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Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series)

Page 13

by Cierlak, Crystal

  “Natalie,” she corrected. “And why is that?”

  “You are a lot smarter than I initially gave you credit for, Natalie; smarter than you are beautiful.”

  Natalie scoffed. “I am sure the revelation that attractiveness and intelligence are not mutually exclusive in the fairer sex will make for a riveting article in the next edition of Misogynist Quarterly.” She turned on her heel towards the door, eager to leave Jackson Fitzgerald’s presence before he could say or do anything else that would leave her feeling like she needed to shower.

  “They are fighting over you. Did you know that?”

  Natalie stopped, her hand a mere foot away from the door handle, and turned to look back on the man. He was still casually seated, as if the words he spoke had no consequence to him; she knew they didn’t.

  “James and Audra - two ivy league-educated individuals who built a multi-billion dollar empire - fighting over a 20-something girl from Los Angeles who, until a year ago, could barely afford to pay the student loans she amassed attending a state school.”

  “Is that supposed to put me in my place?” she asked rudely. The veil of civility she was forced to put up was quickly fading.

  “Do not misunderstand me, Natalie. You impress me. Not many people do.”

  “I impress you? Excuse me for not believing that when just a moment ago you all but implied I am a gold-digger.”

  “A gold-digger?” he laughed the words as if they were the most humorous thing in the world to him. “No, Miss Harlow, I do not think you are a gold-digger. But I do believe you have leveraged your position to your advantage.”

  “My position?” she practically spit. “I take no joy in Audra and your son fighting over me, if what you said is even true. There is nothing to fight over. I am with Audra. James and I are over.”

  “If my son has anything to say about it you and he are most certainly not over. I wish I could say the same about his relationship with Audra. For all intents and purposes they are quite done, Miss Harlow. James made that clear when he kicked Audra out of his house yesterday.”

  “What?” Her defenses dropped immediately. “James would never-“

  “In fact he did,” Jackson interrupted, swiveling out from the desk to come to a standing position. “I have always liked Audra Robertson. She is the perfect woman for my son.” He turned quickly, interrupting his walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Los Angeles, and said, “I have never said that to anyone.” He continued walking until he was standing in front of the glass like a master overlooking his domain. “She is intelligent, fiercely loyal, has a keen business sense, and in my opinion is the only woman suitable enough to be his wife. Or at least-“ he turned to look at her again, “she would be if she weren’t gay.”

  Natalie could barely resist the urge to roll her eyes. She had no idea why Jackson was telling her any of this, nor did she care about his opinions on the subject. All she wanted to do was get the hell out of that office and call Audra to find out what had really happened. Did James really kick her out of his house? And at a family get-together no less?

  “I trust my instincts when it comes to people, Miss Harlow. And my instincts are telling me that this relationship you have with Audra is nothing more than a passing phase. Your romance will come to an end just as their partnership is coming to an end, and when all is said and done I would be quite pleased to see you take your place at my son’s side.”

  This time she did nothing to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “We are all just pieces on a board for you to move around as you see fit, aren’t we? Well, good luck with that.”

  When she turned again she made certain to move quickly out the door, closing her ears to any other words the man might speak to convince her to stay a moment longer. The nerve! she inwardly cringed. As soon as she was out of ear-shot distance from the office Natalie retrieved her phone and pushed Audra’s contact name on the screen.

  “Hey, Gorgeous,” Audra answered after the third ring. She sounded distant, and not just by virtue of being in another state.

  “Hey! What’s going on?” Natalie asked as she opened the door to the stairs to avoid waiting for the elevator.

  “Meetings. I am glad you called when you did. I needed a break from another dull PowerPoint.”

  Perhaps it was the rush of adrenaline from skipping down the flights of stairs - or the pang of hurt she felt every time she imagined James kicking her out of his home - that was fueling her, but an idea was forming in her mind at a rapid pace, and she had all she could do to keep up.

