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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

Page 7

by Jennae Vale

  “Oh, this one’s beautiful,” she gushed as she spun around with the dress in her arms. Nick surreptitiously nodded to the shop keeper who nodded back in unspoken acknowledgment of the message being passed between the two. As soon as Kat put the dress down, the shopkeeper took it from her and made a show of placing it back where she’d found it, but in fact as soon as they left the shop he would set it aside for Nick. They also stopped in a fabric shop and at a jeweler. She saw something she liked in both places and as in the dress shop, when she wasn’t looking, Nick had words with the shopkeepers and they set aside the items she seemed the most drawn to. He would have them delivered to Dunaill and surprise her with them.

  After leaving the jewelers, they headed towards the inn. Nick thought it a good idea to buy her some food and to sit and relax with her by his side.

  “Are ye hungry, Kat?” He thought he knew the answer. He’d heard her stomach grumbling a few times as they shopped.

  “Very. Can we get something to eat?” She gazed at him with such innocence he wished he could take the whole day to just enjoy her lovely face.

  “Aye. This way.” Nick led her to the door of the inn, opening it for her to enter. They hadn’t taken two steps in when Nick noted two familiar faces peering across the room at them, one was shocked and the other quite angry.

  “Is that Nick Mackall I see?” the portly gentleman asked, sounding none too pleased.

  Nick hesitated only momentarily. “Aye. ’Tis I.”

  “Do ye see that, me love?” the man said to the young woman who sat beside him. “Yer Nick has come back fer ye.”

  Kat bristled at this announcement. Was this Nick’s bride-to-be? She had an unexpected rush of jealousy as she gazed on the dark-haired beauty who appeared quite uneasy on seeing them.

  “Father, I dinnae believe he came back for me.” Skye Maguire protested perhaps a little too loudly. “I dinnae wish to marry Nick Mackall. I wish to marry Taran.” She stood and glared at both men, her eyes welling with tears.

  “My dear, dinnae argue with me. Ye shall marry Nick as was the plan before his odd disappearance. Isn’t that right, Nick?” Skye’s father raised his voice to match his daughter’s, not caring that he created a disturbance. Others in the dining room turned to stare. It seemed they would have a show along with their meal.

  “Sir, I’m afraid I cannae marry yer daughter. She doesnae wish to marry me and I…”

  “Is there some problem, husband?” Katriona asked, interrupting Nick’s attempt at reasoning with Maguire.

  Nick tried not to act surprised by this. He raised an eyebrow in her direction. “No, my love. None.”

  “Are ye married then?” Domhnall Maguire rose from his chair, as had his daughter. He was sputtering and fuming, growing redder by the moment, obviously not able to believe what he was hearing.

  “Aye, so it would seem. While I was away, I met this lovely lass, and as it had been so long since I’d seen yer daughter, I assumed Skye would have married. What can I say? We fell in love and I’ve been living in her village. I wasnae sure I would ever get back here.” Nick placed a possessive arm around Kat’s waist. He was no fool; he’d take full advantage of the situation that had been presented to him.

  “My daughter was promised to ye. Ye’ve broken our contract. I cannae believe ye’d go and betray me… her!” Domhnall shouted.

  “Father, please sit.” Skye placed a hand on his arm and did her best to guide him back into his seat.

  “My apologies. ’Twas nae my intention to betray anyone. And now if ye’ll excuse us, we’ve need of some food and drink. ’Twas a pleasure seeing you again, Domhnall. Skye.” He bowed in their direction and then taking Katriona by the hand, led her to a back corner table far away from any further confrontation with the Maguire.

  “I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t make things worse. I was just trying to help.” Katriona tipped her head and gazed sweetly up at him.

  “All is well, Katriona. Thank ye fer coming to me rescue. I had no intentions of marrying her, especially now that I ken she is in love. I would have her be happy in her marriage and I would be happy in mine.”

  “Do you think he believed us?” Kat glanced over to Skye’s table.

