Unattainable (No Rival Book 5)

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Unattainable (No Rival Book 5) Page 6

by Charity Parkerson

  “Absolutely,” Terry answered without an ounce of hesitation. “I’d have you right where I want you. Once I was in your house, you’d never get rid of me.” He glanced over tossing Brian a wink.

  A bark of laughter escaped Brian. “You drive me insane.”

  Terry smiled at the confession. “Good.”

  “You’re also amazing. Have I told you that lately?”

  At Brian’s words, Terry knew he’d won. “I don’t know, but you will,” he promised.

  “Promises. Promises,” Brian grumbled. “Where are we going anyhow?”

  With his eyes focused on the road, Terry smiled. Brian had been so busy talking, it had taken him forever to notice they weren’t heading in the direction of their usual Friday night destination. “You’re finally getting everything you deserve. I think this calls for a celebration.”

  Brian groaned. “No alcohol.” His plea surprised a chuckle from Terry. “No alcohol,” he promised. “I have something better in mind.”

  “That’s a broad statement. There’s a thousand things I’d rather be doing.”

  Thinking it over, Terry conceded the point. “True, but there’s only one or two things better than cheesecake.”

  * * * * *

  Thankfully, Terry’s cheesecake place turned out to be some tiny off-the-beaten-path place with a drive-thru. He’d ordered for them both. Brian hadn’t paid much attention to what he’d gotten him. The only thought rolling through his mind was they’d soon be home. With the takeout boxes sitting between them, they spent the remainder of the drive to Terry’s house in silence. The man had done so much for him. Brian didn’t know how to begin repaying him. There wasn’t a single thing he could think to say that would cover how he felt. The day he’d met Terry, the universe had blessed him with more than a friend, mentor and lover. He’d been given the world.

  Brian chose a spot on the couch as Terry went in search of forks and drinks. Sinking down into the plush, light-brown leather, Brian’s nerve endings danced with the need to act. The more he thought about everything Terry had given him, the more he wanted to do something insane, like scream at the top of his lungs how wonderful Terry was until he lost his voice. It was crazy but at least it would be something. Right now, he felt as if he contributed nothing to their relationship. They were uneven. Terry’s every action showed his love. Brian was just there.

  By the time Terry reappeared, Brian was ready to jump out of his skin. The moment their gazes met, Terry’s brows drew together in confusion making Brian wonder what he’d seen in his face.

  “Come here,” Brian demanded. At the husky note in his voice, Terry’s expression cleared. Dumping the items he’d gone in search of on the coffee table, Terry did as Brian bade, coming to stand over him. The moment he was within reach, Brian hooked the belt loop of Terry’s jeans with his forefinger tugging while patting his knee.

  “Sit.” At his command, Terry’s eyebrows rose in challenge. Brian softened his tone. “I want to hold you.” Terry obeyed. They were both too tall for this sort of shit but Brian didn’t give a fuck. As soon as he had Terry in his lap, he pressed the button next to him, releasing the footrest. The backward momentum combined with Brian’s grip at his waist left Terry little choice except to relax his spine against Brian’s chest. Obviously accepting his fate, Terry settled in, allowing Brian’s groin to cradle his ass and resting his head on Brian’s shoulder. Brian tightened his arms around Terry’s waist, burying his hands beneath his shirt until he held on to bare skin.

  “Much better,” he sighed against Terry’s ear. Every doubt he had over his ability to hang onto such a beautiful man melted away once he held him in his embrace.

  “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

  Feeling too insecure to admit to being insecure, Brian chose another truth instead. “Sometimes being close to you isn’t close enough, you know?”

  Terry ran his hands over Brian’s forearms. “Yeah, I get that.” An unexpected grin touched Brian’s lips. It came from the inside out. Terry’s tone made Brian realize Terry truly did understand. He hadn’t been so happy in a long time. Holding Terry was almost surreal. The warmth of his body seeped into Brian’s skin. Before he realized what he was doing, he was rubbing small circles on Terry’s stomach. Terry’s breathing hitched up a notch and Brian went hard at the sound. Chill bumps rose beneath Brian’s fingertips. He touched his lips to the side of Terry’s neck.

