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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

Page 20

by Jennae Vale

  Reaching the stables without any sight of them, she cautiously opened the door, which creaked loudly on its hinges. The stable was dark, with the exception of a light coming from a stall at the far end. She crept towards it, listening closely. She could hear a deep manly chuckle and her sister’s soft giggle, which only served to urge her forward. If she had thought at all about turning back, those sounds drove her on.

  Finally at the stall door and not sure what she should do, she barged in and startled both Mary and Aleck, who were sitting in the midst of a litter of kittens.

  “Isla, what a surprise. Won’t ye join us?” Aleck had a self-satisfied grin on his face.

  “What are ye two doing in here?” she stammered.

  “Isla, look, one of the stable cats has had kittens. Aren’t they the cutest little things?”

  Isla took a deep breath. Whatever she thought was going on between her sister and Aleck, had thankfully turned into a very innocent adventure for Merry.

  Merry held up one of the kittens to her sister. “She had them yesterday and I wanted to show Aleck. Do ye wish to hold one?” Merry asked.

  “No. And ye shouldn’t hold them either. Their mother willnae take kindly to it. She may scratch ye.”

  “She’s fine,” Merry said, pointing to the mother who was busy nursing the other kittens.

  “Well, at the verra least, ye should let that one eat.”

  “Are ye angry with me, Isla?” Merry asked.

  “Nae. I’m not angry with ye. I just wanted to be sure ye were all right. I saw that ye came out here with him.” She nodded her head in Aleck’s direction.

  “Did ye think I would compromise yer sister’s virtue, Isla? I ken ye’ve just met me, but I can promise ye that it was nae my intention to do anything improper.”

  “Well, see that ye dinnae.” Isla was so embarrassed. She had no idea how she was going to get out of this position she’d forced herself into. She stared off into the corner, when she suddenly found herself with a furry little grey kitten being held at her face.

  “Here, take this one. Ye ken ye want to,” Merry said.

  Reluctantly, Isla took the kitten from her sister. “’Tis so soft,” she said, finding herself enjoying the sensation of petting the little one.

  “Come, sit down here with us,” Aleck offered, patting the ground next to him.

  Isla sat, but made sure it was close to her sister and not to that infuriating man. She continued to do her best to ignore him, but every time she caught a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye, he was smiling at her. “Here,” she shoved the cat back in Merry’s hands and rose. “I’m going back to the great hall. ’Tis warmer there.”

  “We’ll come with ye, won’t we Aleck?” Merry put the kitten back with its mother and stood, offering her hand to Aleck to help him up.

  Standing and brushing the straw from his clothes, he opened the stall door and motioned for the sisters to go first. He followed along behind, whistling a happy tune. “What makes ye so happy?” Isla said, sounding a bit sharper than she’d wished.

  “I dinnae ken. I’m just happy. ’Tis a beautiful night and I am in the company of two beautiful lassies. Why should I nae be happy?”

  Isla harrumphed her way towards the castle. She wanted to kiss that smug smile right off of his handsome face, but maybe she’d do better to slap it. Unfortunately, she had no reason to. He’d been a perfect gentleman to her sister and to her. Her little act of playing hard to get had backfired on her and now she felt like a fool. She’d never been one to accept defeat and she wasn’t going to this time. Before he left, Aleck would be begging her for a kiss and she’d be sure he didnae get one.

  * * *

  The hall doors were open and the warmth created by a room full of people dancing and having a good time, combined with the fire in the hearth, was most welcome after their frigid walk outside. Aleck had gotten what he wanted - the satisfaction of seeing Isla thwarted in her efforts to make him the fool. He had no doubt she’d try again, but he was enjoying this. She’d be begging him for a kiss by the time he left and he’d have to think about whether or not she’d receive one.

