Book Read Free

Life Altering Beautiful

Page 8

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “Travis” I mutter and toss the dish towel I was accidently shredding into the sink.


  “Yeah her ex, his name is Travis. A total douche but has some killer parties.” Seven walks over and places her cup in the sink, “Want to come with us tonight? I could totally use someone to talk to, knowing your sister is going to be prancing around the boys all night?” Bingo! My opportunity to get close to her basically just fell into my lap, now all I’ve got to do is convince her I’m what she wants. “Yeah sure, I’ve got nothing else to do tonight” I say trying to keep my excitement under wraps. Seven flashes me a smile, letting me once again see how absolutely gorgeous this girl is. “Alright, well I guess I’ll see you tonight” as she turns to leave the kitchen. Reaching out I grab her hand “wait; come with me for a sec.”

  Pulling her through the back door we walk hand in hand over to the barn. “Where are you taking me Stone” Seven questions. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it! I use to sit up here for hours in high school just thinking about anything and everything” This spot was my sanctuary back then, somewhere I could let my mind wander and dream of the future. Guiding her to the back of the barn I gesture for her to go up the old wooden ladder. “Um I don’t do heights” Seven says while backing up. “Close your eyes and climb, I’m right behind you. Trust me I’ll never let you fall.” I can see that her hands are trembling and the fear is evident in her eyes, but I think she realizes I’m speaking the truth. Score one for team Stone I mentally cheer myself on.

  Slowly Seven climbs the ladder, and true to my word I’m right behind her every step of the way.

  The loft doors are located to the south of the ranch, letting a cool breeze blow through the opening. “Stone this is amazing” Seven says while taking a step closer to the doors. I take a seat on the edge, dangling my legs out the door. I glance over at Seven who tentatively lowers herself to sit next to me, “now don’t go pissing your pants from the height little one”. Her arm connects with my stomach and she lets out a little oomph. “Solid muscle baby, solid muscle” as I pat my chest. Seven just rolls her eyes at me and continues to take in the land. There is a comfortable silence between us, neither of us really needing to talk to let the time pass.

  Leaning back on my hands I let out a small sigh; this was exactly what I wanted, I needed to be around her. “Stone, where is your mom at” she asks as she turns her body to look at me. “Tammy didn’t tell you?” Seven looks confused, “Um no, am I missing something?”

  “Mom died last year Seven, she finally lost her battle with breast cancer” the pain in my voice is evident as I glance out the doors again. “Oh my gosh Stone, I had no idea. I’m so sorry” She gushes letting a little hitch develop in her voice. Looking into her eyes I notice they are searching for more, wanting to feel a deeper connection with me. “She was a hell of a women, you would have loved her” as I close my eyes. It wasn’t like she died last month or anything, but the rawness of it was still fresh. I don’t think I will ever get over losing her; she is the only women I’ve ever truly loved and loved me unconditionally in return.

  Seven carefully places her hand over mine; the soft feeling of her skin takes my breath away. “Stone I’m here for you whenever you want to talk, you can trust me” her eyes filled with sincerity. Nodding my head I give her a small grin, talking about my mom isn’t something I like to do. I guess just not dealing with it is easier then facing it head on that she is really gone. “I’ve lost someone I loved too, the pain really never goes away” Seven says softly. “Want to talk about it?” as I turn my body to face her direction. Seven shakes her head slowly “Not really, its part of my life that I’d rather try and forget.” And just like that the little headway I thought we gained in talking is gone, the brick wall around her heart stronger than ever. “Can we just sit up here for a little longer” Seven’s eyes plead with mine. “Sure baby, we can do anything you want” turning my hand around to interlock our fingers. I wasn’t ready to let her go just yet anyways.

