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Holiday: Annihilate Him, #4

Page 14

by Christina Ross

  As I took his black overcoat from him, Blackwell said, “What do your parents do?”

  “My mother is a gynecologist and my father is a brain surgeon.”

  “They’re a what?”

  “A gynecologist and a brain surgeon.”

  “Well, how perfectly perfect,” she said, finishing off her martini in one fell swoop. “How divoon. And what do you do, Justin—if I might ask?”

  “I’m in my first year at the NYU School of Medicine.”

  “Then let’s get you a drink!” she said. “And let’s all have a toast to that!”

  “Mother,” Alexa said. “How about if I introduce Justin to everyone while you take a chill pill?”

  “Fine, fine,” she said. “Introduce, introduce.”

  “In fact,” I said, taking Blackwell by the arm. “Could you help me in the kitchen?”

  “In the what?”

  “The kitchen.”

  “What’s a kitchen?”

  “Just come with me, for God’s sake.”

  “Off we go to the kitchen!” she said. “Which I’ve heard gynecologists, brain surgeons, and young men in medical school tend to use in the preparation of foodstuffs. Of course I’ll join you in the kitchen, Jennifer. And we’ll talk later, Justin?”

  At the very moment that I swept her away him before any further damage could be done, he said that they would.


  “WHAT IN THE FRESH HELL is wrong with you?” I asked when we entered the kitchen, where the caterers and servers were busy at work. “You were a horror show back there.”

  “Don’t blame me!” she said. “I sure as hell didn’t know that he was coming. A good-looking man in med school for Alexa? And who hails from that sort of pedigree—even if they are divorcing! Please, God, say that it’s so!”

  “They’ve only just met. You need to calm down. The worst thing you could do for Alexa right now is scare him away from her, which believe me, I know you have that power within you. So, here are your orders going forward tonight—leave those two alone. Alexa needs to experience this and absorb whatever comes from it, so don’t you dare interfere with any of it. Just stay out of it.”

  “Well, aren’t you direct?”

  “Somebody needs to protect her from you. So, come on, just let them be. OK?”

  “Well, fine. I’ll ‘just let them be’.”

  “Good,” I said. “But he is handsome, isn’t he?”

  “I could give a goddamn what he looks like. Given what I know about him now, he might as well look like a troll. What perked me up is finding out that one day he’ll be a doctor. That’s the kind of man that Alexa needs.”

  “We have another guest,” I heard Alex call out.

  “Damn,” Blackwell said. “It’s him—the evil one.”

  “Why is he suddenly evil?”

  “Because he’s so damned persistent.”

  “I think you’re just freaked out because you’re attracted to him.”

  “Please—you don’t know me that well, girl.”

  “Like hell I don’t. So, come on, let’s go and say hello to Marcus. And don’t blow it with him. At the very least, give him a chance.”

  “To what end?”

  “Potentially, your own happiness. Now, come on.”

  “Before we go, how do I look?”

  She struck a pose.

  “Fantastic, as always. And see—you do care, because you never would have asked me that if you didn’t.”


  When we left the kitchen and stepped into the entryway, I decided that Blackwell was crazy if she wasn’t blown away by how well Marcus was dressed and groomed, because this was clearly him at the top of his game. He had totally stepped it up. He was wearing a tailored black overcoat that came in closely at the waist, emphasizing his broad shoulders in ways that were nothing short of alluring.

  As he and Alex exchanged introductions and pleasantries, the overcoat came off, Alex took it from him, and then there was Marcus in what I knew on sight was a Dior Homme suit because Alex had one exactly like it himself. The tie Marcus wore was red, and his thick, graying hair was raked away from his face in ways that were at once masculine and stylish. With his face’s chiseled lines and strong, dimpled chin, this man was hot.

  “Hello, Barbara,” he said when he saw her.

  “Marcus,” she said as she reached out to shake his hand, which he held for a beat too long. “How good of you to come.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  “And yet here I am—wearing nothing more than a mere rag,” she said.

  His face broke into a smile when she said that, and then he cocked his head at her. “I think we both know better. Did you dress with me in mind?”

  “How presumptuous.”

  “Is it? Because I might have dressed for you.”

  “An utter waste of time.”

  “Was it?”

  She gave him a full once-over. “The suit,” she said. “Dior Homme. And the shoes—custom made, likely in England. Am I wrong?”

  “How do you even know that?”

  “It’s what I do. It’s who I am. Je suis un fashionista.”

  “Then I’m glad that I’ve dressed properly,” he said. “Parce que je ne voudrais pas vous décevoir.”

  “You speak French?” she said.

  “And Italian and Spanish.”


  “Correntemente,” he said in Italian. “Or, shall I say, con fluidez. Or maybe couramment... You know—whichever you choose to respond to.”

  “The romance languages,” she said. “You do speak them...”

  “And apparently you respond to them.”

  “You have no idea.”

  And when she said that, Marcus Koch leaned forward and kissed her on each cheek. “Take a chance and get to know me better, and you’ll find out just how romantic I am.”

  “Mon dieu!” Blackwell said.

