Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset

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Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset Page 20

by Sadie Black

  Since I’ve met Bradley, we’ve had some of the hottest sex I’ve ever experienced. The way he dominates in the bedroom is like no man I’ve ever met, but tonight as he makes love to me, I see a different side to him. The tenderness in his touch is strangely erotic in a way that I’ve never experienced before. Just being able to feel how much he loves me through his skin, in his kisses and in his touch brings me close to the edge.

  As we climax, I feel like we are the only two people in the world. When he pulls out, he drops down on the pillow beside me and cups my cheek, guiding my face to his. His kiss is like honey, sweet and simple. I nuzzle into his chest as he wraps his arms around me, so the only sound I can hear in the world is his beating heart. “I love you, Brianna. That won’t change until the day I die.”

  “I love you too, Bradley.” I murmur against his chest, breathing in his masculine scent. With the heat of his body pressed against me and his heartbeat playing a lullaby, it isn’t long until my eyelids grow heavy and I drift off into a deep, relaxing sleep.

  Chapter Eight


  “Bradley?” I squint my eyes under the harsh bedroom light. Christ, what time is it? I glance over at the clock on the night stand, it laughs in my face with it’s 3 am readout. What the hell?

  “Bradley! I need you to get up, please. Brianna is standing at the foot of our bed with panic painted on her face. Instantly my mind reacts like I’ve been mainlined a dose of caffeine.

  “What’s wrong? What’s going on?” In two seconds, my mind has already started throwing out worse case scenarios about Brianna, the baby, and Brooklyn.

  “I think I’m in labor. Like my water just broke and…” as if to prove her point, she crumples forward, squeezing her eyes shut tight as she leans on the bed for support. I join her, putting my arms around her and feel a shudder of tension run down through every muscle in her body. “We… need… hospital.” She spits out her words like each one is it’s own sentence.

  “Ok, just hang tight. I’m going to get everything ready.” I push down the part of my mind screaming at me to panic and listen to the rational part that instructs me to go grab the overnight bag we’ve already packed. Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I check in with Brianna before leaving the room to call a driver. Dropping the bag by the door, I go find the little backpack we have prepared for Brooklyn and toss it down beside the overnight bag.

  “Brianna, did you maybe want to put on some clothes? Or a robe or something? I’ll give you a hand.” I look around the room for the least difficult thing to dress her in.

  “I can get myself dressed, don’t worry. Just get everything else done.” She smiles weakly but manages to walk over to the closet without any struggle. I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt before popping into Brooklyn’s room.

  “Brooklyn? Baby?” I softly call out. However speaking softly isn’t going to cut it when the kid sleeps like a damned rock.

  I pick her up from her little bed making her eyes flutter open in surprise. “Braddy? What are you doing?”

  “We need to get ready to go to the hospital, ok? The baby is on the way. You’re gonna be a big sister soon.”

  A huge smile bursts out across her face and as soon as her feet hit the floor she races over to her dresser. Pulling out the large bottom drawer, she tugs on a shirt until it comes free and holds it up proudly, “I want to wear this one, please!” She waves the ‘Awesome Big Sister’ shirt like a national flag.

  “Sure, no problem.” I can’t help but smile despite my nervousness. “Let’s get it on quick, though, we have to get moving.”

  Within fifteen minutes, I’ve somehow managed to get my two-year-old, her annoying car-seat and my fiancee whose body is being wracked by contractions into the car. If that isn’t some kind of miracle, I don’t know what is.

  “How are you holding up?” I rub Brianna’s shoulder, but she smacks my hand away as the pain of another contraction assaults her.

  “Braddy, what’s wrong with Brianna?” Brooklyn’s eyes are wide with wonder.

  “Don’t worry, Brooklyn. This is just how babies are born. Everything is gonna be just fine.” I smile at her and then look back to Brianna, hoping that my words aren’t lies.

  The driver barely hits the brakes in front of the hospital when I fling open the car door. I quickly spot some wheelchairs just inside the doors of the building and wheel one to the car. I race around to the other door and yank it open, holding Brianna’s hand to steady her as she makes her way out of the vehicle. Once she’s seated, I unstrap Brooklyn and manage to carry her in one arm while I push the chair with the other.

  The hospital is eerily quiet at this time of day. The only soul up right now seems to be the janitor. He appears to be in his own world as he buffs the floor back and forth. Once we’re in the elevator I put Brooklyn down and offer a hand to each of my girls. As soon as the doors open with a mechanical beep, I feel a sense of relief. We made it. No emergency, back-seat births for this family. Thank you, Lord. Brianna grits her teeth and scrunches her face as she clings onto the arms of the chair while another contraction attacks her. Picking up Brooklyn, I step up my pace and get us to the maternity desk to check us in.

  Even though I’m relieved that everything is working out so far, I also have a sense of dread for what’s about to come. I know that shit is about to get real, and I need to do whatever I can to help Brianna through it.

  Chapter Nine


  I must have been outta my damned mind if I thought I was gonna have a drug-free birth.

