[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 11

by Jennae Vale

  “I see,” he said, obviously unsure of how to respond to this news.

  The conversation came to a grinding halt and everyone ate in an awkward silence. Kat peeked up to see everyone intent on their own trenchers. She snuck a glance in Nick’s direction and he wasn’t eating. She felt terrible. Nick had a voracious appetite and if he wasn’t eating, it was definitely her fault. She couldn’t help it though. She had to leave and she couldn’t tell him why. He’d think her as crazy as Kat had thought him on hearing his faerie kingdom story. She tentatively reached her hand out and laid it on his arm. When he glanced up, she tipped her head and hoped that he could read the sadness in her eyes. Sadness that said she didn’t really want to leave him. Nick placed his hand on top of hers and gave it a squeeze. He smiled a sad smile and then went back to searching his plate, but not eating.

  * * *

  Nick was stunned. Kat was going to leave. He had to find a way to stop her from going because his heart told him he wanted her here by his side, where she could hopefully one day be his wife. He couldn’t understand why she was so adamant about leaving. He understood her fear of Bearach Calhoun, but as he’d told her, he would never let any harm come to her at the hands of that evil bastard. There had to be something else. Her story hadn’t made a lot of sense, now that he thought about it. If her entire family had died at the hands of highwaymen, why did she nae seem sadder about the loss. She hadnae grieved their deaths that he could recall. The only thing that rang true was her kidnapping by Earnan Gibb and her obvious sale to Bearach Calhoun. He had to get to the bottom of this, but she was guarding her secret and hadn’t slipped even once. Nick was very sure that Kat’s family wasnae dead and that her home wasnae in Edinburgh. Her accent was unusual. She had a bit of a Scottish accent, but tinged with an English accent. She may have been born here in Scotland, but based on what he could hear when she spoke, she most likely grew up in England. He’d have to find a way to tactfully get her to tell him the truth.

  “Kat, would ye care to walk after the meal?” Not his best idea. It was cold outside after dark. She’d never consent to a walk.

  “I’d like that very much,” she replied, surprising him.

  He nodded his head in acknowledgement and finally took a bite of his food. From the corner of his eye he spied Kat eyeing him. She’d been doing the same thing throughout their meal. He wished more than anything that he could convince her to stay. He’d come to look forward to seeing her smiling face every morning when he came down to break his fast. He loved the way she sought him out during the day, always with some nonsensical reason to see him. She followed him about, asking him questions about every single thing. One would almost believe she was from another time. Nick stopped with his fork halfway to his mouth and turned to see Katriona speaking with his mother. Was it possible? Of course it was; he had first hand knowledge of time-travel. But was she from the future? And if she was, no wonder she was in such a hurry to get back there. He’d need time to find the perfect way to find out without letting on that he was suspicious.

  * * *

  Kat bundled herself up in her cape and met Nick at the doors of the castle. He held out his hand for her to take and they walked out into the crystal clear, crisp cold night. The northern lights lit the sky with the most beautiful colors - shades of green, purple, gold and pink. It nearly took her breath away and filled her with wonder as she turned to see them from every direction. She could hardly contain her excitement at seeing them.

  They were alone. No others wished to be out and about on a cold night like this. They preferred to stay behind by the fire, where they could keep warm telling stories and drinking whiskey. Despite the frigid temperature, Kat was happy to be by Nick’s side. She never felt a moment of worry when he was near and he always seemed to be near. Either she sought him out or the other way around, but the two had become quite inseparable over the last weeks. It would be difficult to leave him, but how could she possibly share her secret with him, let alone stay in this dangerous time.

  Feeling a little bold, Katriona put her arm around Nick’s trim waist and snuggled up under his arm. She snaked her other hand inside of his cloak to feel the heat of his body and the strength of his physique. She was playing with fire and she knew it, but she didn’t care. She had to know what it was like to lay with him, even if it was only once, before she left forever.

  “I ken what yer thinking, Kat, but nothing of the kind will be taking place tonight.” He smiled down at her upturned face. Her disappointment must have been written in her expression, because Nick hugged her a little closer.

