This is the End (Book 2): Not Dead Yet

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This is the End (Book 2): Not Dead Yet Page 20

by Lisa Biesiada

  Turning to the other room, which judging by the posters on the walls and the bunk beds must have been the boys’, I started digging through their dresser until I struck gold. I felt a little sorry I’d had to kill them as I held my treasure up for inspection. Buried in the back of a drawer was a Manson shirt, circa mid-nineties. The picture was the cover art for ‘Smells Like Children’ and I couldn’t help but grin right back at it. The boys had been much larger than me so I was swimming in the shirt, but managed to fix that once again with the help from the scissors.

  “Shoes, I need shoes.” I knew nothing in the boys’ room would fit my feet so I took myself back in the master bedroom to stare at the pile of shoes in the woman’s closet. I could tell she’d been one of the prissy women by the pile of heels and cute, strappy sandals.

  I knelt down and started digging in earnest. Tucked at the bottom I lucked out upon finding a pair of running shoes that looked like they might fit. I pulled them on to discover they were about a half size too big. She’d been thin but apparently taller than I.

  I dug two pairs of thick socks from the man’s drawers, put those on then slid the shoes on. The socks were thick enough that I wouldn’t have to worry about the shoes sliding around on my feet.

  Making my way back to the sofa, I sat down and stared at the clock. It was only 5pm but it was now early May, which meant there were only a couple of hours of sunlight left.

  I was fed and dressed, which meant now it was time to come up with a plan. I couldn’t leave my friends in the compound but there were too many men with guns for me to handle alone. I stared at the clock and thought hard. I had no combat training and no internet to look up YouTube videos on how to raid a fortress. Roscoe jumped up onto the sofa with me and put his head in lap. I stroked his fur absently while I plotted.

  Chapter 13:

  It was just after midnight by the time I could see the lights of the compound ahead. I’d ransacked the house which had produced a couple of rifles, a shotgun and a few handguns. I’d managed to rig myself up with a vest to strap my artillery to, along with some homemade Molotov cocktails and the axe. Thank god for southern stereotypes holding true with all the guns, ammo and homemade moonshine I’d found in that house.

  Creeping up to the fence, I’d found the area I’d escaped from and hid behind the trees, keeping an eye on the flood lights and the men on patrol. I knew they worked on a skeleton crew at night, so most of them would be in the little buildings around the property that served as a barracks. From my time as a dishwasher, I’d figured there were somewhere between 20 and 30 men and about 10 women in total. I could handle those odds.

  The barn was suspiciously well-lit for this time of the night which only made my stomach sink and my skin crawl. I looked at Roscoe who thumped his tail excitedly and motioned for him to sit.

  He did, but only barely as I pulled the fence up from the ground. I felt a bit stronger than the night before and was able to pull it up high enough that it wouldn’t catch on my guns as I slid through the dirt on my belly.

  Once through, I pushed it back down and shushed Roscoe when he whined. Apparently he understood because he quieted down and sat patiently. With one last look at the dog, I ran for the door to the underground cells, stopping only to avoid the searchlights.

  It was like being in prison movie, except instead of escaping, I was trying to break in. Someday if civilization was ever restored, a therapist was going to have a field day with me.

  Reaching the door, I pulled the key ring out from my pocket and tried a few, only to find the door suspiciously unlocked. I pulled it open slowly, cringing as it creaked.

  I moved quickly down the stairs, letting my eyes adjust to the partial darkness as I went. Stopping at the bottom of the stairs I held my breath and listened. There were no sounds, including heartbeats. They were gone. I ran down the hall and peered into the cells just in case, but they were really empty.

  Cursing under my breath, I made my way back up the stairs, pausing at a door at the top. It looked like a closet, but something told me to check it anyway. Pulling the door open, I almost shit myself from excitement to see every last piece of gear we’d had when we’d been taken stuffed in there.

