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The Lion, The Witch, and The Secret Garden: A Nocturne Falls Universe story

Page 3

by Larissa Emerald

  Rylan accepted her card reading it. One free dessert. “Mmm. Next to a fine steak, sweets are my biggest weakness.”

  “What’s your favorite?”

  “Rich chocolate cake.”

  “Then you’re in luck. Stop by. That card will earn you a free item.”

  He glanced at the D with a flourish swirling through it. He nodded. “I will. Thanks.”

  The little boy in the stroller wiggled, kicking his legs. “Better get home,” she said. “Enjoy your time in Nocturne Falls.”

  With a wave, they moved past each other on the sidewalk. Big Daddy Bones. A couple slabs of ribs sounded perfect.

  Every store along the street was decked out for Halloween. He noted some of the places as he walked: Enchanted Garden, Hair Scare, Illusions, and Mummy’s Diner. He’d have to give the last a try.

  The delicious smell of barbeque led him to Big Daddy Bones. “Seat yourself,” the receptionist said with a slight southern drawl as he entered. His gaze swept the interior. There weren’t many choices. Nearly every seat was taken. A table for two, close to the front, opened up as a young couple left. He snagged the spot, scooting the table away from the bench to accommodate his large, muscular frame.

  A few heads turned. He smiled and nodded. A waitress trotted by, wiping the table and leaving a glass of water as she went. “Menus are right there.” She pointed to the stack nestled in a metal frame that held the condiments. On her next pass, she paused, asking, “Need more time to decide?”

  “Nope. I always know what I want when I see it.”

  “So, what’ll it be tonight?”

  “Rack of ribs, burger, rare, and a baked potato.”

  “I admire a man who knows what he likes. To drink?”

  “Just water.”

  She smiled and tipped the end of her pen at him. “It’ll be out in a jiffy.”

  When she’d left, he glanced around again. A soft rumble washed through the place as people were talking and enjoying their meal. He was a tad disappointed he didn’t have anyone to share his time with. No girlfriend to bring along—hadn’t been in a really long while.

  He brushed the thought away. No time for that anyway. He wondered absently about his sister. That demon had better not harm a hair on her head. The thought made him grumpy.

  He reached into his pocket and drew out the map, spreading it on the table in front of him. Different areas of the napkin shimmered, coming in and out of focus. Had it done that before, when Sela had first given it to him? He didn’t think so. It was as if there was a magical element to the napkin now.

  Before leaving Terror, he’d only glanced at the drawing enough to determine that Nocturne Falls was his destination. He lifted one end of the paper, tilting it in the light. Part of the drawing disappeared, while another section became enlightened and visible, giving it a second dimension. He angled the napkins slightly to the right, and the images changed slightly again.

  It’s more than what meets the eye, Sela had said.

  He traced his finger on the map, along the river. An X marked the falls, with the label Clach Sgàthan. The town had a few landmarks notated, owned by the Ellinghams. He recalled the sweet shop card. Delaney Ellingham must be a relative.

  He glanced to the map labels of Mystical Waters. Magic and mayhem. What on earth did that mean?

  Rylan heard approaching footsteps and looked up. The waitress carried his meal. Pressing his back against the bench seat, he folded the map and set it on the far side of the table.

  She positioned the food in front of him with practiced ease, then turned the serving tray away, letting it rest by her leg. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Will do.”

  Rylan dug in. The ribs were superb, the burger a juicy work of art, and the potato as good as a potato could be. The only problem with the meal was the distraction of the map. How was he going to be able to tell what was real and what wasn’t if the map kept changing, adding layer upon layer of confusion?

  By the time he had finished with the meal, he was ready to head back to his motor home and pour over the map in earnest.

  “Was everything to your liking?” the waitress asked, taking and stacking the empty plates.