  “How am I supposed to go four months without you?”

  “You’ll be too busy to think of me,” Terry said, sounding more than turned on and sexy as hell. Taking advantage, Brian worked the button of Terry’s jeans loose and slid the zipper down. He went slow, partially in an attempt to draw out the anticipation but he also wanted to torture Terry a little to get even for the remark. As if he could ever be too busy to think of him.

  Freeing Terry’s erection, Brian drew a steadying breath. This wasn’t about him. He needed to show this man how he felt. It wasn’t enough to love him. It would never be enough. He wanted to set the world at his feet. Brian wrapped his fingers around Terry’s cock. A moan vibrated from his body. He stroked him, handling his dick the way he would his own. Terry moved against his hand, keeping pace. Brian swore the pleasure was his. The ass grinding against his erection nearly had him coming in his jeans. Every muscle in Terry’s body tensed. Brian buried his face against his shoulder, biting Terry’s shirt in a vain attempt at hanging onto his sanity as Terry’s orgasm hit and Brian’s name fell from his lips. When his heart couldn’t stand it any longer, he turned his head, pressing his face against Terry’s neck and breathing in his scent. When it still wasn’t enough, he opened his mouth over the column of his neck, brushing his tongue along the cord. Terry made a move as if to pull away, but Brian held him in place.

  “If you’re keeping me here then I can’t do all the things to you I’m picturing in my head.” The teasing note in Terry’s voice caused Brian to chuckle. However, he still wasn’t ready to let him go.

  “Hush and let me play.”

  Terry relaxed again. “Whatever you say.”

  “Mmm, I do like the sound of that.”

  “I do feel moved to point out my shirt is a bit uncomfortably wet.”

  At the complaint, Brian snagged the hem and carefully pulled it over Terry’s head, trying to keep from making the mess worse. The moment he had Terry divested of the material, he cupped Terry’s jaw and tilted his head back, capturing his mouth with his own. When their tongues met, Brian’s heart slammed against his chest. This man would never understand. He loved him so goddamn much. It was killing him.

  Chapter Six

  A warm tingle landed between his shoulder blades, luring Terry away from his dreams. A smile grew from the inside out at the sensation of Brian’s lips trailing down his spine. In spite of his exhaustion, he arched into the touch.

  “Someone’s being lazy this morning.”

  Keeping his eyes closed and gripping the pillow tighter, Terry chuckled. “I’m entitled.”

  Brian hummed against his skin. “You’re something. I’ll give you that.”

  Terry laughed harder, but didn’t budge. With a huff, Brian settled in next to him, tugging him back against his chest. Terry didn’t protest. He’d almost dozed off again when Brian spoke against his ear.

  “I can’t believe you’re not dragging me out of bed by the ankle, forcing me to go to the gym.”

  Lifting his head, Terry opened one eye and peeked at the clock. “You have to work this afternoon and I’m going with McKenna to her doctor’s appointment today.”

  Brian kissed the side of his neck. His hand skimmed down Terry’s side, over his hip. Terry held his breath as he focused on the motion. “I have you all to myself for a little while longer then. How should we pass the time?” Freezing an inch away from Terry’s twitching cock, Brian touched his lips the shell of his ear. Each breath the man drew caused a new wave of chills to race over Terry’s skin. With his concentration locked on the
things Brian did to his body, Terry forgot to answer. Brian sighed.

  “You never sleep in. I guess I should leave you to it.” The hard dick against Terry’s ass told a different story. Pressing closer, Terry swallowed a laugh when Brian started panting.

  “I guess so.”

  When cool air touched his back, Terry bit back an irritated groan. He shouldn’t have been surprised Brian had taken him seriously. It wasn’t as if the man couldn’t tell he was aroused, but he was too much of a gentleman to press. If he weren’t so tired, he’d chase Brian down. As it was, he couldn’t peel his lids open long enough to figure out where he’d run off to. Of course, now he was too turned on to go back to sleep. Kicking the covers away, he decided he could force his eyes open for this. It lasted half a second before he found his face pressed against the pillow. Brian covered his body with his.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Wherever you are.”

