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Strawberry Fields

Page 15

by Pelaam

  “Leave things to me.” Jasper shook his head. “Try not to worry. I’m sure I’ll find a way to resolve this situation.”

  Jasper was as good as his word. He showed Nicolas his kitchen and pantry, then left. Nathan stared at Nicolas.

  “What do we do now?”

  “Exactly what Jasper said, my love.” Nicolas sat beside Nathan and took hold of his hand. “For now, our fate is in another’s hands. But I promise, when we return home, I’ll find a way to turn our fortunes around.”

  Nathan burrowed close against Nicolas’s chest. “I’m so blessed to have you in my life.”

  “Let’s do as Jasper says.” Nicolas kissed the top of Nathan’s head. “We’ll eat, relax, and when he comes back for us, perhaps he’ll have news. But above all, remember he said not to worry.”

  Nathan nodded. “You’re right. It doesn’t change anything.”

  “Good.” Nicolas stood up. “You wait there. I’ll see what I can make for us.”


  A few hours later, Nicolas and Nathan sat in Jasper’s office in the police station. The room was so small that with the two chairs needed for him and Nathan, Nicolas felt decidedly claustrophobic. Other than Jasper’s chair and desk, the room only had a filing cabinet. Nicolas wondered how Jasper could bear to sit in there day after day.

  True to his word, Jasper had arranged lunch for them, then taken their written statements, and now it was obvious Jasper was keen to share with them what he’d uncovered from Strawberry Fields.

  From behind his desk, Jasper smiled at Nicolas.

  “You were a brave man to tackle Hardy, or Ironlegs, as he’s known in the underworld circles. I learned a lot about him from his journals.” Jasper sat back in his seat until it creaked, then leaned forward, his elbows on the battered desk. “Thankfully, his ego was so big he wanted to chronicle his deeds.”

  “Like what?” Nicolas asked. It seemed the question was just what Jasper needed to continue.

  “He had one sibling. A younger sister. My God, I’m glad I didn’t grow up in that household. His mother was barely a woman when Hardy’s father married her. A string of miscarriages followed. Then Hardy was born. He seemed normal at birth and as a small child and had an intelligence to rival his father’s. Mr. Hardy Senior was bursting with pride. Until the son was about seven. Then his upper body continued to grow, but not his legs. They remained stunted.”

  “That’s why he used the mechanical prosthetics.” Now it was Nicolas’s turn to lean forward. “He hated being smaller than anyone else.”

  “Indeed.” Jasper nodded. “But that wasn’t the worst of it. By this time, he had a sister. Beautiful, perfect Arabella. Except she wasn’t as perfect as they thought either. In her case, she retained a child’s mind in a woman’s body.”

  “So, one child with an intelligence and intellect to rival his father’s, but whose body was less than perfect. The other child who looked perfect, but whose mind would never be what Hardy Senior wanted and needed.” Nicolas shuddered. “It must have been hell for them.”

  “It was.” Jasper patted the journal nearest his hand. “Hardy’s father’s answer was to tell people that the son was ill and had been sent to the country to convalesce. No one saw him after the age of eleven. What tipped Hardy over was his father’s plan to select a suitable husband for Arabella and make him the primary heir. Hardy was to be sent abroad with a generous stipend. But he’d have to adopt his mother’s maiden name and make no claim to his father’s empire.”

  “He must have been devastated.” Nathan whispered, reaching to clasp Nicolas’s hand. “To be so unloved.”

  “Don’t waste your sympathy on him, Nathan.” Jasper’s voice was hard, and his tone even startled Nicolas. “I know men who’ve had harder starts in their lives and gone on to be good, honest, upstanding men. Hardy chose to plunge into the depths of evil.”

  “He mentioned taking care of his family.” Nicolas sat up straight. “When I faced him. He said he’d deal with me as he had them.”

  “Given he meant to murder you, his words were true enough, Nicolas.”

  “He killed his family? All of them?” Nicolas was horrified, and he gripped more tightly to Nathan’s hand. The man had wanted Nathan. Nicolas gave a silent prayer of thanks that something had stayed Hardy’s hand. “But how?”

