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Life Altering Beautiful

Page 2

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “What the hell Tammy!” I stride over to the bed and rip the stupid mother fucker off my sister. Tossing him to the floor I glance back at my sister. She is sitting on her knees in the middle of the bed, thankfully still clothed and seeing red. “What the hell Stone” she shrieks. I glance down at Preston sitting in shock on the floor and bend down to grab his shirt. “Hey man, cool down, I didn’t know, no harm no foul” he spits out of his mouth trying to twist his way out of my grasp. “Stay the fuck away from my sister”, I yell as I toss him to his bed. “Seriously Stone, I didn’t know it was your sister, I’m your brother man you got to believe me” Preston rambles.

  For being our chapter president and having as much money as he does he sure seems like a whiny little bitch when he is backed into a corner. I shake my head to try and clear the thoughts of pounding his ugly face in, but turn and look at Tammy still on the bed. “Tammy, get the fuck off of the bed and into my truck” as I grab her wrist and yank her to the door. “Knock it off Stone, I’m eighteen now and you can’t control me!”

  “The hell I can’t” I grab her and throw the little twit over my shoulders and stomp down the stairs. I hear I’m sorry being yelled from the room as I pound down the stairs however clearly could care less about whatever the stupid shit is spouting out of his mouth. Right now I need to get my little sister back to her dorm and away from all the horny frat brothers lurking around.

  “Put me down you Neanderthal” she yells as she pounds her fists on my back. I just laugh and walk down the steps to my truck. “Seriously put me down, I can’t believe you did that!” her legs are now kicking over my shoulders so I hold on tighter. I reach my truck and set her down to unlock the passenger door. She looks pissed, face the color of a baboon’s ass and her hair is going in every direction kind of like medusa. I snicker at the sight of her and she shoves me into my truck. “You think this is funny asshole? I am so embarrassed by you” and she turns to walk back to the house. “Oh hell you’re not going back in there” I say as I reach out to grab her arm. “I’ve got to go find my roommate; I bet she is having fun with some guy in there and not being mortified by older brothers who can’t seem to stay out of her business.”

  “You’re not going in there alone, I know a majority of the guys are on the prowl for freshman and I’m keeping you far away as possible from them” as I match her step walking back up the walkway.

  “Yo Stone who is that fine honey you walked in with” Hunter questions as he walks over from the beer pong table. I throw a disgusted look at him “My sister dumbass” and glance around looking for that tall blonde head of hers. “Tammy? Oh Shit man when did she grow up” he asks as he tips back the rest of his cup. I start to get irritated at the amount of people in the house; I’ve just got to find my sister so I can get the hell out of here. “If you see her tell her to head out to the truck and text me” I yell while trying to make my way in the crowd, only to get pawed at by drunken women as I walk by. “Can do bro, can do” Hunter slurs over the music and laughter. I turn the corner to the kitchen and run smack into my sister. “Can you embarrass me anymore” she glares into my eyes. I almost start to say yes, but realize that I value my nuts and I know that’s the first body part she would go for. Instead I glare right back “find your roommate yet?”

  “No, but I texted her to meet me outside” I grab her arm and start pulling her to the front door. “You need to let up, I can get there by myself you know” she yells as we walk out the door and down the steps. “Well maybe if you weren’t trying to get naked with an asshole upstairs I wouldn’t feel the need to babysit” dropping her arm and crossing mine against my chest. “Where is this roommate of yours” I ask impatiently. Tammy glances up at the steps “there” and smiles. I look over to where she is facing; holy shit.


  I can feel the vibration of my phone in my purse, but am too lazy to grab it. Besides this beer has captured my attention, and I’m betting its Tammy telling me about the hot guy she wandered off with. Wait what rule did she break by leaving me alone down here? I toss the last of the beer back and push myself off the wall I’ve been occupying for whoever knows how long for. Figuring I might as well find the keg again, I decide to go for one more round of the cold brown liquid when my phone goes off for the twentieth time tonight. Digging through my Mary Poppins bag I finally find the culprit and realize I’ve got like five million texts. Okay maybe only really like five but shit it feels like she is blowing up my phone tonight. “Well freak on a leash, she wants to head home” I mutter to myself as I stash the phone and rack my brain to figure out which way the door is. I guess another drink isn’t in my future tonight.

