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Sold at the Ski Resort

Page 23

by Juliana Conners

  Well, you certainly didn’t fight too hard to keep her from glomming all over you, either.

  “She boxed me in. She cornered me in the hot tub and wouldn’t leave me alone,” replies Paul, as if he can hear the disbelief rolling around in my brain. “I tried to get her off me, but every time I tried, she just held on tighter. She’s my ex and she even made up what had to be some story about her sick dad, just to get me to be nice to her. She wanted me to get back together with her. Wanted me to forget that she cheated and sleep with her tonight, but I told her I wasn’t going to take her back. I told Darla, the woman I was interested in was coming here to meet me. That once she showed up, I never wanted to see her again.” Paul’s lips curl up in a pseudo-smile. “I guess that was a bad idea, since then she went out of her way to cling all over me just in time for you to walk in.”

  He sighs, rubbing his hands down his face, before meeting my astonished gaze. “Listen, Mariah. I love you, okay?” He grunts, balling both hands into fists. “I don’t understand it. I don’t understand how or why I can just fall for a woman over the course of a day or two, but I have, Mariah. I love you.”

  He comes over, taking both of my hands in his. The gesture is very similar to the one he did when we first met. Except he brings both hands up to kiss them, not just one.

  “I want to be with you more than I’ve ever wanted to be with another woman.” Another kiss. “And I want to get to know you more than I’ve known any other woman.” He pauses, licking his lips. “You’re the one for me. Maybe I’m the one for you, too?”

  The whole time he’s been talking, I’ve been trying to convince myself to stay mad. Trying to convince myself that he isn’t worth listening to, or worth the trouble, but I can’t do either. The moment he stops talking, I wrap him up and smother him with kisses.

  “Oh,” I say, between kisses to his cheeks, nose and mouth, “I love you too. I can’t explain it either, but I’m just gonna go with it. Exactly like I went with the rest of the weekend.” I giggle, hoping to coax him inside. “It paid off, and now I want to show my parents what Santa left for me on our doorstep.”

  I pull away from him, but only enough to take him by the hand. “Want to come in?” I have a warm, gooey smile on my face. I can feel it. “Stay for a while?”

  “Sure,” he says, happily following me inside.

  Once inside but before we reach my parents and the dining room, I whisper the question that’s been on my mind since I saw him standing at my front door. “How did you get here? How did you find this place anyway?”

  “Jane gave me your address. Gave it to me out in the hall, when I came to try to explain things to you,” he whispers back.

  Oh, that Jane, I think. What a traitor. And after I found the pattern she wanted for her make up kit and everything.

  But of course, Jane was right, as always. Of course, she knew what she was doing. I’m going to have to thank her, and listen intently as she tells me what’s really up with her and Paul’s brother.

  High heels against linoleum click clack into the space. Mom.

  “Mariah, honey, who was at the door?” she calls.

  “A friend! I’m bringing him right in to you guys now, so stay put!” I’ve lifted my head up to talk to Mom, and now I swivel it around to focus on Paul. “My parents don’t need to know I just met you this weekend. We can say we met during some other trip and just reunited, if you’re okay with that.” I study him, enjoying the mischievous chuckles I can see bubbling up through him. “Are you okay with it?”

  “Sure,” he says, “If you don’t think telling them you met me at a super secret bidder’s club is a good idea.”

  I snort with laughter. “Definitely not.”

  Paul snickers with me, and together we make our way in for the super spontaneous meeting of my parents.


  The moment Mom and Dad see me walk into the kitchen/dining room area with a tall good-looking older man, they hurry up and make him sit down. Introduce himself. They even serve him up some turkey dinner, which he doesn’t refuse.

  I’m a bit surprised, because they are usually so overprotective. I thought they’d disapprove of his age, or even of the fact that I’m dating anyone. But it must have been so long since I’ve brought a guy home that they’re happy no matter his age.

  I sit back down to my dinner as well, my appetite much improved.

  “So,” begins my dad, “How did you meet my little pumpkin?”

