My Love Forever

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My Love Forever Page 2

by Anna Antonia

  My head bobbed forward. I threw it back, surprised at how close I’d been to falling asleep. My head hit the headboard. Hard.

  What the hell? How…can…I…sleep…now?

  My unwanted companion winced and raised both his brows. “That had to hurt.”

  I didn’t rub the sore spot even though I ached to do so. Instead to my surprise I bobbed again. This time I couldn’t open my eyes.

  I knew then I’d been drugged.

  What was it? I didn’t have anything to eat or drink…the cookie.

  The bed gave way right before I lost consciousness. I sensed him leaning over me.

  “Russians are a strangely perverse lot, aren’t they? Especially mafia. Yours more than most. Let’s see if he can do better this time.”

  Mine? What? Damian is a businessman. He isn’t a mobster…



  Nightmares tormented me by the time I finally fell asleep out of exhaustion.

  Risa called for me. She screamed my name before it cut short in a gurgle of blood. I saw her body, dirtied, and riddled with bullet holes.

  Broken beyond repair.

  I ran to her, wanting to scream the world down because I couldn’t stop this.

  What kind of man was I when I couldn’t even protect her?

  I reached for her body, turning Risa over only to see a void where her face should’ve been. I was in an alley. The body in my arms wasn’t Risa.

  It was my mother.

  I jerked awake. I felt the warmth of a small hand on my arm. For an infinitesimal moment of time, I believed it was all a bad dream. Risa was here. I hadn’t lost her.

  There was still hope for a different future.

  Until I remembered hope went as far from me as Risa.



  I didn’t think about what it would be like to die, but it was all I could think about for the last day.

  No. That wasn’t exactly true.

  I did think about dying when I was so terrified that Damian would slip away from me in the night if I wasn’t awake to guard him.

  If only my guard would slip away so that maybe I could do the same.


  I turned my head away.

  “Eat now, Miss Kelly, or I will force feed you.”

  Although said nicely, I didn’t doubt the sincerity of his threat.

  Sullenly, I opened my mouth. The chicken breast tasted bland. I was tempted to tell him he couldn’t cook for shit, but I wasn’t suicidal.

  So far my captor continued to be polite, pleasant even, but that didn’t put me at ease. If anything, it scared me far more than if he’d been the menacing cliché.

  When I thought about how much this courteous monster frightened me, I also thought about Damian. There was no doubt in my mind he was trying to find me at this very minute. I knew Damian wouldn’t assume I just up and left him because I was pissed.

  I prayed he’d get to me soon. My prayers became a chant when my captor finally introduced himself. I became sure he told me his name because I’d never get a chance to tell anyone.

  I’m so scared. I’m sure he knows. I can’t confirm it for him though. I have to pretend that everything will be okay.

  “You’re twitching. Poor thing. Would it put you at ease if I told you my name? It’s Marcus.” I must’ve gave something away because he sighed and shook his head. “I was so hoping that would make you feel better.”

  Carefully, I set my plastic fork down by the paper plate. “There’s nothing happening here that could make me feel better.”

  “I understand. I am rather sorry for the circumstances of our acquaintance, Miss Kelly.”

  “Risa.” I looked him straight in the eye. “We should be on a first name basis with something as intimate as murder.”

  Marcus grinned. His face transformed to an unholy thing of beauty. I shivered because I didn’t doubt he’d slit my throat just as easily as he blinked.

  “I have no intention of murdering you, Miss Kelly. Truly. It’s as I said. I’m your babysitter. Not your exterminator.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “In normal circumstances? I agree. These circumstances however…”

  I clenched my jaw. I was up to my eyeballs and I still didn’t understand why.

  Marcus leaned forward. “Ask me why you’re here.”

  Temptation danced on my spine. I didn’t trust he wouldn’t use this against me. Much less tell me the truth.

  “No? Too bad. By the way, that was a magnificent fight you had. Fights actually. I wouldn’t have thought you had it in you to go after him like that. For what it’s worth, I’m on your side, Miss Kelly. Mr. Black-Price has the sensitivity of a flea. Truly.”

  “Shut up.”

  My captor grinned like a Mad Hatter. “I’m heartened to see you only act like a submissive ninny with him.”

  My fingers curled into claws. Shredding the smile right off his face would’ve felt wonderful.

  “Ooh, I bet whatever you’re planning to do to me would hurt. Good thing you’ve got better self-control than to go after me, eh?”

  It was eerie how he continuously peeled back the layers of my mind and peered into my thoughts. Elaine always told me I had to learn to control my expressions. Clearly, she was right in this.

  Relaxing my hands, I shrugged. “You’re not worth me losing my dignity.”

  “Dignity. Hmm…I suppose you can call it that. Perhaps, it’s also called self-preservation.”

  That sounded suspiciously close to a threat. I had to tread carefully or I wouldn’t live to see Damian put this man in a hole. The man I loved was right all along—rarely are things black and white.

  Sometimes you had no choice but to be a villain.

  I’d have zero problem seeing Marcus die in favor of me and Damian getting out of this in one piece.