  “I hope so.” He brought her hand to his lips, brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles and gazing sweetly into her eyes. He noted that Domhnall was staring at him and he did his best to be convincing, although it wasnae difficult to appear smitten with Kat. He’d be sure to let the family know what had transpired, so as to avoid any misunderstandings at future meetings with the Maguires.”

  A serving girl arrived at their table with a pitcher of ale and two cups. “Sir Nick. ’Tis good to see ye again. I’d heard ye were back.”

  “Aye. Good news and gossip travel quickly,” he teased.

  She batted at his shoulder. “Yer still the funny one, arenae ye?”

  “Could ye bring us some food, whatever ye’ve got today is fine.”

  “Me Ma made her famous stew. I’ll bring two bowls and some freshly baked bread. By the way, me name’s Shona,” she said to Katriona.

  “Katriona,” Kat said in answer.

  “I should tell ye, Katriona is me wife,” Nick added, noting Katriona’s blush.

  “Are ye now?” The girl smiled widely at her. “I never thought I’d see the day when Nick Mackall took a wife. Rumor has it that the reason ye disappeared was to avoid that one.” She waved her hand in the direction of Domhnall and Skye.

  “Well I’m happy to ken that I’ve kept the rumor mongers busy in my absence. I’m back now and I’ve brought me wife with me. We are verra happy. Arenae we, me love?” He looked lovingly into Katriona’s eyes.

  “Aye. Very happy.” He could almost believe it, she was that convincing.

  “Happy I am fer ye.” Shona made a show of tidying up the table. “How be yer brother?” she asked.

  “Which one?” Nick winked at her, causing her to wrinkle her brow at his question.

  “Ye ken which one. I’ve nay seen him in the village of late.” Shona said. She appeared to be doing her best to sound like she didn’t care one way or the other.

  “Duncan has been busy taking care of things at Dunaill. Ye ken while I was away he was the laird.” Nick knew his brother was quite taken with Shona.

  “I ken it. Mayhap now that ye’ve returned we’ll see more of him. Tell him I was asking after him.” With that Shona turned and walked away.

  “She likes your brother,” Kat stated.

  “Aye. That she does. Always has, since they were wee bairns.” Nick gave Kat his undivided attention, partially because he couldn’t stop staring into her mesmerizing green eyes and partially to keep up the pretense of being married to this lovely creature.

  Kat, for her part, seemed to be playing along. Was she really gazing into his eyes with the longing that he saw in hers, or was it all for show? At that moment he wanted more than anything to reach across the table and cradle her face in his hands as he kissed her full rosy lips. As he gazed longingly at those lips, her tongue darted out to lick them. Damn it! Was she trying to kill him with this innocent seduction? Or did she know what she was doing to him? He thanked the heavens that there was a table between them, leaving Kat unable to see his rising kilt. Unable to resist a moment longer, he touched her soft cheek with his thumb. A sharp intake of her breath told him she felt the same jolt he was feeling.

  “You two must be newly wed. Yer gaping at each other like two lovesick cows,” Shona chuckled as she placed a bowl of stew in front of each of them. “I’ll be back with the bread and some ale. Ye’ll want to eat that stew while it’s hot. Then ye can go back to ogling each other. We’ve got a free bed upstairs if ye cannae wait till yet get back home.” She laughed out loud at that one and Nick and Kat tore their gazes away from each other to focus on the food in front of them.

  * * *

  Katriona sat closely by Nick’s side wondering if she hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of her life. Well, ma
ybe not the biggest. That would be the mistake she’d made when she’d picked up that damn emerald at the site of Malcolm Granger’s archeological dig in Southern Caithness. She’d never seen one that size before. It was beautiful, and it felt as if it were calling to her. She couldn’t resist a closer look and besides, how was she to know that as soon as she placed it in the palm of her hand she’d be transported kicking and screaming to sixteenth-century Scotland, where she’d be running for her life.

  This mistake was one that could hopefully be corrected as soon as she disappeared from the lives of the Mackalls and returned to her life in London. Nick seemed to be enjoying this ruse, but she wasn’t so sure it would be easy to convince anyone else of their marriage, especially since there hadn’t been one.

