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The Mannequin

Page 1

by Adrian Blue

  The Mannequin


  Adrian Blue

  © Copyright 2016, Adrian Blue, All Rights Reserved

  Chapter One

  Lindy entered the mall through one of the service entrances. Her new uniform was itchy against her skin, and the flashlight on her belt banged against her thigh with every step. She walked down the service hallways until she came to the main control room. Lindy pressed the button for service and waved at the camera.

  The door opened with a loud click. She pulled open the heavy, metal door and stepped into the room. Monitors covered one wall above a long desk. The evening security guard, Frank, sat at the desk, sipping from a coffee mug. He glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled.

  “Lindy! It’s your show tonight. Nervous?”

  Lindy set her bag down and closed the door. “Not at all.”

  “Good, good,” Frank said jovially. “Well, the mall should be closing in an hour. Just watch the monitors and do your hourly rounds. You should be fine.”


  “Just like we practiced all last week,” Frank pressed.

  Lindy nodded. “Got it.”

  She knew he was nervous to leave her alone on the job. She was not supposed to be doing the rounds alone for another two weeks, but his wife’s surgery had been moved up a month. He had to be there.

  “I’m fine, Frank. Really.”

  Frank nodded and glanced back at the monitors. “It’s been quiet today, so I don’t expect any problems.”


  “Are you sure this is okay with you? I can call in Bob.” Frank gave her a worried frown. “It’s no trouble.”

  “Bob’s on vacation, Frank. I can handle this.”

  “Alright, then.” Frank stood from his chair. “I’ll just leave you to it.”

  Lindy looked over the monitors as he gathered his things and moved toward the door. He paused when he reached the door, glancing back at her.

  “Call me if you have any trouble.”

  “I will,” Lindy reassured him.

  When he finally left, she relocked the door and settled into the chair at the desk. The monitors showed the Saturday crowds thinning to a trickle, as the minutes until closing ticked down. Lindy pulled the bottle of water from her bag and sipped at it, as she watched the halls empty.

  Finally, the gates started going down, the stores closing for the day. Lindy scanned the monitors as the views changed. One by one, the stores went dark. Half an hour later, the last of the cars left. Her sedan looked lonely out in the huge empty lot.

  Lindy spun her chair and hopped up to start her rounds. She had to walk the outside perimeter, all the service halls, and double check all of the mall restrooms. The employees would have checked the individual store restrooms before they left.

  Lindy locked up the office and walked purposefully down the hall. She decided to do all of her outside work first. After slipping out one of the service doors, she did a quick walk around of the building, shining her flashlight in the bushes and scanning the surrounding parking lot. Nothing moved.

  She unlocked the same service door and walked through to the mall proper. There was something eerie about such a large, empty building. Her footsteps were loud in the silence, echoing off the high ceiling. Every time she passed a department store window display, she did a double take.

  From the corner of her eye, she always thought the mannequins were people. Lindy laughed at herself. She walked up to the front window of a big and tall men’s store and looked over the mannequins. Most of them were obviously fake, but one actually looked like an actual man.

  The mannequin appeared to be staring at her. She shook her head at herself and looked past the six figures to peer into the darkness of the store. Everything appeared to be fine. She gave the realistic mannequin a final glance and walked on to the next store.

  Lindy checked all of the restrooms on both floors and peeked in every store window, before she returned to the control room. The clock on the wall said she was a quarter of the way through her twelve hour shift. The morning security guards would be in at six to relieve her.

  She pulled a snack bag full of cheese crackers from her duffle and sat at the desk. The monitors flipped from camera to camera, as she mechanically chewed. Suddenly, something jerked her from her dazed staring. She leaned forward in her chair, waiting for the same camera feed to come around again.

  When it did, Lindy dropped her crackers. One of the mannequins was missing from the window of the big and tall store. She quickly counted again to be sure. Five. There should be six. She was out of her chair before the monitor could switch to the next camera.

