Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset

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Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset Page 19

by Sadie Black

  Chapter Six


  So much for Thursday morning being a slow time at the zoo. There was no way I could predict that there would be class field trips happening today. I swear it’s as if every elementary school in Manhattan sent their classes to the Bronx Zoo just to make my day more challenging. As Brooklyn tugs on my hand, I waddle over to the elephant exhibit. Now that I’m into my eighth month of pregnancy, I feel like I should be joining the elephants behind these bars. I remember when I was worried because my belly hadn’t popped yet, now I’m counting down the days until I can see my toes again.

  Brooklyn is the perfect tour guide for our zoo exploration today. Her little legs are easy to keep pace with, her and I travel at about the same speed now. It’s nice to get out and walk around for a bit. “Brianna, look at the lala-fonts,” she points excitedly at the elephants slowly eating leaves. “Brrr-roo, brrr-roo!” She flaps her arm in front of her nose wildly, imitating their trunks. “Look, I’m a lala-font too,” her eyes sparkle with the magic joy that comes with childhood.

  “Wow, you sure are. People are going to get confused and think you should be in there with them,” I jab my thumb toward the herd. Brooklyn giggles at the idea like it’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “You know, Brooklyn, elephants are my favorite animal in the whole wide world.” I admire the giant beasts on display. I’m amazed by their grace despite their enormous size.

  “Really? Why?” Brooklyn keeps her eyes on the pack and starts jumping up and down like she’s hopped on an invisible pogo stick. “Look, Brianna, there’s baby lala-fonts too!” Sure enough, from the center of the herd a couple of adorable elephant babies hobble out to woo the crowd.

  “Elephant babies stay with their Mama’s for five years, which is a long time for animals. I love elephants because their super smart and in their packs it’s the Mama’s who are in charge. They all stick together like they are right now and help each other out like a big family. Also, I love that they are peaceful giants, they scare lions and other animals away just by standing tall and sticking together.” I spout off my reasons, hoping to give Brooklyn an appreciation for these majestic animals.

  “Brianna, which one of the big ones is the baby lala-fonts Mama?” Her eyebrows knit together as she studies the herd, trying to find a match for the baby elephant rolling in the dirt.

  “I’m not sure, honey. One of them is it’s Mama though. Don’t you worry about that. However, all the big elephants help look after the babies. It’s one of the ways they help each other out.”

  Brooklyn bites her lip like she’s in deep thought about the family dynamics of elephants. “Brianna, that baby misses it’s real Mama.”

  “I know, Brooklyn. It can be tough sometimes for babies, can’t it? Sometimes people don’t always notice how they’re feeling, which can make it difficult to talk about it.” I crouch down beside her so I can look her in the eyes, “You know, I bet that elephant is really happy with it’s aunties too. Maybe they do fun things together and play with My Little Pony toys at night when everyone goes home. What do you think?” I smile as a goofy grin spreads over her face.

  “No, you’re silly. They don’t play ponies. They eat hot dogs! And ketchup! Brianna, can I have a hot dog, pleeeaase? With ketchup too?”

  I’m regretting squatting down right now as I flail to get back to my feet. I completely understand women who say they feel like beached whales in their final trimester now. “Sure Brooklyn. I’m pretty hungry too. Maybe we can share a hot dog.”

  “Ya!” She dances in a circle and waves her hands around happily.

  “Ok, you need to hold my hand again. We’ll go to that cart right over there,” I point at the hot dog stand ten feet away with a line and antsy, loud children growing in front of it. She slips her tiny hand in mine, melting my heart as her fleshy, peach fingers wrap around mine. We mix in among the crowd of boisterous kids, and I immediately remember everything I hated about school. Ahead of us are three preteen white girls standing in a close-knit huddle whispering and pretending not to notice the boys. Meanwhile, the young men in question, with all of their genius brain cells put together have decided that the best way to impress the girls is to hit each other with hats and call each other names. Seriously?