  “We met on the slopes,” says Paul, putting on the perfect aura of strong yet respectful. “Your daughter is a really good skier. She was really great in helping me with…”

  “His pizza wedges,” I say, enjoying his “help me out here, will you?” expression.

  “My pizza wedges,” repeats Paul, “That’s right.”

  He’s wincing, and I’m doing my best not to laugh. I’m implying that Paul didn’t even know how to stop skiing correctly when I met him, and so I had to teach him to wedge his skis together, the total beginners’ way to stop. And he either needs to go with it, or give up the dirty truth about how we met.

  “So, to repay her for all the time and effort she put into helping me ski, I asked her out. I hope our Christmas ski trip didn’t get in the way of too many family plans,” he adds, turning on the charm for my mom.

  Apparently, there’s no need to turn it on, though. She’s already as, taken with him as I am.

  “Oh, that’s quite all right, Paul, Dear,” she says, taking a sultry sip of her wine. “I’m just glad my little honey-bear managed to get out of her shell.” I blush and grumble at her, but that doesn’t stop Mom in the least. “I’m just glad she finally found someone she likes a little more than her studies.”

  “Mom!” I yell, completely embarrassed and taken aback. “That wasn’t necessary!”

  “Oh, Mariah! I’m just teasing you,” she says. She winks at me. “Anyway, thank you for showing our daughter such a fun time at the ski resort, Paul. She tells us she enjoyed herself.”

  “Thoroughly,” says Paul, throwing me a wink and dirty smile. “She got to try a lot of new things, while she was up on the mountain.”

  With that, Paul happily stuffs himself with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and some of Mom’s homemade dinner rolls. My asshole is left to twitch excitedly with mention of what we did up on the mountain, but I don’t mind. It makes sitting at the dinner table all that much more new and exciting.

  I eat and drink to my heart’s content, listening and watching as Paul tells my dad about all the new things they have at the ski resort. My dad used to ski long ago, but it’s been some time since he’s been to Aspen, and they’ve done a lot of renovations since then.

  Finally, dinner is finished, plates are cleared, and Mom comes in with a plan. After talking about it with Dad in the kitchen, apparently. “How would you two like to come out for ice cream with us?”

  I hold my stomach regretfully. “Oh, that sounds lovely, Mom,” I say, grunting from how full I feel, “But I’m too full. Anymore, and I’m going to need a second stomach to replace this one when it explodes! Plus, it’s very cold outside. Ice cream would just make it worse.”

  Paul seconds my assessment.

  “Okay.” Mom grab their coats and they put them on before holding hands. They seriously look like newlyweds. “Well, I guess it’ll just be us then, Honey,” she says, looking up at Dad. “What do you say to giving these kids” — Mom gives me a knowing, happy look — “a little alone time, hmm?”

  “Oh, yeah, yeah,” says Dad, trying to look like he wasn’t looking down my mom’s blouse. “Sure, whatever works, Honey.”

  “Bye, kids,” she says, dragging her husband to the front door and out of it. “Have fun! Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do. We’ll be gone about an hour!”

  “Okay,” I shout back, snuggling into Paul’s arms and resting my head on his shoulder. We won’t say here at the table long, I imagine, but I’m fine like this until they leave completely.
“Have fun.”

  Now the house is completely ours. And it’s completely silent, except for the ticking of the cuckoo clock. I’m really glad I met you, Paul. I’m really glad I took a risk, I think, breathing in the scent of his cologne. I’m really glad I got out of my shell, and for that, I hope we last.

  I sigh contentedly, but also nervously. I’ve never been in this serious of a relationship before. And this one has only lasted a few days. What the hell?

  Paul leans in, nibbling my neck. “So,” he says. “Where’s your bedroom?” A calculated, heavy pause. “I want to fuck you in the room you slept in growing up. We need to christen it. I need to make it mine, just like I’ve made you mine.”

  Blush is all I can do, before I get up and lead him to my room.

  Even before I get more than a few steps down the hallway with him, I feel it. My pussy is beginning to drip. It’s as ready for him to take it again as I am. What a great Christmas season this has turned out to be.



  “We have to be quick about this,” I say, stripping out of my clothes as fast as my fingers and hands will allow. “When they say an hour, it’s really more like 45 minutes!”

