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Unattainable (No Rival Book 5)

Page 2

by Charity Parkerson

  “I’m sorry. I’m being rude. This is Brian,” Terry said, pulling him out his musings. “Brian this is Betty Davenport.” Brian dipped his chin in acknowledgment.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he responded automatically. She blushed, but didn’t respond.

  “Brian is McKenna’s best friend,” Terry added. The remark seemed to loosen her tongue.

  “Oh, yay. I admit I’m running out of delivery ideas. Which flower do you think Terry should send McKenna this week?”

  He shrugged as he nodded toward a nearby arrangement. “That one is nice.” The pair stared at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  “Hmm. Well. Let’s get out my floral book and see what we can find,” Betty suggested. They both dismissed him. After a few minutes of bending over the well-worn pages, Brian caught on. It seemed Terry had been sending McKenna different flowers for a long time. Sometimes he sent the same thing but included a different poem or comparison to her personality. It was a nice thing to do for his brother’s widow. Of course, it wasn’t lost on Brian how the orders also financially helped a woman with a chronically ill child. No doubt, Terry could afford simply to give the woman the funds needed for her daughter’s care. Instead, he chose to spare her pride while giving her someone to talk to about her burden. Terry was wonderful.


  With one errand down, Terry headed for his second home. Vegas Veteran’s Rehabilitation Center could almost take first spot if he added up the number of hours he spent there each week. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t find anything better to do with his time, except there wasn’t anything better anyone could be doing with their time. The men there were like his family. Of course, today he had an ulterior motive. The man silently riding shotgun didn’t think he could come back from his injuries. Terry wanted to inspire him. More than that, he wanted Brian to know him. Not many people did. The fact that McKenna had seen something in the man told Terry a lot. Everyone loved McKenna but she didn’t bother with people unless there was a good reason. Terry was intrigued.

  Very few people in the world were innately good. From what Terry had witnessed so far, Brian was one of them. He deserved another shot at the top. Terry liked when nice guys finished first. It just so happened he was in the position to give him a leg up. Terry showed him around, pointing out a few of the latest designs in medical care for amputee patients. After a few introductions, Brian’s natural ability to get along with others kicked in. Terry timed his attack perfectly, waiting until the entire tour was complete and Brian was happily chatting away with Terry’s usual sparring partner, Cameron North. In spite of all adversity, Cameron had risen above the extensive injuries he’d received while on deployment. He was the perfect example of “if he can do it then you can too” that Terry wanted Brian to see.

  The moment there was a break in the conversation, Terry cut in. “This is where you’ll be training from now on.” He wasn’t disappointed. Brian’s jaw clenched.

  “I’ve already said thanks but no thanks.”

  “It wasn’t a question.”

  He could see Cameron out of the corner of his eye shifting nervously. “I guess that’s my cue. It was nice meeting you, Brian.” Brian’s gaze shifted to Cameron. After a quick handshake, he left them alone. When Brian focused on Terry once more, he didn’t say a word, but there wasn’t a need. His fury was evident in the muscle continuing to flex in his jaw. Terry wasn’t backing down.

  “As much as I like Rhys and all the guys at No Rival, they are your competition. If you hope to topple their reign, you can’t keep expecting them to teach you how.” He could see Brian searching for a response. He didn’t want to hear it. Pride was the only thing holding the man back.

  “Some of us have to work for a living.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  A look of confusion passed over Brian’s face before he answered. “I can’t ditch No Rival. They sign my paycheck.” When Terry continued staring at him without speaking, Brian sighed. “I’m a fitness instructor,” he added, obviously misunderstanding the reason for his silence.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Terry repeated.

  “I guess nothing.” Brian couldn’t have sounded more petulant if he tried.

  A triumphant smile stretched Terry’s lips. He couldn’t hide his reaction, nor did he wish to do so. Cockiness was one trait he possessed in droves. It was best Brian accept it now. Otherwise, this would be a miserable experience for the man. “Good. Don’t forget how we got here. You’ll be seeing quite a bit of this place.”

