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Strawberry Fields

Page 17

by Pelaam

  “We’d best stop now. The others will be back soon. But I haven’t finished giving you your reward, my love.” Nicolas’s voice was dark and rasping, and Nathan shivered and smiled widely.

  “I shall hold you to that.”

  While Nathan stood and made himself more presentable, Nicolas studied the hat once more. The move was just in time as the sound of the door opening was followed quickly by Amaretta calling out.

  “We’re home. Jasper’s going to come in for a moment or two if that’s all right?”

  “Yes, fine. Come in.” Nicolas called out. “Nathan has a surprise for you, so make sure you have your eyes closed, Amaretta. Hide the hat behind your back, Nathan. In case she cheats.”

  There was no opportunity for his sister to cheat, and Nicolas laughed as Jasper walked Amaretta in, his hands firmly over her eyes.

  “Shall we stop here, Nicolas?” he asked.

  “Yes perfect. Ready, Nathan?”

  “Ready, Nicolas.” Nathan drew the hat out from behind his back. “I hope you like this, Amaretta.”

  “Let me see, Jasper.” Amaretta tugged Jasper’s hands out of the way, then her mouth opened in a perfect O and her eyes grew wide. “Nathan. Is this truly the plain straw boater I left with you?”

  “Yes. I thought a nautical scene would suit the occasion. You said the lady would be going boating.” Nathan held out the hat for Amaretta, and Nicolas held his breath as his sister turned it slowly back and forth.

  “It’s amazing. Oh, Nathan, thank you so much.” Setting the hat down, Amaretta hugged Nathan and kissed his cheek, and Nicolas breathed once more.

  “It’s stunning, Nathan. Well done. Is this something you’ve done before?” Jasper took the hat from Amaretta, studied it for a moment, then handed it back.

  “I don’t know.” Nathan shook his head. “It felt vaguely familiar. Do you think my memories are coming back, Jasper?”

  Instead of replying straight away, Jasper rubbed his chin. “I think so. Small revelations like raindrops, rather than all at once like a big sunburst. And perhaps that’s best for you. Don’t force things, Nathan. Let them come as they wish.”

  “I shall.” Nathan nodded. “Thank you, Jasper.”

  Nicholas took Nathan’s hand. “I said she’d love it. Well done, my love.”

  “I’m so happy.” Nathan leaned into Nicolas.

  “Good. You deserve it.” Nicolas kissed Nathan’s brow. All they needed now was for him to find work.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Over the next couple of weeks, Amaretta brought more hats for Nathan to decorate and he was delighted to help her. Nicolas sought work, and Jasper kept them informed of his progress. Or lack thereof.

  To Nicolas’s frustration, Jasper still hadn’t located Melbeck’s sister. From what he’d been told, the woman used multiple names and disguises. All Nathan remembered of her was a dark-haired woman, always immaculately made-up, and with a penchant for wearing green. Melbeck was no real use in finding her. At Jasper’s instruction, he’d left his usual message for his sister to contact him, but Esmerelda Melbeck remained hidden.

  While Nicolas couldn’t help but wish Jasper would find a lead to discovering Nathan’s true identity, he was very happy that Jasper and his sister were clearly very much in love.

  That evening Nicolas and Nathan remained at home, cuddled together on the sofa. Nathan read aloud from a favorite book, and Nicolas was happy just to enjoy the quiet intimacy.

  The sound of the front door opening and shutting shattered their peace as Amaretta called out.

  “Nicolas, Nathan, are you available to receive a guest?”

  As one, Nicolas and Nathan rose to their feet to see who Amaretta was bringing to meet them.

  “Yes, we’re here. Do come through, Amaretta.” Nicolas looked around at the cramped space. They’d done all they could to make it appear more spacious and inviting. He stood tall as Amaretta came to the doorway and stepped to the side.

  “Nicolas, may I present to you Mr. Gerhardus Wolfestan. Mr. Wolfestan, my brother Mr. Nicolas Broadberry.”

  Gerhardus Wolfestan was a tall, spindly man, but he moved with speed, and offered an almost crushing handshake. “Good to meet with you, Mr. Broadberry. Your sister made the hat for my cousin that was so admired by all at her boating trip. Well, I thought she had.” Wolfestan glanced over his shoulder and Amaretta beamed at him.