  I started grabbing backpacks and weapons harnesses, a little sad that all the guns were gone but that was quickly tampered when I caught sight of my swords in the back. I scooped them up and ran as fast as I could under the load back towards the fence where I’d left Roscoe waiting.

  I picked up the fence and shoved everything out, sliding after it. Once I was safely back outside the compound, I traded my makeshift vest for the actual harness I’d missed so dearly and felt normal again as I slid my machete into the holster I strapped to my thigh.

  Making quick work, I transferred my homemade explosives to my gun harness with the rifles, shotgun and handguns I’d acquired at the house in the woods. It was far enough away I figured I could get everyone back there before dawn and they wouldn’t find us, at least not for a while.

  Once I was fully strapped in and armed to the teeth, I pulled the fence back up and slid under it and back into the compound. I ran across the lawn, skipping the cells and stopped at the first barrack and threw a bomb threw the window. Before it had a chance to catch fire, I ran over to the other 2 barracks and bombed them as well. I didn’t make them to explode, but for more of a slow burn. I wanted to raze the place; not alert them to my presence.

  Smoke started billing out the windows and I quickly tossed one into the window of the basement of the big house I’d climbed out of the night before. I could only hope they had everyone I needed to rescue holed up in the barn.

  I broke into a dead run towards the barn, guns out and ready. I had no idea what was waiting for me, but I was about to find out. Suddenly a gunshot rang out in the distance and a sharp pain exploded across my shoulder. A bullet. I’d been hit by a goddamn motherfucking bullet! Oh, hell no.

  The force was enough to drop me and before I had the chance to do much, I was suddenly surrounded by a half dozen men. I started firing at random and zigzagging across the lawn towards the barn and cover. Bullets whizzed by me, but none hit their target again.

  I made it to the barn and ducked around the side, holding my shoulder with one hand and peeking around the corner. They were in pursuit and firing. I took a deep breath and fired a few rounds in their direction before ducking back. It was seriously the real-life reenactment of every action movie ever. I half expected Bruce Willis to come running out from the other side of the barn, guns blazing.

  I ducked and fired a few more times before the shots stopped and I bolted around the other side of the barn. I reached the side door and threw it open, not really sure what I was expecting.

  By this point the fire starters had done their job and smoke was starting to billow around the property along with screaming. I felt bad for a split second before I didn’t.

  I ran through the door at full tilt, guns out and ready only to be met with the shocked faces of my friends and Austin. The main door was open and I could see the last of whoever had been in here running out towards the fires.

  Everyone was packed into the horse stalls and I didn’t stop to chat as I ran around unlocking doors. I stopped long enough to meet some grim expressions and felt the fire rage when I realized every last one of them had been beaten, save for little Johnny.

  Both of Penny’s eyes were so swollen it was a wonder she could even see. The entire left side of Chloe’s face was purple and swollen and Bash and Ty didn’t look much better.

  My stomach turned to see Jack, Austin and Earl chained up against the far wall from where the stalls were. Seeing Austin beaten and bruised was nothing new but when I saw what they’d done to Jack and Earl suspiciously close to death my blood began to boil and I saw red. Red, red, red. They were all going to die, every last fucking one of them, and horribly at that.

  I unchained the men and caught them as they fell from the stocks and with help from Penny and the kids mana
ged to drag the men out the side door I’d come in from and hobble towards the fence.

  We reached the fence without any trouble as everyone was running around trying to put out the fires I’d started. I immediately yanked the fence up as far as I could while Penny worked to shove the men and kids through. Just as she knelt down to crawl through, a gun rang out and her eyes went wide. Blood blossomed across her neck but she kept moving so I took that as a sign she was going to live.

  Once I was sure we had everyone, I guided them on a steady pace back through the woods and towards the house I’d been camped up in. Luckily Roscoe understood what was happening and led the way, otherwise I probably would have gotten us lost.