  Mon dieu, indeed, I thought. But as one of the party’s hosts, I needed to check myself and welcome him.

  “I’m glad that you came, Marcus,” I said as I walked over to shake his hand.

  “I had no intentions of missing tonight, Jennifer. Thanks to you and to Alex for inviting me into what I have to say is a beautiful home.”

  “Oh, this isn’t ours,” I said. “We just rented it.”

  “It’s still beautiful. I don’t know if you’ve seen the house outside at night with all of the lights on and that enormous Christmas tree in the living room window, but it’s stunning.”

  “Well, thank you. Look, we’ve already had one round of drinks,” I said. “But now with you and Justin here, let’s have another.” I looked over at one of the servers. “Would you please take everyone’s orders?” I asked him.

  “Of course,” he said.

  “And the first serving of hors d’oeuvres can be brought out at any point.”

  “I’ll let the others servers know.”

  “Thank you,” I said. And as he made his way around the group to ask what they’d like to drink, I shrank away from Blackwell and Marcus so they could be alone to talk. I reached for Alex’s hand, and we stepped aside to assess the room.

  “Well, this is going to be interesting,” I said to him in a low voice. “He and Barbara are already talking.”

  “He seems like a good guy. Good for Blackwell.”

  “Good for her if she doesn’t screw it up. Charles really did damage her, you know? She loved him—and then he cheated on her. Will she let another man in so soon? I’m not so sure, but I hope that she will.”

  “I guess we’ll see.”

  I turned to look at him. “You do know, my darling husband, that this is either going to be the best party ever—or the worst one in history. It all depends on three factors.”

  “I have a pretty good idea what they are, but let’s hear what you think.”

  “If Daniella messes things up with Cutter and gets one too many drinks in her, ex
pect a ruinous evening. If Alexa doesn’t connect with Justin, well, she might just become sullen and disappointed. As for Blackwell, if she doesn’t hit it off with Marcus tonight, I’m not sure what to expect. But I think we both agree that if any drama is going to hit, it’s going to come from Daniella. Agreed?”


  “You’re killing me.”

  “I said it in honor of Daniella. And just so you know, while you’re focusing on all of potential drama that might take place tonight, I’m focused on what I’m going to do to you later.”

  “Oh, God,” I said. “You know that you can’t do that to me now. You can’t make me become a willing woman in the middle of a party. And in front of our guests, no less. So, check yourself, big boy. Get yourself in line.”

  “I’ll be right in line behind you later tonight.”

  I just looked at him in exasperation.

  “Alex, you know what you do to me when you come on to me like that. It’s like the first time I set eyes on you—I turn into a silo of heat. You can’t do this to me now. It’s not fair.”

  “Fine,” he said as his stubble brushed against my neck, which naturally turned my nipples into a pair of torpedoes. “Because when it comes to you, Mrs. Wenn, you have no idea what’s coming. Or how I’m going to make you come again and again and again tonight. So, you know—brace yourself for that. Because that’s how this evening is going to end for you. You think that you know me in the bedroom? Maybe a bit—but tonight I’m bringing all of it. And all I can say is this—good luck walking tomorrow morning, love. Because if you are able to walk, that might just turn out to be your favorite Christmas gift of the day.”


  AS THE EVENING WORE on, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres came out at a steady pace. And since I wanted to leave Blackwell alone with Marcus as much as I could, Alex and I focused on mixing with the rest of the group.

  “Let’s go over and talk to Brock and Madison first,” I said. “I mean, look at them over there, with his arm around her shoulders and holding her in tight. Totally in love. The expressions on their faces remind me of the first time that we fell in love.”

  “Lead the way,” Alex said with his hand on my ass.

  “Lift your hand a bit higher, please.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Alex, I need to be coherent, and so do you.”

  “I’m perfectly coherent.”

  “Well, I’m not. Stop teasing me like this. I’m going to have to change my underwear if you keep this up.”

  “Oh, I’m so keeping this up,” he said. “I’d rather skip all of this and just get you into bed.”

  “You’re terrible. Tonight is about our family and friends.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “You keep telling yourself that, because you already know better. Later tonight, I’m going to have at you like I’ve never had at you.”

  Oh, God... He truly is insatiable.

  “You can’t talk like that here!”

  “Then why are you on the verge of laughing right now?”

  “You already know that I get a kick out of it when we talk dirty to each other. But we can’t do that here. And we’re nearly upon them. So smile, for God’s sake. And lift your hand higher.”

  “Still not happening.”

  He is incorrigible!

  “Hi, guys,” I said to Brock and Madison as we approached them. “Merry Christmas Eve!”

  “Hi, you two,” Brock said. “Great party. Thanks again for inviting us. Madison and I are having a terrific time.”

  “Our pleasure,” Alex said. “I can’t remember the last time you and I spent a Christmas together, Brock, but I do seem to remember that we got into some sort of trouble when we did spend Christmases together.”

  “You and I both know that we did.”

  “Well, there’s that.”

  “Are you ready to cook that turkey with me tomorrow, Madison?” I asked.

  “You have no idea—I’m really looking forward to it! And guess what?” she said. “Brock is going to join us.”