  The evening had stretched into the wee hours of the morning and while he thought he could continue to dance and drink until dawn, he was feeling the need for sleep. He slipped from the great hall and headed upstairs to his chamber with the hopes of a good night’s sleep dancing in his head. He was sure that most of the castle would be sleeping late tomorrow, considering that they were still downstairs reveling in the celebratory feast they’d been a part of. As his feet hit the top of the landing, he noticed a slight figure just ahead of him.

  “Isla?” he asked. Darkness was making it difficult to see her.


  “Are ye off to bed then?”


  “Sleep well. I’ll see ye on the morrow.”

  “If yer lucky,” she retorted.

  He couldn’t help but chuckle at that one. She was working extra hard to make him think she didn’t care.

  “What are ye laughing at?”

  “Ye. I ken what yer about, lassie. I’ve seen it before, so I recognize it. Ye may need to change yer tactics.” He was at the door to his chamber, which he opened. Entering the darkened chamber, he found a taper, which he lit using one from the passageway. Closing the door behind him, he placed it by the bedside and began to remove his boots and the rest of his clothes. Thoughts of feisty Isla came unbidden to his brain and his loins. He would have her, he’d made up his mind. He liked a woman with a little fight to her. Isla, however, seemed to have a lot of fight to her. He’d need to plan his next moves, much as he would plan an attack on an enemy army - cautiously.

  * * *

  The morning after the wedding feast found the castle near to silent. The servants barely made their way around the great hall, cleaning as they went. The happy couple would probably be abed fer days, as it should be. As fer the rest of the clan, they would recuperate today and then be about their business. Aleck was one of the few guests up and moving. He went to the stable to check on his horse. After giving him a good brushing and feeding him some oats from his pocket, he returned to the great hall where he was greeted by Lettie.

  “Good morning to ye,” she said. “Would ye care to join me? I’ve sent fer some food. Please come sit.” She motioned to the seat next to her at the table.

  “I am rather hungry. I hadn’t planned on rising quite so early, but here I am.”

  “Early fer some, but ’tis probably close to noon. Everyone seems to have had a fine time last night. There are few about at this hour. That is the telltale sign.” Lettie smiled at him, putting him at ease. Aleck wasn’t sure how much of last night’s goings on she’d been aware of.

  “I see that ye’ve taken a fancy to my Isla.” Lettie said in the blunt manner he recognized as Isla’s. “I have nae problem with ye courting her. She can be difficult, I’ll warn ye. Many a man has left here with his tail between his legs. She needs a strong man. Do ye believe that would be ye?”

  “I can see where Isla gets her directness from. I am verra attracted to yer daughter, but as ye say, she’s a hard one. I believe I can win her heart, but it will take work on my part and I’m afraid that I’ll be leaving here in another day or two fer me home. Any wooing would undoubtedly have to wait.”

  “I see. Well, don’t give up on her. I believe she’s just been holding out for the right man. Her father and I always believed that our children should marry fer love first and clan ties secondly.”

  “I would agree. Love is important.”

  “Do ye think ye could love her?”

  He smiled. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was trying to get rid of her daughter. “’Tis too soon to tell, although she has piqued my curiosity. I’m a man who enjoys a challenge, so Isla may have met her match.”

  “I hope so. She’s nae getting any younger and I’d like to see her settled.”

  “What of Merry?”
  “Merry is a sweet young lass. She’ll have nae trouble finding a man to marry. She’s already been beset with offers. But, as I’ve said. I want them to love the men they marry.”

  “Well, I cannae make ye any promises, Lettie, but I do find yer daughter intriguing. You are welcome at my home any time ye like. I wouldnae complain if ye brought Isla with ye.” Aleck smiled warmly at Lettie. He liked her. As a matter of fact, he liked the entire family and was verra happy that his long-lost sister had married a Mackall. They were family now and while they had long been friendly, an unexpected alliance had now been made and he for one looked forward to what that would bring.

  Chapter 23

  “I’m so happy!” Kat exclaimed as she sat up in the bed and stretched her arms high overhead. A moment later she was shrieking loudly as Nick took the opportunity to tickle her under her arms.