  Smoke trails were arcing through the sky and I could see the flames from the main house above the tree line. I knew the fire would draw out any zombies in the vicinity which would thankfully keep them occupied for a while, if they weren’t wiped out completely. Part of me hoped they would be and the other part hoped not, just so I could go back and finish the job myself.

  The lot of us hobbled through the woods until it was silent and I knew no one was following. “We can rest for a few, guys.” I stopped and plopped down on the ground to catch my breath.

  Everyone else collapsed as well. Penny sank to her knees and lay down on the dirt. I crawled over to her to try and help. I put my hand against her neck but the potato sack dress she was wearing was already soaked in blood. Tears welled up in my eyes as I held her head in my lap.

  Bash was whispering something incoherent through his own tears and she smiled at him before the light left her eyes and she stilled for the last time. I sniffled and wiped my eyes before moving her head off my lap and moving to stand. I started towards Johnny who was just standing there staring at her.

  I went to put my arms around him, but he ducked underneath me and pulled the machete from my holster and before anyone could say or do anything, walked over and rammed it through Penny’s eye and to the back of her skull. He stood and walked calmly over to Roscoe, set the knife on the ground and wrapped his little arms around the dog’s neck and hugged him for all he was worth.

  We all shared a look of shock and disbelief; no one able to say anything that would explain or make ok what we’d just witnessed. A six year old knew enough about what was happening to know that her brain had to be destroyed so she didn’t turn. His own fucking mom.

  Shaking my head to clear it from the demons that were threatening to take over, I motioned for everyone to keep going. I picked my knife up and put it back in the holster; no one said a damn word as we continued on in absolute silence.

  It took several hours, but I almost collapsed from joy when I saw the shack in the distance. There were a couple of solar lights in the yard which helped me spot the place in the dark of night.

  No one said anything as we all piled in the door. The kids helped Jack, Earl and Austin to sit on the sofa while I went directly to the kitchen to dig up the rest of the food and water I’d found earlier.

  Arms full, I came back and started passing out supplies to mumbled “Thank yous.”

  “How’d you know about this place?” Austin’s question startled me after we’d been quiet for so long and I set the bottle of water I’d been nursing on the floor.

  “This is where I came after you saw me in the tree. I killed the zombies, stashed them in the shed and got the place ready to hopefully bring everyone back to. Well, almost everyone.” I added quietly.

  Austin nodded in understanding before he got thoughtful again. “How did you escape in the first place? Last I heard the Preacher had you chained up in the basement.”

  I took a swig of water and met everyone’s gaze. They all looked beaten but curious and after what I’d just seen from Johnny, didn’t have the energy to hold back.

  “The Preacher had me taken to the house and cleaned up after a being bait on a supply run with Austin. I was bathed, clothed and got to sleep in a real bed for a night. The next day they had me washing dishes all fucking day and if I spoke, his lovely wife would slap me. That night they brought me into the study while he read bible verses and kept asking me if I’d found God. Every time I said no, I was whipped and beaten. Then they chained me up in the basement with 4 zombies chained to the other wall and left me there to bleed to death or starve; whichever came first I’d assume.

  “One day the girl who’d been charged with cleaning me up to begin with came down and I killed her with a femur bone from a cat, stole her keys, killed the zombies and escaped. Found a river, cleaned up, slept in a tree, and saw Austin, and then found this place. Barefoot. Wearing pieces of a dress with no weapon save for the sharpened bone. Took out the 5 zombies here, found Roscoe hiding in a closet, waited for night and rescued you all. The end.”

  I met the surprised and shocked faces around me, some holding a shred of disbelief until I pulled the femur from under the sofa and tossed it on the floor in the middle of the room as proof. I again met their faces and the disbelief was gone only to be replaced by amazement, sorrow and pain.

  I crawled over to the backpacks and started to rifle through them until I came upon the main stash of drugs we’d gotten from the pharmacy so many days ago. It was sheer luck they were even still there.