  This was completely out of character for Kat. She was a very modest girl by twenty-first century standards. She was always careful when it came to the men in her life, never allowing anything to go further than she thought appropriate. But here with Nick, that all went out the window. She was throwing caution to the wind where he was concerned. “After the annulment?” she asked, a hopeful lilt to her voice.

  “Mayhap. ’Tis nae that I dinnae want ye, Kat. I want ye more than I’ve ever wanted a woman, but I dinnae wish either of us to be heartbroken when ye leave. I think it best that we keep things as they are.”

  Well, Kat didn’t like that answer at all, but she was pretty sure she’d be able to change his mind. After the kiss they’d shared on the steps of the castle, he was all she could think about. No one had ever kissed her like that before and she was afraid no one ever would again once she left. Kat stopped in her tracks and faced him. “All right, if that’s what you wish, but it won’t be easy for me. You are very pretty, Nick Mackall.” She winked and smiled.

  “Pretty!” Nick looked suitably insulted. “I’m nae pretty, lass. I am without a doubt the most handsome man ye’ve ever seen, but I’m by no means pretty!”

  Kat laughed. She loved to tease him and he always had a fun response. He was perfect in her eyes. Everything he did and said only made him more appealing to her. “You are too pretty.”

  “I’ll not hear another word about me being pretty! Do ye ken?” His mock outrage was making Kat giggle.

  “How are you going to stop me, you big lug?” Kat turned to face him, hands on her hips and a challenging expression on her face.

  “Big lug? What is that?” Nick’s expression went from amused to curious and then to mischievous. “I’ll show ye how a big lug quiets his woman.”

  And then her wish came true. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, following up with a brush of his thumb. No way he was stopping there. She leaned into him and initiated the next kiss. Her lips parted and his tongue sought hers. The kiss was beyond words. Her brain was addled and her body ceased being able to hold her up. She moaned into his lips and he pulled her tightly to his chest, one hand holding her back and one grabbing her backside.

  He broke away, “Ye’ve been teasing me with that arse for days now. Ye’ve no idea what ye do to me, Kat.” His other hand grabbed her backside and pulled her hips in until she could feel his hardness brushing up against her belly, causing her to squeak in surprise. “Don’t be afraid of me, Kat. I’ll never harm ye.”

  “Nick,” she pleaded. “I want you so much.”

  “As I want ye, but we cannae. We must wait fer yer annulment and then…” He was kissing her again and her brain went all foggy. She was having a hard time remembering why it was she needed to leave this man.

  Chapter 13

  The windows of Katriona’s chamber looked out on the vast expanse of ocean that embraced the rugged coastline of Dunnet Head, giving her a beautiful view all the way to the horizon. The northern lights were still putting on a colorful display which she simply couldn’t resist - the color and movement mesmerizing her and creating the perfect background for her thoughts. She sat completely engrossed, thinking about the kisses she’d just shared with Nick. Safely back in her room, Kat debated the merits of staying here at Dunaill or going home to London. First of all, she wasn’t even sure she could go back to London, in which case, she’d wa
nt nothing more than to spend her days here in Nick Mackall’s arms. The way he made her feel was almost too difficult to put into words. When she was with him, nothing else mattered. He became her entire focus, her entire world.

  A light tap at the door hardly broke her concentration as she stared out the window. “Come in.”

  The door opened and she knew right away it was Nick. Her nose picked up the scent of him - pine and musk filled her senses. She didn’t turn to see him, instead waiting for him to come to her, a little nervous about what might happen next.