  “And now you’ve threatened me. There goes the babysitting job.”

  “Wrong, but there’s the spirit, Miss Kelly. I definitely approve.”

  Calmly, I sat there even though my pulse hit the higher end of the scale. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew what was going on in my head.”

  “And you’d be wrong.” He crossed his legs and propped his chin on his hand. “You’re a delight, did you know? You haven’t begged me once. For that alone, I should be paying you.”

  I didn’t want to garner this much of his attention. I’d much rather he ignored me or thought I was a silly piece of ass for a very rich man. Fear threaded through me. My heartbeat thumped so loudly I could hear it in my ears. I had to pretend like he didn’t scare the shit out of me.

  He already knows he does. That’s why he’s playing with you.

  What was the point of us pretending? We were enemies and my fate was sealed as a result. Nothing I said or did would sway him into changing direction. I should at least exercise my freedom of speech along with my self-control.

  “You like to play with your food. No matter what you do, I’m not going give you the satisfaction of begging.”

  Marcus shook his head and sighed. “I’m afraid you’ve spent too much time with your boyfriend. I’m sure you’ve forgotten so FYI—not all men like their women to beg.”

  I centered my focus on the man sitting across me without a care in the world, searching for any crack to exploit. Despite the surface humor, he was blank.

  “But you do.”

  “What makes you think that? Really, I must know.”

  I spread my arms. “Look at where we’re at.”

  “Ah, Miss Kelly. I told you already.”

  “You’re just my babysitter.”

  “Yep. This is just a job. You are simply a stack of paperwork I have to finish by the end of the day.”

  “You chose this job.”

  “I did.”


  Marcus tapped his chin. “For the same reason you go to work. For the money.”

  “But why this job? You knew you we
re going to restrain me. You knew I’d be terrified. You expected me to beg and you still took the job.”

  “Is that all you have to convict me? It’s a flimsy reason if I must say.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I still stand by it.”

  “Good girl. Stand your ground.” He surged to his feet and strolled out of the room.

  My body deflated. Every muscle ached with the tension I’d held. I felt myself sliding into regret and recrimination. I really should’ve never left the house. I should’ve stayed and yelled it down before letting myself get taken so easily by this dangerous man.

  A thought came to me that I hadn’t considered before.

  I might be wrong. What if Damian isn’t looking for me? He might think I left him on purpose.

  I stared hard at my feet, not wanting to cry. After the series of fights we’d had, what if Damian was glad to see the back of me? For all I knew, he’d packed up and left the house—regardless of the consequences.

  I was such a bitch to him. I refused to see his side of things. He was right. The only feelings I ever really consider are my own. I haven’t grown up as much as I think I have.

  I blew out a shaky breath. Fear tried to control of me, but I shouldn’t let it. Regardless of our last fights, Damian wouldn’t just be okay with not knowing my whereabouts. He’d make sure I left of my own free will.

  He’d assume nothing.

  Also, Damian wouldn’t care if I left on my own because he pissed me off that much. He’d track me down to the ends of the earth to get me back—regardless if that was what I wanted.

  Which means Damian will find out I’ve been taken by force. If he doesn’t know already. He’ll come for me and then…

  What was going to happen next?

  The unknown tied me up in knots. If only I could go to sleep and then wake up with everything back to rights.

  “By the way, I’m not playing with my food,” Marcus suddenly popped back in. “See me more as a momma bird about to kick her baby right out of the nest. Be smart and listen otherwise you’ll go ‘splat’.”

  He left before I could say anything.

  What the hell did that even mean?

  There’s more to this than just a straightforward kidnapping. Maybe he’s trying to help me survive this.

  Or I was wrong and Marcus was playing with me after all?



  Each minute drug iron claws through my brain. My head pounded from a lack of sleep, water, and food.

  I wanted my Risa back. I wanted her safe. I wanted her away from my legacy.

  What I wanted didn’t matter.

  What she wanted mattered even less.

  How much fucking longer was it going to take? My team had already cleared the area eight hours out by car. There was no sign of a plane or helicopter landing recently so how was Risa transported?

  Could she be underground?

  She’s already gone from this world. I’ll never be able to find Risa unless I’m dead too.

  I dug my fist against my temple.

  The waiting drove me mad. My twisted imagination made me wish I was dead. If they hurt Risa, if they killed her—I would burn the entire world down to the ground before joining my love.

  I meant what I said.

  Wherever Risa went, I’d find her. She was mine and I’d never let her go. Even unto death.

  Getting up from my dark corner, I opened my fist. The red ribbon tying Risa’s hair wasn’t innocuous. It symbolized fate or blood.

  Once I had control to determine which. Now I was mortal. My brilliance faded, leaving me in a world of darkness without the light of my life.

  The phone rang. I knew it wasn’t from my men. That line was secured.

  This was a new phone and number, but it didn’t matter.

  Only one person was ruthless enough to find me. Only one person was arrogant enough to call me in my darkest hour.



  It was as if the universe was a twisted genie, because dammit! Once again I woke up with no memory of going to sleep. And fucking once again, Marcus was there waiting.

