[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 12

by Jennae Vale

  He urged his horse forward and slowly made his way to the castle entrance. No alarm was sounded, but when he reached the gates he was met my several kilted men, barring his entry.

  “My name’s Malcolm Granger. I’m here to see Nick Mackall.”

  * * *

  Nick was in the stable grooming Laoch, when his brother Rory came to tell him there was a man at the gate to see him.

  “Who is it?” Nick asked, his curiosity piqued.

  “He says his name is Malcolm Granger,” Rory replied.

  Nick stopped mid-brush stroke and stood perfectly still.

  “What’s wrong, brother? Ye look as if ye’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Are ye sure he said his name was Malcolm Granger?”

  “Aye.” Rory looked concerned.

  How on earth did he find me? Nick wondered. “I’ll be right there.” Nick was shocked. The last time he’d seen Malcolm Granger he had watched in awe as Edna Campbell had turned him into a stone statue and entombed him with the Twin Sword. How was it possible that he had escaped? And why was he here? The first thing he needed to do was arm himself; Granger wasnae to be trusted. He left Laoch’s stall and grabbed the sword he’d left leaning on a bale of hay in the aisle of the stable.

  * * *

  In search of Nick, Kat was exiting the castle doors when she saw a very familiar looking man seated atop a dark bay horse at the entry gate to the courtyard. Rory was speaking with him. Kat had a momentary jolt of fear, thinking it might be someone sent by Bearach, but that wasn’t where she knew him from. She walked in that direction and as she got closer, it became clearer exactly who this man was.

  “Mr. Granger?” Kat questioned. She was sure she appeared as shocked to see him as she actually was.

  “Miss Hughes?” Malcolm Granger broke into a huge grin. “What on earth are you doing here?” He dismounted and much to Kat’s surprise, he hugged her tightly to him.

  She struggled to free herself and she was finally able to pull herself away. “I could ask the same question of you.” She couldn’t really tell him right here in front of the others. She hoped he’d understand that.

  Nick was standing behind her now appearing quite unhappy at what he was seeing. “Malcolm how the hell did ye get… How…” He appeared unable to form his question.

  “I’ll explain it all to you, if you’ll allow me entrance to your castle.”

  Something very strange was happening here and Kat hoped she’d find out what it was and soon.

  “It wouldnae be my first choice, but it seems something is amiss here and I’d like to ken why.” Nick glanced her way, the angry scowl still on his face.

  Nick directed his men to take Malcolm’s horse to the stable and see to it that it got food and a good rub down. “I was nae expecting to see ye ever again. What has happened?” His demeanor was not at all welcoming.

  Kat watched the two men. How does Nick know who Malcolm is? How did Malcolm get here? Could he possibly get her back home? She had so many thoughts running through her head she almost didn’t notice that the two men were headed for the castle doors. She turned and hurried after them.

  Chapter 14

  Nick knew he had to be careful here. Malcolm had shown his true colors back in San Francisco when he had taken Nick’s friends hostage and demanded to be taken back in time so that he could recover the Twin Sword. He was a dangerous man who had an ulterior motive, of that Nick was certain. Nick’s advantage was that Malcolm appeared to be alone and therefore not a threat. Nick knew he could best him in a one on one fight, but here at home, the odds were even more heavily in his favor with all of his brothers and the rest of his men present.

  “Explain to me why it is that you’ve made yer way to my castle and how ye knew I’d be here,” Nick demanded.

  “I was directed to come here by the one who created the Twin Sword. I did not, however, know that you’d be here.” Malcolm’s eyes seriously seemed as if they might leap right out of his head as he looked around at everything.

  Nick noted that Kat entered the castle appearing shocked and surprised about something. “Mr. Granger. How did you get here? Can you help me get back home?”

  Nick was astounded. He may have found the answer to all the questions he’d had about Katriona, but it seemed that he now had more. Kat was from the future. She knew Malcolm Granger. But how? “You know this man?”