  “I need to ask you a big favor,” Natalie said, breathless as her pace increased to a near full-on run.

  “Anything. What is it?” Audra asked, her tone suddenly softened by the impending request.

  “After your last meeting this afternoon I want you to get back on the plane, fly to Vegas and meet me at Eden.”

  “What happened to waiting until Thursday night?”

  “I don’t want to wait that long. I want us to have a proper week together having fun in Las Vegas, away from all the work bullshit.”

  “Natalie, you know I have meetings scheduled in Salt Lake this week.”

  “Cancel them. Or have someone go in your place. When was the last time you took time off?”

  “What is going on?” Audra asked, suspicion evident in her tone. “Why do you sound like you are out of breath?”

  “Because I am running down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Please, Audra? I know I am asking a lot of you, and you are not used to being irresponsible with your work obligations, but you said you would do anything, and I am asking you to please do this for me.” It was a risk, and she hated using Audra’s words against her, but it was a risk worth taking. The fact that Audra did not even tell Natalie about James kicking her out of the house told her there was more to the story than Jackson was letting on. Audra was probably hiding her feelings, not wanting to burden Natalie with even more James drama. No doubt she was throwing herself into her work, which made Natalie’s proposition even more difficult.

  “I promise to make every moment worth your time!” Natalie added, hoping a little flirtation would sweeten the deal enough to make Audra agree to it.

  Audra sighed, but to Natalie it sounded like acquiescence. “You are a bad influence.”

  Yes! She was already thinking of a list of things to do if she was going to make this happen. “I will see you tonight in Vegas!”


  James leaned against the side of the Range Rover, waiting patiently as it filled with gas. It was hot outside the comfort of the air conditioned vehicle, and he wished he had had the foresight to wear something other than a long sleeve sweater and jeans with boots. His phone vibrated angrily from the inside of his pocket for what must have been the fourth time since leaving Santa Barbara. Knowing he could not avoid the caller any longer, he swiped to answer the call, bracing himself for the onslaught.

  “Hi Celine,” he answered.

  “Do you know that you have been gone nearly four hours?” she practically screamed into the phone. “Where are you?”

  “Barstow,” he answered as he glanced around the dusty strip of town he had stopped to fill up. The city was a haven for travelers, boasting fast food restaurants and an opportunity for drivers to get out of their cars and stretch their legs for a bit.

  “What the hell are you doing way out in Barstow?”

  “Getting gas,” he replied dryly. “Look, you told me to take a drive and that is what I am doing. I will call when I start heading home. Tell Frankie I am sorry and that I will bring her back a gift from my trip.”

  “Since when are you on a trip? James, where are you going?”

  “Celine, I have another call coming in,” he said as the notification beeped in his ear. “I will talk to you later.” He switched to the second call - noting Alice’s name on the incoming call screen as he did - before Celine had the chance to reply. “Alice, thank you for calling me back. Were y
ou able to get Audra’s itinerary?”

  “Yes, Mister Fitzgerald. I have just spoken with Kelly Brinkley in Salt Lake. Miss Robertson has made arrangements for the remainder of her scheduled meetings to be held via teleconference.”

  James unhooked the pump and re-capped his gas tank. “I don’t understand. Why would she teleconference if she is already there?” he asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat and started up the engine. The welcome cool of the air conditioner met his warm skin almost immediately.

  “Miss Robertson is no longer in Salt Lake, Mister Fitzgerald. She had the pilot charter a course for Las Vegas and departed about fifteen minutes ago. She should be arriving in about an hour.”

  “Well that will save me from driving at least 500 miles today.” He sighed as he merged back onto the 15 headed East for Salt Lake City. “It will take me about three hours to get to Vegas. Can you call Brandon at Eden to confirm whether or not she is checking in?”

  “Yes, Mister Fitzgerald. Right away.”

  “Great. Thank you, Alice.”