  I started passing out antibiotics and pain pills like they were candy, making sure to take a couple for myself. Now that we were all drugged and fed, I stood up and brushed myself off.

  “They run on well water here, it’s not much but I filled the tanks before I left so there’s probably enough to clean up a bit. A man, a woman and 2 teen boys lived here so there’s a couple of beds and closets full of clothes. You guys rest, I’ll keep watch.” I started towards the kitchen with the dirty dishes from our dinner. We didn’t have long, but we could probably stay here a day or so before we had to move.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what happened to us?” Chloe came up behind me and slammed a plate into the sink.

  I turned to face her. “I don’t need to, the bruises tell it all.” I reached up to touch her face and she pulled away.

  “I can’t believe you just left us like that! You left us!” She ended on a shout that quickly dissolved into heaving sobs.

  I pulled her into my arms and held her for all I was worth, burying my face in her dark hair that had been piled atop her head in the same way mine had. “I didn’t leave Chloe, I was taken. I fought my way back to you as fast as I could.”

  She looked up at me through red-rimmed eyes. “They locked me in the attic and kept telling me I would be the Preacher’s new bride. I was so fucking scared and no one was there!”

  My stomach fell out of my ass at her words and I grabbed her shoulders and looked directly into her eyes. “Are you ok? They didn’t…hurt you…did they?” I wanted to throw up just saying the words but knew they needed to be said.

  Chloe sniffled and wiped her nose on the sleeve of her dress. “No. The ceremony was supposed to be tomorrow.” She started to sob again and I pulled her into my arms, a sigh of relief making its way out of every pore in my body. I could deal with everything that had been done to me, but touch my kids and I will end you.

  “Shhh, it’s ok, you’re ok now.” I whispered into her hair as I rocked her. I looked up to see Jack standing in the doorway and judging from the expression on his face, he heard every word. He came over and wrapped his arms around us both. I heard something break in the living room and knew Ty had heard what his sister had said as well. He came stomping into the kitchen and I watched the fire leave him to see Chloe wrapped up in our arms, still sobbing for all she was worth. Ty walked over and wrapped his arms around us as well, effectively creating the world’s saddest group hug.

  The four of us stood there for a long while, just hugging Chloe and each other until her sobs died down to a light whimpering and a hiccup. “Come on, let’s get you some sleep.” Chloe nodded and I pulled her into the boys’ room, stopping to grab Johnny’s hand on the way.

  Chloe climbed onto the botto
m bunk while Johnny climbed up top. I made sure they were both tucked in and left the lantern on and the door cracked before making my way back to the living room.

  “Let’s all just try and get some sleep. We can figure out what to do in the morning,” I said, trying to stifle a yawn. Ty and Bash just nodded and headed in to crash with Chloe and Johnny.

  “Ya’ll can take the other room, I’m fine on the couch,” Earl said, pulling his boots off and punching the flat pillow on the sofa in a vain attempt to fluff it up.

  I walked over and sat on the edge of the sofa with him. “You sure? We can stay out here; you need a bed more than we do.” I tried not to flinch at the bruises marring his skin or the dried blood on his lip.

  “Naw. I’m fine.” He rolled over and that was that.

  I looked up to see Austin and Jack sharing a weird look before Austin broke and started laying out blankets on the floor near the sofa. I walked into the hall, pulled a couple of rolled up sleeping bags out and handed them to him. He smiled at me half-heartedly as he threw one on Earl, who just grunted before pulling it over himself and laid his out on the floor.

  Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me into the master bedroom, closing the door behind us.

  I walked into the room and turned around to face him. “Look, Jack, I-“ He didn’t give me the chance to finish my sentence before grabbing my waist, pulling me in and kissing me so hard I thought my lip might’ve been cut on my teeth.

  After a moment, he pulled back and hugged me so hard I could feel my ribs creak. “I thought I lost you,” he whispered into my hair. I could feel him fighting back tears and the barely restrained rage boiling just under the surface.


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