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Page 5

by Matthew Lee

  “I'm lucky then.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “I got a room at this hotel, a suite, do you think she'll come upstairs with me?”

  I turned to look right at him. I had to like the guy. He was as ambitious as he was sincere. I'm sure he talked himself up to Tiff as much as he could but the heart of the man was good. His face was so hopeful. I enjoyed how much he wanted my wife. In an in-direct way it turned me on.

  “I'll tell you what, Chris, I'll put in a good word for you. No cock-blocking from me.”

  “Oh man, that's great, thanks.” He offered me his hand and I shook it. Truth is stranger than fiction because it fucking needs to be. I shook the hand of a man I knew tried to seduce my wife. Weird. His face lit up and I looked out across the floor and saw Tiffany walking back. She saw our handshake and a coy smile curled the corners of her mouth.

  She slid back in the booth on the far side of Chris, so he was now in the middle. “What did I miss?” she asked.

  “Not much,” I answered, quickly, before Chris found himself in a chess match with my wife. “Chris wondered about Paul, your husband, and what kind of man he was and then he thanked me for bringing you out to meet him again.”

  Tiff looked like she only half believed me but said nothing. She took Chris's hand and put it back under the table and a second later his eyebrows shot up.

  “Tell me, David, how did you answer? What kind of man is my husband?”

  Tiffany and I locked eyes.

  I smiled. “He's handsome, generous, smart, wildly in love with you, so much so that he probably lets you get away with way too much. You're so damn sweet it's hard to deny you anything.”

  Her eyes laughed. I knew we had fun at this game but something more happened here. Then I put it together; trip to the bathroom, eyebrows shooting wife no longer wore panties. Chris played with her naked pussy. She watched my face and waited for me to figure it out. I was out-played yet again. God I loved her. She saw understanding dawn in my eyes and chuckled and silently mouthed the word, Bingo to me.

  “Yes, that sounds about right,” she said. “Everything except the smart. Sometimes I'm not so sure about the smart.” The very end of her sentence turned into a gasp and I knew at that moment Chris penetrated her with a finger. I had it confirmed a moment later when my wife bit her bottom lip and hunched her shoulders. I had to concentrate to keep my composure. Another man fingered my wife's pussy! He learned her tight smooth walls and felt the heat and the wet and I knew he'd never forget this moment. I had to take deep calming breaths through an open mouth. I wanted my whiskey but honestly I was afraid to try to drink it. I was pretty sure I'd choke.

  “You're so tight,” I heard him say, his voice tense.

  Her eyelids fluttered. She let him spend a little time in there, no doubt driving him crazy, until I actually heard how wet she'd become. She heard it too and, now suddenly self-conscious, backed her hips away, pulling her pussy off his fingers.

  “Let's dance,” she suggested. She took his hand and led him from the booth.

  On the dance floor he pushed a finger into his mouth. Cliché, true, but it worked on my inexperienced wife anyway. They danced and touched and ground on each other one song after another. It looked obscene but everyone else did it too, including a couple of girl-girl pairs that had the crowd cheering.

  Chris and my wife stayed out there a long time. I drank and people-watched, or, more specifically, watched Chris and my wife dance and occasionally mixed in one of the hotties in the club.

  They returned to our booth long enough to catch their breath, cool down, have another drink, and then back out they went. Tiffany gave me the once-over to make sure I was okay and I smiled at her. She sweat lightly and the moisture caused her top to cling and become more transparent. She looked so sexy I desperately wanted to fuck her. I knew all this stoked her fire too. As she stepped back she followed my eyes and spotted her visible nipples.

  “I might be a closet exhibitionist,” she suggested. “I'm loving this.”

  “Me too,” I admitted. “Loving it, not exhibitionist.”

  This time I lost them in the crowd. There was plenty else to look at so I was occupied. I suspected Tiffany had taken him out of sight to make-out with him away from me. After an hour the crowd parted and spat them out. They were a sweaty messy-haired wreck, laughing and leaning on each other. This might be the most fun I've seen her have. I'd ordered another round while they were away so they had drinks waiting for them to go along with the drinks they hadn't finished yet.

