Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part III
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Fallen Angel: Part 3
A Mafia Romance (Roman Crime Family)
Fallen Angel Series
Alisa Anderson
Cameron Skye
Fallen Angel: Part 3
by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye
Copyright © 2014 by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye
This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
Jess loved Nick with every fiber of her being. But would love be enough to compete with the dark, sinister business he ran? Nick never lied to her about the life he led. In fact he never lied to her about anything. Now she realizes every bit of his words were true.
He was the sexiest, scariest, most dangerous man she had ever met.
And now, it seems…the danger was hers as well.
Passion, lust and emotion explode in part 3 of Fallen Angel, with a cliffhanger that leaves you shocked, stunned…and wanting more.
***Fallen Angel is a mafia romance serial novel released every 4 to 6 weeks, at approximately 8000 to 11000 words each. Due to sexual content, implied and actual scenes of abuse, violence, organized crime, language and frequent illegal drug use, we recommend this to mature audiences, ages 18 and over, who are comfortable with this subject matter.***
Excerpt from Fallen Angel Part 4
About the Authors
Special Note from Alisa
Jess quietly slipped out of bed, tiptoeing across the room to her suit case. She dressed, heading down the path leading to Nick’s private beach.
It was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen. The white sand stretched as far as the eye could see into sparkling sapphire blue water.
Walking to the water’s edge, she felt the coolness from the waves rippling gently over her feet. There was such a sense of tranquility. No one else around, it was just her and nature.
The slightest sliver of hope filled her.
Maybe, just maybe, things in her life would work out and not suck.
Nick would leave Connie.
She would and could…leave Eric.
The power of Nick’s love helping to slay her demons. Engaging every part of her mind, body and soul. Becoming a whole new person. A person no longer terrorized by her past, her present or her future. One no longer dehumanized by a man who was supposed to love her.
For those few magnificent moments, everything was alright in her world.
She was safe, happy…loved.
Jess sighed. She knew it was time to head back. Eric was probably awake, wondering where the hell she ran off too. Standing, she brushed the sand off her body.
She took a deep calming breath, willing herself to walk toward the house.
Of course that couldn’t last. She felt the anxiety building the closer she got to the door. A feeling of dread overcame her, telling her she was in danger and should run.
That was never good.
Instead she opened the French doors. Immediately heading toward the kitchen, hearing someone moving around.
“Eric? I didn’t want to wake you-” The sight of Nick casually leaning against the sink cut her off midsentence.
His lips perked into a grin at her wide-eyed stupor.
She forgot to breathe as their eyes locked.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Why are you here?” She hissed, storming across the room toward him. Her legs shaking, threating to give out from underneath her the closer she got to him.
“Thought it would be fun to get to know your boy better.” He leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek and lightly patting her bottom.
“You thought what?”
She gave him a murderous look, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Starting to say something stank, she bit her lower lip. Fear of Eric overhearing shut her up, knowing if he did their cover would be blown.
“So, what’s for breakfast? We’re starving.”
“We?” Her heart skipped a beat. “Please tell me you didn’t bring Connie with you?”
“Me and the guys.” He gave her a strange look. “Did you honestly think I would bring her here? You should know me better than that.”
“Who the fuck knows? It’s hard telling with you.” She snorted.
“This is not a good idea, Nick. You need to leave. Now.”
“You’re right. This isn’t a good idea, but I’m not leaving. Now, about breakfast.”
Nick took a few steps toward her. His dark, erotic essence threatening to overpower her. She could see his muscles ripple against his suit. Sexual heat spiraled through her body, causing a familiar wetness to grow between her legs.
God he was fucking sexy.
She shook her head, breaking his spell over her, becoming irate. How could he fucking toy with her like this?
Just as she was about to throw caution to the wind and go off on him, Eric rounded the corner. Walking sleepily into the room.
“Where’d you go-” He too, stopped midsentence at Nick’s commanding presence.
She saw him shake his head from the corner of her eye, chuckling under his breath. His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Sup man? I didn’t know you would be joining us.”
“Neither did I.” Jess carefully avoided Nick’s gaze as she spoke.
She was furious, still not believing he would pull this shit on her. Watching as he put a cigar into his mouth, lighting it. Taking a puff, blowing smoke rings in her direction.
The more nonchalant he acted, the more infuriated she became.
“I had unexpected business come up. Hope you don’t mind if we crash.”
“Of course we don’t mind. It is your house.” Jess quickly interjected, hoping to ease the tension building in the air. Overhearing voices coming into the room she quickly realized who ‘the guys’ were.
