Unattainable (No Rival Book 5)

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Unattainable (No Rival Book 5) Page 7

by Charity Parkerson

  McKenna’s face went blank. She dropped her hand. “Why would anyone hold a weight over my foot?” Drew watched her in silence. Terry didn’t doubt he was searching his mind for a counterargument. She wasn’t finished. “Even if we put aside the fact it would be barbaric for anyone to attempt to squash a pregnant lady’s toes, I can’t get around my stomach to tie my shoes. Therefore, I have to assume it would take a great deal of effort for someone to position themselves where such a thing was possible. Since I’m not blind nor am I simpleton, wouldn’t this then allow me enough time to simply step aside?”

  It was a nervous tic. McKenna reacted one of two ways to every situation—with excessive sexual innuendo or heightened intelligence. No matter which way she swung, people were helpless against her and Terry could see Drew was no exception. He was visibly fighting against a smile while she seemed to be waiting for him to prove her wrong. When Drew took a moment too long to respond she let out a heavy sigh. “I release you of all legal ramifications. Is that better?”

  A low chuckle fell from his lips. “Damn. Where’s that fancy lawyer who’s always hanging around here when I need him?”

  “I take it back,” she said immediately. “In hindsight I can see how Asher would be capable of distracting me with his beauty long enough to drop a weight on me should he decide to try.”

  This time, Terry couldn’t hide his reaction to Drew’s expression. It was obvious he had no idea what to make of her. “You knew who I was talking about with only the description of ‘fancy lawyer’ to go by?”

  “I had coffee with him this morning.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  McKenna didn’t miss a beat. “He looked every bit as yummy as ever in his expensive business suit.”

  Drew being outrageous in his own right, chose a different track. “I thought coffee was bad for pregnant women.”

  McKenna shrugged. “How should I know? I don’t drink the stuff.”

  Terry thought Drew’s eyes might have crossed, but it passed quickly. “Damn. I’d love to have been a fly on the wall when Kurt met you.”

  Terry had the exact same reaction when he’d learned the pair were dating. If there was anyone who did a better job at keeping people off balance than McKenna, it was her husband Kurt. His intelligence left everyone he met in awe.

  “He called me crazy then handcuffed me to his bed.”

  Drew threw his head back on a roar of laughter, drawing the gaze of several of the club’s patrons. At the commotion, Brian appeared from around the corner. A smile lit his face at the sight of them. Every single one of Terry’s nerve ending fired to life. Being near Brian was the same as a shot adrenaline to the heart.

  “I thought I heard your voice.”

  Before Terry had a chance to make an ass of himself by hauling Brian against him, McKenna released a loud huff, snagging his attention. “Brian isn’t wearing shoes either!”

  This time it was Drew with the blank expression. “What’s your point?”

  Terry could’ve interceded by letting her know they weren’t allowed to have them on while sparring, but he secretly thought she was merely fucking with Drew. She narrowed her eyes at the man.

  “You’re a bad one. I like it.”

  While the pair were distracted, Terry gave Brian a tiny shove in the direction of the locker room. Taking the hint, Brian stepped to the side and slipped inside. After a quick glance around, ensuring they were alone, Terry tugged him closer. He loved the happiness written on Brian’s face. No one was ever excited to see him. It was obvious Brian was now.

  “You cut off all your hair. How did McKenna’s appoint—”

  Terry sealed his mouth over Brian’s before he was forced to lie to the man about anything. He spoke against Brian’s lips. “Couldn’t wait to see you.”

  “Missed you,” Brian agreed. Terry’s shirt stretched across his back as Brian tightened his hold on the material. A throat cleared to their left. Even though it was ridiculous—since they were in a public place—Terry turned his head ready to blast whoever was interrupting them. He didn’t release Brian.

  With one shoulder leaning against the doorframe, Drew stood with his arms crossed over his chest, eyeing them curiously. “I assume you’re renewing your membership with me now.”

  He could feel Brian shaking with suppressed laughter. Terry cleared his throat. “Um. Yeah. I guess I need to do that while I’m here.”

  With a sharp nod, Drew pushed away from the wall. “Nobody fucking works around here.” Brian shook harder as Drew somehow managed to make the words sound as if he was the most put upon man in the world.