  I finally break free of the “hey babies” and the “Whatcha doing hot stuff?” and find myself walking down the steps looking around for my roommate who I’m betting is drunk at this point. It’s a good thing we are only a few blocks from the dorm, I really don’t want to carry her ass down the road. Glancing over to the sidewalk I stop dead in my tracks. Standing over by my rather pissed off looking roommate is the most delicious looking guy my eyes have ever looked upon.

  I’m pretty sure my mouth is hanging open and I could possibly be drooling, but I can’t help it. This man is gorgeous, tall dark and handsome would be like his evil stepbrother. He has to be over 6 ft. and his body must love the inside of a gym and hopefully other activities since my mind is now in the company of sewer rats. Glancing down his body I notice the full sleeves down both arms, and I’m hoping those are not his only body parts covered in ink. His style well let’s just say if I could order a side dish of him, hell what am I thinking, this man is a whole meal. I’m really hoping this isn’t the guy my roommate hooked up with, because I’m sure the look of lust on my face totally gave me away and Tammy will hate me forever.

  “Seven lets go, I’m over this party” Tammy says with a scowl and starts to head in the direction of our dorm. I hear a “Hell no, get in the truck T” and my head snaps over to the walking sex on a stick, who is reaching out and grabbing the arm of my roommate. “Seriously we can walk, I’m done talking to you, goodbye Stone” she says with a hint of hatred in her voice. I manage to get my feet to move from a frozen daze and start to walk over to Tammy when she is picked up and thrown into the open door of the truck. A moment of panic sinks in when he turns to look at me. My mind starts to race, is she being kidnapped, should I scream?

  He must have sensed my absolute terror stricken moment because a smirk creeps over his face. “I’m her brother Stone, can you get into the truck on your own, or should I manhandle you too?” Maybe it is the cocky look on his face, or perhaps it is Tammy in the passenger seat looking about fifteen different shades of red that snaps me out of my staring stupor, but somehow I manage to squeak out “Yeah sure.” That smirk could cause me to drop my panties in a heartbeat. I’ve never had this feeling inside me before, the need to get closer to him, figure him out, get naked and do naughty things with him. Not even before the accident did my body react this way, I’m as unsure of myself as it is, and this feeling inside is not helping the situation get any easier. I almost have to jump to get into the truck, holy shit I think to myself; this thing is a beast. My eyes follow him around the front of the truck and continue to watch him as he opens the driver’s door, shaking his head like he is trying to rid the thoughts in his mind. I realize I’m staring again and try to focus my attention out the window; something out there has got to be more interesting than him.

  “Seven, this asshole is my brother Stone. Thanks to him I will not be having any fun at fraternity parties this year” Tammy says with a scowl and a glare on her face. If looks could kill I’m sure I would be dead just from the aftermath of the glare directed at her brother. “You make me seem like I’m the bad guy when you were upstairs trying to bump uglies on your first night here, seriously you’ve got one demented view on who is the asshole” Stone says without taking his eyes off the road. I want him to look over at me, looking into those blue eyes of his is
hits some nerve inside of me, something I want to feel again. What am I doing? I close my eyes and rest my head against the seat. I’ve got to remember to stick to the plan, and this boy could be the complete unraveling of me.