  If something fell and broke while she was working, she would most assuredly be blamed. They would say she bumped it. Lindy rushed from the control room with her keys in hand. She just had to set the mannequin back up, dust it off, and no one needed to know it had fallen.

  She jogged across the dark food court toward the store. Sure enough, there was one mannequin less than there had been. The realistic one was missing. As she came closer to the window, she frowned in confusion. She did not see it anywhere.

  Lindy pressed her face to the window to squint into the shadows of the store. If it had just fallen, it should be on the floor. There was nothing. It was just gone. Lindy hurried over to the gate and knelt to unlock it.

  Did one of the store employees come back in to play a prank on her? She rolled up the gate far enough to roll underneath. The store was dark, full of the shadows of other mannequins and clothing racks. She rose to her feet and looked over at the window display.

  None of the other mannequins appeared to have been touched. Why would someone just move one of them? It was not a very good prank. Lindy sighed and marched further into the store.

  “Hello?” she called. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but you should not be in here after hours!”

  No one answered, but she did not really expect them to. There were only so many places to hide. They were either in the storeroom or the service hallway. Or already gone and they had just left the mannequin somewhere silly. Lindy rolled her eyes at the immaturity of some people.

  She shoved at the hallway door, but it was still securely locked. Odd. The regular employees did not have the keys, they just locked the door behind them when they left. Unless a manager had broken in to prank her, she was dealing with someone other than a store employee. Lindy slowly turned toward the door to the storeroom.

  Chapter Two

  She slid her flashlight from her belt as she moved toward it. It would not give her much protection, but it was better than nothing. It was probably teenagers, she told herself. Lindy tightened her grip on the flashlight and reached out to open the door.

  The storeroom was pitch black. She switched on her flashlight and swept it around the large storage space. Nothing moved and there was no sign of anyone. She started to take a step forward when the store’s security gate slammed down. Lindy spun to look and smashed the flashlight into the door frame.

  The light immediately went out and her flashlight skittered away into the dark room. She cursed under her breath. There was nothing at the gate but plain old gravity, and now she had to find her flashlight. She stepped into the storeroom, fumbling for the light switch.

  Her hand found it at the same time her shoe crunched down on something. Lindy flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She took another step forward and more of the stuff crunched under her foot. What the heck? Was that glass?

  She stumbled into a table and gripped the edge to keep from falling. Why would the floor be covered in glass? Were the overhead lights broken? The rectangle of light from the doorway began to shrink as the door slowly swung closed. Lindy hurried toward it just as it slamm

  She heard the telltale sound of the lock being flipped. She was not alone in the room. Lindy backed away, using her hands to navigate the end of the table. She heard the scuff of a shoe on the concrete floor to her left. She jerked toward it.

  “Hello?” she called.

  A cold, hard hand seized her throat. Before she could scream, it shoved her hard. Lindy tumbled backwards into what felt like a net. Her hands tangled in it as she thrashed to get away from the approaching footsteps. A harsh grip seized one of her ankles and jerked.

  Lindy screamed, kicking out with her other leg. Her shin banged into what felt like rock and pain exploded down her leg.

  “Let me go!” she yelled. “Who are you?”

  Her attacker remained silent, but there was a loud rip. Lindy felt her pants become looser as the fabric tore. She tried to scream again, but what felt like tape sealed her mouth. Lindy jerked at the net, frantically trying to free her hands.

  She shook her head wildly, as the rest of her pants were tugged from her struggling body. Hands too cold to be human, seized her hips and flipped her over onto her front. Lindy screamed as loud as the tape would let her. What was touching her? It was not a person, there was no way.

  The waistband of her panties snapped with one hard tug from the hands, and Lindy shrieked as a large, cold finger prodded between her thighs. She struggled to close her legs. Hands harshly grabbed her tender inner thighs and shoved her legs open. Lindy sobbed in terror as the finger returned to press determinedly at her virgin entrance.