  “You drugged the food.”

  “I did.”

  “Is that the only way you know how to interact with women?” Continuing to antagonize my captor wasn’t the wisest course of action, but I never did play well with those who were keeping me away from Damian.

  “Drugs work better than fists, don’t you think?”

  Marcus said it with a smile, but there was no humor in his eyes. Was it a warning? Probably.

  “How long before I can go?”

  His full lips quirked into a pout. “And here I thought we were getting along rather well.”

  I didn’t react other than narrowing my gaze.

  Marcus dropped his grin. His tone took on a fatally dangerous seriousness. “It all depends on how well your Damian behaves.”

  “You’re ransoming me then.”

  “In a matter of speaking, yes.”

  I felt a little thread of relief. Finally, I was getting some answers. If money was what this man was after, then this could all be over easily.

  Really, Risa? You think money is what that man in my apartment wanted?

  Maybe. Maybe Damian jumped the gun—so to speak. Not that he could be blamed.

  “I figured you were full of it when you talked about babysitting.”

  “Not so, Miss Kelly.”

  “I’m sure Damian won’t give you any issues once you make your demand. The faster you get in contact with him the faster you can have your cash. But hurt me and that all goes bye-bye.”

  “I haven’t hurt you nor do I have any intentions of doing so—unless you force my hand. FYI—don’t force my hand.”

  “Drugging me is hurting me.”

  “No. Drugging you is keeping you calm. Besides, I’m taking special care with you. What I’m giving you is no worse than cough medicine. It’s safe enough for a baby, truly. “

  I took some comfort in hearing I wasn’t being poisoned. How different my life became, again, that I had to appreciate the tiny things.

  Marcus canted his head. “You’re incredibly confident in your boyfriend. So sure Mr. Black-Price will part with all his money for little ole you?”

  “You want it all?” My stomach turned with queasiness. What kidnapper wanted every last penny of his victim’s money? Someone who didn’t want it at all. Someone who had bigger plans.

  Oh Jesus.

  Marcus settled back in his chair, looking as if he had all the time in the world to answer. Perhaps it was because he did.

  Why do you really have me here, Marcus? It’s not about the money. It was never about the money. You’re just letting me think it is.

  Sweat broke across my forehead. I did my best to keep still, to pretend I wasn’t dying a thousand deaths with each second. Helplessness crushed me. I loathed it and the fact there was virtually nothing I could do.

  “I don’t want any of Mr. Black-Price’s money.”

  That wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

  “Your employer then!”

  “My employer isn’t interested in his money, Miss Kelly.”

  “Then what is it you want?”

  His death?

  I couldn’t let the words out. Once said they’d never be unspoken. And even though I’d only spent a short time with Marcus, I believed he would tell me the truth.

  God help me then.

  If you think I’m going to just sit here docilely while you use me to kill Damian…fuck it. I’ll escape here if it’s the last thing I do. And if I die…

  Scorching heat burned my eyes. I didn’t dare think about the people I loved and how devastated they’d be with my loss. My family…Damian…oh God, Damian.

  If I die, then at least you won’t be able to hurt Damian through me.

  No, they wouldn’t be able to directly use me against the man I loved, but he would be destroyed nonetheless. He would take my death onto his shoulde
rs. It would do what the bullet hadn’t—kill him.

  Marcus got up. He crossed the room and then crouched before me. “There, there.” A folded handkerchief pressed upon my cheeks. “It will work out for the best. Truly. All you have to do is continue to be a good girl. Your Damian will see the light. He’ll have to. Then you two can go off and buy diamonds together.”

  Marcus had us so wrong. He thought we were a shallow couple with nothing more in our minds than consumption. Very well. Maybe he’d think we were harmless that way.

  And maybe, just maybe, I’d get the slip on my captor.

  Marcus smiled. “Are you hungry?”

  I nodded. What else was there to do but sleep? Especially when reality hurt this much?



  Calmly, I picked up my phone. I heard the woman I would’ve called mother if things had been different. Unlike my other attempts to contact her, this time she called me first for a reason.

  It was damning.

  “Damian, where are you?”

  I clenched my jaw, the only thing to outwardly betray my rage. “What have you done with her?”

  The softness of my voice communicated a great many things. None of them true.

  A puff of sound communicated her sigh. “Risa is missing then. When?”

  “Don’t act like you don’t know, Elaine.”

  Her cool voice, familiar as Judas, calmly queried, “How long has she been gone?”


  Elaine paused. “Damian, I understand this is difficult for you. You feel a certain attachment to her, but if we are to find Risa we need to be focused.”

  She employed that same tone on me when I was a tiny child in the midst of an epic tantrum. I didn’t appreciate it or the shaft of misery exposed by the memory.

  “What is it you want, Elaine?”

  “Want? Explain.”

  “Who paid you?”

  “You insult me.”

  It sounded genuine. If I didn’t have the fucking proof in my hand then maybe I would’ve believed her.

  “I will do more than insult you if you don’t answer my question. Who paid you?”


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