Hanna's Awakening

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Hanna's Awakening Page 8

by Sue Lyndon

  “Are you arguing with Daddy even more?” he asked, leaning down.

  She huffed and sat up in bed, drawing her knees up to her chest. Ben reached for her hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

  “Baby girls get spanked when they’re naughty, Hanna. Now come on. Over my knee.” He sat back and patted his lap.

  She huffed again, but slowly draped herself over his thighs. Her legs dangled, not quite reaching the floor, and she buried her face in the covers. He shifted her so that her bottom was high up in the air, in perfect position for a good, quick spanking.

  Goosebumps rose on her arms as he tugged her shorts down, resting them above her thighs. His cock swelled at the sight of her cute little bottom in white panties trimmed in lace. She was so sweet, so lovely. He rubbed her backside overtop her panties.

  “You were a very naughty girl this morning,” he scolded, still rubbing. “When Daddy tells you it’s time to get up, you need to listen and not be so grumpy, and you especially need to keep the attitude out of your voice. You never, ever get to yell at Daddy and tell him to go away, Hanna. Do you understand?”

  Her breath hitched and she squirmed over his lap. “Yes, Daddy. But I really don’t want a spanking.”

  “I’m the daddy and I decide what my baby girl needs,” he said, cupping her left cheek firmly. “And right now, I think you need a good, hard spanking on your bare bottom.”

  “Oh, please, Daddy!” she begged. “Not on my bare bottom.” She squirmed as he tugged at the waist of her panties, but he soon had them pushed down with her shorts.

  “Settle down, Hanna.”

  She stilled, but her breathing had picked up. She pressed her thighs together and lay rigidly over his knee. Ben chuckled at the way she’d tried to hide herself from him.

  “No, no,” he said. “You don’t get to tense up like that. And you don’t get to keep your thighs together either. Relax your bottom and spread your legs a bit.”

  To his surprise, she didn’t budge and remained tense and unwilling. Ben leaned down and pushed her shorts and panties all the way to the floor, yet she still didn’t move her thighs apart. The naughty girl. She definitely needed a good spanking this morning, especially to get her in the right mindset to spend the day as his baby girl.

  Ben repositioned her, forcing his knee between her legs and angling her bottom away from the bed. She gasped, no doubt realizing that this position left her even more vulnerable.

  “Daddy can see all of you now, Hanna. You can’t close your legs at all, and your backside is high up on my knee. Your cheeks are spread wide too. Daddy can see the pinkness between your pussy lips, and your bottom hole too. I must say I like this position. Maybe I’ll put you in this position for all your spankings.”

  She whimpered and struggled, but with her legs still dangling there wasn’t much she could do. His strength overpowered hers, and he easily captured her hands at the small of her back, pinning them in place.

  “Please don’t spank me, Daddy. I’ll be a good girl.”

  Her movements ground over his groin, and his cock throbbed with need. He pushed his desires down and refocused on the naughty girl over his lap.

  “Daddy’s going to spank you now, Hanna, and I want you to be good and take your punishment. It’s going to be a hard spanking, and I’m not going to stop until your bottom is good and red.”

  He brought his hand down before she could protest further.


  Daddy covered Hanna’s backside with rapid swats, centering most of the attention on the lower curve of her cheeks. The pain of her spanking grew alongside her humiliation. She felt naughty and exposed with her thighs spread so wide. She flushed from head to toe when she recalled his earlier comment. Daddy can see the pinkness between your pussy lips, and your bottom hole too.

  “Please, Daddy! I’m sorry!” she couldn’t stop herself from pleading. The sting of his hand raged across her bottom and upper thighs, and the swift blows brought tears to her eyes.

  “Next time I say it’s time to wake up, are you going to yell and tell me to go away?” A smack accompanied each word he spoke, most of them to her poor thighs.

  “No, I won’t. I promise!”

  “Good. Your spanking is almost over, Hanna.”

  Hanna didn’t want to feel one more spank, but she didn’t dare argue. Daddy was in charge, and she liked it that way. For the first time in her life, she liked being under someone’s authority. She craved Daddy’s dominance, as strongly as she craved his love. Tears slid from her eyes, burning down her face.

  She dreaded the call to Eli this afternoon, and she wondered if Daddy had forgotten about it. Worry after worry sped through her mind as pain engulfed her, and she began to sob over his lap. She’d known her life would change drastically when she’d left her community, but she’d had no idea it would be this drastic of a change.

  “Let it all out,” Daddy said in a gentle voice. He landed one last swat on each of her cheeks before turning her over and sitting her upright on his lap.