  The triage nurse looks me over, pursing her lips in annoyance. “You’re only dilated four inches, dear. You have quite a ways to go yet.”

  You gotta be kidding me.

  I walk back out of the exam room in an attempt to keep some sort of dignity and look around the waiting room for Bradley and Brooklyn. Instead, I have to give my head a shake when I see Matthew pacing back and forth like he’s trying to put a hole in the floor. “Matthew? Where’s Bradley? What are you doing here?”

  He looks up at me like I startled him. “Bradley? I, uh, I’m not sure. Kendra’s in labor, well she was in labor.”

  I smile at him, delighted by the news. “That’s wonderful! We’re gonna have our babies at the same time.” Something about the serious look on his face makes my smile slide off my face and a cold fear grip at my heart. “Wait, why aren’t you with her right now?”

  “They just took her in for an emergency c-section. The baby’s breech.” He looks down at his hands like he’s disappointed that they can’t do anything to change it. Bradley practically jogs into the room with Brooklyn resting on his hip.

  “Ok, sorry I had to step out to use my cell, they don’t let you use them in here,” he points to the warning on the wall. “Your parents are on their way, and your room is ready, so let’s get you settled in.

  I nod, knowing that it won’t be long before another contraction hits me. Bradley’s right, I need to move now, however I can’t stop worrying about Kendra. “Kendra’s getting a cesarean,” I inform Bradley, even though he doesn’t seem the least bit curious about why Matthew is here.

  “Really? Is everything ok?” He glances over at Matthew.

  “I think so, the baby is breech. The just rolled her into the OR. Anyway, get going, Brianna. You don’t want to deal with labor in here,” he flips his hand at the waiting room. “Once all this drama has passed we’ll let you know what’s what.”

  “Ok,” my feet follow Bradley to another wheelchair but my heart and my mind are on Kendra. She’s had such a perfect pregnancy this whole time, I never dreamed that her birth story would go any different. A flash of white-hot burning twists through my belly, reminding me of why I’m here. I slump forward, unprepared for the intensity of the contraction, and struggle to breathe normally. The walls of the hospital evaporate as my entire world becomes pain. Just horrible, shuddering pain.

  When the feeling finally dissolves, I suck the oxygen deep into my
lungs and realize that there are tears streaming down my cheeks. As soon as I wipe them away, sweat from my forehead trickles down and replaces them. God, I’m a mess. I’ve never been one of those women who thought they’d give birth in the bathtub or anything, but I did think I could get through it without an epidural.

  Nope. No damned way.

  Chapter Ten


  “Mom, you’ve gotta start giving it your all here!” The doctor scolds Brianna as she lies in a puddle of sweat and tears. I know she’s getting distracted because of Kendra. I feel for them, but I really wish Brianna hadn’t run into Matthew in the waiting room. Ever since, her mind just hasn’t been focused. Luckily, now that Brianna’s parents showed up, they’ve taken Brooklyn to go get some food so I can give all of my attention to my fiancee.

  I squeeze Brianna’s hand and look down at her anguished face. Her eyes are closed, and she’s rolling her head back and forth on the pillow as she cries. She looks absolutely defeated. “Brianna, look at me.” She ignores me, keeping her eyes shut tight. “Brianna! Look at me right now!” My voice is stern, making her eyes fly open wide. One of the nurses gives me the side-eye, but I don’t care. Being the quiet, supportive type hasn’t been helping as far as I can see.

  “What?” She whines like Brooklyn does when she misses a nap.

  “Brianna, you need to focus. You can’t be thinking about anything except right here and right now. OK?” I try to make her see some reason before we end up with our own emergency c-section situation.

  “I just can’t. I can’t do it. I can’t!” She sobs, her chin quivering as she cries.

  “You can and you will. Listen to me, I know you. I know who you are inside, and you’re not a quitter. You’re a damned fighter; you’ve fought for everything your entire life. Now isn’t the time to walk away.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. “Please, just fight.”

  “OK, Mom, get ready to push.” Doctor O’Brien looks at the machine monitoring Brianna’s contractions. Sure enough, there’s a huge mountain on the print out just as Brianna starts to grunt in pain.

  “Fight, Brianna, give it everything!” I hold her hand as she crunches forward and twists her face.

  “Push, push, push,” the doctor barks at her, but I’m not sure she can hear either of us. “OK! That was a good one, Mom. You’re almost there. Take some deep breaths and get ready to meet your baby, this next push we’re gonna get the head out.” Dr. O’Brien gives her the game plan, and Brianna nods solemnly.

  I’m only moments away from meeting my child. I can hardly believe it. I mean, obviously during the pregnancy you always know that you’re getting a baby at the end, but it never quite feels real. “Brianna, you’ve got this. I’m so proud of you. You’re the strongest woman I know. I love you.” Her eyes are reflecting pure agony along with her fears, and a tiny glimmer of something else shining through. Hope.

  “This time, I’m going to count you down. OK, Mom? Don’t stop pushing until you hear me hit one. Get ready… Push!”