  I throw off my soaking underwear, feeling slick, gooey juice dripping from my pussy. It’s not even anywhere near his hands, and it’s quivering, at just the thought of him touching it.

  I shiver, bringing a hand down onto my hair. My mound. My hood.

  Paul is suddenly behind me, naked, taking my hand away. “You’re not allowed to touch that,” he says. “That’s mine, remember? I paid a pretty penny for that, and I’m not ready to let anyone else mess with it. Even you.”

  With that, he slips his fingers into my folds and starts rubbing. Gyrating. Doing a “come hither” motion against my clit.

  Almost immediately, I’m bending over because of the tender pulses shooting through my body. The sweet lightning shocking my system. I start panting. Moaning. Murmuring how good it feels. How sensitive I am. How much I want him to pet my kitty, and he obliges. But not by increasing the speed.

  “I’ll pet your kitty, I’ll make her purr,” he whispers, “but you’ll have to ride my fingers like a cock if you want more stimulation.”

  He slaps my ass with his free hand, taking a moment to play with my asshole.

  I moan loudly, surprising myself. It’s a lusty, greedy sound and all my stuffed animals seem to scold me for it.

  “I’m not your fuckboy or toy,” he whispers huskily. “You’re my toy, to play with any time I want. Get that straight, and ride my hand, Mariah!”

  “Yes, sir” I cry, riding him hard and fast. The same way I’ve ridden many dildos and massagers. Until they break, but Paul’s hand doesn’t break. It just shifts and molds to my folds. My clit, growing bigger and hotter with every motion. Soon, it’s like I’ve got a small sun itching to become a supernova inside me. It burns like molten magma and devours like a black hole.

  I thrust faster, surprised when the strongest, wettest orgasm goes through me and I ejaculate something in his hand. I spray a good amount of clear, sticky liquid, feeling like I’ve just peed. “Oh no,” I murmur, thinking I really have pissed on him.

  “Oh yes,” says Paul, taking the liquid on his hand and using it to wet my holes. Particularly my pussy, whose lips are still tight and plump with desire. “You’ve just squirted. And it’s extra fun for me now.”

  Quickly, as if I’ve just awoken the Jaguar in him, Paul hurries me over to my bed. As he does, his fully-erect cock pokes me in the middle to lower back. It’s like he’s got a dagger drawn. But unlike a dagger, I’m looking forward to being impaled by it. “Get ready, Mariah. My sword is drawn!”

  But I’ve been ready for his sword since the last time he jabbed me with it. And I have a feeling I’ll always be ready for it.


  I push Mariah onto her bed, head first. She lands in the perfect position for me to fuck both her pussy and ass equally. Easily. Unlike in the woods, I don’t need to lower myself to have access to her glistening and puckered holes. I just need to dive in.

  I do dive in, glistening-penis-head first, but not before putting on a condom. I wasn’t sure I had one, but I found one in the back pocket of my pants before taking them off.

  After opening the condom and putting it on, I spread Mariah’s lips and cheeks, getting a good look at her silky pinkness. I hum at it. “Delicious,” I say, “I’m going to enjoy tasting this.” I plunge my cock into her pussy, enjoying the instant feedback I get. The squish of her folds, as if she’s nothing more than an overripe peach. Then there is warmth. There’s also gripping along my head, and then shaft, as my cock slides easily into her, all the way up to my balls.

  Mariah’s already moving, curling her toes cutely on the rug underneath her, and wiggling her hips. She has a very happy pussy, and I’m about to make it happier. I grab her hips, and push the head of my cock into her a bit more. Just enough to spread the tightest, smallest part of her hole open an inch. I succeed, enjoying a small little “kiss” on my tip from her furthest reaches. Mariah groans under this attention, but doesn’t tell me to stop.

  I pull back, murmuring in her ear, “Your parents could come home early,” I warn. “You want to stay quieter than that, if you don’t want them seeing you shamelessly splayed out like this on your childhood bed. On the bed I’m sure your daddy read a lot of innocent, sweet stories to you on.”

