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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 45

by C. Shell

  “Hey guys,” I say, catching their attention, “any clue where room 142 is hiding? I’m lost.”

  “Addy,” Cam shrieks. I laugh as she jumps from her spot on the top of the desk and comes charging at me. I barely get my hands up before she’s got me clasped around the waist and is swinging me around.

  “Whoa, I think someone’s been drinking too much coffee today,” I tease. Cammy and caffeine are not compatible; then again Cammy and sugar aren’t much better. Too much of either and she becomes wired for hours.

  “She was on her second cup,” Trinity says, smiling brightly. “I cut her off about thirty minutes ago.”

  “You two are no fun.” Cammy gives me one more good squeeze before releasing me. “Someone is playing a prank and switched up all the classroom numbers. What teacher are you looking for?”

  “That explains a lot,” I huff. More students enter the room, and I shuffle around, doing my best to stay out of anyone’s way. “I need Mrs. Davenport’s room for English,” I told her.

  Cam’s brows wrinkle in thought, but Trinity steps up and saves the day. “Three doors down on the left. She has bright red hair. You can’t miss her.”

  I sigh in relief. “You’re a godsend.” I retreat to the door, wanting to get to my class before the tardy bell rings. “Both of you send me a screenshot of your class schedule. Hopefully, we have lunch at the same time.”

  I don’t pick-up on their response because I’m already running down the hall, counting doors, and searching for someone with fiery-red hair. Stragglers try and slow me down, but I’m on a mission and that mission includes not screwing up this year. No more being tardy or having bad grades; I’m walking the straight and keeping my nose clean until I get that diploma in my hand.

  I slide into class right before the second bell goes off. With my chest heaving and my heart racing, I bend over and try to catch my breath. I am so out of shape. It’s embarrassing how winded I am.

  “And who might you be?”

  I glance up to find Mrs. Davenport standing before me. Trinity wasn’t lying about the hair. Mrs. Davenport looks nothing like her prim and proper name would suggest. She can’t be over 5 feet tall. With short, red, curly hair, square black-framed glasses, freckles galore, and dressed in skinny jeans and an oversized college sweatshirt; she looks more like a student than a teacher. I don’t think she could be over twenty-five.

  “Addison,” I blurt out. I cringe at how loud my voice sounds in the quiet room and try again, remembering my manners this time around. “Hi, my name is Addison Lewis. I’m in your class this period.”

  “Wonderful.” She claps her hands wildly. “I love meeting new students. Why don’t you take a seat and we can begin?”

  I soak in her bubbly attitude before ducking my head and turning so I can find a seat. There are a couple in the back near the jocks who do their best to stay out of the limelight, but I don’t venture toward them. I take a seat in the front of the class near the teacher’s desk. I might be committing social and educational suicide, but my seating choice has a purpose. I’m determined to prove that I mean business this year, and what better way to prove that than to sit close to the teacher.

  Taking my seat, I spend the next hour listening attentively to Mrs. Davenport as she outlines the course for the rest of the year. I take extensive notes, set reminders on my phone, and highlight what I need to study for all our tests and quizzes. By the time class is over I’m exhausted. Between work, my friends, and the guys' games, I don’t know how long I can keep this up. And this is just my first class of the day.

  I don’t see any of the CW Boys until third period. Dex and I have physics together in Mr. Leon’s classroom. Mr. Leon is a strict teacher who refuses to start each class until he has on his pressed and monogrammed lab coat. With a comb-over, petulant frown, and bushy eyebrows, he reminds me of Red from Angry Birds. He intimidates the hell out of me. I happily give into Dex’s grumbling and sit with him at the rear of the classroom as far away from the teacher as possible.

  Dex leans into me, pressing his thigh flush against mine. “How’s your day going?” he whispers.

  I tap my pen on the desk, my mind having a hard time grasping what Mr. Leon is talking about. “Not too bad,” I whisper back. “It was better before I came to this class,” I gripe.

  Dex grins, his dimple winking back at me. “What’s wrong, baby? Are you not enjoying my company?”

