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Hanna's Awakening

Page 6

by Sue Lyndon


  He smacked her bottom sharply. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “If you would’ve remained still as I’d asked, you’d be having another orgasm right now, Hanna. But instead I have to spank you, and when you do finally have your second orgasm, it’ll be with a very sore little bottom.”

  He brought his hand down with a resounding slap, striking the lower curve of her right cheek. Hanna gasped and squirmed on his lap, knowing the second smack would fall at any moment. He didn’t make her wait long. The next blow fell, carrying more sting than the first, and he continued on without pause, alternating from right cheek to left cheek. He covered her backside from top to bottom, even punishing the tops of her tender thighs. When he set into her thighs with a sharp round of smacks, she kicked her legs and writhed on his lap. The pain blazed across her flesh, spreading all over until her entire bottom burned in agony. Just as tears blurred in her eyes, the spanking stopped.

  She found herself seated on Daddy’s lap, strong arms circling her as he held her in his loving embrace. Soothing words reached her ears as he stroked her hair, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning into his solid chest. As her breathing calmed, she became aware of the beating of his heart, directly at her ear. She smiled and closed her eyes. Even though she didn’t know much about the world, she knew with every beat of his heart there was nowhere else she’d rather be in this moment.

  Later, when he pushed her back on the bed and urged her legs apart, she didn’t resist. She obeyed when he instructed her to remain still. She thrust her hips wantonly against his fingers when he told her to let go. And when she let go, a thunderous pleasure quaked in her center and spread outward through every inch of her body until her toes curled. She floated on another plane of existence, a place where millions of stars swam in her head.

  Chapter Six

  Ben flipped through the mail as he walked back to the cabin with Lady bounding ahead after a squirrel. He watched the dog bark at the tree the squirrel ran up, and when he glanced down at the stack of bills, he noticed a letter addressed to Hanna.

  The air left his lungs. He stopped in the middle of the path to stare down at Eli’s handwriting decorating the envelope. A few seconds passed before he recovered from the shock, and he shook his head to clear his thoughts.

  Three weeks had passed since Hanna had come to stay with him, and even though she intended to see her brother again someday, the fact that she planned to eventually leave had been easily forgotten. She filled his days and nights, bringing him more happiness than he’d thought possible. Even though he hadn’t taken her innocence, even though he hadn’t taught her how to touch him sexually yet, they still shared a bond he despaired to break. Their connection went beyond anything sexual. With the passing of each day, he longed to keep her forever at his side. It was the height of selfishness though, because Hanna longed to leave. Or so she’d claimed when she’d first arrived.

  Could her ambitions have changed? He clutched the mail and followed after Lady, who was almost back at the cabin. It was ridiculous to believe Hanna would want to stay here. After all, the farm she’d grown up on was only a few miles away. The family who shunned her was surely in her thoughts, though she rarely spoke of them. Ben paused at the bottom of the cabin steps, surveying his home and his land. He’d worked hard to build this fortress in the middle of nowhere. No one from his previous life could find him if they tried. He didn’t have a phone and was therefore unlisted. Sure, he had an address, but Ben Foster was a pretty common name, and so far none of his old friends, family, or acquaintances had contacted him by mail. Next month would mark his eighth year in these woods.

  He glanced at the kitchen window and saw Hanna standing at the sink, oblivious to his presence. Could he leave the safety of his cabin for her? Would she withdraw from him if she knew of the reason he’d left his home in West Virginia? He sighed. There was only one right thing to do right now. He had to give her Eli’s letter.

  The smell of frying bacon hit Ben when he entered the cabin. He swallowed hard and headed to the kitchen, where he found Hanna placing two plates on the table. A beaming smile lighted her features when their eyes met. Her smile faded in an instant though, and she regarded him with genuine concern.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Is something wrong?”

  He forced a smile and held up Eli’s letter. “No, nothing’s wrong. This is for you.”

  She clapped her hands together and gasped in delight. “Finally. I was so worried he didn’t get my last letter.”