  An elderly woman with short, dyed red hair and sagging, pale skin watches the scene with her face twisted in a knot. She turns toward Brooklyn and I and nods toward the school kids, “We sure picked a great day to come to the zoo, huh?” She rolls her milky blue eyes exaggeratedly and hunches her shoulders like this line is the last battle of her life and she just lost. Her gaze flickers down to Brooklyn and a smile pastes across her jowls. “Well, hello there. And what is your name? You sure are a cutie, aren’t you?”

  “My name is Brooklyn Sheppard, and I am two-years-old,” Brooklyn holds her hand over her heart as if she’s pledging allegiance to the flag.

  “Oh my, you sure are sweet!” The woman laughs. “Are you and your nanny enjoying the zoo today?” My ears ring like when my Mama used to cuff me for mouthing back to her. Nanny?

  “No, Brianna not a nanny. Brianna is helping my Mama look after me.” Brooklyn declares proudly and gives my hand a squeeze.

  “Well, that’s what I meant, dear. A nanny is someone who works for your mother to look after you.” She obtusely insists on explaining this to Brooklyn as I feel my blood pressure rising.

  “Not a nanny!” Brooklyn yells, stomping her little foot on the pavement for emphasis.

  “She’s right, I’m not a Nanny. I look the woman straight in the eye. The only reason I am keeping civil at all right now is because of how old she is. I’m sure someone her age was probably raised with plenty of black ‘help’. “I’m engaged to be married to her father, as a matter of fact.” I purse my lips tight together, so the stream of foul language running through my mind doesn’t roll off my tongue. If I wasn’t so annoyed by her ignorance, I’d actually find her shocked expression funny right now.

  “Oh, oh! I see. Well, isn’t that nice,” her smile evaporated from her thin lips, turning back around in the line.

  Despite my annoyance with the old-bitty, I’m actually pretty happy. Brooklyn and I have never spent this much time alone together before; it’s nice to see that she’s becoming more accepting of me in her life. Maybe the ‘special day’ trick that my Auntie Ruth used on me is actually working with her too. I smile down at her, and Brooklyn swings my arm back and forth playfully grinning at me. Maybe this is what it feels like when a toddler calls a truce. I hope so.

  Chapter Seven


  “I was due five days ago, Brianna. Five days! Seriously, kid? Pack your bags and get out already.” Kendra frowns at her huge belly. Her pink maxi dress flows around her like a tent. We sit at the table with our dishes of caramel chocolate chunk ice cream, both of us easing down into our chairs like a couple of geriatrics.

  “I’m amazed that you’re still out and about when you could go into labor at any second,” I talk around the spoon in my mouth. With only nine days left until my own due date, I feel for her. I’m already itching to give birth and stop feeling like my body is an orchestra of pains, twinges, and swollen limbs.

  Kendra looks up from the bowl and smiles, “I’m hoping that staying active will jolt the little one into action. I feel like if I have to spend one more day pregnant, I’m going to lose my mind. Then, on top of this,” she points her finger at her belly accusingly, “my stupid doctor just keeps telling me not to worry. She says that until the baby is three weeks late there’s nothing to be concerned about. I feel like telling her that my sanity should be a concern, you know?”

  “Don’t worry, your baby will come soon. In the meantime you need to keep yourself distracted, if you focus on it all the time, then it will make it worse.” I dip my spoon into my bowl for another scoop of ice cream but see that I’ve devoured it all without even noticing. How does that keep happening? I’m seriously going to have to sort my diet out af
ter my little bean is born.

  “We’re home!” Bradley shuffles through the apartment door with Brooklyn on his hip and an arm full of shopping bags. “Did you miss us?” He winks at me and puts Brooklyn down on her feet.

  “Of course, Kendra and I have just been counting the seconds until you guys came back. Right, Kendra?”

  “We sure have,” she jumps in. “I know Brianna thinks I came over here to visit her, but I’ve really been waiting to see this little cutie-pie right here!” She smiles at Brooklyn warmly.

  “I got a present at the store,” Brooklyn announces, rummaging through the bags at the door looking for her gift. “Here it is!” She pulls out a little t-shirt and holds it up proudly. On the front is a sweet design of stars and hearts with the words ‘Awesome big sister’ sprawled across it.