  “Mr. Wolfestan’s cousin was so delighted with her hat and its reception, a lot of commissions have come in. All requesting me. Well, not that I’d tell the Millinery Witch, but I did confess to Mr. Wolfestan that it was you, Nathan, who designed the hat. Then I got talking about you, Nicolas, and how you’re looking for a job. Mr. Wolfestan and his brother have a successful business creating cogs, wheels, and the suchlike, but have been looking to expand. That why he’s come to speak to you, Nicolas.”

  “Won’t you please sit, sir?” Nicolas indicated the most comfortable seat and Gerhardus nodded.

  “I’ll make some tea.” Amaretta scurried away, and Nicolas sat down facing Gerhardus, Nathan at his side.

  “Well, the reason I’m here is that my brother and I want to expand our business empire.” Gerhardus crossed one of his thin, impossibly-long legs over the other and leaned forward. “We want to stop just making parts for other people and use some of them to create mechanical devices of our own. Your sister informs me you have a talent in this, Mr. Broadberry.”

  Before Nicolas could reply, Amaretta opened the door and winked at Nicolas. “I thought perhaps Poppet may be useful. In you go.”

  The mechanical dog ambled to sit on the floor between Nicolas and Nathan, Poppet’s mechanical tail wagging stiffly. If an angel had descended to Earth, Nicolas was certain Gerhardus couldn’t have looked more astonished, and then excited.

  “Did you create this? It’s magnificent.” Gerhardus looked directly into Nicolas’s eyes with a piercing gaze.

  “Yes. For my sister. I can’t create this kind of mechanical en-mass. I could make a basic one. With a limited repertoire of commands that they’d obey.” Nicolas had the distinct feeling he didn’t need to explain why a creation such as Poppet was a rarity.

  “Yes.” Gerhardus nodded. “Tinker’s … magyck, so I’ve heard. But you still created the mechanical itself, without help, or even a proper workshop?”

  “I did.” Nicolas nodded slowly.

  “Excellent. Most excellent indeed.” Wolfestan beamed widely, displaying more than just a couple of crooked teeth. “My card, Mr. Broadberry. I’d be glad of you calling in to see us, my brother and I, that is. Perhaps tomorrow? We could go for luncheon. There’s an excellent restaurant close to work. As for you, Mr. Smith.” Gerhardus turned his attention to Nathan. “I know of a milliner looking for a talent such as yours. Regrettably, he can’t take on two apprentices, or I would ask Miss Broadberry as well. She’s deferred in favor of you accepting the placement. Perhaps if you accompany Mr. Broadberry to visit my offices, I can call my friend and introduce you?”

  “Nicolas?” Nathan’s eyes were wide, and his hands, clasped together tightly, shook.

  At that moment, Nicolas would have given anything to hug his anxious lover, but since there was no way to know if Gerhardus would be quite so generous if their real relationship was revealed, he settled for an encouraging nod.

  “It sounds an amazing opportunity for you, Nathan. I’ll be there if you’d like moral support?”

  “You would? Oh, thank you, Nicolas. Very well, Mr. Wolfestan. I shall indeed come tomorrow.”

  “Wonderful. I’m so glad that’s all arranged.” Gerhardus looked the epitome of the cat that had the canary, a wide smile plastered on his long, thin face.

  “I’ve made tea.” Amaretta came in with a tray. “And thanks to Mr. Wolfestan’s generosity, we have cakes to accompany it.”

  The impromptu tea party was most enjoyable, it had been a long time since Nicolas had been able to indulge in such a luxury. When it concluded, Amaretta e
scorted Gerhardus to the door, and then retired to her bedroom.

  Allowing an hour for his sister to be settled, Nicolas leaned in close to Nathan to whisper directly into his lover’s ear. “Would you like to do something a little different tonight?”

  “Yes, whatever you want.” Nathan nodded eagerly.

  “Let’s have an early night, shall we?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  Once in their bed, Nicolas took Nathan’s hand in his and drew a single finger into his mouth. He moved it back and forth slowly, sucking or nibbling on the pad, and Nathan muffled a deep groan.

  “Oh, my love. What you do to me,” Nathan whispered.

  “I plan to do a lot more.” Nicolas temporarily abandoned the finger to whisper in Nathan’s ear, then slide his tongue into the small shell and relished the shiver from his lover as Nathan pressed closer.