  I don’t waste any time starting a rhythm with her. Unlike our first time, I’m not slow or gentle. Instead, I’m methodical. I just start ramming my cock in and out of her, enjoying the way she whines. The way she shrieks when a particularly good spot inside of her.

  “You naughty, naughty little girl. Just think of what they would say, Mariah, if they could see you with me right now.”

  I spank her hard on each cheek, before grabbing her hair and holding onto it while I continue to ravage her swollen lips and hot, textured hole.

  “I’m so bad,” agrees Mariah, sounding like she’s speaking on a cloud. She’s obviously feeling as if she’s in heaven.

  “Punish me!” She rubs her silky, slightly-chilled ass cheeks against me. “Punish me please, Paul!”

  “You want me to fuck you in the ass, is that it?” My whisperer is hot, heavy and combative. “Is that the kind of ‘punishment’ you want?”

  Mariah nods, unable to verbally acknowledge that she wants that kind of sex. It must be from being at her parent’s house.

  “I will,” I say, taking my dick out of her pussy, and making sure the condom is on still. It is, covered from tip to base and white and clear juice from her. Slowly, carefully I line my penis up with her puckering, puffy asshole. “But only because you begged me, and because you are such a naughty girl.”

  Mariah squeals at this, and her asshole makes a kissing motion at me as I spread her cheeks in preparation of entering her. Seconds after spreading her cheeks as far as they will go, and angling my hard cock in the right direction, I dive into her. I slide my rod into her all the way without stopping.

  We both sigh/groan in response to the quickness of the tight, sucking sensation. The kaleidoscope of texture that we both feel.

  “Just like in the woods, Mariah,” I say, pumping in her full, delicious ass, “you’re going to have to stay quiet. Well behaved, if you don’t want to get found out.” I pinch and squeeze her ass with each in and out move.

  Before long, even with me increasing my speed, grabbing on to her hips, Mariah is hungry. She begins to slam her ass and hips down on to me. After a few clumsy thrusts, she matches her rhythm to mine, and it’s a quick climb to pleasure.

  In seconds, I feel my balls clench, and fluid beginning a race toward my tip. I feel Mariah clench with me, and I know the muscles in her ass are clenching. Experiencing the same kind of pleasure as she might when needing to use the bathroom.

  But she doesn’t evacuate. She shudders, saying, “Fuck me in my hungry ass!” Her words waiver in time
with my thrusting. “Oh, yes! Yes, I’m such a filthy girl, getting my hole plundered!”

  “Oh yeah, baby,” I growl, feeling semen shoot into my condom, but imagining that it’s in her ass for real. “Take this, dirty girl!” With that, I stiffen, savoring each pump of my cock.

  I stay with my orgasm, pushing into her a few more inches, before pulling out. Now I feel thoroughly milked. Spent.

  Upon pulling out, Mariah has a small, but powerful orgasm. It shows up as a small tremor.

  I gather her up, and place her on the bed properly. As I do so, I kiss her on the mouth. Deeply, and with tongue. She responds favorably, pulling me so that I’m more on the bed with her. I gladly give in to her pull.

  “That was even better than earlier today,” murmurs Mariah, kissing me square on my lips. “Especially since now I get to dream about having that with you whenever I want.” She makes little doodles in my hair. Of what, I don’t know or care.

  I’m just happy to lie with her here for as long as I can. Which isn’t going to be for much longer.


  Sooner than I want it to be, it’s time for Paul to leave.

  He’s dressed and ready to brave the snow. I’ve seen it start to fall like crazy from the window in my bedroom. “I wish you could stay for longer, babe,” I moan, reaching out for him. “I wish we didn’t have to say goodbye yet.”

  Paul walks into my arms, stroking my hair. “I know.” A pause, as he messes tenderly with an ear lobe. “But I can’t. Your parents are going to be here soon, and I don’t want to give them any time to ask questions about why I look so rosy cheeked.” We share a laugh, but I feel Paul moving away. I hate it, but I know it has to happen. “There will be a next time, Mariah. And next time, we’re going to do it right. I’m going to tie you to the bed again and fuck your brains out without worrying about being rushed.”


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