  “So, they’ll let me start training in a government-run facility with no questions? Seems logical.”

  He was a smartass. Terry liked it. “You’ll come and go as you please. It’s my money funding this place not the government. As for tomorrow—”

  “Is there any charity you’re not funding? Between you and Drew, there shouldn’t be anyone left in need,” Brian said, interrupting him.

  “It’s not charity. These men earned the right to be here and it’s not as if I built the place. The government intended to shut this program down two years ago due to budget cuts and I stepped in. With the help of some awesome business professionals who run private charities for a living, we’ve managed to keep the doors open. Now, as for our next session, be at my house at seven p.m. Friday and we’ll start lesson two.”

  “I don’t remember having a lesson one.”

  Terry held his gaze, needing Brian to understand how serious he was. “Lesson one—I always get what I want.”

  Chapter Two

  “I don’t understand how this is supposed to help me in a sanctioned bout,” Brian said as they pushed their way through the crowded entryway at Warehouse District. The place was famous for its weekend no-holds-barred underground MMA matches. Unlike World Divisional where a list of regulations kept fighters somewhat safe, these men entered the arena with only one rule—to the death. The bets were high and the money was phenomenal but you might not make it out once you entered the octagon.

  “You have heart and I can make sure you have the skills needed to get the top, but these men,” Terry said, indicating the two men currently pounding away at each other on the mat. “They have brute force. You need to learn to appreciate the fundamentals. If you take what you already know, mix it with what I can teach you, and learn to harness what these men have, you’ll be unstoppable.”

  The two men inside the cage were friends. They were also equal in strength and ruthlessness. Brian would know. One of the men was Kurt Travis—the man who’d thrown a major wrench in his career by snapping his arm the only time they’d faced off on the mat. His opponent Knox Collier was a Warehouse District favorite. He was also the brother of the man who currently held the middleweight title.

  Judging by the amount of sweat covering each man’s body, they’d been at it awhile. Blood ran down one of Knox’s cheeks but he didn’t seem to notice. Brian couldn’t believe either man was still standing since it was obvious they’d both taken a pounding.

  “It won’t be long now. Pick your winner.”

  Brian thought it over, measuring both men before making his decision. “Kurt. He’s the stronger of the two.”

  Knox faked a kick and in a flash of movement, he pulled off the perfect superman punch. It was over. Terry leaned close to his ear. “Be thankful you didn’t face him that night instead of Kurt.” Brian saw his point but the outcome of the match still surprised him.

  “I never saw that coming,” Brian said.

  Terry didn’t respond. Brian glanced over. He was closer than he expected and completely unreadable. Brian did his best to stay on topic with Terry crowding his body and thoughts. “If this was a lesson in strength, I think your plans were ruined by the outcome.” To his surprise, Terry chuckled.

  “Lesson two—crazy trumps strength every damn time. Kurt has some dark places in his mind. They make him dangerous. Knox is broken. It makes him deadly. Never step in the cage with someone crazier
than you are. That’s where you went wrong the night you challenged Kurt. He’s not better than you. He’s unbalanced.”


  Terry had a great time with Brian. The man kept him on his toes. Every lesson he attempted to teach Brian, the man made him work for. He didn’t take anything at face value without an explanation. It was refreshing and challenging. Brian stimulated him on every level. That was one of the biggest reasons Terry was now plying him with alcohol. If the man had one weakness, it was his complete inability to hold his liquor. Terry wasn’t sure any longer if this was lesson three or if he hoped Brian’s effect on him would dim once he became inebriated. It wasn’t happening. In fact, the more Brian relaxed in Terry’s presence, the sexier he became. Perhaps it hadn’t been the brightest move for Terry to choose to do this at his house, but he wanted this to be a controlled experiment.

  He kept Brian’s glass full. Anyone else might think this was a ridiculous bit of mentality training. Unfortunately, judging by the last time Brian had gotten drunk, he was a reckless drinker. Brian needed to either become accustomed to its effects or learn to say no. When he took to the road for competitions, the temptation to join every party would be massive. He couldn’t do stupid shit…such as jumping a fence and slicing open his femoral artery the way he’d done with McKenna.