  I roll my eyes. “You know damn well that it has nothing to do with you.” I point my pen toward Mr. Leon who is busy scribbling words across the board. “I can’t understand a thing he’s saying. If he’s going to be like this all year, then I’m going to need to get another tutor.”

  Dex laughs softly, his eyes twinkling. “What am I, chopped liver? I can be your tutor.”

  My eyes crinkle in disbelief. “I think that is a horrible idea. Just last year you were barely hanging on by a thread. I need a real tutor. One who won’t turn every lesson into an R rated event.”

  Leaning closer, his warm minty breath caresses my face. “I can be a good boy. After all, I am a man of many talents.”

  I can feel eyes several sets of eyes on us. We have an audience. The rumor mill will be alive and going strong. By the end of the lunch period, most of the school will already know that Dex and I are back together. I sigh at that though. Girls will hate me again for taking Dex off the market. It’s not as if they ever had a chance of securing him, but that never stops them from trying.

  A loud cough interrupts my thoughts and my gaze snaps to the front of the room. The scowl on Mr. Leon’s face makes my stomach fill with dread. “If you want to remain in my classroom, I suggest you both pay attention to my teachings. If you won’t keep your mouths shut, then I will be forced to separate you. Am I understood?”

  I swallow hard, my head bobbing up and down. “Yes, sir.” My voice is as squeaky as a mouse, something it does from time to time when I’m a nervous wreck.

  Mr. Leon’s eyes narrow on Dex, who has yet to answer him. With his arms crossed over his chest, he leans back tipping his seat back, acting as if he gives no fucks about ignoring the teacher.

  “Mr. Lohan?” Our teacher snaps, his voice commanding the attention of everyone in the room. “Are we going to have a problem?”

  Dex shifts in his seat, before throwing a sarcastic smile our teachers’ way. “Of course, Mr. Leon. I’m excited to be in your class. This year will be memorable.”

  I bite back a smile even as my belly dips with unease. Dex shouldn’t be poking at our teacher. We have a whole year left with Mr. Leon and the last thing we need is him hating us right off the bat.

  “Indeed, it will, Dexter,” the teacher says sharply. “I have no doubt about that.”

  Word of Dex and I reuniting spreads faster than I anticipated. Our classmates need to get a hobby, something that doesn’t require them to place their nose in places it doesn’t belong. Lunch was torture. I had Dex on one side of me and Nate on the other, and we had somehow become a sideshow that everyone wanted to watch.

  Dex was able to get as close to me as he wanted without repercussion, unlike Nate, who had to sit there and act as if we were still nothing more than best friends. It was awkward as fuck and I hated every minute of it. At one point, I leaned over to tell him a secret and on instinct Nate placed his hand on my lower back and pulled me close. A buzz of rumors began almost immediately, drowning out any hope I had that we could make this work.

  The rest of the day wasn’t any better.

  The guys keep telling me that it will get easier as time goes by, but I don’t see how. If being together in school is this difficult then what will it be like when we’re at a party or just hanging around town? I don’t think I’m overacting. If anything, I don’t think we’re taking this seriously enough.

  I refuse to let Nate feel like a dirty secret. He’s smiling through it all now, but what about months down the road after he continuously gets pushed back and ignored because someone is watchin

  The CW Boys are notorious in school. Whether they like it or not, their lives are dissected on a daily basis. We must be careful. I’ve racked my brain for a solution but haven’t come up with one. All I know is that something has to change before this snowballs to the point that it rips us apart.

  Chapter Six

  “Are you going to eat that?”

  My eyes flick up to Cam ready to tell her to keep her paws off. Then I glance down to my basket of uneaten fries and let out a heavy sigh. Fighting over cold food is stupid. I slide over my basket of food, knowing I won’t be able to eat anymore.

  “I’m ruining our fun, aren’t I?”

  Cammy grunts and it sounds suspiciously like a laugh. “I wouldn’t say ruining, but yes, you are kind of sucking all the enjoyment out of skipping last period.”

