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Strawberry Fields

Page 19

by Pelaam

  His glass halfway to his lips, Nicolas nodded absently, only half listening to what they were saying. Nathan and Langdon were heading to the table where Nicolas had seen one of the guests leave unexpectedly.

  One of the female guests was patting her friend’s shoulder. Nicolas assumed she was offering comfort, while her male companion studiously averted his gaze. The women chatted to Nathan and Langdon for a moment, one waving airily toward the door.

  A cold chill slithered down Nicolas’s back as he recalled the way the man had dashed from the room. He couldn’t understand why such an innocuous incident would play on his mind. Taking a healthy swallow of the champagne, Nicolas pushed it from his mind. Perhaps it was his own nerves for his beloved Nathan. After all, everything else had gone so well.

  With a determined effort, Nicolas turned away from Nathan as he walked around, and he met his mother’s amused gaze. Lady Valentina smiled softly.

  “He’s a lovely young man, Nicolas. And I can see how much he adores you every time he looks at you. Although this wasn’t the future I envisioned for you, or myself for that matter, I’m glad you stood by your principles. I’m quite certain you and Nathan will be very happy, and you will both be successful in your ventures.”

  “Thank you, Mother. I’m very pleased to have your blessing.” As far as Nicolas was concerned, the evening couldn’t have got any better. That his mother had never openly spoken against him choosing a husband rather than a wife was one thing, but to have her approval, in front of others, was another altogether.

  Nicolas could hardly wait to tell Nathan the wonderful news, but it was another couple of hours before the last of the guests left, after which Langdon treated Nicolas and the inner circle of family and friends to a light supper. Finally, Nicolas led Nathan into their room.

  “Oh, Nicolas. It was an amazing night.” Nathan wrapped his arms around himself and spun in a circle before throwing himself into Nicolas’s arms. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “The talent is yours, my love.” Nicolas kissed Nathan gently. “I cannot claim any credit for it.”

  “But without you believing in me, without your confidence in me, I would never have tried, never have succeeded.”

  “Our futures are assured.” Nicolas rested his cheek against Nathan’s. “Mine with the brothers, yours with Langdon. Very soon we’ll be able to move to a better home and no longer rely on my uncle’s charity, such as it is. Furthermore, I received my mother’s blessing on us.”

  “Oh, Nicolas. That’s wonderful.” Nathan claimed Nicolas’s lips, and Nicolas pulled his lover close.

  “I think we should celebrate. Make love with me?” Nicolas ran his knuckles down Nathan’s cheek.

  “Yes. Always.”

  With a nod, Nicolas reached into his jacket and withdrew a small phial of oil. He’d hoped to be able to afford a room to surprise Nathan, but Langdon’s generosity had surprised everyone. He set the oil on the bedside table and shrugged off his jacket.

  To be the first undressed became a race, arousal building in Nicolas as each piece of clothing was discarded. The moment they were both naked, they hurried to the bed and in no time, they were lying entangled, kissing feverishly, touching bare skin freely and without embarrassment.

  Carefully, Nicolas rolled Nathan onto his back, bathing Nathan’s nipples with his tongue, and nipping the nubs delicately. Continuing down Nathan’s chest, Nicolas kissed the warm skin randomly as he moved slowly but surely to Nathan’s hard cock. Encircling his lover’s prick with a loose fist, Nicolas stroked leisurely, barely ghosting his fingers up and down the hard flesh.

  The teasing aroused Nicolas as much as Nathan, and he bent down to lick around the crown of Nathan’s cock, tasting the juices gathered there. It was as if he was addicted to the taste, and Nicolas took in more of the hard flesh, needing as much of Nathan as he could get.

  With a soft whine, Nathan clenched his hands into tight fists. Nicolas took hold of one of Nathan’s fists, uncurled it, and entwined their fingers as he continued to make love to Nathan’s cock.

  Nicolas had quickly realized just how much Nathan liked to be touched, so he indulged his lover as often as he could. In his turn Nathan was quickly adapting to the idea he could touch Nicolas whenever he wanted or needed.

  Still stroking Nathan’s cock, Nicolas followed the thick vein with his tongue, circling the tight balls. Nicolas paused, waiting for Nathan to look directly at him. As their gazes met, Nicolas slowly drew one testicle into his mouth, sucked gently before releasing and repeating on the other. Nathan moaned, his eyes closing, as he sagged back onto the bed.