  “Oh my, that is a nice gift,” Kendra coos at her. “Are you excited that you’re gonna be a big sister soon?”

  “Uh-huh. I’m gonna hold the baby and sing songs and share my pony toys too.” She rambles excitedly and hugs her little shirt tight against her chest.

  “Wow, it sounds like you’re going to do a great job, Brooklyn.” Kendra smiles.

  “Ok, let’s get you ready for your nap. You’ve had a big morning, but now it’s time to rest.” Bradley gently guides Brooklyn to her room as she clings onto her shirt like it’s her new favorite toy.

  “Bye! I nap now,” she announces and waves enthusiastically to Kendra and me.

  As soon as she’s out of sight, Kendra turns to me and smiles like she’s in her favorite dream. “You’re so lucky that you’ve already got a head start on your family, I can’t wait to have more children.” Her eyes glaze over.

  “Are you kidding? You literally just finished complaining about waiting for this kid to come along,” I laugh. “You’re all over the place.”

  “Whatever, I’m over nine months pregnant. You can’t hold anything I say against me right now.”

  “Fair enough, I guess you have a good excuse. I know you’re right though, sometimes I look around here and take stock of my life and just how much it’s changed in the last year. I am lucky. Not just because of Brooklyn, but Bradley is amazing, and now I have my parents back in my life too… thanks to you.” I look up at Kendra as a mist clouds my eyes. To think that less than a year ago I was working my ass off at the diner with no direction and no real connection to my family, it’s hard to remember just how lonely that life was. “I want to thank you,” my voice is tight as I try not to let my emotions get the better of me. “I know I was pissy when you invited my Mama to our baby-shower, but you were right to do it. And if you hadn’t, this little one,” I hold my tummy, “wouldn’t have the relationship with my parents that it’s going to have now. Not to mention how much better it’s made my own relationship with them.” The mist builds into little tears, and I wipe them away with my fingertips.

  “Don’t cry, you’re making me cry!” Kendra’s cheeks are glistening as her emotions overwhelm her. “You don’t have to thank me; I only did exactly what you would have done for me. I love you, lady.” Fat tears roll down her cheeks, and she laughs at herself as she smears them away. “God, would you look at us? A couple of emotional basket cases about to pop. We’re a wreck,” she smiles, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “You’re right. I swear every Pampers commercial and sappy song makes the waterworks burst. I’m a walking hormone.” I look up at the clock in the living room, “What do you think? Do you want another bowl before Matthew comes?”

  She looks at the empty bowl in front of her and then over to the clock, “Nah, I really shouldn’t. It’ll make me too tired, like I said, I need to keep moving until this baby learns that it’s getting an eviction notice.”

  I shrug and pick up our dirty dishes, and place them in the kitchen sink. “How’s Matthew holding up these days? Sometimes I think I must be driving Bradley crazy with my moods and constant exhaustion.”

  “Matthew? He’s never been happier!” I raise my eyebrow in an unasked question. “I’ve literally been begging him to have sex about five times a day. I think he’s happy that I came over here this morning so he could get a break.” Her eyes twinkle mischievously.

  “Really? How do you have the energy? Half the time I’m just counting down the hours until I can go back to bed.”

  “Yeah, it’s supposed to make the baby come if you have sex. He’s getting more nookie now than an NFL quarterback who just won the super bowl.”

  “Whoa, sounds like I walked in at the right time,” Bradley laughs, walking back into the living room. “Football and sex? Is this what you ladies gossip about?” He ribs us. I can’t help but laugh at the horrified look on Kendra’s face. She’s not one to tell anyone about her personal life except for me. Luckily our phone rings, saving Kendra from her embarrassment. Bradley answers and tells our doorman to let Matthew come up.

  “Don’t worry, with all the action you’ve been getting, it sounds like you’ll be giving birth before you know it.” I reassure her quietly. Kendra smiles unconvincingly and rubs her hand over her huge belly.