  “Damn right,” Brian growled as he sank his teeth into Terry’s shoulder. “I still have to get my daily exercise.” He’d gone to put on a condom, Terry realized as Brian burrowed his hand between Terry’s body and the mattress, fisting Terry’s cock. It didn’t matter that Brian didn’t have much room to maneuver. Terry found himself moaning and moving against Brian’s palm in a matter of moments. Damn. The man had a way of keeping him on the edge of explosion. Shifting positions, he kneed Terry’s legs apart, settling in between them. The ease in which he pushed inside told Terry some lubrication had gone on as well while he’d been missing. Once fully seated, Brian held still.

  Terry wanted more. “You’re killing me.”

  “I’m trying to make it last. You feel too damn good and I never want it to end.” Brian’s admission stole Terry’s breath away. He always said the right things. Of course, it didn’t dampen his need. “Fuck me.”

  As the plea left his lips, Brian’s control seemed to snap. Pulling out slightly, he slammed home again. Terry moved against the palm still gripping his cock. His mind became a haze of pleasurable sensations between tugging on his dick and the way Brian hit all the right places internally.

  Burying his face into the pillow, he held his breath, clamping his back teeth tight as an orgasm shot through him. The sound of Brian’s harsh cursing barely penetrated his high. The sheet clung to his skin from the evidence of his ecstasy. He didn’t care. His heart was near to bursting. Brian’s lips touched his shoulder. He couldn’t move.

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you come,” Brian said as he rolled to his side, giving Terry room to breathe. Not that he wanted it. Oxygen wasn’t nearly as important to him as Brian. Turning his head, he brought the man into focus. A thin layer of sweat coated Brian’s face. With his eyes closed, he visibly struggled to regain his breath. Terry’s heart swelled at the sight. In that moment, he wished for a different life. A longer one.

  “Brian.” The word left his lips so quietly Terry didn’t think he would hear it. One eye popped open, proving him wrong.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” Terry wanted to tell him everything, his reasons for retiring and about the sheer terror choking him. He needed him to know everything that was slowly dragging him under but he couldn’t do it. Instead, he said the only thing that truly mattered. “I love you.” Brian’s brow furrowed. There was no way he’d missed the sad note to Terry’s words. “I don’t want to move,” Terry added before Brian could question him.

  His expression cleared. A tiny grin hovered on his lips. “I guess you need a shower before McKenna gets here.” Terry closed his eyes, pretending to cry. Brian snorted before quickly kissing him. “Come on, lazy ass,” he said, pulling Terry from the bed. “You need to get ready.”

  As soon as Terry was on his feet, Brian hauled him against his chest, leaving no room between them. Touching his lips to Terry’s, his tongue brushed the corner of his mouth. The moment Terry opened for him, Brian held nothing back, devouring him. By the time Brian pulled away, Terry was ready to go again. Resting his forehead against Terry’s, Brian’s eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks as if he fought to control his body. Terry watched him in silence, wishing he could cling to him forever.

  “By the way,” Brian said, sounding every bit as desperate as Terry felt. “I love you too.”

  * * * * *

  “I forgot to ask where you told Brian you were going today.”

  “I said you had a doctor’s appointment.”

  McKenna nodded as she snapped her seatbelt in place. “He didn’t wonder why Kurt wasn’t going with me?”

  “I’m sure he did,” Terry admitted as he turned to stare out the passenger side window. “But I reminded him before you got there that Kurt is going to morning PTSD therapy sessions now.”

  McKenna put the car in drive. “You’ll have to tell him eventually.”

  Keeping his eyes locked on the passing scenery, Terry didn’t hesitate before lying his ass off. “I will.” Thankfully, McKenna didn’t call him on it. He didn’t have the brain power to deal with it at that moment. The truth was, he didn’t know what to do. Brian could break out, surging to the top any day now. Terry didn’t have the heart to ruin his dreams. His throat swelled and he swallowed against the sensation. Life was so cruel. Even though he’d wanted to own Brian from the first moment they met, he’d tried to keep their relationship from progressing to this point. At any time before Brian’s first fight, he could’ve put a stop to it. After that night together, he’d lost the will. More importantly, he’d lost his heart.