  Tiffany sat in the middle again and all three of us talked and laughed. I noticed Chris tried to catch my eye so when Tiffany looked away I checked on him. He carefully showed me the two room keys in his shirt pocket and seemed to ask if now was a good time. My heart jumped. This felt like such a pivotal moment. I debated maybe three seconds before I gave him a go-ahead nod. He cleared his throat.

  “Hey,” he began, gathering our attention. “I have a room waiting upstairs. How about we get away from this circus and someplace a lot quieter and more comfortable?”

  Tiffany slowly swung her head away from him to me.

  “David? Chris has a room upstairs. That sounds great but my flight home leaves pretty early. I think we should probably call it a night. What do you think?”

  Was she backing out? Had she changed her mind? I realized she set me up to knock him down. If I did not want to do this, here was my way out.

  “We can't stay all night,” I began, “but it would be nice to take a break from the music. I say we at least go up and have one drink.”

  Chris couldn't see her face register surprise.

  “Fantastic!” he exclaimed. He owed me one and he knew it.

  Tiffany closed her mouth.

  “Yes, Chris, that sounds great. You head on up and my brother and I will join you in a few minutes. I need to talk to him about my flight and my husband. What room is it?”

  “1804. I have two keys. Here's one, come up whenever you're ready.”

  The young man was so excited he could hardly contain himself. He slid the key across the table to Tiffany, downed the rest of his drink, kissed her cheek and left. She watched him all the way to the exit before turning to me.

  “Did you actually miss my hint or are you planning something I don't know about?”

  “I got your hint and I have no plans at all. I feel a little sorry for the guy. He's so hopeful. Believe it or not I think he's new to this woman-chasing thing and isn't quite sure how to proceed. Let's go to his hotel room. Nothing will happen; you have your older brother tagging along. What sister takes her clothes off in front of her brother? Not counting trips to the bathroom of course.”

  She laughed.

  “That was fucking exciting, David. I've never done anything like this. Can you believe we are even here? That this is even happening?”


  Her eyes got worried. “Are you okay with all this, Honey? I've pushed thing, I know, but have I upset you at all?”

  “Not at all, Tiff, but thank you for checking on me. So far this has just been sexy fun. You know I'm going to fuck you to death when we get home?”

  “I'm counting on that. Why do you think I keep pushing your buttons?”

  I wanted a kiss and started forward but she pulled back.

  “He has friends in the crowd,” she said, glancing around. “We bumped into them while dancing. Of course they're good looking too, but not like Chris.”

  I knew Tiffany found him handsome but after tonight I had to reevaluate the guy.

  “What happens upstairs?” I asked.

  “How should I know? It's your fault we're going. You tell me.”

  I pondered. “Let me rephrase my question; what do you want to happen upstairs?”

  About a million thoughts and ideas flash behind her big green eyes. A smile started and then faded and then started again, growing into a huge grin.

  “I want to suck his big cock.”
  I have no idea what my face did but Tiffany followed up her statement quickly.

  “I'm not saying I will. I'm just being honest. He's so hot; what a body and that fucker can dance. He's gorgeous and I keep remembering his fat cock in my hand. I want it in my mouth. Does that upset you?”

  “Of course it does, but not all of it bad. The idea is sexy but I know I'm not ready for that, Tiff. That's too much. Can you just give him another hand-job? You can both be naked.”

  Her eyes dimmed. “Okay, Baby, I understand. We should go.”

  My insides flipped and flopped. I loved that she wanted to but hated the idea of her actually doing it. Tonight lover-boy would have to settle but at least he'd get to see her completely naked. That was quite a treat.

  I told Tiffany to head up to the room while I paid the tab and she handed me the room key. The bar was busy so settling our account took longer than I thought but soon I was on the elevator headed up to the room. Over and over in my head I kept hearing Tiffany tell me she wanted to suck his big cock.