  What was with Audra’s sudden change in plans, he wondered. Not that it mattered. He was now several hours closer to seeing her, to apologizing for kicking her out of the house the day before, and making right all that had gone wrong between them. The words sat inside him like indigestible food, willing themselves to find an out, one way or the other.

  The very fact that she admitted she once felt a relationship with Natalie was not worth risking her relationship with him for had given him enough hope that they could work things out. Natalie aside, there was simply too much between them to call it quits over a romantic entanglement. He just wished he had realized that before making an enormous ass out of himself.

  Being back at Eden was an almost visceral experience from the moment she stepped foot into the luscious resort. Every click of her shoes against the marble floor as she crossed to the mahogany check-in desk was like an echo into the past. By the time she inserted the gold card key into the double-door entrance of the Garden Suite - a suite held exclusively for Fitson executives when they were in town - she was fully immersed in the past. This was the very place she had met James once she realized his true identity, five months after their night together at The Golden Palm.

  ‘Of all the hotels in all of Vegas-‘

  ‘You just happen to own this one?’ she finished. ‘Young men don’t just drift cooly out of nowhere and buy a hotel in Vegas.’

  How little she knew back then. There was the dining table flanked with silver candlesticks that had been his temporary desk, papers scattered across the glossy surface; across the room the bar where he poured her a glass of red wine as she questioned him about having a wife and daughter.

  ‘I’m not some fragile young woman who needs protecting, you know. I was raised by good parents. I went to school. I’ve traveled a bit. I pay bills like an adult…’

  ‘Maybe I like the idea of you needing my protection? This world I live in-‘

  ‘I don’t live in your world,’ she interrupted. ‘You want someone to protect and shelter from the big bad world of whatever it is you do? Start with your wife.’

  As soon as the first foot stepped backwards he let her go from his grasp. She turned and headed for the door, just in time to hear him call out, ‘Soon to be ex-wife.’ She stopped, hand on the ornate gold handle. ‘If that makes any difference to you?’

  She turned her memories off, unwilling to let herself walk any further down that lane where she would surely recall every place they made love that evening, from the door to the window… Stop! she screamed internally. She should have just paid for another suite rather than relied on the fact that she could name drop Audra and get the suite for free.

  Natalie busied herself with unpacking her suitcase, throwing jeans and undergarments onto the bed and carefully hanging cocktail dresses in the wardrobe. She had to rush home after meeting with the real estate agent and quickly pack before taking another car to LAX to get on her mid-afternoon flight in time. Luckily she was able to transfer her ticket to accommodate the change in flight. Shortly after boarding Audra sent her a text saying she was departing the airport in Utah, and by Natalie’s estimation they should have been arriving within minutes of each other.

  Just as she hung the last dress up in the wardrobe the front door beeped and opened.

  “Nat?” Audra called out.

  “In here!” Natalie had just a moment to check out her reflection in the mirror before Audra strode into the palatial bedroom, carrying nothing more than a small suitcase, a garment bag, and her purse. “You have an entire week packed in those three bags?” she asked, incredulous and more than a little jealous, as she was never any good at packing only what she needed.

  “I have had a lot of practice,” Audra said as she let out a breath. Natalie watched as she placed her bags on the bed, looking more than a little deflated.

  “How was your flight?” Natalie asked.


  “Okay, we are doing this all wrong,” Natalie mused. “We are in Vegas and you look like you are still in work mode.” She slid her hands through the opening of Audra’s white suit jacket, exposing a white silk corset underneath. “There you are,” she whispered, appreciating the sexy attire. “Hi.”

  Audra let a breath escape her mouth, relaxing almost instantly. “Hi,” she said back, a smile playing on her lips. “I cannot believe I let you talk me into doing this.”

  “Didn’t I promise you I would make it worth your while?” Natalie traced the taut muscles of Audra’s abdomen with her thumbs as she leaned in to kiss her. Audra responded in kind, but the tension had yet to leave her body completely. Intent on keeping her word, Natalie skimmed her right hand down the front of Audra’s body, unbuttoning the expensive white slacks at her midsection before slipping her fingers in between her legs. “Relax,” she whispered as she slipped a finger between her legs and into the warmth of her womanhood.

