Loving Leo (The Romanovsky Brothers Book 3)
Page 25
Jessica turned away from him with a scoff.
“You don’t know what’s real anymore.”
She turned on her heel in a flash, the braid in her hair flying. “I know what’s real, fuck you!”
“You know what’s real, huh? Okay…” Chet shrugged. “Does he know what’s real?”
Jessica could feel her eyes growing vulnerable, so she covered them with her hands in the hope that he thought she was covering them in frustration, and not to hide the moisture.
“You are already dead to him, Jess, he just doesn’t know it, yet. But he will. Then what?” When she didn’t answer, Chet moved toward her. “What’s to stop you from whispering words of warning in his ear while you’re lying next to him in bed? What’s to stop you from losing sight of your goal in the interest of protecting him? What’s to stop you? How’s it going to look to the men down at the station when they find out? You always talk about how badly you want to prove them wrong, how different you are, but you really aren’t, are you? You’re just another female op stupid enough to fall in love with her mark.”
Jessica removed her hand from her eyes when she felt the heat of his body move in close. She looked up at him while taking a deep breath, willing her voice and body to remain calm as she motioned between them with arrow sharp fingers.
“Cecilia is pregnant,” she said, not surprised when he laughed in response. He’d just finished taking a dull blade to all her weakest spots. He always forgot she knew a few of his hot spots, too, and his pregnant wife was his most sweltering one.
“Can you really afford to get me pulled from this operation? The operation that is going to seal your promotion, your massive raise, and a brand new house for the wife and baby?”
Chet crossed his arms tight.
“If you tell Harp that I slept with Leo, he’ll pull me, and this case will never close. Val, Tony and Roman know that something is off. It’s all over them. Roman hasn’t left his apartment in weeks. They know a storm is coming, but they can’t figure out which direction, so they’ve isolated their family completely. It is too late to send in a new agent. They are all surrounded by a moat with the drawbridge fucking lifted. My sleeping with Leo seals my place on the inside. I’m on the right side of that drawbridge, you are not.” Jessica bared her teeth. “No one will ever get as close to this family as I have again. Ever! No one will ever have the tools to close this thing faster than I can.”
Chet’s breathing calmed, even as he watched her out of the corner of his eye.
“You have to trust me, Chet.” Jessica didn’t know when her chest had started to rise and fall, and she licked her lips as her eyes searched his. “I will close this thing, and there is nothing in the world that is going to stop me.” Her voice lowered. “Not even Leo.”
Seven days.
Leo took hold of the doorframe, swinging out of his bedroom and into the hallway with a smile.
He’d officially been making love to Ashley for seven days.
He could hardly wipe the shit-eating grin off his face. Goddamn it, he was proud of himself. From the moment he’d met that stoic goddess, he’d been sure getting in between those thighs would be damn near impossible. But he’d gotten there. She’d let him. Night after night, she’d spread herself wide, letting him take solace in her caress, cradling his dick in her warmth, tonguing him softly as she milked him dry—sometimes slow, sometimes fast and furious.
He exhaled as he stepped into his empty living area, sure he’d never cared for a woman so much. Stunned that she’d picked him, and owned him so quickly.
He ached to call her and ask her why she’d left that morning without saying good-bye. He’d grown accustomed to waking up with her in his arms, pushing into her heat from behind while spreading his lips over hers, morning breath be damned.
He really wanted to call, but he didn’t want to seem desperate.
She hadn’t told him she loved him, yet, even though he’d let the words spill from his lips more times than he could count, usually when he was inside her, on the verge of release, and unable to stop himself from moaning the admission into her parted lips as he came, emptying himself inside her in every way possible.
He breathed deep.
No, he wouldn’t call.
Because he knew one day she would admit she loved him, too. Her eyes already said it. The rock of her hips said it, when they slowed to a glacial pace during their love making, attempting to prolong the contentment. The whispered secrets that spilled from her lips in the dead of night said it most of all.
He knew she loved him. She just needed time.
When he entered the living room, following the hum of the vacuum while scratching his bare stomach, Consuela’s head popped up from behind the recliner.
She kicked off the vacuum. “Good morning!” A beaming smile lit up her face as she threw her hand up in a wave.
Leo froze in the middle of the room.
His eyes searched hers across the living area, and he pointed to himself in question.
His Consuela?
Saying good morning?
With a smile?
He looked over his shoulder, sure she must be speaking to someone else.
Of course, his apartment was empty. It had been empty for a week, save for Ashley Williams, who’d spent the last seven days on a one-woman mission to cover every inch of that apartment in his cum.
He looked back to Consuela, hand over his heart, and it hit him.
His maid was thrilled that she no longer had to trip over naked women, dodge empty liquor bottles, and breathe in scattered remnants of cocaine from every glass surface just to do her damn job.
“Good morning!” Consuela’s Spanish accent rang out stronger than ever as she waved once more.
“Goo—” Leo looked over his shoulder one last time, just to make sure he wasn’t crazy, before throwing her a smile. “Good morning, Consuela.”
Bright smile ever present, Consuela clicked the vacuum back on while nodding to the dining room table.
