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Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset

Page 18

by Sadie Black

  “Bradley, I love you so much. This is amazing. I don’t know how I’m going to sleep now.”

  “You should try, you still need to take it easy.” He murmurs, his voice betrays how tired he is.

  “I’ll try, I promise.” However, two minutes later Bradley is breathing deeply, and I’m still staring at my finger. Brianna Sheppard, it rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it. Brianna Sheppard. Mrs. Brianna Sheppard. My thoughts drift off into white gowns and confetti as my eyelids grow heavier.

  Chapter Five


  “I’m sorry, Bradley, but the law is the law. She’ll still be locked up, it’s just that her term will be served in a mental institution instead of prison. However, even with good behavior or whatever kind of dog and pony show she tries to pull off in there, they aren’t going to set her free. That much I’m certain of.” My lawyer prattles on as I stare of my phone in disbelief.

  “Isn’t there anything you can do? That woman deserves to be behind bars, not in some cushy fucking country club for crazies.” After everything Eileen put my family through, even prison feels like it’s too good for her. There hasn’t been a night that’s gone by in the two months since the attack where Brooklyn or Brianna hasn’t woken in tears. Anger surges through me with the same potency that it did when I had to talk myself out of snapping Eileen’s pathetic neck.

  “No, the ruling has been made. There’s nothing else that can be done. Frankly, I thought you would’ve been happy. Eileen isn’t going to be getting outside those walls for a long, long time. Plus she’ll be getting the help she desperately needs while she’s in there.” Dwight’s optimistic tone makes me want to reach through my phone and slap him with the back of my hand.

  “Fine, well, at least she’s locked up. That’s something anyway. Thank you for keeping me up-to-date, Dwight.” I hang up the phone and take a deep breath. I should be happy that Eileen is out of our lives for good, but I can’t help but feel like she’s evaded justice, yet again.

  “Where is Mama?” I whirl around as the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Brooklyn is standing in the middle of the room, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. How much did she hear?

  “Brooklyn, I didn’t hear you come in here. Where’s Brianna?” I look over her shoulder for my missing fiancee. She’s surprisingly stealthy for a toddler. Or maybe I couldn’t hear her over my yelling. It was probably the latter.

  “Brianna is sleeping on the couch,” she explains matter-of-factly. I’m not surprised. At eight months into her pregnancy, Brianna tires quite easily these days. “Where’s Mama?”

  “Honey, come here,” I crouch down and hold my arms out to her. Brooklyn crosses her arms across her chest and sticks her bottom lip out about a half mile.

  “Where is my Mama?” Christ she’s stubborn, and relentless. The teen years are going to kill me. I walk over to her and swoop her up until I have her dangling upside down from my shoulder. Giggles erupt from her as I swing her around, under control. I stop and flip her back up, placing her back on her feet and she begins to squeal. “Again, spin around again!” I guess I still have a few distraction tactics up my sleeve. I pick her up to her delight smiling as her laughter bubbles up again. The question is; how long can I distract her before she starts wanting real answers?

  “Bradley, I swear you’re meals are getting better everyday,” Brianna talks around her last bite of the prime rib I cooked for supper. It’s amazing that with her appetite lately she’s still so small. With a month to go until she’s due, I had expected her to be as big as a house by now. Instead, the only change has been in her belly, which is now the size of a beach ball.

  “Well, it wasn’t very hard to make. However, I’m not one to turn down a compliment, so thanks.” I smile and stand to clear the table. I sigh as I pick up Brooklyn’s abandoned plate of food. Every night she eats like a bird, it makes me wonder if she’s getting enough nutrients. “Brooklyn? Are you sure you don’t want a little bit more of this, honey? I’m getting ready to put everything away.”

  She looks up from her pony toys and scrunches her nose at the plate I’m holding. “No way. I want to play pony.” She declares. Well, excuse me.

  “What do you think, Mama? You up for a movie tonight? Or are you feeling tired?” Brianna smiles and rubs her hand over her belly thoughtfully.