  I got to the suite and slid the card and the little green light came on. I opened the door slowly, trying to seem unhurried. I was her brother, not her insecure husband.

  Along the right wall a huge television screen filled the room with flickering color. The sound was off as were all the lights. I closed the door behind me and bolted it and then walked the long hallway to the main room. The floor plan was open; one giant room greeted me with two doors on the far left wall. The entire wall across from me was glass and looked out over our city. Over-stuffed chairs and sofas, chiseled marble tables, large oil paintings, plush shaggy rugs; Chris must have spent a lot on this room. I felt better about my decision to come up for a drink.

  I stepped down into the sunken living room but no one was around. Chris's sport coat from earlier was draped across the arm of the couch and his shoes and socks were beneath it. On the screen was a sexy movie I didn't recognize but everyone was naked and hot and seemed to be celebrating something.

  “Probably being naked and hot,” I muttered.

  Off to my left was a bar with a small kitchen area but both were dark. As I cut across the room I glanced back at the screen. A hot, big-breasted Persian girl kissed a hot Asian girl and played with her small firm tits. Nice.

  Both doors on the far left wall were partially open so I picked the closest and headed for it. I heard the spray of water.

  The bathroom was huge and completely tiled in mottled green and tan travertine. The back half of the room was a glassed-in shower area with nozzles all over the walls. All of them were on.

  Outside the shower stall, Chris stood behind Tiffany, kissing her neck and running his hands down her sides and over her hips. Her head was back against his chest, her eyes closed, her arms above her head and coiled behind his neck. This was not something a brother should see and certainly not something a brother would interrupt.

  Chris untied the knot at the small of her back and her top swung a little loose. What should I do? As he kissed her shoulders he worked on the knot behind her neck. The top fell away from her body to the floor and her gorgeous breasts rose. He kissed her nape as his hand came up her sides and cupped both, lifting them to feel their weight, denting them with his fingertips. She breathed through her open mouth. He ran his fingers over her nipples until they stood straight up and I heard Tiffany moan over the jets.

  Chris nibbled an earlobe. He placed his hands on her thighs and started moving them up. She curled the arms behind his head to pull his mouth around and they kissed over her shoulder. His hands made contact with the hem of her skirt and kept going, taking the skirt with him, revealing more and more of her tone legs. I was paralyzed. She looked so sexy I wanted to watch what happened next but in the back of my mind a voice shouted at me. I ignored it for now.

  Her skirt got caught on her bubble-butt and he had to tug it to get it over. It bounced a little and then her skirt was just a band of material around her waist. Her fit body was revealed to his eyes. He kept going until he pulled the skirt up and off over her head. Now she stood nude except for her knee-high black boots and frankly, somehow those made her look more naked. They accentuated her body and made her so much sexier.

  My wife turned to face him. I was partially hidden by the door but she saw me anyway, but she acted as if she hadn't. Chris looked from her face down her body to her feet and back up again, and Tiffany shivered from the intensity of his gaze.

  The room started to fill with steam when Tiff unzipped the first boot and then the second, pulling them off and tossing them aside. She lost about four inches in height and now only came up to his chest. His hands found her big globes and he played with them as she leaned in for more kisses. Chris ran his hands all over my naked wife, cupping her firm ass and spanking her twice.

  She turned his head away to kiss his neck but really it was so she could lock eyes with me. I held my breath. She gripped his shirt and pulled it off over his head and sent her mouth back to his throat. Her hands worked on his belt and zipper and holding my eyes with her own, bent over and pushed his pants and underwear down to his knees. His big cock came swinging up next to her face, looking bigger than ever next to her.

  She'd given me a chance to stop her but I'd sent us all up here. She knelt and helped him step out of his clothing as his fat semi-erect dick bounced off her shoulders and ear. He looked down at my wife on her knees. She took him in her hands; one around the base and the other stacked on top of it, and that fucker had inches and inches of cock sticking out.