  “I still can’t believe I let you talk me into cutting out on our first day back.” I pick up a fry and point it at her as I speak. “Just so you know, this year is big for me. I’m turning over a new leaf. I’m going to be a good and attentive student. You, missy, are a bad influence on me.”

  “It’s only P.E. Mr. Givens never makes us do anything until the second week. We won’t get caught and even if we do, we can say that Aunt Flo came to visit and we had cramps.”

  “Both of us?” I question with raised eyebrows. “At the same time?”

  Cam’s smile broadens. Sitting up taller she faces me with total confidence. “Of course. I could spin those teachers a tale that would have them all running to the store to buy tampons and medicine for cramps. I’m that good.”

  I’m impressed by her bravado, but I keep it to myself. “You’re a handful today.”

  I shift in the uncomfortable booth as I check out our surroundings. This diner isn’t a normal hang-out for us, but since we are skipping class, it's our best option to stay unrecognized. The place is small but packs a big punch with mustard-colored walls and bright red booths that have seen better days, yet what it lacks in décor it makes up for in good, greasy food.

  A short plump woman with grey hair and kind eyes comes over to our table and drops off the check. I throw down some cash and a nice tip, hoping it will urge Cammy along. I’m ready to get out of here and back to our side of town. We haven’t talked about anything too heavy since we got here so I’m surprised when she brings up Lindsey.

  “When people aren’t talking about you and Dex getting back together, they're gossiping about Nicholas and Lindsey breaking up. Did you know about that?”

  I shift again in discomfort, the cracked vinyl seat digging into my legs. “I overheard her telling another employee at work last week that they’re taking a break. They got into a fight or something, I guess.”

  Cam glances up at me and frowns. What did I say wrong? Warning bells go off in my head. I’ve been juggling so many secrets as of late that I’m starting to forget the lies and stories that I’ve told. A groan rises in my throat. “What’s wrong? Why do you look upset?”

  Cam leans back in her seat, her arms crossed over her chest as if she’s protecting herself. Wariness floods my system. “You never told me,” she accuses. “We always tell each other everything, and yet, you never once mentioned it. Instead, I had to hear it from stupid catty girls at school.” She wipes at her tear tinged lashes and my stomach plummets.

  “Cammy, I’m sorry. I’ve been too busy in my own head dealing with the circus that has become my life to realize what a crappy friend I’ve been.” I bite my lip. “You know we wouldn’t have secrets between us if you would open your mind a little and accept my relationship with Nate and Dex.” The accusation in my tone can’t be helped. I hate that she doesn’t support me.

  “And we’re back to that.” She sighs.

  “Did you really think this would go away?” My lips quirk. “You know my feelings for them are real. It’s not as if I’m committing a felony or anything. No law is being broken. I’m just following my heart.”

  “Do you really think you can make it work with both of them?” she challenges.

  “Honestly?” I ask, wondering if I dare tell her how I really feel without being judged or worry that she will run back and tell Jimmie. Cammy nods, so putting my fears aside I do just that. “I want it to work but know our chances are slim. I hate that society wants us to conform to its idea of what’s acceptable and not. I can’t remember a time in my life when it wasn’t the three of us against the world. They make me happy, and hiding what we have will most likely ruin us in the end.”

  “Damn,” she breathes. Cammy looks me over as if searching for something. She must have found it, because, in the next breath, she says, “You won me over. I swear, I won’t say anything else negative about your relationship. I’ve got your back.”

  I exhale in a rush, my smile coming out full force. After the shitty day I’ve had, this is exactly what I need. Greasy cold fries and my best friend by my side is the cure-all for a sour mood. “Thank you, Cammy,” I gush. “That’s the best news ever.”

  “Awe, what did we miss?’

  I jump in surprise, not realizing we had company. Spinning around in my seat I find the CW Boys leaning on the booth behind me. My eyes narrow. Cammy and I chose this diner because it’s off the beaten path and not somewhere we would easily be seen. I cock a hand on my hip and glare at their smirking faces.

  “Shouldn’t you all be at soccer practice or something?” I ask.