  Ben passed her the envelope and wondered what Hanna had written in her last letter. A few days after she’d come to stay with him, she’d sent another letter off to her brother. Ben had shoved the sealed envelope into the mailbox, resisting the urge to tear it open in hopes of discovering her secret thoughts and dreams.

  Anxiety twisted his stomach as Hanna ripped the letter open. She spread the folded paper out on the table and sat down, her eyes bright with curiosity.

  Ben took a seat across from her, ignoring the breakfast she’d placed in his spot. “Did Annabel have the baby yet?” he asked, hoping Eli’s wife had delivered their first child safely.

  “No, not yet.” Her eyes moved back and forth as she scanned the page. “At the time of this letter, Annabel is nine days away from her due date. Her doctor says baby and mother are both healthy. Eli says he’s happy I left home and that he always knew I would. He wishes he could come see me right now, but he’ll have to wait until the baby is born and they are settled back at home. He says his job is giving him two weeks off once the baby comes, and he will…” She paused and glanced up at Ben. Sadness replaced her prior joy, and she bowed her head to continue reading. She gulped and licked her lips before speaking. “He says once Annabel and the baby are settled at home, he’ll come get me. He—he wants me to come to Oregon and live with him.”

  The emptiness inside Ben knew no bounds. He felt like he’d already lost the most important thing in his life, even as she stared at him from across the table. Sweet little Hanna. He did the math in his head, calculating exactly how many days he might have left with her. Even if Annabel had the baby today, he’d at least have a week or more with her. Possibly two weeks, if Eli decided to drive instead of fly. Ben inquired if he indicated his method of travel in the letter, and Hanna said he did not.

  “You don’t look happy.” He reached for her hand and laced his fingers through hers atop the table.

  Tears pooled in her expressive blue depths, and she sighed and pushed the letter away with her free hand. “Of course I am happy,” she said, smiling as a tear ran down her cheek. She brushed it away and tried to wrench her hand from Ben’s as she stood up. “Let me go, Daddy.” Her voice trembled.

  Daddy. She hadn’t called him Mr. Foster in quite some time. The affection in her voice when she called him Daddy always filled up the empty places in his soul. She completed him each and every day, over and over again. She didn’t balk when he called her his baby girl. If anything, she craved it. He saw the need to be cared for in her eyes each time their gazes collided. The bond between them had grown more each day, alongside her growing trust in him. But now she was leaving. Their relationship was ending before it even had a chance to begin.

  Hanna made another half-hearted attempt to yank her hand from his, but Ben still didn’t release her. Instead, he pulled her closer and brought her down in his lap. He cradled her as she cried softly in his chest. No words passed between them, but their hearts bled together as the sun danced through the window and spilled over her golden hair. He kissed the top of her head, letting his lips linger as he breathed in her feminine scent. He should be happy to see Eli again after all these years. He should be happy to see Hanna reunited with her brother, and happy that Eli wanted to give her a safe place to stay, a family to be a part of.

  But Ben wasn’t happy at all. By God, he wasn’t ready to let her go. He’d never be ready to let her go. Three wee
ks. Three weeks was all it had taken to turn his world upside down. And the pretty, innocent blonde in his lap had done so with her mere presence.

  “Hanna,” he said. “Baby girl. Talk to Daddy. Tell me why you’re crying.”

  She sniffled, and he used a napkin she’d set out for breakfast to dab her eyes and nose. She attempted to smile up at him through her tears, and his heart contracted to see her sweetness shining through her sorrow.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to cry.”

  “Shh. It’s okay. You can cry anytime you’d like, but I’d like to know what has you so upset.” He stroked her hair as he spoke in a gentle voice, trying to coax the truth from her.

  “I want to see Eli again, and I want to meet his wife and baby, but Oregon is so far away.” She peered at him with a vulnerable look. “It’s so far away from you, Daddy.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and brought his lips to hers, kissing her hard until they both became breathless. “You can stay here with me for as long as you’d like, or you can go with Eli. The decision is yours, Hanna. Tell me what you want.” He couldn’t beg her to stay, not when she was in such a vulnerable state. Eli was the only family she had now, and it wouldn’t be right for him to keep her away from her brother.