  “Yeah, about that,” Terry said apologetically. “Brian needs to leave early.” Drew let a colorful curse fly as he left them alone. The moment he was gone, Terry finally looked at Brian. His eyes shone with mirth. “I think that went well.”

  “Since today was my last day, it’s not as if he could fire me for messing around while on the clock or anything,” Brian pointed out reasonably. His expression sobered as his hold tightened on Terry’s shirt. “As for all of this,” he said, tugging him flush against his body. “I’m damn proud to call you mine. Sorry if you hoped to keep me a secret because I don’t work that way.”

  It hadn’t occurred to Terry that it would be an issue. “The idea never even crossed my mind. I couldn’t hide the way I feel about you even I wanted to.” He stared at Brian’s mouth for a moment longer, gathering his strength. “Get dressed. This is our last night for a while.” He stepped away. “I’ll go pay Drew’s astronomical membership fee and make him smile again. If I stay in here with you, we both know I won’t keep my hands to myself.”


  Recognizing the promise in Brian’s tone, Terry dipped his chin in agreement. “Later.”


  Brian rushed through ripping off his grappling tape before hauling on his street clothes. He need not have hurried. With his gym bag in hand, he found Terry, McKenna, Drew and Asher—who seemed to have magically appeared while he’d been changing clothes—sequestered in Drew’s office with their heads together, quietly discussing something. Asher was the first to notice him hovering in the doorway and he tossed Brian a wink. Since they didn’t appear finished with whatever they were discussing, Brian leaned his shoulder into the doorframe, prepared to wait.

  The Italian lawyer, Asher D’Ettore, was at No Rival almost as often as Brian was. His jet-black hair coupled with light-blue eyes made him stand out in any crowd even without taking his more-expensive-than-Brian’s-car business suit and amazing accent into account. He had McKenna tucked under one arm and from Brian’s vantage point, it looked as if she was sniffing him while attempting to appear as if she wasn’t. Since the first moment they’d been introduced, McKenna had made no secret of her love for all things Asher. Brian felt sure if there wasn’t a list of things standing between them, she’d be climbing the man like a monkey. Of course, that list did exist. It began with McKenna’s husband, Kurt and ended with Asher’s husband, Rhys. As if the thought conjured him, Rhys appeared at his side in the doorway.

  “Did I miss a meeting?”

  Brian glanced over at the man who currently held the title he intended to steal and lifted his shoulder. “I have no idea. If so, then I missed the memo as well.”

  “Huh,” Rhys grunted absently, before adding, “Damn. McKenna is trying to steal my man again. I can’t turn my back for a minute.” His words so closely mimicked Brian’s thoughts, he couldn’t help but laugh. A wicked smile touched Rhys’ lips at the sound. If there was anyone who equaled Asher in heart-stopping beauty, it was Rhys D’Ettore. He was a lethal combination of sexy and charming. Everyone smiled while in his presence and Brian genuinely liked him. It wouldn’t stop him from challenging him, but still.

  “I’m being serious,” Rhys added. His tone couldn’t have possibly sounded less than he claimed. “Neither pregnancy nor getting married to Kurt has slowed down her pursuit. If I don’t step up
my game, she’ll whip some freaky move out of one of her erotica novels and I’ll never see my husband again. Look at that bag she’s carrying, I guarantee she has at least one pair of handcuffs inside.”

  The further Rhys took his rant, the harder Brian laughed. It wasn’t a good move since Rhys was the type of outrageous a person shouldn’t feed. He would only get worse, but Brian couldn’t help it. Plus, now that Rhys mentioned it, Brian couldn’t stop eyeing McKenna’s purse. He didn’t doubt for one minute she did have handcuffs inside. Their antics seemed to penetrate the group surrounding Drew’s desk. Terry turned in their direction, scowling.

  “Quit flirting with Brian, Rhys. He’s mine.” At Terry’s growled statement, Brian’s cheeks ached as his smile stretched even wider. Undeterred, Rhys’ brown eyes flashed with good humor. He threw his arms wide, and pitched his voice loud enough that Brian felt sure everyone inside the club could hear him.