  Jimmie saunters forward, scooting into the booth next to Cammy. Nate and Dex take a seat on either side of me, squishing me between them. “Not on the first day.” Jimmie's eyes zero in on what’s left of our food.

  Without preamble, I push the basket in front of him and watch with amusement as he devours our leftovers. I swear my brother has the appetite of a hippo. “So,” I hedge, bumping my shoulder against Nate’s, “what are you all doing here? I’ve never known you to eat here before.”

  The guys glance around the table at each other in confusion. “Cammy invited us after you ditched school without telling anyone.” I feel the unspoken accusation in Nate’s tone, but he doesn’t look mad. If anything, I think he’s messing with me.

  “I thought you knew we were coming,” Dex says.

  Everyone looks at Cammy and damn if her face hasn’t turned all red. I stare back at her in amazement. “You invited everyone here to hang with us?”

  I never told Nate and Dex about Cammy’s feelings about us for fear of how they might react. I knew they would be pissed, and a fight would ensue; one where Jimmie would be forced to take sides. I didn’t want that. I lock eyes with Cammy, silently asking the question that I can’t voice, “You invited Nate and Dex before we had our talk? You were okay with us being together?”

  “Yeah.” Cammy shakes her head full of ringlets. “It’s no big deal,” she insists. “I just thought you might enjoy the extra company.”

  My heart is so full it feels like it’s going to burst. I giggle from joy and bounce in my seat as if the thought of sitting still is too much. “That was a good plan.” My smile is starting to make my cheeks hurt.

  “You two are acting weird,” Jimmie says around a mouthful of fries. “Have you been drinking?”

  Before I can respond, Dex has my face in his hands and he’s kissing me deeply. I open for him, mimicking his movements as my whole-body throbs. I blink when he pulls away which makes him smirk. “She’s sober. Not a taste or smell of liquor on her.”

  “I’ve lost my appetite.” Jimmie pouts and pushes the last few bites of fries away. “Why in the hell must you do shit like that in front of me?” he whines.

  Everyone at the table bursts into laughter and the heaviness that has been weighing on my heart all day lessens. I can breathe freely now. Life might be confusing and hard, but here, surrounded by the people that love me, I can imagine—if just for a little while—that all is right in the world.

  Chapter Seven

  The rest of the week goes by without any more incidents with teachers or nosy students both
ering us. Instead of sitting at a table during lunch where there are eyes on us, we move to a secluded spot outside under a tall pine tree. Fall is still at least a month away, so the air is humid and uncomfortable, but it’s nothing compared to having to pretend that Nate means nothing to me. As long as it doesn’t rain, we’re good.

  It’s Friday and I breathe a sigh of relief as the last bell of the day has just rung. “What are your plans for the weekend?” Cam asks.

  Slinging my backpack over my shoulder I follow her down the hall and out to the parking lot where all the student cars are parked. The hot air slaps me in the face, reminding me that even though school is back in session, the summer heat is far from over.

  “I’m not sure,” I answer honestly. “I’m scheduled to work tomorrow morning and Sunday afternoon. Besides that, I don’t have anything planned yet.”

  “You’re not planning on going to any back-to-school parties?”

  Her question is like a fist to the stomach. I get that parties, teens, and drinking go hand-in-hand, but those kinds of parties have an adverse effect on me. I loathe them. Maybe it’s from being drugged and almost raped at the beach party, or it could be because I found my boyfriend and nemesis in bed together at another party. Either way, I can’t imagine ever going to another one, and I tell Cammy just that.

  “You have to go,” she counters. “It’s our last year of school together. We need to start it out right and attending a big ass party is a rite of passage.”

  I grunt in response.

  “You can go with me,” she says like that will solve all my problems. “I promise never to leave your side. It’ll be fun.”

  I stop at my car and Cam stops with me. Leaning against the doorframe, I think over the long list of reasons why I should turn her down. “Parties and I don’t mix,” I argue.

  “Please don’t do this to me,” she begs. “I need you there. I totally understand your reservation, but it’s our last year in school and I need my best friend by my side. I would do it for you.”


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