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The Return of Edgar Cayce

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by C. Terry Cline Jr.

  Something dangerous is happening in the Western world. Movies, music, television, and games expose children to graphic violence, vulgar language, and immoderate sex. Continuous scenes of degradation inure a young mind to unspeakable horrors in the same way that war hardens men in battle to death and destruction; an unemotional response that allows the soldier to maintain sanity and survive. Under the influence of entertainment media, young minds soon become accustomed to unspeakable atrocities. The result will be ever more cruel young criminals devoid of conscience even when committing abominable acts.

  Treasure your language and use it judiciously. Do not insult your friends by taking God’s name in vain. Do not trivialize sex with vulgar words. When enough people curse without thinking, cursing soon sounds normal. Avoid abuses of speech. Words have power to construct or destroy, enhance or disfigure; apply them as you would an indelible stain. Properly used language can beautify. Carelessly uttered words blemish and disfigure.

  Treat all men as you would a child, adding strength to character with cautiously chosen comments. The seeds of self-concept are planted in susceptible minds. How we see ourselves is determined by how others see us. If a child is admired he respects himself. Through the eyes of the beholder he becomes a reflection of another person’s regard. This never changes. Insults and disapproval disfigure even the hardened entity that appears to shrug it off.

  Kind words are the loving strokes we bestow on others. Be generous in content and spare in offense. Speak of someone as you would have him speak of you.

  If you pledge matrimonial troth, be faithful. Marriage is a sacred coupling and should not be corrupted. Resisting temptation strengthens character, so be strong in your vows. If both sides feel they received the best part of a contract, that is the test of a good agreement. If broken, the vows of wedlock are never again as strong. Make your nuptials and keep them safe from temptation; no treasure will ever be greater than the trust of a loving spouse.

  Know yourself. There is no shame in weakness, nor sin in seduction, only in yielding to it. Do not put yourself in the way of temptation—for truly, the flesh is weak.

  Even an ailing burro is strong pulling an empty wagon. Keep your karmic load light. A clear conscience is Man’s greatest strength.

  A glimpse of things to come:

  By 2050, cigarette smoking will go the way of opium dens in China. Smoking bans will spread to all the states, and the price of cigarettes will continue to rise. Counterfeiting will become a major problem in affluent societies—currency, liquor, medicine, and tobacco will be duplicated and sold as bona fide brands. The problem will become so pervasive, corporations will establish their own investigative forces and there will be assassinations to stop counterfeiting. Industrial espionage and counter-measures against it will become common.

  Miniaturization will continue to reduce the size of products. Spying devices will become so small cameras and transmitters will be concealed in household products, making thefts easily traced.

  Capital punishment will be abolished in Western societies, but will increase in Eastern nations as the cost of incarceration continues to increase.

  The study of aberrant behavior will become more medical than punitive. In the century ahead, criminologists will specialize in pharmacology to treat convicts as patients rather than inmates. Hormonal imbalance will be blamed for many crimes.

  There will be less violence in books, magazines, and movies as authors and producers become more aware of the damage those images are causing.

  By the end of the twenty-first century, the influence of oil-producing nations will diminish as new inventions replace carbon fuels.

  In the twenty-second century, Arabs will be trying to learn how to survive in the way of their Berber forefathers, living nomadic lives.

  In the end, desert economies will collapse as former allies confiscate their holdings in the Western world. Without the power of oil politics, major producers will have little left but the sand they’ve lived on for centuries.

  In the coming hundred years, kingdoms, monarchies, and dictatorships will be overthrown. The trend will be to theocratic governance.

  Wars will become less nationalistic and more tribal.

  Nuclear attacks will be attempted by terrorists in America, England, France, Italy, and Germany. The result will be a massive retaliation against ideologies like Islam. But then, a response to that will be even greater faith in Muslim beliefs.

  The worldwide birthrate will decline by the end of the twenty-first century as resources are stretched to their limits.

  Old diseases will appear again out of jungles destroyed by developers: bubonic plague, dengue fever, and measles will become pandemic worldwide. Diseases will become immune to time-tested treatments with drugs.

  Safety nets like social security systems will be diminished or abandoned outright. Elderly citizens will be treasured for their knowledge of farming, raising livestock, and preserving foodstuffs.

  International distrust of governments will bring new strength to democracies. The demand for one man one vote will alter election procedures.

  Education will shift from public schools to elite private institutions nurturing the brightest youths of society. All others will learn trades that will become more valuable with time: plumbing, carpentry, and mechanical repairs. The emphasis will be on maintenance designed to make things last longer.

  By the year 2150, wealth will be judged by personal happiness and contentment, not material possessions.

  The right-to-die movement will gain prominence, with assisted suicide deemed an acceptable alternative to suffering.

  The emphasis on long life will give way to good life as attitudes change about extending the earthly existence of the terminally ill.

  A common theme will become, ‘There is a time to die.’

  Medical facilities will be feared as a source of fatal diseases such as staph.

  Ancient belief in reincarnation will prevail.