  “I hope so, if not, Matthew better be rested up cause it’s gonna be a long night.”

  “Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?” I tease her. I look down at my own belly and think about my own upcoming due date. Hmmm, I wonder…

  Bradley spreads the cocoa butter evenly over my baby bump, leaving a glistening sheen of warmth coating my belly. He’s careful not to stain my bra with the oil as he lovingly runs his fingers over my skin. I’m so lucky. “I feel for Kendra, I can’t imagine being overdue. I’m tired of being pregnant now! I bet you’ll be happy when I get my old figure back, I know I will.” I wiggle my toes and stretch my neck to try to see them over my big hump. “Give it to me straight, do I still have toes?”

  Bradley laughs and looks down at my feet, “Well, I’ve been wondering how to tell you this for a while now, but some of them have fallen off in the last couple weeks.”

  “I knew it! Are you still gonna love me when they’re all gone?” I look up at his hazel eyes, and my smile fades as I get drawn in by their magnetic pull.

  “Brianna, I would love you no matter what. It doesn’t matter how your figure looks, or how old you get, or even how many toes you have,” his voice is soft and reassuring, “as long as I have you and our children, I’ll be a happy man.”

  “Thank you,” I cast my eyes away, overwhelmed with the love I’m feeling for him. “You make me happy too, even when I’m as big as a house and feel about as sexy as a jar of whale blubber.”

  “Whale blubber, eh? That’s not how it looks from where I’m sitting. I see the glowing caramel skin and the glossy hair of the woman carrying my baby. With her perfect lips,” he leans over me and kisses me as soft as a whisper in a summer breeze. “And those perfect eyes,” Bradley’s thumb grazes over my eyebrow and I look back up at him from under my eyelashes. “You look like a slice of heaven, not whale blubber.” I squirm as his eyes drift down over every inch of my body with the unmistakable glint of longing blazing in them. “God, you’re sexy. Just looking at you makes me hard.” I look down between his legs, he isn’t lying. The unmistakable bulge pressing against his pajama pants confirms his story. Bradley leans in and kisses the soft skin of my neck, but then stops abruptly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You know, I overheard you and Kendra talking about how sex can bring on labor, maybe I should keep my hands to myself? I don’t want to make the baby show up early.”

  “Oh, that. Bradley, that’s just an old wives tale!” I wave my hand. “Kendra is just desperate, she’ll try anything at this point.”

  I can see that he doesn’t need much convincing, he accepts my answer readily and goes back to slowly tasting my lips as our tongues tease each other in a sweet dance. Bradley drags his lips down over my chin and down to the hollow of my neck, the heat of his breath lingering on my skin. He kisses down over my breasts, but leaves my bra
in place and continues dragging his lips down. I watch as he kisses a trail of quick kisses over my shiny belly, climbing up one side and disappearing down the other as his head ducks down to the fabric of my panties.

  I moan and roll my hips forward as his fingers slip beneath the sheer fabric, and he slides them down my legs letting them fall from his fingertips to the floor without taking his eyes off my wet pussy. His hazel eyes burn with desire as I watch him dip down out of sight again. Bradley slowly pushes his tongue in past my lips, opening me like a flower and savors my nectar. I throw my head back into the pillow and relish in the delight as he kisses me softly, his tongue flattening against my sensitive nub. Pure electric heat rushes over my skin as he over me again and again until I’m covering my mouth with both of my hands to keep myself from screaming with ecstasy. I laugh when his head reappears over my belly, it feels so absurd that he can hide behind my bump.

  I shimmy up on my pillow, using my elbows to prop me up and watch as he pulls the waistband of his pajama pants over his hard member. A smile spreads over my lips as I watch as it sways a little when he throws them to the floor. Settling between my legs, he kneels in front of me and guides his thick member to my entrance. He slides just the tip inside my mound and slips it up and down the length of my pussy, coating his cock with my juices. Bradley’s eyes lock with mine and beyond the desire I can see something else shining through; love. We keep our gaze steady as he slowly slides his shaft into me, making me feel full inside.


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