  “I’m feeling pretty good right now, but who knows how much energy I’ll have in an hour.” She heaves herself out of the chair with a grunt.

  “No!” Brooklyn yells at us from the living room making us both stop in our tracks and look over at her.

  “What’s wrong, Brooklyn?” Brianna’s eyebrows raise with concern.

  “You are not a Mama! You are not my Mama.” She cries. “Braddy, where’s my Mama?” Her big eyes are searching my face for answers. I thought I’d escaped this earlier, I guess I was wrong.

  I put the dishes down and pick Brooklyn up off the floor with her pink pony dangling from her hand. “Brooklyn, I’ve told you before, your Mama is at the doctor. Remember? Like Doc McStuffins.” I reassure her.

  She begins violently shaking her head, “No, I don’t want Brianna anymore. I want my own Mama.” I start to walk her down the hall to her room, so Brianna doesn’t get upset. The last thing I need is both of them in tears.

  “No, wait. Let me talk to her.” Brianna rushes to my side. I arch my eyebrow uncertainly.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Bradley, please. Let us work this out,” she holds out her arms expectantly. Against my better judgment, I hand Brooklyn off to her. To my surprise, she snuggles up against Brianna despite her earlier protests.

  “Brianna, I want my Mama back. I miss my Mama.” Brooklyn whispers to her as Brianna walks her over to the couch. I head back to the kitchen so I can give them some space. There’s no telling how Brooklyn is going to react from one second to the next, so I don’t want to wander off too far. I start loading the dishes into the dishwasher as quietly as I can so I can listen in on their chat.

  “Brooklyn, I know you miss your Mama. Those feelings are completely normal. Being away from someone you love isn’t easy. You know, when I was younger, I had to live away from my Mama too.” She runs her hand through Brooklyn’s hair lovingly.

  “You did?”

  “Mmmhmmm, it’s true. I was older than you, but I still missed her a lot. I know how hard it is to feel all these feelings you’re having. I went and lived with my Uncle and Auntie, just like you’re doing right now.”

  “We’re the same!” Brooklyn smiles at the idea. She loves finding common ground with people, so Brianna is captivating her with this story. I have to admit, she’s captivating me too. I knew that she had left her parents house as a teen, but we’ve never really gotten into it beyond that.

  “That’s right, we are the same. You know what? We’re a little different, I think. Since you are much younger than I was that makes you much, much braver. But you already knew that you’re brave, didn’t you?” Brooklyn nods enthusiastically and puffs her chest out proudly. “See, when I lived with my Auntie Ruth, I didn’t like how she did things because it wasn’t the same way my Mama did them. She cooked my food a little different, and she watched different television shows, even her laundry soap was different. It made me miss my Mama even more, which made me feel kinda angry with Auntie Ruth.”

  “Like me,” Brooklyn holds her small hand against her chest and watches Brianna more intently than any of her favorite tv shows. I’m still holding the same plate as when they started this conversation, just hovering it mid-air. I put the dirty dish down and focus on the moment Brianna and Brooklyn are sharing.

  “That’s right, just like you.” Brianna touches the tip of her finger to Brooklyn’s nose, and she’s instantly rewarded with a big toothy grin. “Now, your Mama is going to be gone for a while, just like mine was, so maybe the thing that helped me will help you too. Do you wanna know what it was?”

  “Ya!” Brooklyn clasps her hands together as h
er eyes light up.

  “Ok, well one day my Auntie Ruth took me out for a fun day. Just her and I spent the entire day together. She took me to my favorite stores, and we ate at my favorite restaurant. I had so much fun with her that I even stopped missing my Mama for a bit. I got to see that it was ok that Ruth was different from my Mama because she was still great in her own way. Do you think you’d like it if you and I had a special day together?” Brianna looks down at Brooklyn while my niece ponders the question.