Leo followed her gaze and caught sight of a fully set dining table with two glasses of mimosas and a plate of hot French toast in the middle.
“For me?” he cried, shooting her a look.
Consuela’s smile brightened, and she continued vacuuming, motioning to the table with her free hand.
Leo went to the table and sat with a laugh, shocked to find that Consuela had even set out the newspaper. He flipped the paper open, looked across the table to the second place setting, and it hit him. Consuela wasn’t just happy that she no longer had to trip over naked women, dodge empty liquor bottles, and breathe in scattered remnants of cocaine from every glass surface just to do her damn job.
She was happy that Leo was happy.
For the millionth time, Leo knew, without a doubt, that he wanted Ashley Williams across that table from him.
He wanted it every morning.
He wanted it for the rest of his life.
By the middle of dinner the next evening, Jessica’s hands wouldn’t stop shaking. It was all too much. The deep love in this family. The love that made these Sunday dinners a reality, week after week. The love in Leo’s eyes every time he snuck a look from where he sat next to her.
Jessica could barely keep hold of her fork, the love was so strong. She’d done a great job of fighting it, ignoring it, refusing to acknowledge its existence, but as the Romanovsky family joked and laughed around the dining table, recalling old childhood memories, and memories that had yet to be made, it was too much, because Jessica realized she wanted all of this.
She wanted Leo, and everything that came with him. She wanted his loud mouthed little brother, his brown-baby obsessed mother, and even his robotic twin brother.
Every few seconds, however, it hit her that there was no way to have him. He would never truly be hers. When the truth came out she would lose him forever.
The fork in her hand finally
tumbled from her quaking fingers, clanking against her plate.
It was loud enough to catch Leo’s attention from next to her, and he picked it up, his smiling eyes meeting hers as the conversation around the table rose to deafening levels.
“Spaz,” he teased, holding the fork up for her.
Jessica took it from him, and she took the kiss he pushed to her lips, as well.
When he pulled back, their lips smacking in his retreat, he didn’t just take his lips with him, he took her heart, as well.
“Are you excited about the gala this weekend?” His eyes ran over her face.
“I better be careful what I eat tonight if I’m going to fit in that dress.”
“Please.” His eyes skimmed her body. “You’re gorgeous. Gorgeous. You’re not even saving a sliver for the rest of us. It’s disgraceful how little of a chance you’re giving everybody else.”
Jessica shoved him, lowering her eyes at his hearty laugh. Her eyes came back up quickly, however, when Zoey cleared her throat across the table.
“I have an announcement to make, everyone,” Zoey said waiting patiently for the chatter at the table to die down. “I was hoping Angie and Rome would be here… but I can’t wait another second.” She looked to her left where Val sat, and smiled at him.
Food forgotten, every person at the dining table straightened up. Conversation came to a halt.
“Baby?” Val whispered.
“I wanted everyone to know that I’ve decided to push up the wedding,” Zoey said, holding Val’s eyes as his face fell in shock. “I made an appointment at the courthouse next week—”
She barely finished her sentence before Val dropped his fork and zeroed in on her, coming to the edge of his seat and locking his arms around her waist, hiding his face in her shoulder.
“Oh my goodness,” Bette shrieked, dropping her utensils and leaping out of her seat.
“Ay…” Tony followed suit, covering his heart with his hand. He stood and went to Zoey and Val, following Bette’s lead by placing tender kisses on both of their heads. Smiling, still reeling from their surprise, Gary and Leo left their seats and did the same.
Jessica, however, couldn’t move as she watched Zoey and Val across the table, in their own world, oblivious to the cheers, hugs and kisses that were rained down on them from every angle. Zoey cuddled Val close, cradling his head while rubbing his back softly. Val’s body trembled with the evidence of his emotion, and Zoey dug her nails into his hair, pulling him to her as tightly as she could.
Retaking their seats with hands over their mouths and hearts, the family watched as Zoey pulled back and cupped Val’s cheeks, their teary eyes meeting.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so difficult,” she whispered. “But I never want you to feel like I wouldn’t marry you today, tomorrow, right this second. I would marry you right now, Val, if we had a minister to make it official. I would marry you anytime, anywhere. You are my life, and you always will be. Screw the big wedding. Screw the dress. Screw the party. All we need is us, and our family.”
Jessica was speechless at the sight of tears spilling out of Val’s eyes, wetting Zoey’s hands where she clutched his cheeks.
“All I want in the world is to be your husband, Zo,” he gasped.
“All I want is to be your wife.”
“Next week?” he begged, raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” She laughed.
He tugged her in so close, he nearly broke her spine. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Val. I can’t wait to be your wife.”
Their lips met softly, for the first time with no objection from Tony. Val pulled back and met Zoey’s eyes, laughing with her when she reached up and wiped the tears from his cheeks. When his face was clear of the moisture, they kissed again.
Jessica watched the exchange, and felt sick to her stomach.
By the skin of her teeth, Jessica managed to make it to dessert without emptying her stomach. After popping two bottles of champagne to raise a toast to Val and Zoey, the entire family was good and tipsy, and Jessica found herself pouring a third glass, realizing alcohol was the only thing that would get her through this dinner alive.