  “I don’t want to think about leaving you right now,” she said, running a hand through his hair. “I just want… I want…” Her face reddened and she fumbled for words. But Ben felt her bottom pressing against his crotch, and she squirmed overtop him as his desire grew. She’d rubbed up against him a few times over clothing, but she’d yet to touch his cock, to take it in her hand or… anywhere else.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said, his teeth clenched as he bit back a groan.

  “I want you to take me, Daddy. I want you to be inside me,” she said. “Please, Daddy. Right now.”


  The mattress dipped beneath Hanna as Daddy pressed her down on the bed. He hovered over her, trailing burning kisses over her neckline as she encouraged him by arching her center into his. Through his jeans, she felt his hugeness and knew it belonged inside her, deep in her feminine core.

  She didn’t want to leave the cabin. Didn’t want to leave Daddy. And yet staying felt foolish. Leaving Pennsylvania had always been her goal. Putting as many miles as possible between herself and the farm had always been her goal. She hadn’t counted on Eli coming to get her so fast. She’d thought she had months. Months with Daddy. Months to find a better option, an option that gave her everything her heart desired—experiencing life in the English world, spending time with Eli and his family, and of course, being with Daddy through all of this. He’d spent years perfecting his little homestead here in the woods. The greenhouse and gardens. The storage rooms beneath the cabin. His existence whispered of dark secrets, but he’d yet to open up about the reasons for his separation from a previous life she could only speculate about.

  His tongue entered her mouth and her worries floated away. She gyrated her hips against his, loving the feel of his stiff bulge rubbing her achiness, soothing it, yet spurring it to pulse greater and greater. Urgency consumed her senses.

  Hanna worked the buttons on his flannel shirt. The mornings had grown cooler and cooler, and today had been the first day she’d seen him in anything but a t-shirt. It hugged his muscles and broad chest, and she gave him a small smile as she reached the last button and tugged the shirt from his jeans. He shrugged the garment off, as well as his undershirt, and tossed them away. Then he pierced her with a dark look and pushed a hand up her dress, slipping a finger past her underwear to delve straight into her wetness.

  “Oh!” she cried, whimpering low in her throat as he swirled around in her moisture.

  “Do you like that?” he asked. “Do you like when Daddy touches your pussy?”

  His crass words riveted her. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Say it. Say you like when Daddy touches your pussy.”

  She panted as she tried to form the words. Words she’d have never dared utter. Like pussy. It’s what he called her moist center, the part of her that awakened at his masterful touch.

  A light slap stung the inside of her thigh. “Say. It.”

  She drew in a deep breath and met his eyes. “I like when you touch my pussy, Daddy.”

  “Ask me to put my finger inside your pussy.”

  “Please… please put your finger inside my pussy.” She tensed up, though she longed to feel the fullness of penetration in a place he’d never been, even with something as small as a finger. He’d stroked her plenty. He’d taught her how to pleasure herself, and he visited her at bedtime every night to assist in her release. A few nights into this ritual, he’d kissed her on the lips for the first time. She’d silently pledged her devotion to him in that moment, and now the thought of leaving him made her feel like she was breaking a sacred oath.

  Thickness slid into her slick pussy, and she cried out her pleasure at the new sensation. More thickness filled her, and she looked at Daddy in question. He grinned and kissed her forehead.

  “You’re doing great. I have three fingers inside you now. But not all the way inside. Your innocence is blocking my passage.” He leaned down, bracing himself with one hand on the headboard. “But I’m going to use my cock to break through that, Hanna.”

  He pumped his fingers in and out while she fought for air. This was bliss. Pure and simple. His fingers were magic. His touch was fire. His kisses were love and passion. His heart was beating in sync with hers, or so she imagined.