  The short ride back to our dorm remains quiet, as I glance at my roommate who is still fuming. Stone puts the truck into park, and I turn to open the door. “Thanks for the ride home”, I throw over my shoulder and jump down. “Nice to meet you Seven, hopefully next time we meet it’s on better terms” he says with a smile that almost makes me melt on the sidewalk. “Please, don’t act like you’re a gentleman, all you do is break hearts and toss the baggage. You my brother are one of the men mothers warn us about” Tammy says while climbing out and slamming the door. I hear a laugh and Stone throws the truck into gear, flying out the parking lot like a bat out of hell. “I’m never going to live this down” Tammy mutters while walking up to the doors to slide her key card in. I stay silent as I follow inside behind her, trying to push the thoughts of her brother as far out of my mind as possible.

  We reach our door without another word to each other. Once again it’s that awkward feeling hanging in the air, I’ve never been good with words so it’s just easier to let the moment pass. I walk over to my closet and toss my shoes into the unorganized pile that Tammy left earlier this evening.

  “My brother is such a jerk” I hear from her side of the room. I turn around and smile at Tammy sitting on her bed, “could be worse right?” trying to fake some empathy for the situation. If she only knew that this smile was for the attraction I felt for her brother, I’m betting she’d throw her heel at me. I grab some clothes out of my dresser and take off “the dress” and toss it in the hamper. Maybe I’ll just never wash it, this way I’ll never have to wear it again. Sighing I try to remind myself it’s just a dress, just a stupid little black dress. I quickly throw on my shorts and shirt and crawl into bed; tomorrow I am going to familiarize myself with the campus before classes start on Monday.

  “Do you have any siblings Seven?” Tammy asks me.

  “Nope it’s just me” I reply in the darkness. “You’re lucky, I wish I didn’t” Tammy exclaims as she turns over in bed to face the wall. I am basically alone now, no siblings, no family, and no friends. I blink back the tears I refuse to shed and stare at the ceiling, waiting for the darkness to take me away.


  I’ve never been one to lust over a woman, hell a one night stand is all I am capable of. Get them in and out and never make any promises, less mess and no heartbreak. But there is something about that girl walking down the steps that makes me think twice on my life’s choices. When she walks closer I’m sure the little me came to full attention because she is stunning, wait more than stunning, she is life altering beautiful. I start to panic when I realize she is walking over to Ol’ Red, crap this must be Tammy’s roommate. When her eyes reach mine I feel like my soul is being sucked from my chest; her eyes sparking like the color of emerald, seems to drill a hole straight through me. I feel like I’m staring, hell I don’t give a shit if I am. The way she walks over to me has got me mesmerized, and there has got to be a way to break this infatuation.

  I can vaguely hear my sister open her rather large trap and start to walk away, this is the moment I snap out of my drunken haze and throw the little worm into Ol’ Red giving me a little time to gather the small amount of sanity I have left.

  I see the look on her face; I’m betting she doesn’t realize I’m the better Hastings in the family, that the little blonde one over here is not the only one on campus with these amazing genetics I’ve been blessed with. “I’m her brother Stone; can you get into the truck on your own, or should I manhandle you too?” I say with a grin that can drop panties in an instant. I need to get this girl home and out of my head, there is no reason to screw up the game I’ve got going with this girl. My life works so well for me now. I mention about getting into Ol’ Red and start to walk around to climb into the driver’s seat when I hear it. It is so soft and meek, I almost ask her to say it again. How can someone so small with such a little voice say “yeah” and have the world I’ve created and molded these entire 4-years of college come crashing down?

  I try and shake the thought of her out of my head; I need clear thoughts in order to maintain the cool demeanor I have created for myself. But there is something about her that I can’t shake. The way she walked over to the truck, her small frame made me want to run over and pick her up, go all caveman style and possessive. She can’t be more than 5 foot, but good lord that dress makes her legs look a mile long and has all my body parts paying attention as she sways over to the truck. The look in her eyes as I throw Tammy into the truck, one of fear yet with a spark of heat and desire showing through, I’m going to have to keep my distance with this one. She is not one that’s going in the book of one night stands. Hell I’m going to avoid this girl; wait no woman, like the plague. I reach over and turn the key, Ol’ Red roars to life as I try and gain a moment of clarity for the millionth time since she walked into my life.