  She felt him behind her as he brushed her hair out of the way and leaned down to slowly kiss her neck. Kat tipped her head and closed her eyes, allowing him all the room he needed to continue lavishing small, soft kisses up and down her neck and onto her shoulder. He moved one hand to her arm and the other tangled in her hair as he held it fisted at the back of her head. His tongue traced a path from shoulder to ear, causing her to shiver in anticipation. He continued kissing and licking and nibbling her ear. The sensations she was feeling were beyond anything she’d ever experienced. Her breath came in short, quick gasps and the feeling emanating from within her core was almost too much to bear. The northern lights exploded in color before her, mimicking the explosion going on inside of her as Nick teased her to the edge of reason. She wanted to turn and kiss him back, but he held her in place, not allowing it. He moved his hands to her breasts, rubbing his calloused fingers across and around her aching nipples. She wantonly moaned his name, licking her lips in anticipation, wanting him to take her to bed and make her truly his, but he stopped suddenly and completely.

  “Good night, my love,” he whispered in her ear. “Sweet dreams.” And then he was gone.

  * * *

  Nick was quite pleased with himself. Although what he’d just done to Kat had been pure torture for him as well, he wanted her to know what she’d be leaving behind if she decided to go back to her home. She’d have plenty to think about and dream about tonight. He’d seen to that. Unfortunately, he’d be in the same predicament. He’d teased and tormented Kat to the breaking point and now, as his hardened manhood pointed the way back to his own empty chamber, he was kicking himself for not taking her right then and there. It’s what they both wanted, but it was better this way. Leaving her in that condition could only benefit him when she realized that she wanted him more than she wanted to leave. Nick had never in his life played this type of game with a woman, but then again none had ever mattered as much to him. None had been this woman. The woman he wanted by his side, in his bed and in his life until he took his last dying breath.

  In his chamber he threw himself across his bed and tried to think of anything but Kat. Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of a single thing to wipe her glowing face, her sweet scent and soft moans from his mind. She’d been slowly but surely burrowing her way into his heart and head since the day he’d met her. He couldn’t imagine his life without her and if he had his way he wouldn’t have to.

  * * *

  How many times had she gotten out of bed and gone to her door, thinking she’d march across the hall to Nick’s chamber and climb into bed with him, only to turn around and head back to the warmth of her own. At least a dozen that she could recall. She had barely slept and when she had, it had been fitful and filled with dreams of her handsome highlander making love to her and then leaving her before she reached her climax. The morning’s light found her awake and exhausted.

  Kat wrapped herself in one of the warm furs from her bed and went to the window. Opening the shutters, she could see the sun was shining brightly, but there were clouds off in the distance, signaling a snowstorm was on the way. A movement at the very edge of Dunnet Head caught her attention and as she looked, she realized it was Nick. What was he doing out so early? He’d apparently been sitting on the rocks and was now returning to the castle. Could he have suffered a sleepless night as well? It would serve him right, she thought to herself with a smile. She was even more determined this morning to get what she wanted from him before she left. Duncan would be leaving soon to seek her annulment and then there would be nothing standing in their way. She hurriedly threw on her clothes and headed down to meet Nick at the castle doors.

  * * *

  Thoughts of Katriona were still bombarding him. Even the crashing of the waves against Dunnet Head couldn’t wash away the memories of last night’s seduction. If he’d had any sense he’d surely have left well enough alone, but instead he had stoked not only Katriona’s fire, but his own as well.

  The castle door opened as he approached and the object of his torture stood before him seemingly more beautiful than she’d been even the night before. A smile crossed his lips as he saw her standing there welcoming him back home. If only she would always be there waiting for him when he returned. He crossed the threshold and took her in his arms, crushing her mouth with his kiss for only a brief moment and then letting her go. He had surprised her with the kiss and with the suddenness of its end, and Kat grabbed his arm as her legs buckled. Nick wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her and then guided her towards the great hall where they would break their fast with the rest of the Mackalls.

  “Good morn to ye,” a cheerful Lettie greeted.

  “Good morn.” Nick went to his mother and kissed her cheek before escorting Kat to her seat and then joining her.

  “By the looks of those two, Duncan, ye’d best get to the Bishop as soon as ye can. I dinnae believe they can hold out much longer.” Isla smiled impishly at Nick.

  “Mind yer tongue, Isla,” Lettie reprimanded her.

  “Sorry, Ma.” Looking not at all sorry, Isla shot another triumphant look her brother’s way.