  “I never drink and you plan to make me drink alone?”

  A grin tugged at Terry’s lips at Brian’s sullen comment. “You need the fortification while I’ve had more than my fair share for one lifetime.”

  Brian’s speech was already beginning to slow down. “It’s not right to leave a man hanging.”

  “I have to drive you home and I don’t drink and drive.”

  Brian slipped down an inch in his chair. Crossing his arms over his chest, he stared at Terry through his lashes. “I could stay here.” Although Terry doubted Brian’s proposition was intended the way he would’ve liked, it still caused his cock to lengthen. “It wouldn’t be the first time I slept in a chair.” That statement might have taken the bite out his arousal if Brian’s tone hadn’t gone sultry. Not to mention, his eyes darkened. Terry shifted in his seat to hide his erection. The expression Brian wore was hot as hell.

  “I wouldn’t let you sleep in a chair.” He hoped Brian was now wondering where he would allow him to sleep. Of course, the answer was nowhere. If Brian stayed, neither of them would get any rest.

  Brian tossed back another shot before straightening in his seat. “If I’m not staying then I’d better go home. I’d hate to pass out on you and like I said, I don’t drink often.”

  With a nod, Terry stood. Brian attempted to follow suit but swayed on his feet. Racing forward, Terry caught him before he could hit the ground. The motion left them chest to chest. A nervous sounding chuckle vibrated from Brian. Terry could feel it against his skin. Their gazes met. The sound died.

  “You’re very bossy,” Brian said, surprising a chuckle from Terry. “You’re very drunk,” Terry countered.

  Brian didn’t move away. Neither did Terry. “I’ll get over being drunk, you’ll always be bossy.”

  “I have a feeling—if you remember any of this tomorrow—you’ll be horrified.”

  Brian was staring at his mouth. He shook his head. “Nope. I haven’t done anything to be embarrassed about…yet.”

  Terry marveled over the way Brian’s eyes gave away his every emotion. They seemed to flash from light to dark brown and back again as he visibly struggled against his desire. Unable to keep from doing so, Terry gave him an extra shove. Using his voice against him, he allowed a hint of his growing lust to seep into his tone.

  “Do you intend to?” With his gaze still locked on Terry’s mouth, Brian nodded. “Do it,” Terry taunted. The words barely passed his lips before Brian claimed his mouth. For Terry, it was like tossing gasoline on an already raging bonfire. It was everything he’d fantasized it would be with an extra helping of expertise tossed into the mix. The way Brian’s tongue stroked the roof of his mouth before slipping away and reappearing again left Terry with no choice except to chase after it. The moment he thought he had him, Brian sank his teeth into Terry’s bottom lip, tugging gently. Terry gasped. He couldn’t remember a time he’d been this close to coming in his jeans, especially from nothing more than a kiss. At the sound, Brian turned his face away, resting his forehead on Terry’s shoulder. His shoulders heaved as he visibly struggled to catch his breath.

  “The room is spinning.”

  Terry clamped his back teeth together. His muscles seized tight as he attempted to control his lust. “That’s because the world tilted,” Terry said once he found his voice. An odd sense of chivalry overcame him. Brian was drunk. It was time for him to go home. Stepping out of his hold, Terry filled the shot glass to the brim before holding it out to Brian. “One more for the road. You know, to help steady the floor.” Proving how inebriated he was, Brian seemed to find Terry’s statement reasonable. He tossed it back. Terry sighed. “Come on. I’ll take you home.”

  * * * * *

  Brian had no idea what Terry had done to him the night before. Going by how his body felt, he suspected it involved several hours of licking envelopes while two sumo wrestlers sat on him. Even though he couldn’t remember how he’d gotten home, flashes of Terry’s hard chest against his as he ran his tongue along Brian’s tongue kept invading his mind. Considering how badly he wanted him, Brian could only hope he’d kept those fantasies in his dreams and had not accosted the man. One thing he knew for sure was, he wouldn’t have done such a thing sober since Terry didn’t see him in that way. But the dream seemed so real. Even though he couldn’t remember anything else about it other than the kiss, Brian was still so hard his dick was leaking onto his stomach. He could almost taste Terry, that’s how realistic the picture was in his mind.