  As I banter back and forth with my baby sister I try and not look over at her, but it’s hard not to. I learn her name is Seven, which makes my mind swirl. I watch her close her eyes and lay her head back on the seat. And I can’t help but notice how great she looks in my truck; all small and fragile in this big piece of metal, almost like she was meant to sit there forever. Fuck man pull it together this is not happening now; I do not do relationships I silently remind myself. We reach the dorms and the girls climb out; oh shit what do I say to her? I’ve never been this much of a lunatic when it comes to women, why am I a mess now?

  “Thanks for the ride home” the small voice says which has my dick standing at full attention. I grip the steering wheel tighter with both hands, afraid that my body will betray my mind and do something stupid like reach for her hand or some other body part. “Nice to meet you Seven, hopefully next time we meet is on better terms” I manage to say with a smile, I swear this women can read me like a book. I’ve got to get out of here and take a cold shower, fuck it I need an ice bath as I try and shake the naughty things I want to do to her out of my mind. As soon as the door slams, I throw Ol’ Red in gear and test the gauges on my precious truck, determined to put as much distance between Seven and myself as possible.

  Chapter 2


  I spend the next day trying to figure out the layout of the campus; I swear I can get lost in a grocery store. Stopping in the middle of a walkway I glance around, trying to remember if any of these buildings look familiar. Scrunching my face I throw my head back and stare at the sun, maybe if I just keep looking up the heat of the day will melt me into the sidewalk and I can avoid asking for help since I’m obviously lost and stand no chance of finding the bookstore on my own. I hear a laugh behind me and wince at the sound, it can’t be him. I brace myself as I turn around, biting my lip and silently praying that the man standing behind me isn’t him. Finally I manage to open the eyes that I’ve apparently shut and succeed in staring into the coal black soulless eyes of the only man left on earth that can break me; Trent Gillman.

  I swear my breathing stops and I’m either going to pass out from sheer terror or break into a dead run. I’m thinking the running option is a way better choice, but then I realize I will look like a crazy person, flailing about the campus in unknown directions since I still have yet to figure out where the hell I am. I stumble as I try and take a step back; realizing that his figure is still a little blurry from looking into the sun too long, but undoubtedly it’s him. His smile makes me sick to my stomach; and out of all the places to go to school, ending up on the same campus together must be a punishment for my ugly past. I can taste the blood in my mouth from chewing on my lip too hard, and the combination of that and seeing him lets my mind slip back to the terror of that night.

  I realize I’m starting to panic when he opens his smug little mouth. “Well well well, look at who we have here” the slime ball Trent
says as he takes a step towards me. “I knew you disappeared after graduation, but had no clue we would be sharing the same campus together, I guess its fate right Seven?” Even though his eyes are as black as coal, there is a little bit of sparkle to them, and I know it is from the enjoyment of seeing me struggle dealing with his presence. “Trent” I manage to say, and quickly turn to start walking away, desperate to be anywhere but here. I feel his hand grab ahold of my arm and it takes everything in me not to scream. “Wait, we have a lot of catching up to do half-pint” you can hear the absolute amusement in his voice knowing that I’m dying to be anywhere but here.

  I swirl around and gather the courage to face him, “we have nothing to talk about” I say while yanking my arm from his cold clammy hands. “You can’t run from it Seven, I know your secrets. I was there the night you screwed up” he says with a smile. I nod my head and walk around him. I don’t care if I’m lost forever on this campus, as long as I’m far away from that man, I might be able to survive this pathetic life of mine.

  I put a little more quickness in my step, desperate to put distance between us, and refused to look back at him. I can still feel his eyes burning into me when I turn the corner next to a building that I’m hoping is the student union. Mumbling to myself that it’s going to be okay I keep my gaze on the ground to avoid anyone’s eye contact, when suddenly I ran straight into something at full force. Bam, I hit it like a ton of bricks and came down hard on my ass.


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