  “But we’re bored. We don’t like to be left out.”

  Terry shook his head and tossed a glance in Asher’s direction. “How do you stand it? He’s like a child.”

  A slow grin spread across Asher’s face, but he didn’t respond. Rhys answered for him. “He happens to think I’m wonderful. Don’t you babe? Tell him you think I’m awesome.”

  “He is indeed awesome,” Asher answered dutifully. Brian didn’t miss the honesty behind the statement. They might have been playing, but Asher truly meant it. Drew was pretending to beat his head on the desk.

  “Why? Why do I pretend things will get done around here? I should close up shop and become a stay-at-home dad.”

  Even though Brian could hear the humor in Drew’s voice, he immediately felt guilty. Drew did a lot for other people and he was more than tolerant of their antics around the club. Actually, if he didn’t qualify for sainthood, Brian didn’t know who did.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, attempting to school his features into some semblance of seriousness. “Carry on with whatever.”

  Terry’s expression hardened. Brian could tell Terry didn’t like him apologizing to anyone but he kept his mouth shut. Manners mattered to Brian and Terry knew it.

  Drew sat up and waved them inside. “No. The two of you should be in on this since we’re plotting on your behalf.”

  Brian listened in with equal parts horror and respect for their devious minds as Drew and Terry took turns explaining how they saw the future unfolding. It seemed they already knew exactly how to keep Rhys a champion and make Brian into one while all the way making No Rival into the ultimate place to learn how become a top contender.

  With his mind still racing from all the new information he’d been fed, Brian drove home, barely noticing the silence in the car. Terry was even less talkative than usual. By the time Brian stepped beneath the pounding hot water in the shower, he’d come to some type of grips with the secret Rhys and Drew had been keeping until now. Rhys had his eye on the light heavyweight title. It was easy enough to achieve the weight class. He did sit right on the line with his size. It could be done. Forcibly, Brian pushed thoughts of his future aside. The minor tweak in Drew’s plans meant Brian wouldn’t need to be gone quite as long as he’d originally thought, but it was still a long tour. It was still his last night with Terry. Once that knowledge settled on his shoulders again, he couldn’t concentrate on anything else. Man he hoped he didn’t fuck up their relationship by going on this tour. He did not want to trade one thing for the other. As much as he’d always dreamed of becoming a champion, he already held the world.

  Terry’s silence nagged at the back of his mind. This path was every bit as much Terry’s doing as it was Brian’s desire. Therefore, he knew he wasn’t upset with him for leaving. It was something else. He couldn’t put his finger on it. He made it through his shower by simply going through the motions. With his mind focused on the problem, he wrapped a towel around his waist, dismissing the drops of water still rolling down his body. Inside the closet, he stood with his hands on his hips and stared at nothing. It seemed so odd to have his clothes hanging alongside Terry’s.

  “How long do you intend to hide in here?”

  Brian looked over in surprise at Terry’s question. He was relaxing against the doorframe as if he’d been there awhile. His light-blue dress shirt was unbuttoned and hanging open, showing off his delicious torso.

  “You never said what we were doing tonight. I couldn’t decide what I needed to wear.” It was only half a lie. Terry hadn’t ever said what they were doing.

  “I’m all about you. Whatever you want works for me. If you want to make the rounds and tell everyone goodbye, we will. If you’d rather go to dinner, we’ll do that instead.”

  “I could eat.”

  Terry straightened away from the doorway. “Then that’s what we’ll do,” he said, as he moved to button his shirt. Suddenly, whatever was going on became too much. Terry’s mood seemed strained and Brian hated it. Without thought, Brian snagged the lapels of Terry’s shirt before he could get the first button done. He hauled the man against him.

  “I’m starving, but I didn’t say a goddamn word about going anywhere.” He slammed his mouth down on Terry’s with enough force that their teeth bumped.

