day she came home more excited than ever. She'd gone shoe shopping and met a man she considered out of her league. She described him as “Hollywood movie-star handsome.” His name was Tony and he owned that business as well as several others around town. Tiffany stayed and talked with him for a while and then tried on several pairs of shoes and Tony sent the other salesperson to work in the stockroom.

  As the transaction progressed Tiffany said she became more and more bold. They were alone in the store now.

  She honestly believed there was no way a man this gorgeous would be interested in her but he was; she saw it in his eyes. Eventually, she took a risk and while he held her foot she allowed her thighs to part and saw his eyes dart up to steal a glance. She said his eyes on her lace covered pussy melted her.

  They both played it cool but she had to have more. She bent and turned, posed before the mirrors, teased and flashed until they were both going crazy. She said the large lump in his pants was obvious. Every time she tried on a pair his strong steady fingertips grazed her skin, inching higher up her leg.

  Finally, she could stand no more and, gazing into his eyes as he crouched on the floor, she parted her legs right at him. When his unflinching eyes fell to her soaked pussy, she moaned. He took his time, like he wanted to remember this moment forever, until at last he returned his eyes to hers.

  Then she felt his hands on each knee.

  With gentle but firm pressure he slowly spread her open. He wanted to see everything and his confident aggression turned her on. She opened her legs to him and let him see all she had.

  “You're gorgeous,” he exhaled. “Every flawless inch of you.”

  The chime rang at the door as another customer entered and Tiffany gracefully closed her legs before they were caught. They made small talk as they moved to the register. My wife bought a pair and was sure to get his business card as well. She got in her car and drove straight home to me. I made her wear those shoes as I fucked her until she exploded. When she came it was the longest, loudest, and most powerful of her life.

  I met Ray that weekend and brought him up to date. He asked a million questions, as always, but this time seemed to focus on me and how I felt about all this. I assured him I was fine with it and more than fine; I liked it. Mostly I liked what it did to Tiffany. Our sex life was the best it had ever been.

  “So far it's all been flirty innocent fun. How will you feel when Tiffany sees another man's penis?”

  I hadn't allowed myself to consider that so I sat silent.

  “You are headed that way. You now that, right?”

  “We are? That seems like an awfully big jump to me, Ray”

  “Yes. Trust me, as a man who has been all the way down this road, that is where you will one day soon find yourself.”

  “But why? We are having a blast just the way things are.”

  “Because, as you've already discovered, if this much is good, then a little more is better. Each stage will become the new norm and you'll need to escalate things to get that same rush. While that is going on, you will learn that there is less to fear than you believed so pushing the envelope becomes easier. Remember how nervous you were after our first meeting? Now your wife is spreading her legs to other men and you both love it. Just a few months ago you would have felt anger and jealousy at that suggestion.”

  I tried to swallow but couldn't so I took a sip of beer and choked. I imagined Tiffany holding a penis in her hand and broke into a sweat.

  “What do I do?” I asked Ray.

  He leaned back and looked around the bar, thinking. He leaned back in.

  “Follow it, my friend. I can tell you at some point you will cross a line where it begins to feel wrong. Everybody's line falls in a different place. When that happens, you will then know your true comfort level, but you have to get there to find it. No way to know in advance or to guess. You have to walk the walk.”

  I risked another swallow of beer and was successful.

  “This is intense,” I admitted.

  “Nothing like it,” he conceded.

  We stopped talking and watched the game. I could not believe I was considering his suggestion, but I was.

  For a while Tiff and I left things the same. Tiff enjoyed her innocent games and came home hot and ready. Her wardrobe for work remained mostly the same, perhaps a little more leg and slightly more cleavage, but her wardrobe for going out, with or without me, changed completely. She was the same sweet, shy, reserved wife, mostly, but that was all on the outside. On the inside she was turning into an attention junkie.

  One night we were out for drinks and to listen to a new band our friends raved about. Tiffany wore a tight white pencil skirt and tank-top and her extra hours at the gym really showed. At first I thought she wore a sports bra under her tank but the more I watched her move the more I realized it was just a sheer bralette. It offered no padding or support; her big tits bounced independently and a lot. It did offer another layer of material between her nipples and the thin tank, which is all she wanted.

  We arrived early and I snagged a booth in front of the stage and she went to the bar to order drinks. Once she got back I planned on easing into my conversation. This felt risky to me but also tremendously exciting. I felt excited and worried and fearful and aroused. I wondered what Tiff's reaction would be. If she jumped at the chance, I'd be jealous but turned on. If she declined, I'd be relieved and disappointed. It was all so confusing and bewildering.

  I watched her walk back to our table carrying a glass of wine and my tumbler of whiskey. She was lovely. She saw me looking and actually blushed.