  “I do. I work for him. And how is it that you know him?” Kat was agitated, he could see it in her stance.

  “I know him from my time in San Francisco,” Nick responded.

  “I see. So the faerie kingdom you were transported to was actually the future San Francisco.” Kat seemed to be experiencing a mix of feelings. It was obvious she felt betrayed by Nick because he hadn’t shared the truth with her, but Nick was feeling betrayed as well. She hadn’t told him the whole truth either.

  Nick didn’t bother answering; instead he turned to Malcolm. “I think you need to tell me everything. Now!”

  “Alright. Calm yourself. I’ve got nothing to hide and you’ll hear the whole story as I know it.” Malcolm’s expression remained stoic as he continued. “I awoke in my stone tomb to the sight of a glowing sword. The Twin Sword. The one I’ve sought for so many years. I can only assume that the creator of the sword wanted me alive for some reason. He told me that I should come here and find a woman to help me. I would then know what it was he wanted of me and once I accomplish that task, the sword will be mine.”

  “What is his name?” Nick asked.

  “I don’t know. He said he couldn’t tell me his name. That the more it was spoken the more his powers were diminished or some such nonsense.” Malcolm made himself comfortable in a chair near the fire.

  “I’d suggest you find out what his name is and repeat it hundreds of times, because he’s never going to give you that sword, no matter what tasks you accomplish for him.”

  “I believe he feels I’m his equal in many ways.”

  “You know that King James hid that sword because he thought the sword’s creator was looking for a puppet he could command.”

  “I have no doubt I’ll be the one who ends up with this sword.”

  “But at what price?”

  “There is no price I wouldn’t pay to hold that sword in my hands and to take it back to San Francisco with me.”

  “Then you’re a fool, Granger.”

  “If I could interrupt, I’m confused. Mr. Granger, is this sword the one you had the team searching for all across Scotland?”

  “It is. The reason you couldn’t find it was because it had been entombed in rock on Campbell lands. James was afraid of its power. I, however, am not. Katriona, I believe you are the woman I was sent here to find. You are meant to help me. That would likely be why you find yourself here at this time. Did Edna Campbell send you?”

  “Edna Campbell? Who’s she?”

  “So, you didn’t travel through the fog to this time?”

  “No. I was at an archeological dig searching for more artifacts for your collection and I saw a beautiful emerald lying in the dirt. I don’t know how it got there. I’d been carefully digging and had found nothing when it appeared out of nowhere. I picked it up and as soon as it hit the palm of my hand, I found myself dropped in the middle of a dirt road. It was not anywhere near where I had been digging. I was confused and a man approached me and asked if he could help me. I tried to tell him what had happened, but he spoke to me as if I were insane. He said he could help me. I realized pretty quickly what had happened and I trusted the man. He betrayed my trust and sold me to Laird Bearach Calhoun.”

  “I met Bear yesterday. He wants you back. When I said I was coming here, he asked me to return you to him.”

  “Ye’ll nae be doing that, Granger.” Nick drew Kat closer to him.

  “I can see yer quite taken with my Miss Hughes, but she’s not yours to keep. I’m sure she wants to go back home, isn’t that right?” Malcolm directed his question to Kat.

p; Kat quickly glanced in Nick’s direction. She appeared unsure of what to say.

  “I can see you don’t want to say anything in front of Mackall. I understand.”

  “No. You don’t understand. I do want to go back home, but I think I need that emerald to get there.”

  Nick had a sinking feeling in the pit of his belly. Kat didn’t plan on staying. He already knew she wanted to go home. What difference did it make if home was in this time or another. She didn’t want to stay with him. And now that Malcolm had entered the picture, things were only going to get more complicated. He couldn’t allow her to leave with Malcolm. He wasn’t to be trusted. As for this sorcerer, what could he possibly want with Kat? This was certainly a troubling turn of events. He thought once Edna had encased Malcolm in stone that he and that damn sword would no longer be a threat. Now Malcolm was here, in his home, and he was trying to take Kat away with him. He needed to speak with her before Malcolm convinced her to go with him.