  Settling back into his pillows, Brian focused on the opposite wall. The tiny yellow flowers and green sprigs covering his wallpaper stared back at him. He’d inherited a ton of debt when his mother passed away. Since he couldn’t afford anything nicer than his current apartment, he was stuck with the outdated stuff for a while longer. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate on the mundane, his erection wouldn’t subside. It didn’t care that Terry didn’t want him. Even half-dead from consuming way too much alcohol, he still craved Terry’s touch.

  Brian couldn’t claim there was merely something about the man he couldn’t resist. It was everything about him. Terry appealed to him on every level. If forced to narrow it down to one quality, he’d choose confidence. Terry possessed it in droves. The way he smirked each time he ordered Brian around, it was the one-two punch. Confidence paired with Alpha. Goose bumps rose on his skin at the thought. The muscles in his stomach tightened. Fuck. He wanted him. There were people he could call. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have options, if he wanted to spend the day in bed. But no one else would do. His hand headed south. A picture of Terry’s green eyes settled in his mind. His eyes fell closed. He slipped his hands past the waistband of his jeans. He and Terry were chest to chest inside Brian’s mind.

  Encircling his swollen member, he squeezed. Their lips collided. Brian leapt from the bed, headed for the dresser, stripping as he went. The moment he was nude, he dug around inside his sock drawer until he found what he needed. Returning to the bed, he slid between the sheets once more. Determined to have Terry—even if it was only in his imagination—Brian squeezed his eyes closed. The image of Terry reappeared as clear as if he was actually there. It was a testament to how closely Brian watched the man’s every action. He could recreate Terry behind his closed lids without omitting a single detail.

  Drawing his knees up, Brian allowed them to fall open. His fingers traced every vein in his cock while picturing Terry’s tongue doing the same. Cupping his balls, he did his best to alleviate the heaviness growing there. The muscles in his shoulders tightened. He imagined it was Terry spreading his legs wider. Toying with the spot between his scrotum and asshole with one hand, he fi
sted his erection with the other. A drop of pre-cum escaped. Capturing it with the tip of his finger, Brian smeared it over his hole before reaching for the toy he’d fetched from his dresser.

  The picture in his mind changed. Terry was holding his gaze as his dick slid inside Brian. He mimicked the fantasy with the anal plug. His body took over, drawing it inside. He tugged at his cock, almost desperate for it to be real. His ass pulled greedily at the plug. Brian struggled for air as his hips left the bed, moving against the pumping of his dick. Pressure built at the base of his cock. Terry increased the pace. As hot semen exploded across his abdomen, hitting him in the chest, Brian called Terry’s name. Brian was almost sick in that moment. The idea of never having Terry was devastating in its power. His cell phone rang. Crumpling the sheet between his fingers, he dragged the material across his stomach and chest, attempting to wipe away the evidence. When he rolled to his side, the plug hit his prostate causing him to moan. He spotted Terry’s name on the face of his phone and he quickly answered.

  “Hey.” Damn. He could hear the desire in his own voice. He bit back a groan. A moment of silence filled the air before Terry responded.

  “Good to know you’re still alive.”

  Brian pressed his free hand into his eye socket attempting to control his reaction to hearing the man’s voice so close on the heels of his fantasy. He cleared his throat. “Was there a chance I wouldn’t be?”

  “I was worried I’d poisoned you. By the time we made it to your house you were pretty out of it.”

  Awesome. He always ended up looking like an ass. “Sorry about that—”

  Terry cut him off. “Why? I’m the one who kept your glass filled.”

  He could hear the smile in his voice. Brian snuggled deeper into his pillows. “In that case, I’m not sorry.” A low rumble of laughter teased his ear. Closing his eyes, Brian drew a slow breath in through his nose. He wanted to hear the sound again. “I’m such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol,” he said to keep the conversation going.


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