  She stopped in front of our table. “David, if I wasn't already in love with you, the way you just looked at me would make me fall in love with you.”

  I took the glasses from her so she could slide into the booth and we kissed.

  “That was the look of a devoted man,” I confessed.

  We kissed again. We chatted, discussing what we'd been told about this band and then about work; little snippets of boring life that cement a relationship together. There was a pause in the conversation and a young man walked past our booth. He and Tiffany locked eyes and she gave him a tiny smile. He walked into someone else and spilled his drink. Tiffany grinned and quickly looked away.
  “Another one bites the dust,” I joked. She knew what I meant.

  “I have to admit, I love it. Growing up no boy looked at me, ever. Then I got older and no man looked at me. Then I had one magical summer and guys started to notice me. I figure I have a lot of ground to make up. I love it.”

  “All this extra-curricular flirting you've been doing has been a blast for both of us.”

  “It has.”

  “If I left it totally up to you what we do next? What would you do? Is our current level good or do you want more?”

  She drank a little wine and surveyed the club.

  “Such a seemingly innocent question,” she muttered, her mental gears turning. “It's not fair to hang me out like that but I won't shy away from it; I'd say touching, especially kissing. I love to kiss and be kissed, maybe some light petting too. Does that shock you? Did I go too far?”

  “Shock? Not at all. I know you and what you like, especially the kissing. I don't know if I could stand to see that.”

  “Then I'll do it behind your back.”

  Boom. “Okay, now I am shocked.”

  “But turned on, right? I've discovered you like it when I'm a little naughty on my own.”

  She was right; I was turned on. Mildly disturbed, but also turned on.

  I looked out over the crowd which had grown considerably. I wrestled with her suggestion, torn between wanting to try it and fear of it.

  “Tell me you love me,” I said, not looking at her.

  “I love you with all my heart, David.”

  I heard her conviction. I took the plunge.

  “Is there someone in the crowd?” She knew what I meant.

  “Oh Yes. More than one.”

  I surveyed the sea of men wondering which would win my wife's attention.

  “Go. Flirt.”

  She studied me, a smile slowly creeping across her face. She said nothing, finishing her wine and coming around the table to kiss me. I watched her perfect ass walk away.

  My palms were slick with sweat. My hand shook as I lifted the tumbler to my lips. Ray was right, there was nothing like it. Better than any drug, the reality of what we now did raced through my veins like battery acid. I had just sent my wife off to touch and kiss other men. I died inside.

  I tried to stay put. I really did. But the suspense was just too much. I caught the waitress's eye and ordered two more and waited impatiently for her to bring them. I told her my wife was in the restroom and I needed to make a phone call but I wanted to hold my table and she slapped a “reserved” sign down on it. I thanked her and left both drinks.

  I circled in the opposite direction Tiff headed and kept low, scanning the crowd all around. I found her across the room, leaning against the wall, talking and laughing with the young man who spilled his drink earlier. I had to calm myself.

  A lock of her long black hair fell across her face and he gently brushed it back. Tiffany's eyes narrowed and gained a predator's aspect. He saw it and they both stopped talking. Time stopped. He lifted her chin with a knuckle and pressed his lips to hers. After a few seconds, her lips parted first and her tongue slipped across the gap into his mouth.

  My entire body felt like it was submerged in ice water. My concentration and focus narrowed. Every minute detail registered and my penis inflated. My legs went weak. I leaned on a stranger's table and they laughed because they thought I was drunk.

  Tiffany and her new friend kissed passionately for a very long time. His hand slipped down to her ass and he cupped her fit round buttock. His fingers dented her skirt. She leaned closer and his hand left her ass and came up to discreetly squeeze her firm tit.

  I'd seen enough. I recoiled and headed back to our table. I downed the whiskey in one huge gulp. Holy fuck! I was crazy jealous but hard as iron. Tiffany looked so sexy! She eagerly welcomed everything he did to her. I caught the waitress's eye and ordered another. My mind replayed what I had seen over and over and over.

  Mercifully, when Tiff approached me through the crowd she was alone. She was also grinning from ear to ear. She slid around our table and kissed my cheek, thanked me for the fresh wine, and met my eyes, smiling like a mental patient.

  I did not trust myself to speak. She swallowed some wine.

  “Take your wedding ring off,” she said. “You're my brother. Chris will join us in a minute. I'm visiting you from Los Angeles for a week of Vegas fun since my husband, Paul, is in Europe for a month.”

  World, rocked.

  Was this my conservative wife? With no time to talk about what I'd seen, I slid my ring off and dropped it into my shirt pocket, moving away from my new sister. Chris showed up right on cue. He slid into our booth on the other side of Tiffany, placing her between us, and sat close enough their bodies touched all the way down. I struggled to contain myself. Tiffany grinned like a maniac. She had a blast with all this.