  * * *

  “I need to speak with ye in private, Kat.” Nick said.

  “All right.” Kat needed to speak with him too.

  “Malcolm, if ye’ll excuse us. I’ll send me brothers in to keep ye company. I’d appreciate it if ye didnae say anything about time-travel.”

  “I’ll try not to,” Malcolm chuckled.

  “Duncan, Rory!” Nick shouted, hoping they were nearby. Luckily they happened to be entering the castle at that very moment.

  “Aye, Nick! Calm yerself, we’re here,” Rory said.

  “I need ye to keep our guest company while I have a word with Kat.”

  Kat imagined that the unspoken part of that was keep an eye on him and don’t let him leave. Nick took her arm and led her from the room. “What is it? What’s got you so worried?”

  “I dinnae ken how well ye know yer Mr. Granger, but he isnae a good man.”

  “I’ve only met him once when he came to Scotland in search of the Twin Sword. He had an army of archeologists working for him and he was determined to find it. I’ve spoken with him on the phone a time or two, but other than that I don’t really know him.” She nervously wrung her hands as she spoke. “Now that he knows where it is, what’s to stop him from going back to the twenty-first century and securing it?”

  “The one who created the sword would never allow it to fall into anyone else’s hands. It is merely a tool to achieve his goals.”

  “What are his goals?”

  “I cannae say that I know, but it cannae be fer anything good.”

  Kat took a moment to think about that. If there was anything she knew about Nick, it was that she could trust him. She couldn’t say that about Malcolm Granger. She hardly knew him, but if Nick said he was dangerous, then she believed him. “What are we going to do? Do you have a plan?”

  “Not yet. Give me some time. All I know is that we need to stop him and make sure that the sword never falls into his hands or anyone else’s.”

  “Okay. I believe in you Nick. If anyone can do this, I know it’s you.”

  He smiled warmly at her and gently ran his fingers along her jawline. “Let’s hope your faith in me isnae misguided.”

  * * *

  Returning to the great hall, Nick noted that his brothers were very relaxed and seemed to be enjoying their conversation with Malcolm. “Will ye be joining us for the evening meal, Malcolm,” Duncan was asking.

  “I’d appreciate a good meal. The last time I ate was last night and I must say that the food at Bear’s castle wasnae very good.” Malcolm continued using his Scottish accent in the presence of Nick’s brothers, drawing a strange querying glance from Nick.

  Nick hadn’t yet decided what the plan was to be, but he knew he had to keep Malcolm in sight. He couldn’t allow him to leave yet. “Duncan, let Ma know we’ve company. She’ll have a room prepared for him.”

  “Aye, Nick. I look forward to speaking more with ye, Malcolm.”

  “Of course, Duncan. I’ve enjoyed sharing my stories with ye.”

  Rory joined Duncan as he left the hall, leaving Nick and Kat to deal with Malcolm.

  “Kat, I’m curious about this emerald that transported you here. I’d love to see it.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t have it. It disappeared once I arrived.”

  “You have a beautiful castle here, Mackall. You know, I collect artifacts from the medieval era and you have some excellent pieces on display.”

  “They’re not pieces to be collected. They are a part of my home. They always have been and they will continue to be.”

  “I’ll have to search for them when I return home. It would be nice to have them in my collection.”

  Not if I have anything to say about it, Nick thought.

  “Nicholas, do ye need me,” Lettie asked as she breezed into the room.

  “Aye, Ma. We have a guest. This is Malcolm Granger, an acquaintance of mine. He will be staying with us.”

  “’Tis a pleasure to meet ye, Malcolm. Welcome to Dunaill. I’ve got a room prepared fer yer stay. If ye’d like, I’ll show ye to it and ye can rest for a while before we eat.”