  Not wanting his lover to spill too quickly, Nicolas kissed his way back up Nathan’s body, sucking for a moment on each of Nathan’s proud nipples before moving up to kiss Nathan’s parted lips. Nuzzling at Nathan’s neck, Nicolas sensuously rubbed his own erection slowly against Nathan’s thigh.

  With a smile, Nicolas hovered over Nathan. His lover’s breath came in short pants, his face flushed, lips reddened, and eyes dilated. He looked exquisitely beautiful. Kissing Nathan’s jaw, Nicolas licked down to Nathan’s ear, and sucked it gently, reveling in Nathan’s uninhibited moan.

  Kneeling between Nathan’s spread legs, Nicolas nibbled along Nathan’s neck and shoulder, while he gently pinched and tugged Nathan’s nipples. Laving his tongue over the taut nubs, Nicolas felt his cock spurt its juices—pleasuring Nathan never failed to heighten his own arousal and pleasure.

  Tracing Nathan’s abdominal muscles with his fingertips, Nicolas followed the caress with a swipe of his tongue, then blew lightly over the dampened skin, making Nathan shiver in anticipation.

  His beloved’s prick had dripped its juices steadily since Nicolas had abandoned it, and a small pool glinted enticingly. Nicolas licked it away, teasing Nathan by avoiding his cock. Instead he nibbled around Nathan’s hairless pubis, sucking gently on each hip.

  It was time. Nicolas didn’t want either of them to spill before he was buried inside his lover.

  “Roll over.”

  Turning gracefully, Nathan knelt in front of Nicolas, presenting his perfect, pale ass for Nicolas’s pleasure. Nathan shivered when Nicolas caressed the firm globes, trailing his fingers up and down the dark crevice.

  Spreading Nathan’s ass cheeks, Nicolas bent down and licked lightly over the revealed flesh. Licking again, Nicolas pressed more firmly, dragging his tongue across, and then pressing firmly with its tip.

  It was such a carnal act, and Nathan whimpered, trying to push back. Nicolas kept a tight grip on his lover as he circled the small opening before stabbing at it with his tongue once more. Then Nicolas pressed his tongue inside as deeply as he could.

  “Please … please … Nicolas.” Nathan begged, and Nicolas couldn’t resist the impassioned plea.

  “Pass me the oil,” Nicolas whispered.

  Nathan shivered and reached across to the bedside table, grabbing the phial, and passing it back to Nicolas.

  Taking the phial, Nicolas opened it and poured some oil into his hand, coating his fingers liberally before easing a first, then a second into his lover’s tight heat. Groaning Nicolas’s name, Nathan rocked back, encouraging the addition of more and begging to be filled.

  Only when certain Nathan was ready did Nicolas remove his fingers and coat his cock with the oil. He moved in a little closer, teasing Nathan once more by running the head of his prick over his lover’s ass cheeks.

  “No more teasing. I need you, Nicolas. Please.” Nathan looked over his shoulder and Nicolas nodded.

  “And I need you, Nathan.” Nicolas eased inside his lover, pressing forward until he was flush against Nathan’s ass.

  For a moment, Nicolas held still, waiting for Nathan to adjust. Nathan shuddered and Nicolas felt his lover’s inner muscles squeeze him tightly, caressing his cock. Then Nicolas took his first stroke.

  “Yes, Nicolas. More, please.”

  “As you wish, my love.” Easing in and out, Nicolas
quickly built a steady rhythm, angling for Nathan’s special spot, drawing a moan of his name at every caress.

  Reaching under Nathan, Nicolas stroked his lover’s neglected prick. It didn’t take long to bring Nathan to completion. With a drawn-out moan of Nicolas’s name, Nathan spilled, his body quivering with the intensity of his release.

  While his lover shuddered, Nicolas held on, gripping Nathan’s hips trying not to come himself as he rode out the after quakes that wracked Nathan’s body, and the way his lover’s inner muscles contracted around his cock.

  His own completion was very close, and Nicolas pulled back gently, trying to prolong their union, but it was just too much. Nicolas thrust hard and deep and then spilled, his hot essence filling the man he loved, his soul mate.

  Unable to support their combined weight, Nathan collapsed onto the bed, Nicolas on top of him. They lay together for a moment or two, too spent to move, before Nicolas eased out from his lover’s body. He gathered Nathan in his arms, kissing his forehead, eyes, and finally his lips.