  “Nick, is this going to cause a problem?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  “I dinnae believe so. The only people we need to convince are those who arenae immediate members of my family. So, pretty much everyone at the castle and everyone here in the village.” He chuckled at that.

  “Oh… I’m sorry. I do that sometimes… speak before I think, I mean. I was only trying to help.” She took another bite of her stew, which was better than she’d imagined it would be. The food she’d eaten at Calhoun’s had been practically inedible and while she’d enjoyed every meal at Dunaill, she wasn’t sure if it would be the case here at the inn.

  “I ken that and I appreciate ye making the effort. We’ll have to make a good show of it for them, ye ken.” Nick broke off a piece of bread and handed it to her.

  “I do.” And she did. It wouldn’t be hard at all; Nick was tall, good looking and fun to be with. Hadn’t she just been staring at him all googly-eyed? As long as she didn’t have to sleep with him, she could pull this off no problem. Of course, the thought of sleeping with Nick didn’t seem too bad. As a matter of fact, it seemed more than appealing to her, but neither one of them was in need of more problems in their lives. He was her friend and probably wasn’t interested in her in that way, right? Of course he wasn’t. What had just happened between them was all for the benefit of the others dining at the inn. No. She would be sure to keep her feelings for Nick to herself and hope that she could get back home before it became impossible to hide them.

  * * *

  Nick considered this to be the best problem he’d ever had in all his years on this earth. Katriona was a bonny lass and he was verra attracted to her. She, of course, was already married to Laird Calhoun and that situation needed to be taken care of before he could even consider her anything other than a friend. Hopefully she hadn’t noticed how enchanted he was with her.

  “We should be sure to hold hands as we walk back to the castle,” Nick noted.

  “Of course,” Kat replied and she held out her hand for him to take.

  Nick felt like a young lad as he happily took it and walked with her by his side. He couldn’t have wiped the smile off his face if he tried. He was in heaven and certain parts of his body were becoming difficult to keep under control. It was a lot of work, but somehow he managed.

  Finally reaching the castle, Nick gathered the family around and filled them in on what had occurred in the village.

  “Yer quick on yer feet, Katriona,” Isla said. “Thank ye fer saving me brother and Skye from being forced together.”

  “Why were you getting married in the first place if no one wanted it?” Katriona couldn’t quite wrap her brain around that one. Skye was in love with another man and wished to marry him and Nick was not the marrying kind, from what Shona said about him.

  “We liked each other well enough and if it came right down to it, I would have done my duty and married her, but that was before I disappeared and before I found out that she was in love with another.” And before I found you. “I could never marry her now. I want her to be happy and she wouldnae ever be happy with me.”

  “Why not?” Kat tipped her head and cocked an eyebrow as she waited for her answer.

  “Because she doesnae love me. She loves another.” Nick thought that was obvious, but Katriona was full of questions, as usual. He loved her curiosity, and never tired of answering her questions, but these questions served no purpose and he thought she may have been trying to make him uncomfortable.

  “The night of the celebration ye’ll be forced to pretend that yer a married couple. That may require a bit more than standing next to each other and dancing a dance or two.” Lettie gave them each an appraising eye. “Do ye think yer up to the challenge?”

  “Aye. How difficult can it be to appear head over heels in love with each other?” Nick chuckled and turned to Kat. “Mayhap we should practice.”

  “Practice. I don’t think so.” She shook her head vehemently. Apparently she’d overcome the feelings he saw displayed at the inn.

  “This was yer idea, remember?” He cocked an eyebrow in her direction.

  “Yes, it was, but I never imagined it would go this far.” She seemed uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was taking.

  “’Tis too late to turn back now. Maguire has likely blabbed it to everyone in the village and then, of course, everyone at his home.

  “I’m afraid yer in fer some scrutiny.” Lettie said.

  Kat rolled her eyes. “All right. Fine. I’ll do my best to appear smitten with ye.”

  Nick looked suitably hurt. “Kat, I’m sorry to hear that it will be such a burden fer ye to be my wife.” He snuck a peek in her direction, holding back a grin as he did.