  “Just you and me?” She looks up at Brianna for clarification. Here it comes, she’s gonna freak out again. “Ya, I want a special day with Brianna!” Brooklyn beams at Brianna so wide that I swear the living room just got a little brighter.

  “Oh, a special day!” I interrupt and make my way from my hiding spot in the kitchen. “What do you two ladies have in mind?” I look at Brianna, wondering if she knows what she’s getting herself into. If she’s concerned, it doesn’t show, instead she’s just waiting patiently for Brooklyn to think it over.

  “I want to see the elephants!” Brooklyn finally answers.

  “Is that a movie?” I ask.

  “No, the elephants and the monkeys too.” Brooklyn is getting amped up just thinking about it. She hops down off the couch and begins dancing in circles on the rug.

  “Do you mean you want us to go to the zoo, Brooklyn?” Brianna jumps in as a translator. Pregnancy must have unlocked some secret compartment in her mind, now she’s like the toddler whisperer or something.

  “Ya! The zoo, the zoo!” Brooklyn jumps up and down clapping her hands in glee.

  “Perfect, we’ll have our special day at the zoo then. I think that sounds wonderful.” Brianna smiles and despite my worries, I smile too. It’s incredible how seeing my girls happy makes my heart soar.

  “Ok, we can talk about this more once you get your pajamas on and brush your teeth. It’s time to get ready for bed.” Someone has to be the buzz kill I guess, or else Brooklyn would try to stay up dancing like this all night. She doesn’t even put up her usual fuss about getting ready for bed; her mind is still focused on the fun she plans to have at the zoo.

  “Night Brianna, I go to bed now so we can go to the zoo!” She throws her arms around Brianna’s neck.

  “Good night, Brooklyn. Sweet dreams.” Brianna answers as I scoop the happy toddler up in my arms and head down the hall.

  “Isn’t it past your bedtime,” I tease Brianna after I finally read enough bedtime stories to Brooklyn to last a lifetime.

  “Haha,” she answers flatly and sticks out her tongue.

  I settle down beside her on the couch and smell her hair as she snuggles in against my arm. The familiar scent of roses after rain teases my nostrils as I rest my cheek on her head. “That was a pretty great thing you did tonight, Brooklyn is pretty excited about the zoo.”

  “I’m glad. I think we’ll have a fun day. I’ll probably take her on Thursday morning, I don’t imagine it will be super packed then.” She clasps my hand, rubbing my thumb over her dainty fingers, smiling when I feel the cool metal of her engagement ring.

  “I just hope you know what you’re in for. Going anywhere with Brooklyn can be exhausting, let alone when you’re about to pop,” I laugh.

  “Hey, I’m not a water balloon!” She sticks me in the ribs with her elbow playfully and smiles up at me.

  “I heard what you were telling Brooklyn about your Aunt. I had no idea that you stayed with her for a while.” I watch as Brianna’s smile fades, her eyes turn down toward our joined hands.

  “Yeah, we’ve never really gotten into all of that, have we? Now that my folks and I are getting along I kinda just want to leave that stuff where it belongs; in the past. Everything I told Brooklyn was true, but I left out the part where my Mama turned her back on me and pawned me off on her sister.” Her face twists up into a knot as she thinks back on darker days for her family.

  “Well, you want to know what I think?” Brianna looks up at me, waiting for me to continue, but I find my thoughts are scattered as I look down at her beautiful pout. God, she’s so sexy. “I think that you walked through the fire and came out the other side forged like steel. You’re stronger now. I wouldn’t wish the pain from your past on anyone, but I know our girls are going to be better for having such a strong Mama to look up to.” I run my hand over her belly as she smiles wistfully.

  “You’re still convinced that we’re having a girl, huh?” She prods.

  I shrug, “Time will tell, I guess. I’ll be happy either way.” I run my thumb over her lips and feel my cock twitch when she opens them up and exhales, closing her eyes and throwing back her head. “You’re absolutely amazing, do you know that?”