The moment Angel and Carlo entered the room the amount of testosterone became too much to bear. All of it was centered on and around her.
The next few minutes felt like an eternity.
Angel dropping his bag onto the kitchen floor. Hugging her tightly as his eyes shot daggers at Eric. Carlo leaning next to Nick, folding his arms over his chest. Boring a hole through Eric.
Nick’s dangerous, brooding behavior threatening to rear its ugly head any minute. She didn’t trust him, knowing exactly what the heat in his gaze meant.
Eric moving closer, putting a hand firmly around her waist, possessive in stance.
She moved, placing herself in the line of fire between the men. Taking control of the situation, should the pissing contest become a problem.
“So kid, about that breakfast.”
“What about it? You know where the food is. Help yourself.”
Eric excused himself, asking for Jess to come upstairs with him. Once behind closed doors, she wasn’t quite sure what to expect out of him. Knowing whatever his reaction, she’d probably leave with some sort of bruise.
Just what she needed.
He was the first into the room. She closed the door behind them, turning to face him.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” He backed her against the door. Keeping his voice low so the others downstairs wouldn’t hear.
“Did you know he was fucking coming?”
“I...I had no clue he was going to show up. I’m just as shocked as you.” She instinctively put her hand against his chest. “He said he was here on unexpected business, remember?”
He grabbed her by her face, digging his fingers brutally into her face.
“Are you sure you aren’t his business?”
“You heard me. Is he here because of you?”
“No! Why would you think that?”
“Because he practically devoured you like you were the pussy de jour. Are you fucking him?”
“We both know between the two of us, who’s been fucking other people, and it’s not me.”
As soon as it came out of her mouth, she knew it was a mistake. But it was too late to take it back now.
Eric grabbed her by the arms, using them to move her and throw her against the bed. A low, threatening laugh escaping his lips at the terrified look on her face.
He climbed on top of her before she had a chance to sit up, straddling her stomach. Wrapping his hands around her throat, he squeezed until he cut off her air supply.
She gasped, trying to breathe. Desperately trying to get him to release her.
“Don’t get smart with me, bitch.”
He let her go when she clawed his knuckles, drawing blood. Coughing, she tried to inhale as much air as she physically could into her lungs. When her breathing returned to normal, she was furious. Seeing red because of both of these assholes and the shit they were pulling. She was done with them, and more than ready for a fight.
“You know…” Jess sighed. It did no good. “Never mind.”
“Never mind what, you stupid bitch?”
“I was going to say for some unknown reason he cares about me. Which is something I’m really beginning to wonder about you.”
“I’ve proven I care about you.”
“Seriously? I guess proving that you care equates to degrading and threatening me. Oh, oh…wait. How about hitting, shoving and choking me? You know what? You’re no better than my fucking father, Eric. My stupidity for thinking you ever were.”
He climbed off of her, sitting on the bed. Worried the men downstairs would hear her raised voice and come into the room to see if she was all right.
“I saw the fucking way he looked at you. I’m jealous, ok?”
“And, you think what just happened is a perfectly healthy way for you to show your jealousy?”
He sighed loudly, running his hands through his long hair.
“No, but I fucking can’t give you any of this, mama.” His eyes pleading now with her to understand.
“If I wanted any of this, I would buy it myself. I don’t need you to buy me anything.” She sat beside him, running her hands across her neck trying to ease the soreness of his choking her.
“You have no fucking idea how I feel as a man.”
He was laying his heart out at her feet. She refrained from stomping on it. Though she really, really…really wanted to.
“You have to stop this shit, Eric. I’ve had to lie to Nick, the producers and to the makeup artists. I don’t think they’re buying my excuses anymore.” She touched his arm gently.
“You also need to stop fucking hoes in my states. That was our deal.”
“I fucking love you. I haven’t-”
“Oh please. I know you fucked Amy. I saw the condom wrapper on our bedroom floor. Right after you had your hands all over her ass.”
“She’s the one who told me you’re fucking Nick. I didn’t believe her. That is, until he magically showed up here, with his goons.”
“Wait, what? She told you what?”
“She told me that party, the one you told me about, was a fuck fest for the two of you.”
Jess swallowed. She was going to fucking kill that bitch. First chance she got.
Or at least stab her a few times in her eye. She figured a cock eyed stripper couldn’t make much money with an eye missing.
“I see. Did she also tell you I beat her ass, or did that manage to slip her mind?” She spoke through gritted teeth, trying her damndest to reign in her temper.
“No. She didn’t tell me.”
“Well, I beat her ass. I was even going to cut her for fucking you. And she’s right, I did leave with Nick. However, we didn’t go to a party. He took me home. I did too many lines.”