  Through it all, Man will survive.

  This reading is ended for now.”

  “In the year 2210, interplanetary discoveries will introduce Earth to life-forms on other planets. Thousands of other worlds will be recognized. The immense distance across the galaxies will prohibit invasions by one world against another. Communication between worlds will come centuries before Earthman sets foot on the turf of another species of humans. The deliberate transfer of DNA from one world to another will take place in a spacecraft that requires hundreds of years to complete the journey between worlds.

  Faith in God will be strengthened by DNA evidence proving that humans living on countless planets are related and all spring from a single source.

  Ready for questions.”

  Q: From the perspective of the Universal Wave, how does the world appear to you?

  A: “The same way the world appears to you if considering a period in the distant past. How do you see the year 1000, for example? The past from a perspective of several hundred years gives a viewer a philosophical attitude about many events that seemed critical at the time.”

  Q: When will the world end?

  A: “Read the Bible. Nobody knows the answer to that question.”

  Q: Why does the Mayan calendar end December 21, 2012?

  A: “The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, because the fellow chiseling the rock got carpal tunnel syndrome and went home.”

  Q: In your readings prior to January, 1945, did you predict the end of the world?

  A: “No.”

  Q: Was Nostradamus for real?

  A: “Yes.”

  Q: How is it possible to tell the future?

  A: “Anyone can predict the future by recognizing trends and mathematical probabilities. Everything in the future can be influenced by the will of Man. As herein stated, one man can alter the future; all mankind can alter the future mightily.”

  Q: What can an individual do to make mankind better?

  A: “Help those who need assistance.
Live not for yourself, but for others as well.”

  Q: What is the longest time a man has lived?”

  A: “According to the Bible, Methuselah, the son of Enoch, lived 969 years. Peng Zu of China lived 800 years in the Yin Dynasty. Abdul Azziz Al-Hafeed Al-Habashi lived 674 years. Saint Servatius the bishop of Tongeren was 375 years old when he died in May, 384. Devraha Baba, an Indian Siddi Yoga saint, died in 1989 after living 700 years.”

  Q: Is it possible to live that long nowadays?

  A: “Anything is possible. Take care of yourself.”

  Q: Why are you coming back to Earth in 2050?”

  A: “Hopefully to reassure mankind.

  This reading is ended for now.”

  “A new form of propulsion will be discovered before the end of the twenty-third century. Driven by dry fuel of unlimited duration, rockets will map the planets and radio information to earthbound scientists. Robots will do the exploring.

  On Earth, labor-saving devices will assume the form of built-in appliances that talk to you, a boon for lonely people. Time will be regulated by the decay of radioactive materials and satellite clocks will regulate the world’s timepieces.

  Wood will cease to be the main building material, giving way to polymers and metals. Metallurgical breakthroughs will produce lighter, stronger, cheaper skeletons for structures.

  Cremation will replace most burial practices as the cost of funerals becomes prohibitive, and space more precious.

  Federal income tax evasion will force governments to establish value-added collections in which a fee is included at the point of manufacturing.

  In an effort to save water, laundry soap will be replaced by molecular agitation systems that clean clothes electronically.

  In the year 2135, landfills will be mined for waste that can be recycled. Trash in private homes will be recycled on the premises and used to generate heat and air conditioning.

  In 2345 this entity will return once again to reassure mankind.

  By 2300 in most civilized nations, newborn babies will be routinely tagged for DNA identification, thereby making it more difficult for criminals to avoid detection.

  The trend to plastic instead of paper currency will continue. Bank accounts will be established at birth for lifelong service to the consumer.

  2250: Public transportation will be reinstated nationally in America as the price of petroleum products continues to climb. High speed railway systems will span the world.

  2225: Insurance will become a government function, replacing policies underwritten by private corporations against windstorm, flood, and other natural disasters.

  2200: The publication of books, magazines, and newspapers will be completely replaced by electronic duplication delivered to consumers on handheld viewers.

  2450: After several nuclear accidents around the world, consumers will turn to a form of Tesla coils to generate power for individual homes. The wireless transmission Tesla system will bring a new appreciation for Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-born inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer.

  I will not be born knowing who I am; that is not part of the plan. The discovery of identity will come when exposed to readings that begin to sound true and normal. That may occur as early as 2070 depending on this entity’s parental influences.

  As has been stated in the previous incarnation: the magnification of any desire which seeks only selfish gratification must eventually bring upon its creator anguish and final destruction. God created woman by dividing the spiritual being of Man, thus creating a spiritual balance and preparing the way for a conquest of good over evil.

  In 1968 the extinct continent of Atlantis was rediscovered by James W. Mavor, Jr., an American with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. An intact city of two- and three-story houses still stands under ash of the volcanic explosion that sank the city. Frescoes are beautifully preserved. The absence of skeletons and gold indicates a massive evacuation by the residents prior to the destruction. This is not the entirety of Atlantis and should not be construed as the total picture but only a part of it. After the first destruction of a single continent, there remained five large islands and that is the totality of Atlantis.