  Knocking on Tammy’s door I start to get anxious waiting for Seven. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the barn loft making small talk and enjoying the silence in between conversation, only coming down to change for tonight. “Hey Seven you ready” I call through the door. “I think” she says opening the barrier between us. Seven has on the same pair of ass hugging shorts but changed into a pair of boots and a little black sweater. “You’re going to freeze if that’s all you’re wearing” I say with a smirk. “Huh, there is a huge fire right? Aren’t fires hot” giving me a puzzling look. “I tried to tell her to wear more clothes, but Miss I know about bonfires told me she was good” yells my sister from the bathroom.

  “Grab a sweatshirt; it still is cold out there.”

  “I didn’t bring one” she shrugs.

  “I’ve got an old one in my room, see if you can pry Tammy out from painting her face and meet me at the truck” as I head down the hallway to my old room. “I heard that jackass, and I’ve only got mascara on to let you know” Tammy screams. Right, my sister without a full face of makeup, we haven’t seen that look since before mom died.

  I walk over to my closet and grab an old sweatshirt from the racks. Giving it the sniff test I decide it doesn’t smell horrible and throw it over my shoulder. Walking into the living room I see dad sitting over at his desk reading some paperwork. “Hey dad, I’m heading out with the girls tonight” He looks up from a letter and gives me a grin. “Any specific reason you’re hanging out with your sister tonight? Maybe a certain red head” he questions. “Oh stuff it old man” I snort while throwing open the screen door.

  It takes a good ten more minutes before Seven and Tammy walk out the door, and of course my sister manages to have very little on. “Go grab a sweatshirt twerp, you’re going to freeze your pretty little fake lashes right off your face tonight looking like that” I holler. Tammy ignores my comments and opens the truck door. “First you’re not the boss of me, second I can wear what I want, remember I’m a big girl now” her voice full of hatred. Shaking my head I hand Seven the sweatshirt as she gets settled in the seat. “Thanks” she whispers. I just smile and back the truck up; I hope my sister gets lost out there tonight.

  The fire is already raging when we pull up, and before I could even park Tammy has the door open and is jumping out. “She in a hurry?” I turn and ask Seven. She sighs “let’s just say I heard every little detail on Travis while getting ready tonight.” My sister really had lost herself when mom died; I was hoping going to college would bring her back in, but it looks like that’s not happening any time soon. Seven climbed out the passenger door and closed it gently, stashing the keys in the glove box I then follow suit. She quickly hurries after Tammy and I decide to find the chest with the beer. Saying hi to some of the locals as I pass by, I finally find the container and grab a Miller Lite. Walking back to my truck I drop the tailgate to climb up.

  Keeping the girls in my line of sight I start to enjoy the beer in my hand. Watching her stand in front of the bonfire was almost more than I could handle. I couldn’t help but notice the way Seven’s little shorts curved around her ass, that particular body part could easily bring a man to his knees. Not to mention she was wearing one of my old football sweatshirts; something that was five sizes too big for her frame, but one of the hottest things I’ve seen on her body yet. I quickly work on drinking the rest of my beer and set the empty bottle in the bed of the truck.

  It’s a shit or get off the pot moment and I’ve just got to man up and do what my mind was screaming at me. Quietly I walk up behind them and wrap my long arms around her waist. Seven instantly freezes with the contact, quickly glancing over her shoulder to look at me. I can see the passion in her eyes when she recognizes my face, slowly allowing her body to melt into my chest. I let out a small growl while placing a soft kiss to the top of her head, the smell of this woman is intoxicating. My hands begin to wander over her stomach; pulling her frame deeper into me, leaving very l
ittle space between our bodies. Seven leans her head on my chest, feeling the deep pounding of my heart. My lips are instantly attracted to the creamy white skin of her neck; very delicately I place a trail of hot wet kisses around her exposed collar bone. A soft moan comes from her lips, there was going to be no stopping me tonight, I was going to make this woman mine.