  “The whole family went out into the country to visit Hardy and announce the plans for her engagement. Hardy Senior had selected the most suitable man to take on his mantle, the only thing he hadn’t done was change his will. After all, he could hardly change it before Arabella’s wedding.” Jasper tapped the journal on his desk. “Hardy doesn’t leave out a single detail. I wonder if he used to re-read it and re-live the events.”

  “I think he was mentally unbalanced.” Nicolas shuddered, remembering the maniacal look in Hardy’s eyes.

  “I agree.” Jasper nodded. “In this he details drugging his family, along with several of the house staff to ensure no one could rush in to try and save them. You’ll be interested to know that his personal manservant was one Rufus Melbeck. The story released to the world after the fire was that Hardy had burned his legs trying to save his sister. A selfless, heroic act, that his only sibling would survive. The doctor who looked after Hardy became a very rich man. Before dying a year or so later in a supposed robbery. The robber, needless to say, was never caught.”

  “Hardy again?” Nicolas asked, and Jasper nodded.

  “Yes. It’s all in his journal. Hardy didn’t want anyone who could testify to the truth about his body. The doctor doubtless thought his silence had been bought. Hardy had other, more permanent, ideas about keeping his secrets.”

  “The money was never going to be enough.” Nicolas shook his head. “Hardy didn’t strike me as a man to trust anyone, no matter how much money had exchanged hands.”

  “You’re right, Nicolas.” Jasper nodded. “The only man who knew the truth about Hardy was Melbeck. Hardy got him the ship, and travelled frequently with him, always as Ironlegs. It seems that the alter ego allowed him to present the alternative façade of a generous benefactor when back on Earth. I believe that without the release of Ironlegs, Hardy’s true nature would have been impossible for him to hide.”

  “What happens now?” Nathan asked. “We’re still stuck here.”

  “Not necessarily.” Jasper smiled, his face transforming from its normal serious mien, and he leaned forward on his desk. “We have a very limited amount of space up here for criminals, so we prefer to deport back to Earth for them to be jailed there. I’ve put a suggestion through my chief inspector that I pilot Strawberry Fields back to Earth, with Melbeck and his minions as my prisoners. The ship can be docked while a decision is made on its future, and I already have plans afoot there. Both you and Nicolas would be part of the crew, you know its workings and have control of the automatons, and in that way, I can ensure you’re paid.”

  “That’s marvelous, isn’t it, Nicolas?” Nathan turned to Nicolas, his face alight with excitement, and Nicolas nodded.

  “It is. Thank you so much, Jasper.”

  “That’s not all.” Jasper held up a hand. “Ironlegs had a bounty on his head—dead or alive. I’ve already set the wheels in motion to claim that for you. You’ll have some money to start you off back on Earth. Unfortunately, Nathan, although Melbeck confessed that you were no relation to him whatsoever, he knows nothing of who you really are. Only his sister knows that.”

  “Then we need to find her.” Nicolas didn’t hesitate. “When we get back, my love, we’ll find Melbeck’s sister.”

  “I feel … as if such a weight has been lifted from me. I’m nothing to Melbeck, no kin at all. I can’t tell you how relieved that makes me feel.” Nathan closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them to look at Nicolas with a smile. “Thank you, Nicolas. I wish to know who I really am.”

  “I shall make it part of my ongoing investigations.” Jasper spoke up. “It’s obvious you’re a gentleman of quality, N
athan. Not even the time aboard Strawberry has diminished that. I wondered about a ransom, although the length of time suggests not. But I assure you, I will make it my priority.”

  “I already owe a debt of gratitude I can never repay, Jasper. I don’t know how to thank you. Perhaps you should take the reward?” Nicolas was truly thankful to hear Jasper would investigate the mystery around Nathan.

  “No. That’s yours.” Jasper held up a hand immediately and shook his head firmly. “I have a salary from the force. You, as you told me, will have nothing since your employer is in jail. Everything’s working out very nicely.” Jasper sat back and rubbed his hands, flashing another brief smile. “Just a couple of days, I should say, and we’ll be back on that ship and heading back to Earth.”

  Earth. Just the thought of going back sent a wave of homesickness through Nicolas. “I can hardly wait.”

