My Love Forever

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My Love Forever Page 3

by Anna Antonia

  Elaine’s tone dropped. “You’re accusing me of betraying you and your interests.”

  “It’s not an accusation. I remember everything, Elaine.”

  A longer pause.

  “I see.”

  I clenched my fist so hard the short nails cut into my palm. “Yes, I imagine you do.”

  The words I wouldn’t utter burned my tongue like acid. I trusted her when I trusted no one. I never in a million lifetimes thought Elaine would betray me.

  Not me and certainly not my father.

  “You’re wrong, Damian. I am not guilty of what you think. You are my first priority. I would never go against you.”

  Blood pooled, spilling onto the phone. Its warmth reminded me of Risa. “Many would sell their mothers to take over all of the Konstantinov routes. What did they promise you to do this thing?”

  “And I am telling you that you are wrong in your thoughts. I have done nothing to earn this ugliness from you.”

  “Nothing? You lied to me for months. You kept Risa away from me—”

  “You’re accusing me over your mistress?”

  She’d gotten used to crossing lines, back when I was an ignorant weakling going about a life that no longer held meaning.

  “Take care with your words, Elaine. Risa is not my mistress. She’s going to be my wife.”

  “Be that as it may, Damian, the Konstantinov situation is far more important than your love life.”

  “That’s why you interfered and tried to keep Risa away from me.”

  “I kept her away from you to protect you both. Everything I did was to avoid this very situation from occurring. Now are you going to continue to waste time by spouting off nonsense or will you tell me what I need to know so I can help you?”

  Elaine made a convincing case. Really she did.

  “No one knew of this place but two people. Me and my father. As far as anyone suspected, Risa and I were in Bucharest. But you’d know differently. You’d know I’d use decoys.”

  “I wasn’t the source of the leak.”

  “Of course you were.”

  “Damian, my patience with this madness is at its breaking point.”

  I continued softly, as if she hadn’t spoken at all.

  “I wasn’t tailed, but someone knew who Risa was and took her from me. The same people knew she was in Denver and tried to kill her. They’d been watching her since New York, waiting for the chance. You kept urging me to send her away.”

  “To keep Risa safe. I did it for you, Damian.”

  “You visited her that night in Denver. Hours later she was targeted. You didn’t want me to see her so that it’d be easier for her to die.”

  “If I turned on you like you’re accusing me, wouldn’t it have been easier for me to kill you both at the same time?”

  I heard the quiver in her voice, small as it may have been. Just another sign of her guilt.

  “I wouldn’t have been killed and you know it. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t want me alive for another reason. The money? Power? Or is it something more, Elaine?”

  “Stop it.”

  “Or maybe you knew I wouldn’t be able to help myself. I’d go back to Risa’s and then your assassin would take care of two problems. He shot at me, did you know? He would’ve blown my brains out if you hadn’t trained me so well. Pity for your plans.”

  Elaine barked my name. “I understand you’re upset because of Risa, but you’ve crossed the line! I have devoted my entire adult life to you, Damian! I have sacrificed everything I hold dear to protect you!”

  “Come now, Elaine. You’re not squeamish from hearing the details. We both know that. Don’t worry. I saved you the trouble of having to kill him. I used the Templeton Twins. There won’t be a trace of him for you to spit on.”

  “You’re wasting time with this foolishness.”

  Elaine didn’t get it. She thought our past ties would be enough to keep me in line. She severely underestimated my capability to love. Worse, she used it against me.

  Of all the people in the world, you were the last one I’d ever suspect.

  “You urged me to manipulate Risa into coming back to me, but I was the one who ended up being manipulated. You knew I loved her more than myself. You knew I’d walk away and leave her there. For that alone I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Damian, I would not harm Risa because you love her. I’ve done nothing but protect and support that girl through this. For you.”

  The low, pleading words rolled off my back.

  “Trust no one you said. Except you, of course. How well you trained me to eat from your hand of lies.”