  The smooth, inhuman texture of it slid into her, feeling strangely good inside the heat of her body. Lindy went still at the unfamiliar sensation of being touched there. The finger slide out of her slowly and pressed to her virgin pucker. She gasped. Not there!

  The finger breached her tight back entrance, as she cried out into her gag. The untouched entrance screamed, fluttering in panic as the finger shoved deeper. She had no time to adjust to the burn, before a second finger shoved into her. Lindy screamed, struggling to escape.

  A hand tangled in her hair, as the two fingers drew back and thrust in hard. She jerked helplessly at the net and sobbed. It hurt, but the more the fingers stroked into her, the more the ache of it faded into a raw pleasure. Lindy slowly started to rock her hips back into the sensation.

  The hand in her hair pulled tight, jerking her head back painfully. Something about it made her virgin pussy clench in pleasure. She moaned. A third finger pushed into her back passage, forcing her open wider. Lindy let out a high-pitched whine.

  Suddenly, the fingers slipped out of her and something frigidly cold pressed against her sore pucker. She sucked in a panicked breath through her nose, as she realized what it was. Her flashlight. The blunt handle pressed hard against her tiny pucker, until her body could not resist anymore.

  The thick handle of her flashlight, covered in something slick, popped through the small opening. Lindy screamed over and over, as it slid deep inside her. It was so thick and so cold, it felt like it was freezing her from the inside out. The hand in her hair jerked hard enough to make tears fall from her eyes.

  When the flashlight was all the way inside her, she collapsed to the concrete floor, moaning weakly. Her back passage ached and her pussy throbbed in time with her pounding heart. She could feel her wetness running down her thighs, her clit tingling.

  A cold fingertip traced around her sore, stretched back entrance. Her passage clamped down on the flashlight and she sobbed. She was so full. It was a strange blend of pain and pleasure, and her body was not sure how to respond. Her mind was equally confused.

  Chapter Three

  The facts told her something impossible, that it was the mannequin from the window that was slowly taking her apart. A cold hand spread her cheeks and the flashlight twisted inside her. Lindy choked on a gasp, her back passage twitching and clenching at the odd pleasure of it. After twisting the flashlight back the other way, the mannequin’s fingers slid down to stroke over her throbbing clit.

  Lindy whimpered at the sudden punch of pleasure. Her hips jerked into it and her back passage clamped down on the cold thickness inside her. Two fingers lightly grasped her sensitive clit and began to squeeze. The pleasure swiftly turned to agony and Lindy screamed.

  The pressure abruptly disappeared and the fingers rubbed insistently. Her swollen nub twitched and throbbed, as the agony turned to ecstasy. Lindy sucked in air through her nose, crying out and jerking her hips uncontrollably. The pleasure grew until she squeezed her eyes closed and came, sobbing and crying through her climax.

  The cold fingers pinched her sore clit teasingly and slid down to her soaked entrance. Two fingers abruptly thrust into her virgin pussy, squelching in her wetness. They pumped in and out of her several times as she moaned. She was sopping wet from the mannequin’s brutal attention.

  Her face was wet with tears, but she could not stop moaning. Lindy stared blearily into the darkness, as the mannequin finger fucked her virgin pussy. Her body stretched around three fingers, aching but thrumming in pleasure. The fingers pumped into her three times before they vanished. A moment later, the flashlight twisted in her back passage.

  Lindy cried out, as the mannequin pulled the thick metal most of the way out only to shove it back in. Her inner muscles fluttered and she thrashed in the net. Oh, God! It burned so good. Whining and moaning, her pussy clenched and she came again. The mannequin jerked the flashlight from her still spasming body and she heard it clatter to the floor.

  With a large, inhuman hand on her hip and the other fisted in her hair, the mannequin jerked her back onto his cold, hard cock. Lindy wailed behind the tape, shuddering in combined pain and pleasure as her back passage was assaulted. Her scalp burned from the harsh grip and she knew she would have bruises on her skin, but her pussy was fluttering in ecstasy.