  “You’re my world, and everything in it.” Nicolas whispered against Nathan’s lips. “I can’t imagine a life without you.”

  “I love you beyond the words to express it.” Nathan wrapped his arms tightly around Nicolas, clinging to him. “I had nothing, and yet you loved me. I felt so worthless for so long, but you made me feel so important, so needed. I love you so much, Nicolas.”

  “No matter what Jasper uncovers, I’ll always love you.” Nicolas nuzzled Nathan’s cheek. “If he never finds out who you really are, we’ll still live as husbands together. I promise.”

  “All that matters to me is your love.” Nathan snuggled closer to Nicolas with a soft sigh. “Money, fame, I’d give them up in a heartbeat for you.”

  Nicolas kissed the top of Nathan’s head. “As I would for you.” He smiled as Nathan yawned.

  “Sorry. So tired,” Nathan murmured.

  “It’s been a long day. Rest, my love.”

  In less than a minute Nicolas heard Nathan’s rhythmic breathing and closed his eyes. Judging by the reception from the evening’s showing, Nathan was going to be in high demand for hat commissions. And if Langdon was as ambitious as the Wolfestan brothers had said, Nathan had a bright future before him. Nicolas sighed with contentment. Our worries are over.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Three days passed from Nathan’s successful exhibition, and during that time, Nicolas saw little of his lover, or Jasper. Nathan worked long hours with Langdon, and Jasper had gone away on business. Even Amaretta bemoaned to him the fact that whatever Jasper was doing meant that she hadn’t seen him either.

  For his own part, Nicolas was learning the Wolfestan brothers’ business, while recommending how best to showcase his own unique creations. Therefore, it was with no little surprise that Nicolas saw Jasper at his office door.

  “Jasper, how unexpected. Is everything all right?” Nicolas stood and extended his hand which Jasper shook firmly.

  “Yes, indeed. However, I need you to come and meet someone who could have a bearing on Nathan’s identity. Are you free to come now?”

  “Of course.” Nicolas didn’t hesitate. “I’ll let Amias know and will be with you right away.” A mix of excitement and apprehension slithered icily down Nicolas’s spine.

  They took a carriage to an office in the center of the city. When it stopped, Nicolas followed Jasper to the door of a prestigious office of a firm of solicitors. The secretary sat in an outer office of dark wood and brass, both with such a high shine Nicolas was sure he could see his reflection in them.

  At Jasper’s quiet word, she hurried from her desk in a swirl of dark green skirt and cream petticoat and returned a moment later.

  “Mr. Snapper will see you straight away, sir.”

  “Thank you.” Jasper inclined his head. “I know the way. Come with me, Nicolas.”

  Jasper led Nicolas into an inner office. The décor was like the outer office, dark wood furniture with accents of highly-polished brass. But this time the desk was of greater dimensions, adorned with a leafy fern and a candelabra, and the seat behind it was large and black leather. A bookcase stood behind the desk, its shelves filled with old, thick tomes.

  A couple of leather seats were set in front of the desk and Jasper indicated they should approach the desk. A door to the side of the bookcase and a man dressed in black, with just a small frill of white at his throat came into the room, a dossier under his arm. What little hair he possessed was oiled against his skull, but his eyes were sharp and piercingly blue.

  “Is this Mr. Broadberry?” The man addressed Jasper, who nodded.

  “It is, Mr. Snapper. Do you have the photograph?”

  “It’s here.” Snapper sat at his desk, his gaze constantly flitting to Nicolas who felt as if he was a specimen under a slide, and a decidedly unpleasant specimen at that. “Here.”

  Jasper took the proffered photograph and brought it to Nicolas.

  “Take a look at this photograph, Nicolas. Do you recognize anyone in it at all?” Jasper handed Nicolas the picture, then stepped away, sitting in one of the seats in front of the desk.

  With an impatient huff, Nicolas glanced at it, then gasped. The photograph was of three people in a rose garden. They stood close to a fountain, beside a brass sundial—a beautiful woman with red hair, a solid, older man and…

  “Nathan. It’s Nathan. He’s younger here, perhaps by four or five years. But it’s him.” Nicolas looked from Jasper to the solicitor behind the desk whose expression had changed from suspicious to hopeful.

  “He’s alive? Here?” Snapper asked. “You’re quite sure it’s him?”

  “Of course I am. Jasper, surely you don’t doubt it’s Nathan?” Nicolas turned to look at his friend.