  There was something going on between Stone and myself, something more than just a friendship. Every fiber in my body ached for this man, to feel his touch, experience his kiss, have him inside me; I was a ticking time bomb around him. The way we hold hands seems so innocent, and it seems we use every excuse to touch each other. But that’s as far as it goes, and my body is screaming at this man to just take me! I don’t know how to get closer to him, but if I do it puts my secrets at risk. And if he really knew who I was; what happened because of me, I’m sure it would be over before it began. I’m beginning to sound miserable and pathetic, falling in love was not a reason for me moving all the way out here and starting over. This is just a silly infatuation that’s going to be squashed before I break my own heart.

  “Earth to Seven, have you been listening to me at all” Tammy whines. “Oops, sorry my bad” I give her a weak smile. If daggers could fly out of her eyes and pierce my soul I’m betting she would be shooting them directly at me by the look on her face. Suddenly I feel two large arms wrap around my waist. Instantly I freeze, move Seven get your ass in motion and get out of there I think to myself. Quickly I glance behind me to face my attacker and stare straight into those blue eyes. Holy shit this is not happening.

  His lips on my skin make me feel like I am on fire, sinfully erotic to the core. I can’t help but drop my head back, letting him trail those kiss to my collarbone. A soft moan escapes from my lips; I know my desire is evident now. I can feel his length throbbing against my back, there was is no doubt in my mind that we are no longer just friends, this is pure adulterous lust. Turning my body in his arms I am dying to get a taste of those full luscious lips. Immediately Stone crashes himself into me, causing fireworks in my mind and a wetness in my panties. I slide my arms around his neck trying to pull him closer; suddenly I was no longer on the ground. His strong arms pulled me up to his height, creating better access to my already eager mouth. This is the hottest moment I have ever felt in my entire life, something as simple as kissing has taken me into another universe. Feeling his hands gripping my ass, desperately wanting them to slide into my shorts I grind myself into him. Instantly my feet are back on the ground and the heat from our two bodies has fizzled. I open my eyes from the shock to see Stone walking away. What the fuck just happened?

  “You are not walking away from me Stone Hastings” I yell out. He stops suddenly yet doesn’t turn around, his body rigid with tension. Storming the few steps to where he has stopped, I walk around him and stare into those blue eyes. “You are not going to just do that and walk away” I threaten. Closing his eyes Stone lets out a sigh “Seven it was a mistake, a stupid mistake that should have never happened.”

  “Don’t try and tell me you felt nothing, cause I’m pretty damn sure after a moment like that I’m not able to just forget about you” my body now shaking with either fear or rage, at the moment I have no clue which one of those emotions was more prevalent in my system. Grabbing my shoulders Stone leans into me “Let’s go talk okay?” Nodding my head I let him lead me to the truck, “Shouldn’t have done that big brother” Tammy shouts. Gritting my teeth I’m about to knock my roommate out, no one else needs to get into this man’s head when he can’t even share a little portion with me. Stone opens the passenger door and holds out a hand to help me up. Glaring at him I childishly ignore his hand and pull myself in, he can’t touch me again if he is going to break my heart already.

  Crossing my arms in front of me I am prepared to do battle with this man, how dare he kiss me like that and walk away. I’m not some cheap whore like his other conquests. Stone climbs in and leans his forehead on the steering wheel, “I’m sorry Seven, I’ve wanted to do that since last weekend’s party. I’m all sorts of fucked up and you don’t deserve it.”

  “How do you know what I deserve and what I don’t, pretty sure you don’t really know me. Obviously you think I’m some skank who is up for some one night action, don’t think I haven’t heard about your fuck'em and leave status” I spit out; this man is really starting to piss me off. Calmly Stone turns to me and grabs my hands, it takes everything in me to not pull away and break the obvious connection when we touch. “You’re not a skank, Seven there is something about you that I can’t shake. You are in my thoughts twenty four seven! I find myself looking for you when you’re not around, glancing at every red-haired woman walking by in hopes that it’s you. Your green eyes haunt me once I close my eyes, your voice replaying every little word you say to me when it’s quiet. Seven you’re all I think about and it scares the shit out of me.”