  The mannequin’s rock hard hips slammed against her ass over and over as he rammed into her back passage. Lindy clawed at the floor and cried. The brutal fucking went on and on, driving her toward another climax. Her whole body felt like it was on fire.

  The mannequin suddenly jerked out of her and speared into her virgin pussy. Lindy wailed long and loud, shivering uncontrollably as the hard, unrelenting thrusts continued. The mannequin’s huge cock slammed into a spot deep inside her, sending jolts of gut-wrenching pleasure through her body.

  She whined behind the tape, wordlessly begging for more. She needed it harder. A particularly brutal thrust made her whole body seize and she shook through a devastating orgasm. Her overworked body trembled. The mannequin pulled out of her fluttering pussy to shove back into her back entrance.

  Lindy arched her back, crying out in shock. A harsh slap to her ass made her passage clamp down and she shrieked. The mannequin plunged in and out of her tight pucker, pulling all the way out each time to slide its cock through the soaked mess of her pussy.

  It was so filthy and horrible and wrong. Lindy cried, even as she craved more. She could not understand why or how the mannequin could be doing this to her. It defied all logic, but it was happening. The inhuman thing was destroying her and remaking her into something else.

  She moaned in agonized pleasure, as the huge cock returned to her sopping wet pussy and shoved back in. It went back and forth for what felt like hours, wrenching screams from her. Its fingers rubbed and pinched at her clit, as it fucked her. Sometimes ripping orgasms from her, sometimes making her scream for mercy.

  When it finally released her, she was a limp, useless thing on the floor. She laid there for several minutes, her body trembling from overuse and aftershocks of pleasure. Lindy slowly pushed herself up on her hands and knees and gasped as every muscle in her body cried out at once.

  She grit her teeth and slowly detangled herself from the netting. She could feel the mannequin watching her in the darkness. Its presence felt malicious, but darkly seductive. Lindy struggled to her feet and peeled the tape from her mouth.

  “Ouch,” she whispered.

>   After so long without being able to talk, it felt odd to speak in the mannequin’s presence. Lindy stumbled forward with her arms out in front of her. Her shirt and bra were still intact, but her panties were missing and her pants were ripped beyond repair. Her back passage and pussy clenched at the same time and she gasped in pain.

  Without the pleasure to balance it out, her body was one big raw nerve. She finally reached the far wall and groped for the door. Once she found the knob, she jerked the door open and looked around. The mall was still deserted outside the store window.

  Lindy staggered toward the front of the store. A display table full of watches told her only two hours had passed. She still had more than half of her shift left. She leaned heavily on the table. Seven hours trapped in the mall with a sadistic mannequin.

  A hand landed heavily on her shoulder. Lindy’s bottom lip trembled, even as she leaned back into the mannequin’s inhuman body. Its hands cupped her breasts and gently rubbed until it found her nipples. Lindy screamed and arched her back as it pinched the tender nubs cruelly.

  She sobbed, as it bent her over a table and grabbed her hips. The first thrust into her back passage burned like fire. She cried out over and over, spreading her legs wider, as it fucked her brutally. The rough treatment made her pussy throb in anticipation.

  The mannequin slapped her ass hard enough to bruise and Lindy came. Her knees buckling, she pressed her face into the neatly folded t-shirts and wailed. The mannequin pulled out to slam into her dripping pussy. Her juices gushed down her thighs as the store filled with the wet sound of her arousal.

  The mannequin pinched her nipples until she whined, before lowering its hand between her thighs to rub hard at her clit. Her body snapped tight, as another orgasm was ripped from her. Her mouth fell open in a silent scream, her pussy clamping down on the still thrusting cock. The pleasure went on for hours.

  When there was only an hour left in her shift, the mannequin abruptly pulled out of her and stepped away. Lindy weakly lifted her head to watch it nonchalantly straighten its clothes and walk back to the window. Once it was in place, it froze as if it had never moved.


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