  “Delicious. Thank you.” His gaze settled on two women coming up behind the waitress. He stared at one gorgeous woman in particular. She had long dark chocolate hair, light blue eyes, and full sensual lips. Rylan caught himself staring at her as their eyes met. The words he told the waitress earlier flickered to the surface. I always know what I want when I see it.

  The impact of their eyes meeting struck him like a hammer to his chest. What the devil was that?

  The waitress turned from the table, accidently brushing the map to the floor as she went.

  Rylan’s gaze cut to the map. He couldn’t lose it.

  “Sorry,” the waitress said. “Do you need that?”

  “Yes. I’ll get it.” He slid to the side of his seat, waiting for her to clear the path.

  The beautiful brunette stepped forward, picking the napkin up off the floor. As she did so, her gaze raked over the map, briefly viewing the images, and her expressive brows bunched. She stood and offered the napkin to the waitress. Rylan stretched his hand out. “That’s mine,” he said.

  The woman handed it over. Her eyes swept to the side and back again, as if she didn’t want to look directly at him. As if she hid something. He wondered if she’d gotten a good look at the map. No. There hadn’t been enough time. “Thanks,” he said to the stunning woman.

  He secured the map in his pocket and gave it a pat for safekeeping.

  The woman and her friend continued to exit onto the street. His waitress returned with the bill. “Here you go. Come back and visit soon.”

  “Thank you,” he muttered, distracted. Before she’d even walked away, his gaze shifted to the window to see if the woman with dark hair was there. He expelled a heavy sigh. Only Halloween lights lit the window. He tossed enough cash to cover the meal plus a large tip onto the table and exited.

  Outside, he looked around but didn’t find her. Perhaps it was just as well. He didn’t have time to pursue a woman now, anyway. He drew the discount card from his pocket for Delaney’s Delectables. He did have time for dessert.

  Even so, he suspected nothing in the sweet shop would be as tasty as the woman who possessed those begging-to-be kissed lips.

  Chapter Four

  Zoe noticed the handsome warlock standing beside her red Nissan. She’d offered to drive which turned out well now that she’d met the guy with the map. “Is that him? Your boyfriend?”

  Kamdyn let out a giddy laugh. “Yes. Isn’t he the handsomest thing you’ve ever seen?” She practically skipped over to him.

  Well, now that she mentioned it…no. The man from the BBQ place matched that description. But she had to admit, Cedric was easy on the eyes, with his neat cropped brown hair. He had a fit, muscular physique. Not as well-built as her mystery man, but nice.

  “Zoe meet Cedric, Cedric this is Zoe. My best friend ever.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” he said with an Irish lilt.

  “Likewise,” Zoe returned the greeting. But what she really itched to do was chase after the guy with the map. “Hey, you two go ahead. I’ll meet you back at the house. I saw something that interests me.” Boy, did he interest her. Plus, this way Kamdyn and Cedric could spend a little alone time together.

  “Are you sure? We can hang around if you’d like,” Kamdyn said.

  “No. I’m going to check it out.” She stepped backward. And if that map turned out to be what she suspected, it would be a huge help.

  “Okay,” Kamdyn waved. “See you in a little while.”

  They parted, Kamdyn and Cedric heading in one direction, Zoe in the other. Zoe retraced her steps following the route she thought the man from the restaurant might have taken. How much ahead of her was he?

  With her heartbeat pulsing in her throat, she tried to calm herself. She pushed
her hands into her coat pockets, feeling every bit the spy. The man intrigued her. He was extremely handsome, true. But more than that, she’d glimpsed the words Clach Sgàthan on his map. How many people, she wondered, were after this mirror stone? And he had a map. She blew a tremulous breath of air between her lips.

  A huge advantage!

  Straining to see between tourists, he strolled up the street a block ahead of her. She’d recognize his tall, broad-shouldered presence anywhere. He moved with grace and stealth, as if he belonged wherever he was. As if he feared nothing. As if he owned the place.

  He traveled a block. So did she. He stopped. She stopped.