  “Duncan while yer away, mayhap ye can find a man fer our little sister. That is if ye come across anyone insane enough to take on such a task.” Nick knew he’d hit a nerve when Isla threw her napkin to the table and angrily stalked past him and out of the hall.

  “Nicholas Mackall, that was uncalled for. Go find yer sister and apologize this instant.” Lettie scowled at her eldest son and laird.

  Nick hesitated only a moment before rising and going off in search of Isla. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand why she enjoyed getting under his skin to the point where he’d say something unsavory right back to her.

  Hurrying along the passageway, he spied her just up ahead of him, hell bent on the rear exit of the castle proper.

  “Isla,” he called to her fleeing back. “Stop, please. I’d like to apologize to ye.”

  “Dinnae bother, brother. I ken ye know what ye speak of when ye say only an insane man would want me.” Isla stopped abruptly, allowing Nick to reach her and turn her to face him.

  “I was only teasing back at ye fer what ye said about Kat and me. I didnae mean to hurt yer feelings so. Can ye forgive me?” He gazed into her tear-filled eyes and suddenly felt even worse than he had only moments before. His sister was a true beauty, but difficult. It would take a strong man to tame her and so far none had been up to the task. Isla sent them all cowering on their way with their tails between their legs.

  “I’m sorry too, Nick. It’s just that ye both look so happy with each other and I’m afraid I’ll never find anyone who’ll make me feel that way, ye ken.”

  He pulled Isla into his arms and hugged her tightly. “Sister, ye’ll find yer man and when ye do, ye’ll both ken. Ye’ll see. There is someone out there and he’s waiting fer ye, just as ye wait fer him.” He was happy to see Isla wipe away her tears and smile up at him.

  “Do ye really think so, Nick?” She hopefully asked.

  “Aye. I do.” Nick knew it to be true, but he also knew how hard it was to wait for that someone to appear. “As for Kat, she may nae be staying here much longer. She wishes to leave and that means she’ll be leaving me as well. So, ye see, things are not always as they appear.

  “She can’t go. You must stop her. You love each other. I’ve seen it.”

  “I always thought love was all
you needed to make a life with someone, but it seems I’ve been wrong. If she doesnae wish to stay, I cannae keep her here, I can only hope that somehow she’ll change her mind.” Nick felt his sister wrap her arms around him in a big hug.

  “I love ye, Nicholas Mackall,” she said into his chest.

  “I love ye, Isla Mackall. I promise I’ll nae tease ye again about a husband. Shall we go back and join the others?”

  “Aye.” Isla smiled up at him and he knew he’d been forgiven.

  “Come. I’m verra hungry. Mayhap ye can hear me tummy grumbling from where ye be so near to it.” Nick laughed and took Isla by the hand as they headed back to the great hall.

  * * *

  Malcolm Granger drew his horse to a stop far enough away from Dunaill to remain hidden from anyone on its battlements who might spot him. He noted that this castle was much larger than Bear Calhoun’s. There were more men patrolling the grounds and they seemed to take their jobs seriously, unlike those at Castle Calhoun. The gates were open, so he felt confident he’d be allowed to pass through, but what would he do once he got there. He had to give that a moment’s thought. As far as Nick Mackall was concerned, he was a stone statue entombed in a rock wall on Campbell land. How was he going to explain his appearance here? And if the woman he sought were truly with Mackall, which was another stumbling block he’d need to find a way around.

  Malcolm usually liked to have a good plan in place when it came to his business dealings, but this was different. He was alone and he had no one to bounce ideas off of. He was going to have to do this without the benefit of his men. He wasn’t sure what had happened to them. They weren’t in the stone tomb with him and when he exited, there was not a soul in sight. He wondered if they’d managed to get back to San Francisco. It didn’t matter to him one way or the other. If they’d happened to be here, he knew he could use them to find this woman and to take care of Mackall. That wasn’t the case, so he was going to wing it. He’d done that a time or two on his journey and it had worked out well enough to this point. There was no reason it shouldn’t work now.


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