  “You should’ve never gone to Clichy. Your father should’ve never bid you to come. He knew better than that.”

  I dropped my head back, seeing the last minutes before bullets ended everything.

  “But he had me come anyways. You knew it. He told me you did. You knew what he was going to tell me…”

  I couldn’t finish speaking because of the lump swelling in my throat.

  She coughed. “Very well, Damian. I’m sorry it came down to this and in this way. One day I hope you will see it was for the best.”

  I took the confirmation like an axe to the gut. Bowed over, I slammed one hand against the desk. All the despair, grief, and betrayal welled out in bellow.

  “Tell me where the fuck she is, Elaine, or I swear to God I will hunt you down and burn you alive!”

  “No one is going to hurt Risa. I promise.”

  I kicked out and broke the leg off the chair closest to me. “Answer my goddamned question, Elaine!”

  She ignored it completely.

  “You won’t believe me but this is for the better, Damian. One day you’ll look back at this and understand why I’ve done what I’ve done.”

  “There isn’t enough time in the world for that to happen,” I swore to her before my weakness got the better of me. “Why?”

  Her answer sickened me with its logical simplicity.

  “You’re not yourself when you’re with Risa. She’s weakened you, Damian. She is your vulnerability and this is why she’s gone.”

  “You’re wrong. Love isn’t weakness.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  Elaine didn’t say my father’s name out loud but I heard it anyways.

  “What do you want?”

  “Come back home.”

  “Without Risa? Never.”

  “The office doesn’t suspect anything is amiss but they will soon. The businesses, everything you’ve worked for your whole life, will become vulnerable.”

  “It’s not happening, Elaine.”

  “She’ll be released unharmed. I’ll make sure of it. All you have to do is walk away. That’s all. Risa will be taken care of for the rest of her life. Her long life. You want the best for her, don’t you? You know there’s no room for her in this world. Do the right thing, Damian. Walk away.”

  The room’s walls closed in on me as I was forced to hear the smoothness of her terrible logic. A part of me, tiny as it was, still couldn’t believe that Elaine had betrayed me. Especially like this.

  Why had she done it?

  Control? She was the only one I’d turn to when it came to business. Thomas was the keeper of a vast network filled with connections, but Elaine was the head. Risa shouldn’t have been a threat to her.

  Access to my fortune? Elaine had millions of dollars to her name. More if you counted the offshore accounts. Besides, my coffers were always open to her.

  So what could have triggered Elaine and how could I have not seen it coming?

  “Damian, no one wants to hurt Risa. Continue your life in the States as the man you’ve been and let all ties to the old life end. Do that and this goes away. I’ll make sure of it.”

  The pieces began falling into place. It formed a macabre image.

  “I don’t want anything to do with Konstantinov business. I have my own to run.”

  “Of course, you don’t. It’s just a pr
ecautionary measure, Damian. Understandings must be made. Your father didn’t trust you wouldn’t eventually want to cross over into his world. Others believe the same thing.”

  “Others. Like who? The Orlovs?”

  “Damian, it doesn’t matter who. My only concern is protecting you from all who would do you harm.”

  “The Petrovs?”

  “You’re wasting time, Damian.”

  “The Volkovs?”

  She said nothing. Once again her silence was answer enough.

  Leaning against the desk, I looked about me blindly. Of all the possibilities I accounted for in life, Elaine was immune. And this was where it got me.

  She wasn’t my mother. I didn’t confuse the fact, but she was the closest thing I had to a mother. I never realized how much I depended on that connection until it was gone.

  In that room with the bloodied phone digging into my hand, I stumbled beneath the weight of knowing I was truly alone in the world.

  “My father tried to warn me. He wanted me to know about you. Leon. But he never got to finish before a sniper blew his brains out right in front of me. And I have you to thank for it.”



  I couldn’t believe my luck.