  “I’d like that very much, my dear lady. Nick, ye didn’t tell me ye had such a lovely mother.”

  Nick wanted to punch Malcolm. His mother was a smart woman and Nick would speak with her after she showed Malcolm to his room.

  “Sir, ye flatter me.” Lettie said.

  “Ye are a woman who deserves to be flattered.”

  “Stop. Ye’ll be making be blush.” Lettie indicated that Malcolm should join her as she left the hall.

  Once out of earshot, Nick turned to Kat. “Be careful. He is a man who only cares about getting what he wants.”

  * * *

  Malcolm worked hard to hide his fascination with the Mackall’s authentic medieval castle, all the while conversing with Lettie. Once at the top of the stairs, he asked, “Who do all of these rooms belong to?”

  “The family. This is Rory’s room, Duncan’s and Nick’s.” She indicated each room as they passed. “Katriona is in this room, and ye’ll be just upstairs.”

  They climbed up to the next level of the castle and Lettie opened the door to the room that would be Malcolm’s. “Here we are. I hope ye’ll be comfortable here. If ye need anything at all, please dinnae hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you, my lady.” Malcolm bowed to Lettie. “You have no idea how good it is to be here after some of the places I’ve found myself in recent weeks.”

  Lettie smiled, obviously pleased with his comments. “We’re happy to have ye. Would ye like to bathe? I can send the boys up with the tub and some water.”

  “I would. It’s been a while and I’m afraid I’m smelling quite ripe.” He chuckled and winked at Lettie.

  “I’ve smelled worse,” Lettie said. “Someone will be up shortly with yer water.” She headed to the door, but before she could exit, Malcolm stopped her.

  Knowing that flattery was seemingly getting him everywhere, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Lettie, are ye married?”

  “Widowed for some years now.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. A beautiful woman like yerself shouldn’t be without a man to cherish her.”

  “Many have tried, but none could match my dear husband.”

  “As I would imagine, my lady.”

  “I’d better go if I’m going to get ye a bath.” She hurried from the room and Malcolm chuckled to himself.

  He took the opportunity to examine the room he’d be residing in and was impressed with everything he saw. When he got back home, he’d have some redecorating to do in his home. Malcolm had purchased a restaurant in San Francisco that had been designed to look like a medieval castle. He’d remodeled it into a home and he wanted it to be as authentic as possible. Calhoun’s castle had been a very poor representation, but Mackall’s was more to his liking. He warmed himself by the fire while he waited for his bath and planned his next move.

  * * *

  The evening meal was filled with
chatter from everyone but Nick. He didn’t seem at all interested in carrying on a conversation with Malcolm, despite Malcolm’s efforts to engage him. He was fairly sure that the rest of his family thought him rude, but they didn’t know Malcolm like he did and he wasn’t about to tell them all the details. No one knew of his life in the future and he preferred to keep it that way.

  Kat also was very quiet this evening and Nick appreciated the fact that she was not engaging Malcolm. His dilemma regarding her had grown with Malcolm’s arrival. Kat saw him as a way to get back to her home in the twenty-first century and he feared that she would follow him back when he left. She caught him peeking at her and gave him a sweet smile of reassurance. It warmed his heart and set him at ease.

  “This has been a delicious meal, Lettie. I don’t believe I’ve had one finer anywhere and I have travelled quite extensively.” Malcolm was obviously working on flattering Lettie. He’d have to tell his mother to be careful around Malcolm.

  “’Tis kind of ye to say, Malcolm. I’ll be sure to tell cook.” Lettie smiled warmly in his direction

  “Malcolm, tell us where yer from. I can see yer a Scotsman, but I hear ye speak differently?” Duncan asked as he took a bite out of the roast he’d piled atop his trencher.

  “Aye, I can understand yer confusion. I’ve travelled extensively and I now live quite far away. The land I live in is quite different, but filled with wondrous things.” Nick had to admire Malcolm’s ability to spin a yarn.


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