“So, Ashley.” Bette’s voice rang in from the end of the table. After spending the better part of the dinner fawning over Val and Zoey, she’d begun surreptitiously watching Jessica and Leo, catching everyone’s attention. Her eyebrows rose when Jessica’s eyes met hers. “Four weeks in a row…” Her teasing tone spurred laughter all around, and everyone broke into applause, wiping the smile from Leo’s face. His palpable displeasure only made the claps grow louder.
“You guys are the worst,” he said, even as Jessica rubbed his arm. “The actual worst.”
“Val and Zoey getting married next week, same girl on Leo’s arm four weeks in a row, Lord Jesus!” Gary raised his glass. “Is it the Armageddon or what? I really think this all deserves a toast. Am I right?”
Every glass at the table lifted, laughter picking up and lingering with the glasses that were now raised high in the air.
Leo groaned.
Jessica couldn’t fight her smile.
“To Leo and Jessica,” Gary said. “May we continue to see you both together, week after week, for many family dinners to come.”
With a bashful smile, Leo begrudgingly lifted his own glass, holding it halfheartedly in the air. He let his family come to him to clink their glasses against his, and they all did, some having to stand and lean across the table just to reach. He was still shaking his head when Jessica clinked her glass to his before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Have I mentioned you guys are the worst?” he asked.
“Once or twice,” Zoey teased, taking a sip from her glass of apple cider. The two chairs next to her that unofficially belonged to Roman and Angie, were empty.
This time, Roman and Angie’s absence didn’t soothe Jessica. It hurt her. Just another awful reminder of who she really was and why she was really there.
“Congrats, bro,” Val said, a shy smile pushing his lips up. “Well done, Ashley.”
Jessica sat taller when Val smiled at her for the first time ever. Finally, she understood the constant fuss over Novsky’s founder and CEO. She understood the media obsession, the countless magazine articles, and the lovely woman who’d agreed to marry him. For the first time, Jessica saw Val Romanovsky in his most real, most open form. Zoey agreeing to push up their wedding had clearly dropped all of his guards, and he was no longer working overtime to hide his hand from everyone around him. He was happy. For the first time, Jessica almost felt guilty that she was very close to ripping it all away from him.
She returned Val’s smile just as Bette spoke again.
“So it’s official?” Bette asked, motioning between them.
Leo and Jessica’s eyes met and he raised his eyebrows.
“Yes,” Jessica said, looking away from him and taking in everyone around the table. Each new face her gaze hit made her stomach sicker than the last, because what was bestowed upon her was nothing but kind eyes, welcoming smiles, and deep love––abiding love. Love without mandate or obligation. Love that just was.
Even Val had a softness in his gaze that had never been present there, at least not when directed at her. He wasn’t the warmest person, but he was now welcoming her simply because Leo welcomed her.
Jessica’s eyes fell to the table, only because she couldn’t stand to see the love for another moment.
“Yes, it’s official,” she finished, her voice breaking. “Leo’s officially my dude,” she said, keeping her eyes lowered even as the second celebration of the night rang out around the table.
His voice warmed her ear as the applause died down. “I’ve never been somebody’s dude, Wednesday.”
“First time for everything right?” She kept her eyes lowered.
“Why does he call you Wednesday?” Zoey smiled.
Jessica rolled her eyes with a groan.
“Wednesday Addams?” Gary took a shot.
Leo snapped a finger and pointed at him.
“I see it,” Val said, smiling at Jessica.
“Totally see it.” Bette lit up.
“So everyone is in agreement that I have perpetual bitch face.” Jessica nodded. “Awesome.”
“Perpetual bitch face,” Gary roared. “That’s great. And you definitely do.” He pointed his fork at Jessica.
Jessica could only shake her head, even as she felt Leo’s tender smile on her.
“Will you be at the courthouse?” Zoey asked.
Jessica’s head lifted at the question, and when she met Zoey’s eyes, her heart fell.
Zoey nodded, keeping her eyes on Jessica even as Val pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
“I want the woman who stole Leo’s heart to be at my wedding.”
Jessica’s wet eyes went from Zoey to Val, who was still watching her with adoration, running his fingers slowly through her hair. Several seconds passed before he finally looked across the table and met Jessica’s eyes.
“You have to be there,” Zoey insisted.
Jessica met her eyes once more. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
Zoey clapped her hands with a whoop, turning to meet Val’s eyes. He leaned in and covered her lips with his, eyes closing with a look that was mixed with both pleasure and pain.
Jessica breathed in relief when the two of them looked away from her, knowing that, by the time this was over, their love would be all but dead.
The dining room in the King mansion went silent, save for the uneven clattering of solid gold utensils to plates. The marble table sat ten, but since it was just Reggie and his father, often went empty. They sat at each end of the table, leaving eight empty chairs between them.
The chef knew not to speak, moving in and out of the room without a word, taking empty plates and re-filling glasses. Reggie made it a point to say thank you where his father refused, understanding when he only received a hesitant smile in return.