She knelt in front of him, unsure of why she felt horrible for lying to him. The truth would eventually come out, a fact that utterly terrified her.
She wouldn’t win in that situation. His darkness would. It was his darkness that kept her enslaved to him. Keeping her locked in his brutality. She’d seen firsthand what would happen when you tried leaving a man like him.
Her mind raced back to that night in her parent’s house.
From the minute the key turned in the lock, everything went downhill. Her father backhanded her mother for not unlocking the door, when she knew he was coming home. Shoved her into the wall and good, for not having dinner on the table when he sat down.
Jess watched her mother, silently sobbing as she quickly tried to prepare a plate of food for him with one good arm.
Torn between rage and fear, Jess remained silent. For once, he didn’t seem focused on her.
“Jacinta. Hand papa his beer, please. Hurry.”
Jess gave her mother an anxious look. Beer and her father’s temper was never a good mix.
“Jacinta. Now, please.” She shoved a bottle of beer to Jess with a trembling hand. She could see her mother’s pulse beating erratically in her throat.
“Isabella! Where the hell is my damn beer?” Her father was in rare form tonight.
Jess hurried over to the table, her father scowling at her. “It’s about damn time. Hurry up with my drink, girl.”
She tripped over his shoes he’d kicked off absently, watching in terror as the bottle flew out of her hands and to the floor, liquid drenching her father’s pants and feet. Glass shattering everywhere.
“Ay, dios mios.” Isabella whispered fervently. Making the sign of the cross, praying her husband would be forgiving. More forgiving than he usually was.
Jess closed her eyes. She’d fucked up now.
“Papa, I’m sorry I -” her words cut off as her father slapped her across her face, the force of it knocking her to the ground.
Isabella screamed, running over and shielding Jess’s body with hers. “William, no, please…it was an accident. She didn’t mean it. Please William, no!”
“You clumsy bitch. Get up. Get up.” William pushed his wife aside, pulling off his belt. He began beating Jess with it, whipping her back as she shielded her face. “Get up!”
Jess tried to stand, legs weakening with fear. Her heart was pounding, as fight or flight took over. She glanced around trying to find escape. Her father yanked her up by her hair, causing her to scream out loud. Seeing the belt, with its metal buckle coming toward her face. “Papa, no!”
She blinked at Eric. “What?”
“Where did you go? That’s the third time I had to say your name.”
Her mother lying in the kitchen floor, a pool of blood surrounding her. Her father standing over her, his chest heaving from anger. Jess covered her mouth in shock and horror.
She needed to stop it.
Time to deal with the now.
The now consisting of Nickolas, and whatever fucked up game he was trying to play. She knew she had to keep him away from Eric. At least until she figured out how to handle the fact that the two of them were under the same roof.
“Nothing, baby. I just…had a moment. It’s not important”
It was enough to convince him.
“I have an idea. You mentioned
you wanted to go into town today. Why don’t you and Angel go? I’m sure Nick and Carlo have business. I’m not feeling well. I think I just need to get some rest.”
Eric pouted. “I wanted you to go.”
“I know, papi.” She reached touching his cheek, swallowing back the bile trying to rise into her mouth. This was getting more and more difficult for her to pull off.
She was tired of pretending. Tired of living this lie with him. Tired of being in the darkness. Tired of being used, and abused like she was nothing.
She wanted the light. Or whatever version the light was with Nick. It wasn’t perfect. But it wasn’t the shit she had to deal with concerning Eric.
“We’ll meet when you get back.” She let exhaustion seep into her tone.
“What’s in it for me? What you got for me when I get back?” He raised an eyebrow, grinning. He didn’t care if she was tired or not. It was always about him, she realized.
Always would be.
Then again, she didn’t know why she was surprised or shocked. Eric hadn’t changed.
She had.
Jess pulled a wad of cash and an eight ball of coke from her purse, handing it to him.
“Have fun with it. And we’ll have a night you won’t forget. I promise.” His mood looked instantly lifted, agreeing to her bribe. He quickly changed his clothes and they strode downstairs to meet up with the guys.
Eric asked and Angel agreed easily enough. His agreement coming partially from the pleading look on Jess’s face.
Mostly from Nick ordering him to get Eric out of the fucking house so the two of them could be alone.
Either way. As long as they left.
She and Nick watched in silence as the doors shut.
As soon as the SUV pulled out of sight he swept her into his arms, taking her mouth quickly. His lips soft, silky, demanding against hers. His kiss was probing, hot, searing with fire, tasting of wine and cigars.