  She’d never tailed anyone before. When he entered Delaney’s Delectables, Zoe decided to walk on by and sneak a peak in the window. If she lost him, then where would she be? How would she ever know how to reach him about the map? Or should she simply follow him to the stone? A map of the mirror stone’s location would make things so much easier.

  She was almost in front of Delaney’s Delectables. She turned her head to gaze through the window, but the door opened into her face. She stopped short with a gasp.

  “Are you following me?” the man from Big Daddy Bones accused.

  “Me? No.” She retreated a step.

  “I’m heading for ice cream,” She pointed to the I Scream Shop the next block over.

  The man looked in the direction she indicated, then back at her. She couldn’t tell if he believed her or not. His posture eased and he considered her. “Can I interest you in some cake instead?”

  Perfect. “I suppose.”

  He allowed her to pass in front of him and into the shop. She could feel him at her back. She wasn’t sure she liked the sensation, she likened it to turning your back on a wild animal—which was foolish, since they were in a public place. Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling.

  When they arrived at the sales counter, he paused, extending his hand. “I’m Rylan Lewis. I’m visiting for a few days.”

  “Zoe Cirillo. Also visiting. I’m hanging with my friend for a while.” She wanted him to tell her where he was staying.

  “So it seems we’re both traveling.” His voice was deep and heavy as it washed over her. She liked the sound of him.

  She gave a shaky smile. “Yes.”

  The slightest corner of his mouth lifted, but she could have sworn he smirked at her.

  “I’m about to have chocolate cake. May I treat you to some?”

  She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to choose what to say. If she said no, she’d have no reason to stay. “Okay.” She stared into his golden eyes flecked with green. How unusual.

  He broke eye contact and turned to order. She grabbed a table by the window, then watched him from behind—the set of his massive shoulders, the fluid manner in which he moved. When he arrived at the table, he placed a slice of cake in front of her. “If you love chocolate, this should curl your toes. If it tastes half as good as it smells…I’ll be in heaven.”

  Although it looked delicious, her senses weren’t nearly as keen as his seemed. His nostrils flared as he inhaled. She cut into the cake at the same time, ate the piece at the same time, drew the fork from her lips in sync with him. He was mesmerizing—strong, confident, powerful.

  “I confess…I have a massive sweet tooth. This is fantastic.”

  “A man who likes cake can’t be all bad.”

  He lifted a brow. “What says I’m bad at all?”

  She lifted a shoulder, paused, then narrowed her eyes, lowering her voice. “What kind of supernatural are you?”

  He finished his cake and wiped his lips as civilized as anyone, then smiled. “Lion shifter.”

  Air filled her lungs. “The king of beasts. I can’t say I expected that.”

  “Does that scare you?”

  “No more than a dragon shifter, or gargoyle, or…” she hesitated, unable to think of any other big, dangerous creatures.

  “I see.”

  He watched her eat the remainder of her cake. “And what kind of supernatural are you?”


  * * *

  She leaned forward almost challenging him. An elemental witch, he thought. He knew a few sorcerers like that. They weren’t into light, mystical things such as turning a frog into a prince or some such nonsense. They were powerful in wielding the forces of nature. Throwing fireballs at one’s head or drowning them in a spout of water was more their style.

  Rylan observed the subtle lift of her chin. She practically exuded a dare. One brow lifted provocatively. She didn’t pull back or make a face as many others might do when they learned what kind of shifter he was. Lions were fierce and respected, yet also feared. Being King of Beasts had its drawbacks.

  But she wasn’t afraid of him. True, he was in his human form, but usually, that didn’t matter. People tended to back away or many times make excuses to leave his company. She did neither.

  He pushed his spine into his chair. “You…fascinate me.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “No matter what you claimed, I think you were following me. What do you want?” he asked, knowing as certainly as the sun rose in the east that she wanted something. And he was pretty sure that it wasn’t him.

  She stacked the plates and forks, avoiding his gaze. Was she deciding whether or not to trust him? Her head came up, and she stared into his eyes. Yes, he was indeed fascinated.