  “Oh, yes,” Nathan whispered. “A lot more.”

  “Lie down, let me massage you.” Nicolas had discovered a very hedonistic streak within his lover. Nathan loved to be touched. Even just the smallest of caresses, and Nicolas indulged him whenever possible.

  Nathan immediately settled on his stomach and Nicolas straddled his lover’s thighs. Pouring some of the almond oil they kept at the side of the bed into his hands, Nicolas warmed it quickly and began to stroke in long, sweeping movements across Nathan’s back. His lover’s sigh of utter bliss made Nicolas smile.

  For the next few minutes, Nicolas gave his lover a full back massage, sliding his hands over warm, soft skin, and occasionally bending down to press a kiss on Nathan’s shoulder or neck.

  “Roll over, my lover.” Nicolas shifted to allow Nathan to lie on his back, and Nicolas massaged the oil over Nathan’s chest and stomach, paying due homage to his lover’s alluring nipples with both fingers and lips.

  Wanting to progress to more intimate touching, Nicolas lowered himself carefully to stretch out over Nathan. The scent and softness of the massage oil against Nathan’s smooth skin made his lover’s body even more delightful to hold.

  With a smile, Nicolas dropped a kiss to Nathans’ lips, then his throat as Nicolas slowly travelled down his lover’s body. Nicolas watched the way Nathan clutched tightly to the bedding as he neared his goal. Nicolas paused for a moment, while Nathan took a deep breath, then Nicolas took Nathan’s cock into his mouth.

  “Oh, Nicolas. It feels like heaven.”

  Nicolas didn’t bother to reply in words. Instead he slid down to the base of his lover’s prick and sucked hard as he came back up slowly. Nathan arched his back, completely at Nicolas’s mercy as Nicolas began to work the hard flesh in earnest.

  The pleasured gasps, the way Nathan writhed, trying to bury his cock even deeper in Nicolas’s mouth all thrilled Nicolas. He’d hoped his lover would enjoy this, give himself over to the sensation.

  Nathan released the bedding to grasp at Nicolas’s shoulders, trying to pull him closer. Nicolas felt the shudders building in his lover’s slim body and knew Nathan wouldn’t last much longer.

  Nathan twisted back and forth, trying to thrust, and Nicolas’s firm grip on his lover’s hips kept him pinned to the bed. A deep moan escaped Nathan’s lips and Nathan’s entire body shuddered.

  Nicolas wanted all Nathan could offer and was determined to get what he wanted. He increased his sucking and even nibbled gently on the head. It was as delicious as the rest of his lover and he was gratified to hear a loud groan as Nathan reached his peak.

  Nathan spilled in a sudden rush, a muted cry escaping his lips. Nathan released his grip from Nicolas’s shoulders and instead clenched his hands in Nicolas’s hair as he rode the wild flow of his body.

  For his part, Nicolas swallowed the tangy pre-come, relishing the change in its taste as it turned into a sweet orgasm, and greedily drank it all, suckling and demanding all Nathan could give. When Nathan went limp, Nicolas stretched out alongside him, stroking down his arms and kissing his cheek.

  Finally, Nathan rolled onto his side and smiled at Nicolas. “Thank you. Now it’s your turn.” With a firm push, Nathan positioned Nicolas on his back, and straddled his legs, reaching to take Nicolas’s hard cock in his hand.

  Nicolas settled himself and smiled up at his lover, then moaned softly as his prick was enveloped in the heat of Nathan’s mouth. Nathan had learned how to give pleasure this way quickly and was very talented with his tongue, bringing Nicolas to the brink several times before finally letting him spill.

  While Nicolas lay panting, Nathan crawled to stretch out over him and Nicolas wrapped his arms tightly around his lover. For the next few moments they lay together, kissing and whispering endearments.

  “I’m nervous, Nicolas.” Nathan whispered into Nicolas’s neck. “What if he doesn’t think I have any talent, after all?”

  “Then he’d be a fool. Don’t worry, my love. Rest and let’s just see what tomorrow brings for us both.”

  Nicolas shared a final goodnight kiss before Nathan settled, his head on Nicolas’s shoulder. If he was honest, Nicolas was nervous himself. If things went well, they might both have work. Closing his eyes, Nicolas relaxed as he listened to Nathan’s rhythmic breathing.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The factory of the Wolfestan brothers was an immense sprawling mass of dark buildings and tall chimneys with black smoke and grey steam rising slowly from them to create menacing clouds above the entire area.