  Daddy broke away long enough to tug her panties down, past her knees and ankles. The predatory gleam in his eyes as he tossed them to the floor gave her a dark thrill. The roughness of his touches as he worked her dress over her head spoke of his need. She didn’t quite understand what he’d meant when he said her innocence was blocking his passage, but she felt safe in his hands. He knew what he was doing, and he seemed to be good at it. Her body screamed for more of his rough touches, more of his hard kisses and crass words.

  “You’re so beautiful, Hanna.” He gazed at her and cupped her breasts.

  She glanced down, past her heaving chest and at her complete nakedness. Peering back up at him, she smiled shyly and spread her legs in invitation. Daddy stood up to remove his pants. Her eyes didn’t leave him as he stepped out of them, taking his underwear down too.

  Her gaze landed on the stiffness between his legs. Daddy was huge! Much too big for her. Panic had her scrambling to crawl under the covers, but he pinned her down and positioned his hugeness between her thighs. Her pussy quaked, despite her fear over the pain she realized would come. His fingers had filled her up, and she feared a larger intrusion now that she’d seen how large it actually was.

  “Hanna, look at me.” Daddy’s deep voice pulled her to him.

  She met his gaze. The affection reflected in his eyes chased some of her insecurities away.

  “Spread your legs wider,” he said. His tone was gentle, so kind. The rough touches and kisses had ended, but she enjoyed this side of him too, especially in this moment of uncertainty.

  “Is it going to hurt?” she asked.

  “Yes, but it’ll be quick. I promise. Then I’ll make you feel good, okay?”

  She hesitated to answer and tried to turn her head, but he held her face firmly in his warm hands, stroking the side of her cheek with one finger. A smile turned his lips up briefly.

  “Do you trust Daddy?” he asked.

  Unable to form a single word, she nodded. Of course she trusted him. Her trust in him grew more each day, along with her desire to stay by his side always.

  “It will only hurt this first time, Hanna.”

  “All right. Do it.” She braced for the pain, shutting her eyes tight.

  “Look at Daddy.” He tapped the side of her face. “Eyes on me the whole time.”

  The moment their gazes met, he grabbed a square packet off the nightstand, ripped it open, and produced something thin and clear which he rolled o
ver his shaft. The tip of his length teased her entrance, and then he surged forward. His thickness filled her, burning as if she was being torn up from the inside. She winced and gasped at the same time, but managed to keep her eyes open and on Daddy. Despite the pain and her nervousness, she found looking at him helped to calm her nerves.

  “Hanna, baby girl, you’re so tight.” He groaned and withdrew slightly, only to surge forward again.

  She tore her hands from the covers and circled his waist, pressing against his back. His flesh heated under her touch, and she ran her hands up and down his back, soaking up the feel of his strong masculine body.

  The burning pain lessened bit by bit as he moved within her depths. In and out, and in and out. He set a slow rhythm, and the delicious achiness reignited. She lifted her legs and squeezed his body, but he stiffened and pain tightened his face.

  “Does it hurt you too?” She hadn’t considered this possibility.

  He stilled mid-thrust and chuckled deep in his throat. “No, Hanna. This doesn’t hurt me at all.”

  “Then why do you look like you’re about to pass out in pain?”

  He inhaled deeply and began moving inside her again. The friction of his huge length stretching her as he thrust in and out drove her wild, and she wanted more. Faster. Harder. Her nails dug into his back, enough to draw a moan from him.

  “I’m not about to pass out in pain,” he finally answered, though his strange expression remained. “I’m trying to go slow so I don’t hurt you, Hanna. It’s your first time and I want to be gentle with you. It’s taking every bit of my self-control not to pound into you hard and fast. You feel that good around my cock.”

  His words sank in and she arched up, meeting one of his thrusts. Surprise lit his features, but the pain remained. She realized her movements had increased his pleasure, and she did it once more, only for him to stop and pin her down on the bed, holding her wrists in his hands.

  “Young lady, I suggest you not do that. Not this first time.”


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