  “I love your dick,” my wife said, looking up at him. “It's beautiful.”

  She tugged on him slowly as he hardened. The head flared and he groaned and his head fell back as his eyes closed. She took that opportunity to look again at me. So much desire filled her eyes.

  “It's like a magnet. I'm drawn and I can't resist. I love your cock.”

  As I watched she opened her mouth and slipped that fat head in beyond her lips, closing them around his shaft.

  I thought my heart might explode.

  Her head began a slow and sensuous bob. She loves sucking my dick but this was something else altogether. She worshiped his cock. In less than a minute he was hard as stone and stood up like an elephant's tusk. She let go and licked all over his balls.

  One hand went to rub her pussy and the other played with her own nipple; sucking his cock was a sensual and erotic experience for her. He thought she did all this to please him, and she was, but more true was her selfish delight at having this thick cock in her mouth. She looked like she had a second clitoris at the back of her throat. She closed her lips on him again and began some serious sucking. He tangled his fingers in her hair and savored every trip up and down she made.

  I'd told her no, but she'd done it anyway. I watched his cock move in and out of my wife's mouth. How many times had I kissed those lips? How many times had my penis experienced those same sensations? I knew exactly what Chris felt and my face and neck began to burn. My wife adored his meat. She sucked him like she tried to make him fall in love with her and, given his age, I thought there was a chance she might succeed.

  Once she had him throbbing, so erect she could no longer easily bend or move him, she stood and took him in her hand and pulled him towards the shower. They stepped in and hot water cascaded over them. If her body amazed before she got in, wet she looked like a porn-star. She squirted soap into his hands and then her own and they began washing away the sweat from dancing. Their hands traveled every square inch, learning each other, exploring and enjoying. She kept lathering his cock and balls and he kept scooping her ass and pussy.

  After they rinsed she back him against the tile wall and again sank to her knees. His cock-head bounced and she chased it with her mouth until he held his dick at the thick base and guided her mouth down onto him. Her cheeks dented as she sucked hard. The angle kept his sight away from me. She opened her eyes and spied me and sucked him lovingly as she gazed into my eyes.
/>   “I want to fuck you,” he said. “Let's move to the bed.”

  She shook her head, pulling off of him with a pop.

  “I'm breaking enough vows as it is,” she replied. “Just accept this for now.”

  Her hint at more later succeeded. Chris leaned back and let her work her magic. She again rubbed her pussy as she sucked his cock and not too many minutes later cried out as she came. Chris thrust faster and deeper and Tiffany took it until he warned her he was close.

  “I want to swallow you, Chris,” she said. “I want to drink you and taste you and take you home with me in my belly. My pussy belongs to my husband but you can own my mouth.”

  He groaned and thrust faster. I heard him suck in several gulps of air and hold them and then from deep in his chest a groan formed and grew. His sperm was on the move and headed up that long shaft and I knew my wife would be gulping it down.

  When he came it was an explosion. Tiffany stroked his shaft with both hands while she sucked and bobbed fiercely and Chris cried out as the first hot blast rocketed out of him. Tiffany moaned encouragement and Chris bucked and shot again and again, jerking and pumping his huge load of semen into my wife's mouth and down her throat. Tiff swallowed fast to keep up and none escaped. She captured every drop her conquering stud had to offer, sucking incredibly hard to pull out the last of him.

  I leaned back because he turned towards my hiding spot and waited until I them speak before I crept away. I opened and closed the front door hard and announced I had arrived.

  “We're back here,” I heard Tiffany call out, “but we're not decent. Give us a minute.”

  “I'll wait for you out here, sis!” I yelled. “You're a bad girl!”

  I need to sit. My legs were weak and shaking. I could not believe what I'd just witnessed. My guts churned but I was also so turned on I had trouble breathing. I turned the volume up a little on the sexy show and waited, trying to calm myself. Tiff had a tummy full of steaming hot semen.


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