  Kat obviously wasn’t about to let him get away with that one. “Yes. Well, let’s hope I don’t give you away, or to the altar you will march, with one very unhappy bride.”

  By now the rest of the family caught on to their teasing and they all groaned as they turned to leave the room. The only person who did not appear to think this was funny was old Garbhan.

  “’Tis never a good thing to lie, Sir Nick. Ye’ll surely be caught.”

  “Dinnae waste another thought on it. We willnae get caught, ye’ll see.” Nick patted him on the back and both he and Kat turned away and left a perplexed Garbhan in their wake.

  Chapter 9

  Guests to the celebration began arriving days in advance and would be staying at the castle, as it would be too far for them to travel back home the night of the feast. Kat was delighted to know she would have company in her chamber, as Isla and Merry Mackall had given up theirs to those visitors who would need accommodations. Kat was used to being on her own. She lived by herself in her tiny flat back in London, but something about being in a different time had her fearing the nights in this large and lonely castle. Lonely wasn’t quite the right word. There were plenty of people around and they had been so welcoming to her. She felt as much at home here as she had felt anywhere in her life, perhaps even more so, but she couldn’t relax, no matter how kind they’d been; she still feared Laird Calhoun would show up on the doorstep at any moment and force her to go back home with him. The thought made her shiver in apprehension. She knew if that ever happened, she might not live to tell the tale. He had to be furious with her for trying to kill him and for running away from him, which had caused him embarrassment. She was sure it would not end well for her, especially because she would never submit willingly. So having someone in her room with her at night, even for a few nights, would help. Someone to talk to about any inane thing was better than the thoughts running through her head whenever she found herself alone.

  In the back of her head, Kat couldn’t help but wish it was Nick who would be sharing her bed. She felt safe and having him there beside her, holding her in his strong arms was all she’d been able to think about since she’d arrived. This thing going on between them had gotten weird quickly after Kat blurted out that Nick was her husband. The celebration, which should have merely been a welcome home for Nick had turned into a wedding reception now because of her meddling. They would have to dutifully play the happily married couple, which shouldn’t be too hard. Nick was handsome, charming a
nd so much fun to be around. What could possibly go wrong? She asked herself. Everything was her answer. They really needed to have a game plan. She didn’t want to get caught off guard and blow their cover. That would never do. She’d have to speak with Nick about it. She had absolutely no idea what to expect of married life in sixteenth-century Scotland. In her time, couples kissed in public, they held hands, they were very touchy-feely. She hadn’t noticed any of that happening here, of course she hadn’t really been paying attention either.

  * * *

  The following morning, a rider approached from the village with a large parcel thrown across the saddle in front of him.

  “Katriona,” Nick called to her. “Come with me, I believe this package is for ye.”

  “For me.” She was a bit apprehensive. How could any package in this time be for her? She knew very few people here other than the Mackalls. “Are you sure?” she asked as she hesitantly made her way to Nick’s side.

  “Aye. Come. Hurry.” He grabbed her hand and hauled her along behind him as he joyfully headed in the direction of the rider.

  “Sir Nick,” the rider bowed his head from atop his saddle. “I have a package here for yer lovely bride.” He handed the neatly wrapped package to Nick.

  “Thank ye.” Nick gave him some coin and the lad turned his horse and road out through the gate.

  “What is it?” Kat asked excitedly. “A wedding present?”

  “Shall we go inside and see?” He grabbed Kat’s hand again and this time she kept up with him easily. A package for her! Nick’s excitement was contagious and she was anxious to open it.

  They reached the great hall and instead of stopping, Nick led her up the stairway and down the hall to her chamber. He quickly peeked up and down the hallway and when he saw no one about, he opened the door and pulled her inside before slamming the door behind them.

  “What are you doing?” Kat was surprised to find herself alone in her room with Nick. The fluttering in her belly told her she felt something more. Her thoughts and Nick’s presence would surely be frowned upon by the others. “Is this a good idea?”


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