  “That’s all settled then. Leave everything up to me. I have several irons in the fire. All is going to be well. I’m sure of it.”

  Jasper spoke with such confidence that Nicolas was happy to put himself and Nathan in Jasper’s capable hands. Just a couple of days. I can hardly wait to get back home.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  To Nicolas’s delight, and no small amount of relief, Jasper was true to his word. Three days later, they were all back aboard Strawberry Fields and on their way home. Nicolas found a new use for his favorite three automatons.

  While Patch and Scorch worked in the kitchens, Rusty assisted Nicolas in the repair and upkeep of other mechanicals. Nathan was busy helping Jasper piloting the ship, and Nicolas was very happy for his lover.

  In truth, Nicolas didn’t really need assistance on this trip, having already repaired most of the automatons, but he liked Rusty’s presence, and he happily chatted to the mechanical about the future he envisioned with Nathan.

  This time, the voyage was enjoyable for Nicolas. He and Nathan regularly met in the conservatory, but they shared mealtimes with Jasper. By the time they returned home, Nicolas considered Jasper a good friend, and believed that if anyone could solve the mystery surrounding Nathan, Jasper was the man to do it.

  When they finally touched down, Nicholas ordered the automatons to guard Strawberry Fields as they had on New Eden at Jasper’s request. Although the ship was in a secure docking area, Jasper had concerns that associates of Melbeck’s might try and steal it.

  “I made a deal with Melbeck.” Jasper looked up at the ship. “If he wants to try and escape the hangman’s noose, he’ll need a good lawyer. For that he needed money. I’m now the owner of Strawberry Fields. Hardy didn’t want his name associated with it, so it belonged on paper to Melbeck, and now to me. I don’t have the finances to do anything with her for now, but I do have plans. But for now, I need to find accommodation, and then to start my investigation into how you came to be aboard the ship, Nathan.”

  “Thank you, Jasper.” Nathan clutched Jasper’s hand, then turned to Nicolas. “I’ll need somewhere to stay, too.”

  “I’m afraid that thanks to my less-than-generous uncle, my home is very small.” Nicolas scowled. He didn’t want Nathan to sleep anywhere but with him, but his room was tiny, and he could hardly expect his mother and sister to be agreeable to such an arrangement while he and Nathan were unmarried. But to marry his lover, they needed his birth certificate.

  Nicolas stole a quick glance at his lover. Nathan’s eyes held sadness that Nicolas wanted nothing more than to banish forever. Melbeck’s revelation had both relieved Nathan and shaken him to his core. Those he thought his family weren’t. So, who was he, and why had the woman he’d believed to be his mother sent him to Melbeck?

  In truth, Nicolas was glad Jasper was with them. The officer had proven to be efficient, easy for Nicolas to get along with, and had already achieved so much. He certainly seemed their best bet in finding out the truth. Especially since he could call upon the aid of the local constabulary and, by his own admission, others who were not so law-abiding.

  “Don’t fret. I’m sure I’ll find lodgings nearby. Nathan can always stay with me, should it prove problematic for your family.” Jasper slapped Nathan’s shoulder and Nathan smiled back at him.

  “You’re very generous, Jasper. Thank you. I really don’t want to impose on you and your family, Nicolas.”

  “If we can find a way to make it work, I want you staying with me.” Nicolas infused his voice with as much of the love he felt for Nathan as he could. “But, if that should prove impossible, I’m very grateful for your offer, Jasper.”

  “You’re both welcome. You’re fine young men. We just need to discover the woman who claimed she was your mother, Nathan, and then find out why she lied.”

  “You’re very sure she has?” Nathan asked, and Jasper nodded.

  “You have the air, the carriage, and the speech of a gentleman, Nathan. You may not remember who you really are, but as I’ve already said, it’s obvious to me that you are not a commoner.”

  “I agree with Jasper.” Nicolas nodded. “I wondered from the start how you could possibly be associated with Melbeck and his cut-throat crew.”

  “What now?” Nathan asked.

  “I need to speak to my family, introduce you both to them.” Nicolas rubbed at his chin. “I can call into Amaretta’s work and let her know I’m home and bringing guests. She’s a very independent-minded woman, but she’ll not mind. Mother … well, I’m not so sure of what she’ll think. In some respects, she’s very old-fashioned.”