  Brianna growls a deep guttural sound that I’ve never heard come out of any human being before. Her teeth are on edge as she snarls, pushing with all her might. “Four…” Dr. O'Brien counts down. Brianna’s face contorts as she lifts her shoulders off the bed like she’s doing a sit-up. “Three, two…”

  “Wahhhhh!” The cries fill the room, and I forget to breathe. Our baby! There’s a flurry of hands between the stirrups at the nurses grab the baby from the doctor and take it over to the machines by the side of the room.

  “You did it, Mom. Congratulations! Brianna, Bradley, meet your daughter.” He takes my girl from the nurse and gently lays her on Brianna’s chest.

  Brianna sobs almost as loudly as our newborn as I watch with pure amazement. Our daughter. I can’t believe that she’s here. “I love you so much, Brianna.” Tears roll down my cheeks as I wrap my arms around my baby and the mother of my child as all three of us cry together. “I told you that you’re a fighter. You’re amazing, Mama!”

  I look down on our little girl, screaming her lungs out angrily. She’s already got her mother’s temper, I smile. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Chapter Eleven


  I can’t stop staring at my baby angel. I run my finger over her head full of short black hair and marvel at how soft it is. She reaches out and clings onto my finger, her entire hand wrapping around it and I stare. Her fingernails are so small!

  “She’s perfect, Brianna.” My mother coos, looking down over my shoulder with my father standing beside her.

  I can’t argue. Little Ruth is blissfully unaware of the world around her, fast asleep against my breast.

  “Can I hold my sister?” Brooklyn whispers, in awe of our newborn.

  “Not for a little bit, she needs her Mama right now,” Bradley answers her, but his eyes never move from the baby. He couldn’t be happier about having a little girl, I don’t have the heart to tell him what kind of madness he’s in for. Although, when I look into Ruth’s innocent face, it’s hard to imagine her ever being anything less than wonderful.

  It’s incredible how a baby can just calm a room and deflate the usual endless chatter from people’s lips. They have a way of putting it all in perspective.

  “Hello there? I’ve got a special delivery!” Everyone looks over to the door where Matthew is pushing Kendra in a wheelchair. My body feels like it’s been hit by a truck and then the truck decided that wasn’t good enough, so it backed up for good measure. I can’t even imagine what kind of pain she must be in after a c-section.

  Matthew parks Kendra’s chair beside my bed, and when her eyes meet mine, we both start crying. “I would like to introduce everyone to Wayne Cole Blackwell,” she smiles down at the healthy baby boy swaddled in her arms. “I named him after my father.” Tears well up in her eyes, “I know he’s smiling down on us from Heaven.”

  “Both of your parents are, Kendra. I’m certain that they’re very proud of you.” My Dad places his hand on my mother’s shoulder and smiles warmly.

  “Thank you, Pastor Henry.” Her voice cracks with emotion as fat tears slip down onto my cheeks.

  “Ohhh, Kendra, he’s precious!” My mother swoons. “You’ve both made two of the most gorgeous babies I’ve ever seen,” she clasps her hands together.

  “Thanks, Mom.” I tease her.

  “No, I mean, next to you and your sister, of course.” She starts back-pedalling, and the room erupts with chuckling.

  “This little guy put us through the wringer there when he tried to jump into the world, feet first.” Matthew looks like a puffed up proud Papa, standing behind his family as he holds Kendra’s chair. “But the doctors here are excellent, they took good care of them,” he leans down and kisses the top of Kendra’s head.

  I smile as I look down at my newborn daughter, and then over to my step-daughter in Bradley’s arms. My parents are flanking the other side of my bed, lovingly standing arm-in-arm. A year ago I would’ve asked you what drugs you were taking if you told me this is where I’d be now. It may have been a long road to get here, but I think I finally found my path. I feel like someone just handed me the keys to the kingdom and told me that it’s all mine for the taking.

  Kendra yawns loudly then looks up at the room quickly. “Oh my, I’m sorry! I think I should probably get back to my room, I’m feeling pretty worn out.”

  “You know what they say, sleep when the baby sleeps,” Mama shares her wisdom and Kendra nods.

  “Ok, let’s get you to bed. I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day,” Matthew smiles down at Kendra and pulls her chair back from the bed.

  “We’ll stop by your room later,” I wave like she’s leaving for a long road-trip.

  “Sounds good. You get some rest too, Mama!” She answers over her shoulder as Matthew wheels her back out the door.

  “We should probably get a move-on too, Evelyn.” My father gives my mother’s shoulder a squeeze as disappointment
crests her face. “We need to let this family have some time together.”

  “I suppose,” Mama answers glumly. She leans over me and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead, then another one on Ruth. “I’m proud of you, honey. You’re gonna make a great mother.” She whispers in my ear before reluctantly gathering her purse and jacket off the couch.

  “We’re both proud of you, Brianna.” Dad grasps my hand and gives it a quick squeeze. I look up at him and see the same look he used to have when he taught me to ride a bike, his face is beaming with pure joy.


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