  “How happy are ye, lass?” he laughed. He stopped tickling and pulled her back down under the covers.

  “Happier than I ever thought I could be and it’s all because of you,” Kat tapped his nose with her finger. “Thank you.”

  “There’s no need to thank me, lass. I’m just doing me duty as a good husband.” The twinkle of mischief she loved was shining in his eyes.

  “I wasn’t thanking you for that.” Kat patiently explained.

  Nick’s mock look of shock had her giggling. “Then what were ye thanking me fer?”

  “For finding me, for rescuing me, for loving me and for teaching me to trust again. I love you for all of that and so much more.”

  Nick got very serious. “I see. And my lovemaking is not something yer thankful for?” She could tell he was teasing her now.

  “Did I mention making me laugh?” Kat was playing along now.

  “And the lovemaking?” he repeated.

  “Hmmm… I’m hungry; are we ever going to go downstairs to eat again?” She tried to get out of bed, but Nick had other ideas.

  “Not until I make ye grateful fer me lovemaking!” He smothered her with kisses, which led to more kisses and then before they knew it they were both lying in tousled sheets, panting from the exhilaration.

  “Alright! You win! Thank you for your lovemaking.” Kat kissed his nose and rolled to the edge of the bed. “I’m getting up now.”

  “Finally. I thought I was going to have to do it again to finally hear of yer gratitude.”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll have to do it again and again and again. But something tells me you won’t have any complaints.”

  “’Tis my husbandly duty.” He winked at Kat. “I’ll join ye. I’ve missed me family these past few days. Shall we go see what they’ve been doing?”

  Nick climbed out of bed and as Kat watched him, she thought she must be the luckiest girl in any century. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, either naked or fully clothed. Before she could change her mind about what she was hungry for, she said, “I think that’s a splendid idea.”

  * * *

  As they arrived downstairs, the rest of the family were deep into their breakfast and hardly noticed them at first. Nick cleared his throat to get their attention.

  “It’s the two lovebirds,” Duncan said. “We thought ye’d expired up there, ’tis been so long since we’ve seen ye.”

  “Come join us,” Lettie said. “Tom, go get some food for Nick and Katriona, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Tom, one of the Mackall servants, hurried from the room.

  Nick led Kat to her seat and he joined her at the table. There was an awkward silence as the two of them continued smiling and ogling each other.

  “I can see that yer both feeling well, so I won’t bother to ask after yer health,” Aleck said, breaking the silence.

  “Yes. We’re wonderful,” Kat answered. “How are you all? What’s been going on?”

  “We’ve been busy tending to our chores and Aleck is preparing to leave.” Duncan nodded in Aleck’s direction.

  “What? Oh, no. I hardly got to spend any time with you,” Kat complained.

  “I ken ye were verra busy with yer new husband, as it should be. Unfortunately, I must return home today, but ye are welcome to come and visit me at any time and to stay as long as ye like. I look forward to getting to know me sister. We’ve much time to make up for.” Aleck smiled warmly at Kat.

  “Thank ye fer the invitation,” Nick said. “We’ll be sure to come stay with ye soon.”

  Aleck turned his attention to the matriarch of the Mackall Clan. “Yer all welcome, Lettie. We’re family now. I want you to feel as at home in my castle as I’ve felt in yers. I’m grateful for the kind hospitality ye’ve extended to me and I’m looking forward to a lifetime of family gatherings both here and at Castle Sinclair.”

  Further down the table, Nick watched his sister Isla’s reaction to Aleck’s statement. He could tell she was doing her best to act like she didn’t care one way or the other, but he knew her too well. She had taken a liking to his new brother-in-law. “I think me wee sister is quite taken with yer brother,” Nick whispered to Kat.

  “Do you really think so? She never looks particularly happy when he speaks to her.” Kat’s gaze wandered in Isla’s direction.