  Marcus must not have given me enough drugs in my food. Either that or I was already adapting to it. Fortune favored me because it was the middle of the night and I was awake, unbound, and feeling full of adrenaline.

  He stopped shackling me after the first night because of the drugs. His mistake. Marcus was going to regret this for sure. Too bad I wasn’t going to be here to gloat.

  Carefully, I got up. The bedsprings didn’t betray me. Neither did my steps. I crept to the door, half-expecting it to be locked. It opened smoothly.

  My mouth dry and heart pounding so loudly I’d swear it heralded my arrival, I poked my head out. If Marcus saw me, he’d hardly be able to accuse me of sneaking out of my room.

  I could be off to use the bathroom. Or get some food. I was just a diamond-buying bimbo, right? Clearly, I wasn’t clever enough to try to escape!

  The main living space was empty. Only the dim light of the banked fire gave off any illumination. I swiveled my head, taking the entire room at large.

  Marcus wasn’t in sight.

  Emboldened, I slipped back into my room. There wasn’t much time. I had to make a move now.

  Married to my course of action, I hurriedly put on my boots. I didn’t have a coat, only the lightweight sweater I wore when taken. Looking around the bare room, I snatched the comforter off the bed. It would have to do.

  If Marcus saw me, he’d just assume I was wearing it over my head because I was infantile when sleepy. The boots? Because my feet were cold.

  I can do this.

  I repeated it over and over again. I repeated it as I crept back out of the room. It played it on repeat when I tiptoed my way into the tiny kitchen. I lined my pockets with what I could barely squeeze in there.

  If only baggy pants were still in style then I could’ve hid the whole contents of the fridge in my pants.

  The wayward thought brought a much-needed smile to my face. I welcomed all the good emotions I could stand to do the next part.

  Covertly, I approached the front door. The hair on my neck raised. I was sure Marcus was there, ready to pounce. I turned swiftly, eyes searching the corners, only to find it as empty as before.

  This is too easy. He’s on to you.

  I reconsidered my plan. I had no idea where I was or even what direction to go. There was no guarantee I’d make it to safety. Some random maniac could pick me up, rape and kill me. Or someone from Marcus’s crew—the one I hadn’t seen yet—could be right outside in another house next to the property.

  If I managed to avoid people, it didn’t mean I was in the clear. There could be bears or wolves ready to make a meal out of me.

  Anything bad could happen once I stepped foot out of this house.

  Yeah, and so could the same happen here. And not just to you, but more importantly, Damian.

  The truth decided me.

  I took a deep breath and turned the lock, halfway expecting an alarm to trip once I pulled open the door. If that happened I was ready to run like hell.

  It was now or never.

  I yanked the door and heard blessed silence. The air was cold and snow surrounded me, but there was a path and I took it.

  Each step filled me with excitement and dread. I worried about looking back, sure I’d bring Marcus’s wrath on me if I did. Much like Lot’s wife, I couldn’t help myself. Unlike her, I didn’t turn into a pillar of salt.

  Instead, I saw nothing.

  Triumph marched its beat. I was going to make it. A quarter of a mile or so passed and I was still in the clear. Another five minutes. And then another.

  I picked up the pace, jogging forward the more confident I felt.

  I started thinking about what my next course of action should be. Once I got far away enough, I’d change direction. I didn’t want to give Marcus a straight line to me. The blanket dragged behind, but it did little to obscure my tracks.

  What it lacked in stealth ability, it more than made up for with warmth. Although the air was cold, the covering was enough to protect me from the elements. As long as it didn’t rain or snow.

  Now wasn’t the time to think about the weather. I needed to keep my pace, backtrack and throw Marcus off my scent, and then I needed to find someone out here who could get me to a phone.

  I didn’t want to tip my parents off to my kidnapping, but I had to assume Damian was having their phone monitored. If I called them he’d surely get word I was safe. From there he’d be able to find me.

  It was hope, but hope was what would get me through this.