  Audra gasped against Natalie’s mouth, the tension radiating away from her body almost immediately. She deepened their kiss, tasting Natalie fully, slowly.

  “Did you miss me?” Natalie asked against Audra’s lips.

  “More than you know,” Audra answered. She moaned and arched her hips against Natalie’s hand as a second finger slipped inside her.

  “I missed you, too. After I make you come we are going to go out, get properly drunk, and then fuck until morning.”

  Audra laughed, a deep, full-bellied laugh that resounded across the spacious bedroom. Encouraged by the sound, Natalie increased the pace of her fingers, reveling when Audra’s laughter subsided into loud moans. Natalie guided Audra back to the bed and pushed her back gently until her back was flush against the padded surface. She pulled the fabric of Audra’s pants down her legs and pushed aside the scant silk of her panties, granting her tongue access to Audra’s clit. She worked her, tongue and fingers, her confidence glowing with each thrust of Audra’s hips.

  Audra came loudly, fingers tangled in Natalie’s hair as her insides tightened and released in pleasurable escape. She was like a different woman suddenly, completely at ease, her face relaxed into a smile. Natalie straddled Audra’s waist and leaned down to kiss her, feeling the difference in her lips now that her demeanor had softened.


  Audra smiled dreamily up at Natalie. “Much. I could get used to this.”

  “To what?”

  Some unspoken thought flickered across Audra’s face. “Nothing. I was just caught up in the moment.”

  “Tell me,” Natalie encouraged with a smile and a brush of Audra’s hair with her hand.

  “I could get used to you,” Audra answered. “Let’s go grab an early dinner. I cannot get properly drunk on an empty stomach.”

  “Welcome back, Mister Fitzgerald,” the Eden valet attendant greeted him before taking possession of the vehicle’s keys.

  “Thank you. Would you do me a favor before you take the car and call Brandon? Have
him meet me up at the lounge.”

  “Of course, Sir. Right away.”

  James slid his sunglasses off his face as he entered the resort, nodding at every person who turned to greet him as he moved through the space. He waved at the tuxedo- and black dress-clad employees who smiled up at him from reception as he climbed the ornate grand staircase to the lounge. A beautiful waitress in a gold fringe dress greeted him with a crystal flute of champagne.

  “Good evening, Mister Fitzgerald. Welcome back to Eden.”

  “Thank you. Would you bring me a piece of paper and a pen, please?” he asked, charm effusing from his grin.

  “It would be my pleasure,” she flirted. She placed the champagne flute on his table as he took a seat, and winked at him as she went to retrieve the requested items.

  “Good evening, Mister Fitzgerald,” Brandon greeted as he approached James’ table.

  “How are you?” James stood and shook the man’s hand, then invited him to sit as they exchanged pleasantries. When the waitress returned with the requested pad of paper and a pen, James set about making a list.

  “Miss Robertson checked in a few hours ago,” Brandon confirmed as he patiently waited.

  “Good. Would you mind calling around for these items for me, please? Have them billed to me here at the hotel.”

  “Of course, Sir. How long will you be staying in the Garden Suite?”

  “Probably no more than a day or two. Call me if you have any problems.”

  “I will, Sir. Thank you. Will you be needing anything else tonight?”

  “I don’t think so, Brandon. Thanks.”

  As he stood to make his way to the bank of elevators, James contemplated sending a quick text message to Celine letting her know he was fine. He could not tell her about Vegas; she would immediately get the wrong idea and he did not want to deal with that. The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was working things out with Audra. If he could just talk to her without booze, without Celine or his father, and especially without getting Natalie involved, then they maybe had a real shot at working through their problems. All he wanted was for things to go back to the way they once were, and he maybe had just the one opportunity to try and make that happen.


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