  “What do you mean?” She opens her twinkling brown eyes, she knows perfectly well the effect she has on me.

  “Well, let’s see. You’re a kick-ass Mama, a stunning woman, and a damned near perfect fiancee. I’d say that makes you pretty amazing.” I lean in and kiss her, savoring her sweet lips like it’s the last drop of champagne on New Year’s Eve.

  Brianna suddenly pulls back and cocks her head to the side, “what do you mean ‘near perfect’? Hmmm?” She raises her eyebrow as she enjoys putting me on the spot.

  “Did I say ‘near perfect’? See, you’re even an amazing listener! Is there anything you can’t do?” I smile innocently making her laugh. Is there anything better than the sound of her laughter? Oh yeah, there’s one thing that I like to do more than make her laugh… make her cum.

  I wrap my hand around the back of her head, drawing her into my lips. I pull her bottom lips in with my teeth and give it a little tug making her gasp with desire. Brianna abruptly pulls away, looking me dead set in the eyes and makes quick work for peeling off her shirt, up over her head, in a single tug. She stands up in front of me, wiggling her hips teasing me, and I almost pull the button off her pants when I rip them off of her.

  Standing in her bra and panties, she’s a vision. With her plump, firm breasts and her growing belly, she looks like a goddess. I unbutton my shirt impatiently, cursing every stupid button hole and toss it to the end of the couch. My pants hit the floor not even seconds later. Brianna gently pushes me backward, so I plop back down on the couch.

  I wrap my arm around the small of her back and pull her toward me, leaning in and leaving a trail of kisses over her stomach down to the fabric barrier of her panties. I open my mouth and breathe heat over her white thong before pressing my eager tongue against the lace. Her natural perfume is making me crazy, and I tug the delicate lingerie easily down over her hips until her sex is exposed.

  My tongue swirls from side to side, devouring her sweet juices as Brianna moans and leans into my mouth. I wrap my hands around her round ass and hold her steady as I thrash my tongue over her clit. Her moans grow louder as she rocks forward by pushing herself up on her tippy-toes like she’s torn between trying to escape my tongue and chasing her pleasure. Sucking her clit in past my lips, I flicker my tongue over her sensitive nub relentlessly until her hands are twisting in my hair as her cries of passion are filling my ears.

  Brianna slumps down over me, holding herself up by propping her hands on my shoulders. She’s panting in my ear as I feel the trembles of little after-shocks run through her smooth skin. Once her breathing slows, she stands back up and shakes her panties the rest of the way down her legs. As soon as they hit the floor, she kicks them away with her toes.

  Placing each of her legs astride mine, she lowers herself down until her wet pussy slides down my throbbing cock. I grunt at how tight she feels against me as she bucks her hips slightly and grabs my shoulders for support. Using nothing but her strong legs and the support of my shoulders she slides up at down my cock under control. The fire in her eyes is unmistakable, it’s the look of a woman who knows exactly what she wants, and will stop at nothing to get it.

  Picking up speed, Brianna begins to make small circles with her hips like she’s twirling an invisible hula hoop as she continue
s to ride me like a bronco. Her tits bounce in front of my face, and I bury my head between them, kissing one and then the other. Brianna throws her head back and groans loudly as her pussy squeezes my cock tight. I feel my balls tighten as my orgasm tears through me like a back draft in a burning building. I hold her down against the base of my cock as I fill her with my seed.

  When our bodies stop twitching together, and our hearts stop beating like we ran a marathon, Brianna stands up and tugs me up by my hands from the couch. I’m surprised by the devilish glint in her eye as she quickly bundles up our clothes and nods toward the hall.

  “What do you think? You got another round in ya?” She purrs, pulling my hand down the hall toward our bedroom. Christ, she insatiable!

  “Only one more? I can do this all night.” I murmur.

  “I’m glad you said that,” she looks over her shoulder with a sly smile, “cause that’s exactly what I had in mind.”


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