  My mouth drops open, I really wasn’t expecting that type of confession from him. I knew there was something between us, but in all honesty I thought it was more one sided, and really that one sided thought was mine. “Say something” he begs with his blue eyes. “I um, oh hells bells” I panic. Quickly I pull my hands from his and reach for the door. Stone catches my elbow “Don’t run from me, you wanted to talk let’s talk” his voice is firm and causes tingles to run down my spine. Breathe; I’ve just got to breathe, I mentally go over in my mind. “Stone I can’t do this, there are too many feelings on the table and I’m not prepared to deal with mine let alone yours” my voice cracks. Fuck I can’t cry as I feel the hot moisture in my eyes starting to fill.

  “Look at me Seven” he pleads. I shake my head no; he can’t see me like this again. “Seven I don’t care if you’re crying, let me help you” his voice now calm and sincere. I slowly turn back in my seat and bring my eyes to meet his. The tears start to flow as he reaches out to pull me into his body. Burying my head into his shoulder I start to sob. “I can’t walk away from you now when I’m so close to having you; we are going to figure this out together okay?”

  I nod my head; there is nothing to figure out, he wants me and I want him just as bad. The only funny thing is my past is going to keep him from me.

  “You want to go” Stone’s voice soft and comforting as my tears begin to trail off. Pulling myself out of his arms I wipe my face with my hands and simply nod yes. I need to be alone and staying here tonight isn’t going to help me gather my thoughts. “I’m going to go tell Tammy that we’re leaving, you doing okay little one” his eyes searching mine for answers. “Yeah” I manage to whisper, how could one instant bring me back to square one with this man? Why do I feel so open and raw again, I’ve worked so hard to keep this side of me hidden this last year and one kiss shattered it.

  I watch Stone wander over to the fire where Tammy is talking to a group of people. I’m betting she thinks I’m an emotional rollercoaster now, well I kind of am. Looking in the side mirror I notice that it looks like I fell out of the ugly tree tonight and smacked every branch on the way down. My eyes are puffy and red, my face splotched with different colored patches and it looks like vermin have taken up residence in my hair. I quickly pull the hair tie off my wrist and wrestle with my unruly locks, trying to tame it into some sort of submission before Stone gets back to the truck. I use the inside of the sweatshirt to wipe my face, the smell of Stone filled my nose causing a small smile to take over my body. “Ah If I would have known all it took was me leaving to bring a smile to your face I would have just walked away the first time” Stone says while climbing back into the truck.

  My arm instantly shot out and smacked him, causing me to grin bigger. “See little one, the world isn’t that bad, just horrible instances and some real evil people at times” he grins while starting the truck. I knew he was right about life, hell I am the walking poster child for bad things happening. But there was something about being with him that made it okay to deal with, well when he wasn’t trying to
get rid of me that is.

  Pulling up to their house I wasn’t ready to call it a night. “Can we go sit in the barn” I ask quietly. Stone smiles and gets out of the truck. Walking over to my door he opens it and offers his hand, this time taking it and holding on tight. Getting to the ladder I had to let go of Stone’s hand to climb up, I hesitate for a second thinking I might not get another opportunity to touch him. Shaking my head I had to clear those thoughts from my mind, I wasn’t going to force something with this man, we were both all different kinds of screwed up to force something happen.

  Standing in the loft I stared at the moon shining brightly over the fields. “Come sit with me” Stone mentions as he sits down near the opening. I smile and wander over to him, starting to sit when he pulls me down between his legs. Wrapping his arms around me he pulls me back into his chest. I let out a sigh; this is exactly where I was meant be. “Seven I know this is going to be hard, hell I haven’t done this since high school. But there is something about you that makes me want to try. I can’t say I’m not going to screw up, but I can say I’ll try my hardest to be the man you deserve.” Tears start to once again fill my eyes “I want that Stone, but promise me you’ll take the good and the bad. I’ve got issues too, and well I don’t want to do this if you’re just going to walk away.” Stone places a single kiss to the top of my head and pulls me in closer, “I wouldn’t leave even if you wanted me to.” And in this moment I completely believe him.


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