  “What’s Brian up to today?” McKenna asked, as if she knew where his head had gone.

  “He’s at No Rival, working his final shift.” He still couldn’t look at her.

  “Would you like me to take you there instead of back to your house?” Before he could ask why, she added, “I don’t think you should be alone with your thoughts right now. Between going to lunch, the doctor and getting your head shaved, I think we’ve killed all the time we can without you crashing out on me.”

  Terry snorted. “I’ll be fine.” As if his body decided to make a liar out of him, a sharp pain sliced through his chest and a wave of exhaustion washed over him.

  “Your hair looks great,” McKenna said, reaching over and running her hand over the short stubble. It was obvious she was attempting to distract him. “Brian will love it. It’s so soft.”

  He closed his eyes. The thought of Brian made him smile in spite of everything horrible going on his life. “Yeah. You can drop me by No Rival and thanks for going with me today,” he said, without opening his eyes. Although it seemed as if only a few seconds passed, when McKenna touched his arm, he blinked in confusion at the sight of No Rival’s nondescript steel door.

  “Are you okay?”

  The look of concern on McKenna’s face reminded him why he didn’t want to tell Brian. He wouldn’t be able to stand having Brian look at him the way she was right now.

  “Yeah. I’m good.” Without giving McKenna a chance to pull away, Terry set his hand over hers. Holding her in place, he met her gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Why?”

  “I hate that I’m forcing you to hide things from your friend.”

  A smile lit her face. In true McKenna style, she didn’t see things the same as everyone else did. “Lucky for you, I lie for a living.” He shook his head. His brother had been the luckiest bastard alive to have her on his side. “Time to put your brave face on,” she ordered. “If you plan to keep this hidden from Brian, you need to smirk a little more.”

  Rolling his eyes, Terry shoved open his car door. Only McKenna would give someone tips on how best to get away with keeping secrets. At the doorway, Terry punched in the security code he’d been given back when he’d still been a member. He half-expected it wouldn’t work and was little more than surprised when the light flashed green, allowing them slip inside the private club.

  Drew Alexander, the U.S. Heavyweight Champion and owner of No Rival, glanced
up from his desk as they stepped through the door. At six-foot-four and two hundred and thirty-five pounds, the huge male cleared a path everywhere he went. He stood, meeting them halfway. The light glimmered off his baldhead. In spite of his intimidating appearance, Drew was a good person. Terry would go so far as to say he was one of the best people he knew. Drew spent more time raising money for different charitable projects than he did training for bouts. McKenna eyed the man as if taking his measurements for her next book.

  “Terry,” Drew called, a luminous smile stretching across his face. “Long time, no see. Who’s your friend?”

  Terry touched McKenna’s elbow, urging her forward. “This is McKenna Travis.”

  “Ah. Kurt’s wife. Your infamy precedes you.” She liked that. It was written all over her face. Terry almost snorted at the mischievous glint lighting her eyes. “I’m Drew,” he added before Terry could introduce him.

  “Can I touch your head?”

  It took every ounce of Terry’s self-control to keep from laughing when Drew immediately leaned over, allowing her to run her hand over his head. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t hide the humor in his tone. “This is hardly the first time you’ve met a bald man. Gray was bald for a long time before he died.”

  She rubbed his head one more time as if memorizing the texture. “Yes, but he lost his hair during chemo. I was curious to know if it felt different shaved.”

  “Brian shaves his head,” Terry pointed out. “You could’ve asked him at any time.” A small smile played on her lips. “I know.”

  Bent at the waist and staring at the floor, Drew broke in. “Mrs. Travis, as the owner of this establishment, I feel moved to point out if someone drops a weight, you’ll lose a toe.” Terry looked down. Her feet were bare.

  Tilting his head to one side, Terry tried to remember if she’d been wearing anything on them earlier. Surely he would’ve noticed something like that. “Where are your shoes?”


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