  “You cook?” I said to him.

  “I do. Alex and I both know how to cook because of one special person—right Alex?”

  “You’ve got that right,” Alex said.

  “Michelle?” I said. “You also learned from her, Brock?”

  “I did. Whenever Alex and I hung out together when we were kids, both of us always gravitated toward her. You would have loved her, Jennifer. She really was the best. She wasn’t just kind and loving, but she was funny as hell. Michelle taught each of us plenty—and not just about food. But about life. And the real things that matter in life. Is that a fair assessment of her, Alex?”

  “She was the mother I never had.”

  “I know she was, and I’m glad that she was there for you. Because your mother and father sure as hell weren’t. But let’s talk about none of that tonight. Michelle taught me how to bake, so that’s what I’m going to be in charge of tomorrow while you two ladies tend to dinner.”

  “And the kitchen is massive,” I said. “It has two islands, so you can have one for yourself, and Madison and I will take the other.”

  “Perfect.” He shot Alex a look. “Want to join me?”

  “We could make Michelle’s apple pie...”

  “And her chocolate cream pie.”

  “And her pear clafouti.”

  “Oh, man, I remember her pear clafouti. It was so good. Do you remember how to make it? I don’t, but I remember how to make the other two.”

  “I remember.”

  “So, are you in with me on this?”

  “I’m all in,” Alex said. “It’ll just give me an excuse to spend more time not only with my beautiful wife, but also with you and Madison.”

  “That’s kind of what I was thinking, only—you know—with my beautiful Madison.”

  “Well, then, let’s just touch our glasses to that, Madison,” I said as I lifted my martini to hers. “Our men think that we’re beautiful. And how about that for an early Christmas present?”

  “I think my man is one hot, smoking stud,” Madison said in a voice that was oddly deep. “His parents might have called him Brock, but sometimes I call him ‘Bronco’.”

  “You do not,” I said to her.

  “Hello?” she said. “Six months and going stronger than ever—and there are a whole host of bucking bronco reasons for that. Believe you me when it comes to that one...”


  “You can handle it. And just so you know, I see no end in sight when it comes to the two of us, because I am in love with him. More than he probably knows.”

  She looked over at Brock, and the grin on his face reflected everything that he felt for her and all that was passing between them right now.

  “I love you, too,” he said.

  “And I sense a romantic moment coming on,” I said. “So! We’ll just scoot and go over to see how Daniella and Cutter are getting along.”

  “See you tomorrow morning,” Madison said. “Gifts first—then the four of us will tackle Christmas dinner!”

  “It’s going to be epic,” I said, and then I kissed each of them on the cheek before Alex and I set off into what was or wasn’t going to be a minefield.


  When we approached them, they were standing next to the Christmas tree, far away from everyone, and deep into conversation. And they were shoulder to shoulder, no less. “Are you having fun? Have the servers been around? You’re way over here—I have a feeling that they haven’t been anywhere near you.”

  “They’ve been wonderful,” Daniella said. “And what they’re serving—my God, Jennifer. You and Uncle Alex have outdone yourselves again. Thank you! Everything has been fabulous.”

  She looked up at Cutter, and I saw nothing but love in that girl’s eyes, which concerned me. I certainly hoped that Cutter knew what he was doing, because whatever was taking place between them now would kill t
hat girl should he suddenly pull back.

  “What do you think, Cutter?” she asked.

  “It’s been an amazing evening,” he said. “The hors d’oeuvres alone have pretty much been a meal.”

  “That was the intent,” I said. “Since we weren’t having a proper dinner tonight, Alex and I wanted to make sure that everyone was still properly fed by a whole host of different little bites. And believe me—the food has only just started to roll out. So, are you two having fun?”

  A loaded question, for sure, but with Daniella’s heart on the line, it was one that I wanted to know the answer to...

  “We’re having a great time,” Daniella said. “Cutter was just telling me about the time he spent as a soldier in Afghanistan. I never knew about any of that because Cutter is pretty private when it comes to the time he spent overseas. But, Jesus, just listening to his stories—he’s a hero. I can’t believe what I’ve heard tonight. I never knew this side of him.”

  “I have a feeling that serving our country was just as important to Cutter as it was to Tank,” I said. “Whom I wish was here with us tonight, along with Lisa.”

  “It doesn’t feel right without them here,” Daniella said.

  “It doesn’t, but it is what it is, I guess. They’re planning to get married next year, so she had to meet his parents at some point, and the holidays pretty much made sense—I guess.”

  “Agreed,” Cutter said. “But maybe we’ll have them with us next year—after the wedding.”

  “Lisa has already promised me that we will.”

  “Well, that’s good,” Daniella said. “Because I think that all of us are missing them right now.”

  Who are you? I thought. What happened to the old Daniella? You not only look beautiful, but you’re being perfectly pleasant and well-behaved. Is this thing real between you two? Has he tempered you somehow? I could only hope that that was the case, but still, I was wary because I didn’t want her to get hurt.

  “So, what have you two been up to tonight?”

  “Well, we’ve talked a lot about politics given the upcoming election,” Daniella said.

  Daniella can talk about politics?


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