  Until it got crushed with two words.

  “Miss Kelly.”

  I took off in a run, already knowing I was done for. Maybe Marcus would trip and split his head wide open on a rock. Or break his leg. Or had a condition where he couldn’t run or he’d die.

  I wasn’t worth dying for, right?

  Too bad all of that didn’t happen at once because Marcus caught me in an obscenely quick amount of time.

  Worse, he wasn’t the slightest bit winded.

  Marcus’s hand became a manacle on my arm just long enough to make me realize I was well and truly caught.

  “You shouldn’t have done this, Miss Kelly.”

  “Why not? Because escaping the person who kidnapped me is bad manners?”

  He smiled, teeth flashing white in moonlight while his eyes gleamed like broken green glass.

  “No, it’s excellent manners as a matter of fact. You shouldn’t have run because you might get sick. Having the flu is much better in your own bed then in a stranger’s, right? Second best would be in hotel and since there’s nothing like that for kilometers…it’s hardly worth the risk.”

  I froze. He also knew about the time when Damian kicked down the hotel door? Of course, he did.

  “I’m not going back without a fight.”

  “Of course, you are.”

  I tensed my body, even though I coughed while trying to suck up enough oxygen. “No.”

  “Yes. You’ve had your little run, Miss Kelly. Now it’s time to go back inside.”

  “Or else what? You’ll kill me?”

  “You know the answer to that. No. However, test me further and I’ll keep you drugged. How well do you think it’ll go over with dear Damian to see his girlfriend strung out? Hmm?”

  Marcus let go of me. His body was a study in confidence. Bastard.

  Seeing I wasn’t going to get away any time soon, and I definitely didn’t want to be drugged, I rested my hands on my knees and hacked out, “You knew the whole time where I was.”


  “Then why?”

  “So you could see for yourself.” The friendly smile melted off his face. “Now I hope you understand you’re not going to leave until I say you can.”

bsp; “When the hell is that going to be then?” I rasped.

  “Soon enough.” Marcus held up his hand. “You’re wasting precious time, Miss Kelly. Every second of extra attention I use on you is one less I can use on Mr. Black-Price.”

  I blanched. “Don’t threaten him.”

  “I don’t threaten. I give fair warning.” He held out his hand. “Come. It’s time to go.”

  I knocked his palm away. He fell in step beside me.

  “You’d kill me if you had to.” The question spilled out and there was no way of getting it back.


  It wasn’t anything I didn’t already know. Still it was hard to hear.

  “Even after getting to know me?”

  He laughed softly. “I already knew you before I took you. And yes, I would kill you anyways.”

  “No regrets?”

  He shrugged. “I’d regret it for you.”

  “Are you a psychopath, Marcus?”

  Laughter spread around us in this wintry desolate landscape. “No.”

  “You’re so sure of it.”

  “I’ve been tested, Miss Kelly. Besides, a psychopath can’t control himself. All he or she can do is wreak uncontrolled havoc.”

  A chill went through me. Marcus was completely in control of himself. I didn’t doubt he’d snap my neck without hesitation if he believed it was necessary. Or he was ordered.

  “Then what are you?”

  “The man who’s taking you back. Come on, little girl.”

  “Don’t call me that!”

  “Sore spot, huh? I understand. If it were me I’d rather be called pookie-bear or gum drop.”

  I fucking hated Marcus’s mockery.

  “My personal life with Damian is just that—personal.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not.”

  I stopped and demanded, “What would you do if someone took the woman you loved from you like this?”

  “Ah, you’re so sweet thinking I’d ever have a woman.”

  Undeterred, I pressed, “What would you do?”

  Marcus glanced my way. His poison-green gaze flattened. “I’d kill him. Slowly. Methodically.” Another grin broke across his face, dazzling those who’d be foolish enough to believe in it. “But that was if. A big if.”

  “Exactly. Damian feels the same way.”


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