  Not one for cities at the best of times, Nicolas stared at it. At times like this he longed for the clean, fresh air of the countryside. Even the sterile, enclosed, artificial environment of the New Eden space station was preferable to living near this.

  But some people didn’t have that luxury. There were many tiny houses crammed into the narrow streets which surrounded the factory. At least he and his family didn’t have to live here and breathe this air.

  Thanks to the reward money, not only was Nathan dressed in tweed britches and matching jacket, and a smart new cap, but they’d been able to take a clockwork cab to the factory. Despite their need for employment, at least they looked like presentable gentlemen.

  The cab halted at the gate and Nicolas leaned out to show the card he’d been given by Wolfestan. The guard nodded and shouted instructions to the driver and the cab clicked and whirred into life.

  Once they turned the corner, they left the main yard, and Nicolas stared at the changes to the buildings and environment. The cab went into another, smaller courtyard. This one had a fountain in the center with a tree-lined driveway leading away from the fountain and the main complex.

  The cab clicked along the road. More buildings became visible through the trees, but these weren’t producing smoke or steam and looked far more hospitable. At the end of the driveway the cab stopped outside a red-brick building with marble steps leading to a pink-columned portico.

  A dapper young man in a deep blue velvet suit ran down the three wide stairs and greeted Nicolas with a wave and a smile. “You must be Mr. Broadberry and Mr. Smith. Mr. Gerhardus Wolfestan told me to expect you. He and his brother thought you might like a tour of the factory before leaving for lunch. If you’d care to wait for me at the top of the steps, I’ll deal with the cabbie.”

  “That’s very generous, Mr. … um…?” Nicolas clambered out of the cab, and the man favored him with a beaming smile.

  “My name’s Amias. That’s quite all right, Mr. Broadberry. The Wolfestan brothers are very generous employers. Men travel from many other cities in the hopes of getting work with them, but they always try to provide employment for the local men and women in the first instance.”

  “That’s very charitable of them.” Nicolas indicated for Nathan to precede him up the stairs. It wasn’t the fault of the Wolfestan brothers that so much steam and smoke was made by their factory. Nicolas knew of others that were worse.

  The carriage clicked back into life, heading back the way they’d come, and Amias trotted back up the stairs to lead the way into the building.

ll the administration is done here, and what you passed along the driveway included the staff’s dining hall and medical facility.”

  “The brothers seem to care greatly for their employees.” Nicolas was very impressed with what he’d heard and seen so far.

  “Without a workforce, what would the factory be? And the happier and healthier they are, the better they work. At least, that’s the motto here.” Amias indicated a left turn. “This way.”

  They stopped outside a wooden door with Wolfestan Brothers inscribed on a brass plate. Amias tapped on the door, then opened it.

  “Your guests are here.”

  “Ah, excellent. Excellent.” Gerhardus Wolfestan strode over and shook first Nicolas’s then Nathan’s hand. “This is my brother, Ernst. Ernst, this is Nicolas Broadberry and Nathan Smith.”

  “Welcome. I’m pleased to meet you both.” Ernst also rose to his feet and came to shake their hands. Unlike his brother he was short and portly, his rounded cheeks, ruddy.

  “Let us show you around. You come, too, Amias.” Gerhardus led the way.

  A step or two behind the brothers, Nicolas stared around. The factory was amazing. Both men and women were employed and looked happy in their work. In this area, where the finished products were packed away, it was light and airy, in stark contrast to the heat and smothering atmosphere of the huge smelting facility.

  “We thought we would do well to actually make things ourselves with the goods we produce.” Ernst waved a pudgy hand. “We decided upon a shop where people could see the kind of things we make, and order as required. We have shops around the country where our parts are currently sold, as well as some in Europe.”

  “We have some basic pieces.” Gerhardus rested his hand on Nicolas’s arm. “We sell clocks and watches alongside parts, but we want to expand. Mechanical toys, even small automatons, like your sister’s. They are the goods we want to sell. We don’t want to be bogged down with items that are too large or bulky, but smaller pieces that are useful, unique, and ideal as gifts.”


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