  We small-talked, sharing basic information; Chris lived in Vegas too and sold commercial real estate. I can rarely tell when a man is good-looking but I knew Chris was. Tiff's self-esteem was through the roof. We chatted a while and then Tiff slid her hand off the table and into his lap. I made my face stay passive. I got my phone out pretending I sent a text but really I was watching her hand from the corner of my eye. She pushed the tablecloth out of the way and squeezed the front of his pants. He was so cool.

  She leaned closer to him and murmured something. I missed most of it but did hear her ask, “Is that all you?” I risked a glance at his lap and had to control my face again; her hand was filled with something. I made out the basic size and shape of him through the material. She moved her hand up and down the length, sliding pants and all, and he looked really big. I thought I was going to pass-out. I thought about interrupting, telling Tiff we had to go, but what if Chris offered to give her a ride home? No way was I leaving here without her. No way. I had to ride this out and wait for my window.

  Just as my heart began to settle back down, Tiff scanned the crowd and slipped her other hand into his lap too. Down came his zipper! I held my breath. He got a little nervous but did nothing to stop her. She never even glanced at me but why would she? I'm just her brother and we are both adults. Her fingers disappeared inside his pants. He coughed and cleared his throat and she said, “Your skin is so hot.”

  I wanted to scream. Nothing in particular, just a primeval scream. I had so many pent-up emotions needing release. She shocked us both when she pulled his dick out under the table. He was hidden but a bare-naked cock waved in the open air inside a very public place. I kept my neck stiff, forcing myself to avoid looking directly at my wife's hand wrapped around this man's cock. I'm above average and he was bigger than me by a lot. Tiffany chuckled and pumped the loose skin.

  “You have a big cock,” she stated. “It's gorgeous.”

  Her comment seemed to catch him by surprise, or maybe his cool exterior unraveled just a little, but he thanked her awkwardly and continued trying to act cool.

  I risked a better look; he was about three-fingers thick, maybe a little more, and much longer than me. She stroked him slowly, tugging the skin up and down, squeezing his shaft so hard her knuckles were white.

  “That feels great,” he offered. “Put your mouth on me. Suck it.”

  Suddenly my phone was the most interesting object in the universe. I felt Tiff glance at me and then heard her chuckle.

  “No, Chris, sorry. I want to but not in front of my brother and not inside such a public place. Maybe some other time? David, get Chris's number, will you please? Maybe I can see him again before I head back to LA.”

  My neck and face burned. Thank God it was dark in here. Tiff played her role perfectly and having so much fun with it. I told Chris I was ready when he was and entered his digits as he spoke them. Every time he looked away, I looked at my wife's hand holding his bare cock. I knew I would never forget this moment.

  “Can you cum?” Tiffany asked.

  Chris nodded.

  “Sit up,” she instru

  Chris leaned forward and put his elbows on the cloth, looking around the club like nothing happened. Tiff aimed his dick under the table. I held my breath as her little hand jacked him faster. The table cloth dropped down and covered what happened beneath it, but I could imagine.

  “Cum for me,” Tiff urged. “So me how much you like me. Do you think I'm pretty?”

  Chris nodded again and looked down at the tabletop. Tiff's hand worked faster.

  “I will suck your cock, Chris. I want to, believe me, I just can't this time.”

  The tablecloth bounced around.

  “And since I'm sure you're wondering, because every guy does, yeah, when I suck it, I'm going to swallow your cum. Tell me how pretty? Am I cute? Sexy? Gorgeous?” She loved this.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “Fuck, here it comes. I think you're fucking gorgeous. I think you're the hottest girl in this place. This is so crazy. Tiffany, you might be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Yeah! Fuck yeah! Unnggghhh, hunnnng!”

  His body tensed and I knew under the table that big dick spurt cum. I casually surveyed the crowd but nobody gave a shit about us.

  Chris came a lot. Long after I would have finished he still shot. Tiff laughed with glee and kept stroking until he made her stop.

  “No more,” he pleaded. “No more. I'm too sensitive. Oh my fucking God that was hot. I've never done anything like this.”

  “Me either!” Tiffany giggled. She wiped her hands on the tablecloth.

  His sperm sprayed my wife's hands. My balls contracted and I had to smother a groan. His sperm sprayed my wife's hands; that reality blew me away.

  She tucked him away and zipped him up. Desire for her flared like a super-nova inside me. They went back to chatting casually, although with a much greater air of familiarity, and I resisted the urge to tell him to get lost. He discreetly ran his hands on her bare legs and fondled her breasts until she told him she needed to talk to me alone. He took the hint and made his goodbyes. I waited until the crowd swallowed him.


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