  Dragging the shirt halfway down Terry’s arms, Brian kept him trapped as he walked him backward toward the bed while continuing to eat at Terry’s mouth. Terry willingly submitted to Brian’s demands. Brian didn’t doubt for a second that Terry could overpower him if he chose to do so. The hitch in Terry’s breathing said more than anything else could have as the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed. It was obvious Terry was enjoying the loss of control. With a push, Brian urged Terry onto his back before straddling his hips. He couldn’t get enough of tasting the man’s lips. Without showing an ounce of mercy, Brian used his teeth, tongue and strength to tease his mouth. When Terry struggled free of his shirtsleeves and gripped the back of Brian’s neck, he moved his lips to Terry’s throat, sucking lightly at the skin there.

  “I don’t like your distance,” Brian confessed against his skin. “You’re not allowed to put space here,” he added, as he moved to Terry’s collarbone. Terry cupped his jaw, urging Brian to meet his gaze.

  “Nothing gets between us, okay? Nothing,” Terry stressed, making Brian wonder who he was trying to convince. “Going to that appointment today with McKenna, it’s got my head in a dark place, thinking about death and shit. I shouldn’t have let it ruin our time together.” Brian got it and it should’ve occurred to him sooner. As excited as Terry’s was about McKenna’s baby, she was still his brother’s widow. Gray’s death had to have been sitting on his chest the whole time he’d been at the doctor with her.

  “You don’t have to do anything alone,” Brian reminded him. A mischievous grin touched Terry’s lips. He rolled his hips, reminding Brian of every spot their bodies touched.

  “For the next few months, I’ll be handling quite a few things alone.”

  “You’d fucking better,” Brian growled before he could stop himself. The thought of anyone else touching Terry made him want to kill someone. Terry’s hands moved to his shoulders before traveling down his chest and ribs until he reached the edge of Brian’s towel.

  “You’ve got a jealous streak I would’ve never suspected. I like it.”

  Brian didn’t. “It’s new to me. No one else has ever brought it out and I can’t say I care for the feeling.” The towel slipped away from his hips. Brian allowed his gaze to slide over Terry’s features, taking in every detail. He zeroed in on his mouth. With his focus locked on Terry’s bottom lip, he touched his thumb to it and stroked it lightly. “I love the sexy new haircut, by the way.”

  Terry chuckled at the remark. “Does my mouth remind you of my hair?”

  Shifting his gaze back to Terry’s, Brian didn’t share in his humor. “I was reminded I don’t tell you often enough how sexy you are.” Brian dipped his head, pausing right before meeting Terry’s lips. “You’ll scream my name,” he promised before capturing T
erry’s mouth. The man’s flavor and the scent of his cologne teased Brian’s senses, turning him on even more. As the first moan vibrated from the back of Terry’s throat, Brian experienced a never-seen-before level of determination. His promise wouldn’t be merely a boast. Before he left in the morning, Terry would scream his name.

  Chapter Seven


  “How did it go today?”

  “I sat around for hours waiting for my match to start. You know how it is, boring as hell.”

  Terry blew out a sigh. “You know what I mean. Did you win?”


  “Hell yeah!” Terry cheered. “Of course you did because you’re fucking awesome.” Even though Terry couldn’t see him, Brian still blushed. He’d always been uncomfortable with praise.

  “What did you do today?”

  Terry laughed knowingly at the change of topic. “Fine. We’ll talk about something else. I went to see Drew in hopes he’d be interested in helping me put together some type of fundraiser for Betty. Anna’s long illness and death left her with a mountain of bills. Buying flowers won’t cut it any longer. She’ll have to accept help whether she wants it or not.”

  Damn. He loved this man. “Is he going to help?”

  “Yeah. We kicked around a few ideas. It’ll take some work, but it’s not like I have anything else occupying my time.”

  Feeling wicked, Brian pitched his voice low. “Do you need something to keep your hands busy?”

  “You sound as if you have something in mind.”


  There was shuffling in the background as if Terry was settling in. “I’m your one-man captive audience.”

  Brian set his elbows on the bar and leaned his shoulder against the wall, thankful he’d chosen the quiet, darkened corner to make this call. “Where are you right now?”

  “Kicked back on the couch.”

  His eyes fell closed and he drew a slow breath in through his nose before opening his eyes again. “I do love that couch. Are you sitting in my spot?” He knew Terry would know exactly the location he referred. The place where he’d held Terry in his arms while stroking his cock would always be his.


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