  “I’d like a peek at your map,” she said straight forward.

  Bingo. No cunning, no beating around the bush. He liked that about her. Still, he had no intention of sharing his map. “I can’t do that.”

  Pressing her lips together, she turned her head and looked out the window. “Let’s take a walk.”

  “You’re not going to change my mind.”

  She stood at the same time he did. “A girl can try.”

  They exited, and he headed in the direction of his truck. “Are you leaving? I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “Yes. Thank you. I’m staying at my friend’s place. What about you?”

  “I have my motor home at the local campground.”

  “Camping eh?”

  “Yes. By the time I decided to come to town, I knew all the inns would be full. I like having my own place, though.”

  “I suppose it does allow for privacy.” She halted by a red Nissan. “Listen, I didn’t want to talk about it in the store. Paranormal creatures have far too good of hearing. But, I did get a look at your map.”

  Rylan crossed his arms over his muscular chest, reminding her she wasn’t dealing with some brownie or sprite.

  Again she lifted her damn chin. “The map was created by a witch. And given its intricacy and magical layers, I thought I might be of help to you in deciphering it.”

  “You don’t think I’m smart enough?”

  “I don’t think you’re magical enough. Oh, you may figure it out eventually, but if time is of an essence, I can help.”

  “Humph. Thanks for the offer, but no. I alone will find the—” He snapped his lips closed.

  She smiled. “Clach Sgàthan?”

  He glared at her. How did she know about the mirror stone? Did others? He wondered what was going on. Did it have something to do with the demon?

  With a menacing step towards her, he growled softly, “Do not get into my business.”

  “Do not tell me what to do,” she bit back, her dark hair whipping about her shoulders.

  He squinted at her. She was either a fool or very brave to test the ire of a lion. More than a bit stunned by her reaction, he treaded to the side, as if prowling, watching her.

  “I enjoyed partaking cake with you. But I must go.”

  He turned before she could say another word and stalked off into the darkness where he changed into his lion form. His body reacted quickly and strongly to her. And the way she stood up to him only intensified the feeling. There was something about her that called to him.

  Deep within the shadows between t
he buildings, Rylan paused and looked back at her. She was already backing out of the parking spot and driving away. He stretched his front paws out, letting his claws extend and retract. On a growling sigh, he transformed into his human form, aggravated with himself over how he’d handled that. He never walked away from a confrontation. With her, though, he lost his senses. He could have just as easily jerked her into him and kissed her, long and hard, showing her exactly what he felt.

  Changing into his lion had helped him clear his head.

  No matter how beautiful she was to him, he wouldn’t get involved with a witch. He would simply ignore her, find the stone he needed, and be on his way. That would be the end of it.

  Chapter Five

  When Zoe entered the cottage, Kamdyn and Cedric were snuggled up on the sofa. She strolled right past them to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of ice cold water. “Hey,” Kamdyn said from the other room. “What’s up?”

  Taking her drink with her, Zoe made her way back into the living room and plopped into the chair across from them. “Nothing. Just thirsty.”

  She sat there sipping the water as if her heart wasn’t still racing from the encounter she’d had with Rylan. She swirled the ice around, letting it ping against the glass.

  “What happened with lover boy?” Kamdyn asked.

  “Don’t call him that. I was simply following up on a hunch.”

  “Which is?”

  She shrugged. “A dead end. I couldn’t get him to bite.”

  “Was he a vamp?” Cedric asked.

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “No.”

  Kamdyn sat up, paying more attention now. “What then?”

  Zoe glanced at Cedric. Her friend may trust him, but Zoe wasn’t so sure. She didn’t know the guy. So she spoke in a code she knew Kamdyn would understand. “Do you remember the night we went to prom? We had a double date.”

  Kamdyn tilted her head back, remembering. Cedric glared at them, clearly out of the loop. “Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that in a long time.”


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