  “Nathan can come with me to the station. You can meet us there when you’re ready. I’ll show you the way.” Jasper laid a hand on Nathan’s shoulder.

  It was a good idea. Nicolas would get his sister on his side, and then they could both work on his mother. Once that was all settled, Nicholas’s next task would be to find work.


  When Nicolas had appeared before his sister, Amaretta had been so happy to see him that she’d burst into tears, hugging him as if he’d been away for many more months, than just the two. When Nicolas told her about Nathan, Amaretta was not only delighted for him, but also agreed to take Nicolas’s side.

  Now, a couple of hours later, it was time to introduce Nathan to his family. He smiled at his lover and fixed a smile in place.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Nicolas. I hope they like me.”

  “They’ll love you almost as much as I do.” Nicolas took Nathan’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “It’s not the most grandiose dwelling.”

  Thankful he and his family hadn’t been forced to live in the first house Uncle Secundus had offered them, Nicolas opened the front door and called out to his mother and sister. “Mother, Amaretta, I have some guests with me. This way.”

  Although Nicolas has already warned his sister about bringing his guests, and she in turn had forewarned his mother, he still felt it better to make the announcement so that both ladies could be ready to greet Nathan and Jasper.

  With a fortifying breath, Nicolas opened the door to the small sitting room and allowed Jasper then Nathan to precede him. Plastering a wide smile on his face, despite his nervousness, Nicolas indicated Jasper. Naturally enough, his mother wore one of her best gowns, and as much of her jewelry as she still possessed. Amaretta, by contrast, had opted for a much simpler dress, and almost no jewelry.

  “Allow me to introduce Detective Sergeant Jasper Whittock. Jasper, my mother, Lady Valentina.”

  “An honor to meet you, Madam.” Jasper took a couple of steps forward and bowed low. Nicolas smiled as his mother flushed pink with delight.

  “And you, sir.” Lady Valentina inclined her head.

  “And this is my sister, Amaretta. Nicolas left Nathan’s side to stand close to Amaretta, ready to admonish his sister if she misbehaved, but moved slowly back as Jasper came forward.

  “A pleasure indeed.” Jasper took the hand Amaretta offered and drew it to his lips.

  Nicolas was certain he heard the crackle of electricity as the
ir hands met, and the air around the couple seemed charged as they locked gazes.

  “And to meet you, sir.” Amaretta smiled widely, her gaze never wavering from Jasper.

  The look of shock on his mother’s face was priceless, and Nicolas wasn’t so sure he looked any less surprised. Up to now, Amaretta had shown not a jot of interest in courtship. He coughed to get his mother’s attention.

  “Mother, if you please, I’d like to introduce you to Nathan. My fiancé.” It hadn’t been Nicolas’s intention to make so bold a statement. But in front of those he considered friends and family, Nicolas wanted Nathan to know nothing had changed the way he felt. He loved Nathan every bit as much now as the first time they’d kissed.

  “Your … fiancé?” Lady Valentina looked from Nicolas to Nathan, and Nicolas didn’t miss the way his lover’s face paled.

  “Nicolas?” Nathan stared at him with wide eyes, his whole frame trembling.

  “Congratulations, brother mine.” Amaretta clapped her hands with delight.

  “I wanted you and Amaretta to know, Mother, but no one else. Especially not Uncle Secundus. Nathan suffered a terrible accident and has lost his memory. Jasper is making it his duty to find Nathan’s family, and I couldn’t ask for a better man for the job.”

  “Oh, you poor dear. Do sit down.” Lady Valentina instantly fussed around Nathan and Nicolas smiled. He’d been sure a plea to his mother’s generous nurturing instinct would work. Lady Valentina glanced back at Nicolas.

  “He doesn’t even remember his family?”

  “No, Mother. He was cruelly taken advantage of by an unscrupulous man. But, it’s also true to say, that without him, and his bravery in the face of danger, I wouldn’t be here to tell the tale.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” Lady Valentina covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide, then she gazed down warmly at Nathan. “Thank you. I love my son very much. Welcome to our family, Nathan, and I hope Sergeant Whittock discovers yours.”


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