  In eons past, the surface of the world was different than it is now. The axis of the Earth has changed since then. Polar regions were tropical. The Nile emptied into the Atlantic Ocean. The Sahara Desert was inhabited and fertile. In America the Mississippi basin was under the ocean.

  In the beginning before Man was material he was spirit without body, as am I now in the Universal Wave. He could project himself in any direction he desired. The flaw in Man was his desire for sensory pleasures, and all too often he strove toward that end. It is this weakness that pulls mankind into mind-bending addictions trying to alter reality with sensory titillations like liquor and narcotics.

  Many soul entities became obsessed with carnal gratification. The quest for those sensations is one of the things that lure Man back into physical Earth form. Thus sex came into the world, not for procreation, but for pleasure.

  The world is being greatly influenced even today by Atlanteans. Recent rapid scientific advances are evidence of their influence. Great discoveries yet ahead will come from their potency. These souls reincarnated from Atlantis will bring rockets powered by forces from the sun’s rays, which are caught and reflected by crystals. There is not one leader of any nation, good or bad, who is not descended from Atlantis.

  Be faithful to that which is committed to your safekeeping. Life is precious because it is of the Maker and the beginning. Learn lessons from that which is around you, whispering wind in the trees, laughter of children at play, and the pleasing sigh of contented loved ones. Within you is a spark of the molecule that was your creator. Nurture and covet it. Let goodness shine from within and allow others to bask in the radiance of your presence.

  Remember the promise: If ye will be my children, I will be thy God. When ye turn your face from me, my face is turned from thee.

  What can one person do when it seems all the rest of the world does nothing to improve the lot of mankind? Care for those of lesser means. Share your good fortune with the depressed and downtrodden.

  The greatest accomplishment of any entity is to be loved by a child. Properly nurtured, the love of a child will last forever. Cultivate the respect of children and they will be friends for a lifetime.

  To conquer the world, first conquer yourself. That war won, the rest will come naturally.

  It was not given to Man to know the time of the end of the world for fear he would be obsessed by that knowledge at the expense of the present. Knowing about lives he has lived causes Man to dwell on the past, therefore that cognizance is denied to him.

  Know this above all else: Man will survive. Be then therefore as one with your maker. Love your friends and family. It is the way to enlightenment.

  This reading is finished for now.”

  “The expectation of the rising of Atlantis has been misconstrued. Man today expected a single site to appear. In fact Atlantis, or Poseidian, was many places, as Europe is many places, or the Americas are many places. Atlantis was five locations. Look not for a single upheaval. As predicted, Atlantis arose in 1968.

  You are an atom, a corpuscle in the body of God, thus a co-creator with Him in what you think and what you do. You change every soul you meet, literally or mentally. Hence, be aware of how you treat others. Your imprint is upon them. At the same time, every soul also affects you. Choose your associates carefully.”

  Q: What do you say to a person who does not believe in God?

  A: “Doubt is a natural part of maturation. With maturity comes assurance and confidence. One does not have to believe in God to know there’s life after death, for example. It is the natural order of things to recycle. As stated herein, the universe contracts and expands at one and the same time.”

  Q: How many worlds sustain life as Earthmen know it?

  A: “If the answer were six or ten or tw
elve, you would comprehend and believe. There are billions of galaxies with solar systems similar to Earth’s.”

  Q: Is each of those worlds similar to Earth’s biosphere?

  A: “In some cases they are souls without material bodies. The inhabitants of each world are adapted to their environments. But throughout the universe each soul has been fashioned in the likeness of the Creator. Whatever their differences in form, their lessons are basically the same: live to serve others, seek peace and not strife.”

  Q: Through past readings you indicated that Jesus Christ had been on Earth many times in various incarnations and each of those spiritual entities was here to serve particular peoples. Is that correct?

  A: “The prophets are as one with rare exceptions. The approach may be different, but the message is fundamentally the same. You are here as this entity by choice. Make the most of it. Do as has been herein stated.

  This reading is finished for the moment.”

  Q: One more question, please, sir. Sir? Sir—

  (The next day Mr. Cayce began):

  “Time and space have no relevance in the Universal Wave. On Earth, Man encumbers himself with an artificial index of age. In societies where age is not counted by years, Man remains youthful until the spirit vacates the body. In those societies, the only accurate index is accomplishment. An infant crawls, and then he walks; he soon runs, he masters skills of adolescence, and finally attains manhood. Thereafter the passing years are important only insofar as his skills are concerned.

  In a similar manner, a man’s ability is too often tied to artificial indexes society has placed upon him. He’s very smart for his age, a teacher might say. He is still a good athlete in spite of his years. He’s very sharp for a man so old.

  A child aspires to be old, and then for the rest of his life struggles to stay young. Do not instill pride or mortification based on the number of days an entity has existed in human form. In fact, souls who live many lives are hundreds, or thousands of years old. To say a soul is six, ten, twenty, forty, or seventy is misguided. You could just as well say he’s two thousand, six thousand, or ten thousand years old.


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