  “Aye. She is. Isla approaches love like it’s a battle to be won. She thinks no one notices, but we are all on to her tactics. Yer brother is a man who can weather any attack she may plan. ’Twill be interesting to see what happens between them.”

  Kat checked her brother and could see his sideways glance as he sent it Isla’s way. “I think Aleck may be smitten as well.”

  “We’ll have to see what we can do to help the situation along,” Nick said.

  “Matchmaking, are you?” Kat teased.

  “And what’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing. It just doesn’t seem like a manly pursuit. You may want to leave it up to me.”

  Instead of being insulted, Nick said, “Thank goodness. I was hoping you’d say that.” He dug into the food which had just been placed in front of him.

  “Thank you, Tom,” Kat said as she received her trencher.

  “Yer welcome, m’lady.” Tom smiled shyly at Kat as he backed away.

  “Mmm… I can’t believe how hungry I am.” Kat muttered between mouthfuls of food.

  Conversation continued around them as they ate. Nick gazed up occasionally to see the others smiling at the two of them. He smiled back and then continued eating. Once finished, he and Kat rose and, as if on cue, the rest of those at the table joined them.

  “Nick, I wonder if I might spirit my sister away for a while so we can talk while I pack my things?” Aleck approached them and put an arm around Kat’s shoulders.

  “Of course. I have some things to see to, so take yer time. I’ll see ye before ye leave.” Nick leaned down and kissed Kat on the cheek and though he was loathe to leave her, he understood that she needed to spend some time with Aleck before he journeyed home.

  “We’ll see you in a while,” Kat said as she lay her hand softly on his cheek.

  “Aye. I’d best go before I’m not able.” Nick motioned for his brothers to follow along and they quickly left the great hall for the courtyard.

  * * *

  “Well, I’ve things to see to as well. Isla, Merry, please join me.” Lettie gathered her daughters and left Aleck and Kat behind. It didn’t appear that Isla wished to leave, but her mother grasped her arm and pulled her along and out the doors.

  “Shall we?” Aleck extended his arm for Kat to take.

  “Yes. I’m so sorry you’ll be leaving today. I wish I could convince you to stay.” Kat looked up at the handsome blonde-haired, green-eyed man who was in many ways a mirror image of herself.

  “You probably could, but I really do have much to see to back home. I’ll arrange with Nick for you to come visit soon. Then we’ll have all the time we need to get to know each other better.” He led her to the stairs and then up to his chambers. “For now, we can talk while I pack. I’m so happy this has not al
l been too much for you.” Aleck opened the door and ushered Kat inside where she sat on the edge of his bed.

  “It’s been a lot to digest,” Kat replied, “but it’s mostly been good. I would have never met Nick and I would have never known I had a brother if I hadn’t been brought back here by Ariweth. It was all worth it, even the horrible things I had to endure at the hands of Bearach Calhoun.”

  “Aye. It appears it was yer destiny.” Nick folded some things and put them in his pack.

  “I know what you mean. I’ve always believed that everything happens for a reason and if I hadn’t been running away from Bearach Calhoun at that very moment, I may never have met Nick and, ultimately, I may not have met you.” Kat felt sad about that for a moment, but then realized there was no need for sadness. Everything was perfect in her life right now and she felt it would continue to be. “And what of you, Aleck. What is your destiny?”

  “I don’t really know. I’ve always thought it was to be the laird of the Sinclair clan and I was happy with that. I don’t know what else may be awaiting me.”

  “Have you ever thought about marrying?” Kat’s matchmaking mission had begun.

  “Aye. I’ve nae met the right woman yet. The other neighboring lairds have been parading their daughters in front of me for years, but there hasnae been a one that has caught me eye.” He finished packing his clothing and set his bag on the floor, before sitting next to Kat. “Mayhap I’ve been too critical. I should probably just choose one and be done with it.”

  “No!” Kat exclaimed. “No! You shouldn’t. You’ll find the right lass. You’ll see.” She grabbed a piece of clothing and started folding. “What about Isla? What do you think of her?”


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