  “No. I don’t.” Jasper shook his head. “I’m as sure as you are, but I needed to see your reaction for myself. You have no idea who Nathan is, do you?” Jasper rose from his seat and came to stand beside Nicolas.

  “Not at all. Even he doesn’t. Isn’t that why you’re here today? To see if this man can help us? Does he know who Nathan is?” A frisson of frustration scratched down Nicolas’s spine. If they knew who Nathan was, why didn’t they just say?

  “His name is Nathan. Nathan Holland.” Jasper spoke slowly and clearly, emphasizing the surname. “I take it you have heard of Holland Airships?”

  “Well, of course, who hasn’t hea…” Nicolas stopped and stared at Jasper. A wave of dizziness crashed over him and he swayed, grateful for Jasper’s strong arm as he was eased to sit in the nearby chair. “Nathan? One of the Holland family?” Nicolas’s voice was little more than a croak of sound, but Jasper heard him and nodded.

  “Not just one of them, my friend. Nathan is the heir to the entire Holland estate. Missing for almost an entire year following an attack on his father that saw Blaylock Holland killed. Nathan inherits the family fortune if he turns up here, to claim it, on his twenty-fifth birthday. Just a couple of months away now.”

  “And if not?” Nicolas asked. He could scarcely believe what Jasper was saying. Nathan. His beloved Nathan, heir to an airship fortune.

  “It goes to his uncle. A considerably younger man, a gambler and a man of loose morals.” Snapper sniffed loudly, and his expression soured as if a dead fish had been placed on his desk. “He’s tried to find any number of ways to get around his brother’s will, and I’ve done my part to keep it in place. I’ve prayed that one day Master Nathan would be found, or simply turn up to claim the family inheritance. Not that I could ever prove it, but I believe Harrington Holland was in some way responsible for his brother’s death.”

  “I’m sorry this is such a shock, Nicolas. But I needed to be sure.” Jasper shook his head. “A couple of, shall we say, fake Nathans have attempted to persuade Mr. Snapper of their claim on the fortune. However, the age gap between Blaylock and Harrington Holland means that Harrington knows very little to teach imitators. The problem we have, is that our Na
than has no memory. Doubtless Harrington will want more proof than a photograph that we all agree shows a young version of our Nathan. I’m hunting down more, but I believe Harrington has worked hard to ensure there is nothing to validate Nathan, other than the man himself.”

  “What proof can we get?” Nicolas shook his head.

  “Regrettably, Nathan’s mother died a year before her husband, and Blaylock Holland was devastated by her loss.” Jasper sighed. “They were both only children, so we have no close family to vouch for Nathan. However, Mr. Snapper and myself are tracking down the nanny who cared for Nathan. Her presence could stimulate Nathan’s memories, or she may be able to vouch for his identity. But, in the meantime, we need to urge Nathan to try and remember. It may be that, unintentionally, Nathan is suppressing his memories as he doesn’t want to remember the moments of his father’s death.”

  “Do I reveal what we know to him?” Nicolas asked.

  “No.” Jasper shook his head. “At least, not yet. We don’t know exactly what happened when Blaylock Holland was killed. But we do know the road had been deliberately blocked, his coachman was shot and killed, and he died from injuries sustained from his coach going over the edge of the road and down a steep ditch. Nathan vanished that night. Perhaps out of fear for his life, perhaps he was injured in some way.”

  “Or lost his memories,” Nicolas murmured.

  “Exactly.” Jasper nodded. “We don’t know. But if he is the real Nathan Holland, then our Nathan’s life could be in jeopardy should anyone become aware of his existence. If, as Mr. Snapper feels, Harrington Holland played a part in his brother’s death, he’ll be confident that in a couple of months he’ll inherit. If a possible heir is touted…”

  “Then Nathan would be the one standing in his way.” Nicolas jumped to his feet. “I have to get to him, be with him.”

  “And have him wonder why you’re so nervous?” Jasper stood and grasped Nicolas’s shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. “It’s going to be hard enough for you to pretend we didn’t have this meeting today. Leave Nathan’s safety in my hands. Focus on teasing more memories from him.” Jasper tapped the photograph. “If this is his mother, then she’s one person who seems to feature in those memories he’s had so far. Try using her as the key to unlock his mind. Of course, we could be wrong, and our Nathan just possesses an uncanny resemblance to Nathan Holland. Keep that in mind, too.”


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