  Sorrow consumed Hanna. After Daddy’s scolding and the first few smacks to her bottom, remorse had settled over, but that emotion didn’t hold a candle to the intensity of her emotions now. She wept into his chest once he folded her into his loving embrace.

  She wept for those she’d left behind. Stubborn Sarah, and Abram and Jacob too. Her little nieces and nephews. Her cousins who visited the farm to help out most days. She wept and wept and wept. Daddy didn’t seem to mind, and he held her tight in the circle of his strong arms, stroking her hair as he whispered comforting words into her ear.

  “I know you have a lot on your mind, Hanna,” he said. “You tossed and turned all last night, and you talked in your sleep too. I know you’re scared to talk to Eli and you don’t want to make any decisions yet about staying or leaving. So I’m going to ask you to trust me. I have a plan and I think you’re going to like it. I don’t want you to become overwhelmed, so let me talk to Eli today. I’ll explain everything to you after I speak with him, okay?”

  She considered his proposal. She liked the sound of it, but she felt a tad guilty for pushing her first contact with Eli back. It was just a day though. Surely Daddy would let her call Eli tomorrow if she wished it. She exhaled in relief, and drew back to peer into Daddy’s handsome visage. He reached for the tissues on the nightstand and brought one to her face. A smile formed on her lips as he dabbed her tears away and even instructed her to blow her nose.

  “I’m so used to corresponding with Eli through letters that the thought of hearing his voice scares me. And what if he insists I leave, no matter what I want?”

  The warmth of his lips on her forehead stilled the last of her racing thoughts. “I promise you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Eli has a good head on his shoulders, and I’m sure he’ll listen to you. Please don’t worry, Hanna.”

  Another tear ran down her cheek, and he wiped it away and kissed her forehead again. She rested her head on his chest at his urging. She could cuddle with Daddy all day, every day. He hadn’t shaved in a two or three days, and she purposely lifted her head to feel the scratchiness of his stubble on her cheek. Slowly, she reached up to trace his features, spending the most time on the lower half of his face.

  He chuckled. “What?”

  “I… I…” She flushed, and tried to think of a way to tell him about her tiny obsession with his facial hair. “Each time I was preparing to sneak off and visit you, I’d lay awake in bed wondering if you’d be freshly shaven, or… or like this.”

  His gaze flickered over her, and his eyes darkened with lust. It had taken Hanna a while to understand all of Daddy’s looks, but she now knew desire when it stared her in the face. Her heart beat faster.

  “Which do you prefer?” he asked.

  “This.” She brushed her fingertips along his rugged jawline. “Definitely this.”

  She swallowed hard and licked her lips when his face inclined to hers. Pressing his mouth to hers, he claimed her
gently at first, tasting her as he held her head between his hands. She responded by meeting his tongue, thrust for thrust, but still allowed him to control the pace of the kiss. When he broke away, she was breathless and yearning for more. The stinging of her bottom coalesced with the aching of her pussy, and everything below her waist throbbed and called out for attention. Of course, her stomach chose that inopportune time to growl, loud enough to get Daddy’s attention.

  “Let’s get you dressed and then I’ll make you some breakfast.” He helped her to stand and grabbed her hand, leading her to her bedroom. She tried to move past him to select her own clothing out of the closet, but he stilled her by placing a hand on each shoulder. “What are you trying to do?” he asked.

  “Get dressed.”

  “No. I’m going to dress you. Now go take off your shirt off while I pick something out.” He turned to the closet and slid the door aside.

  She opened her mouth to argue, but shut it immediately. Her sore bottom was a powerful incentive to obey, so she pulled her shirt off and tossed it in the hamper. She stood awkwardly with her arms wrapped around her center. She’d lost her panties and pajama bottoms during the spanking, and she didn’t have a stitch of clothing on at the moment. The sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains, heightening her vulnerability.

  Daddy produced a pink knee-length dress he’d insisted she get the day they went shopping. It had short puffy sleeves and the skirt of the dress flared out, revealing two white frilly layers of fabric underneath. It was beautiful and feminine, and Hanna had wanted to wear it before, but she’d put it back in the closet each time she’d almost worn it to change into something plainer. Some habits were harder to break than others, but today Daddy wasn’t giving her a choice.

  He laid the dress on the bed and crooked a finger at her. “Come here, baby girl.”


  Ben watched as Hanna approached him. She’d dropped her arms from her waist and clasped her hands low, as if trying to hide her sex. Her face was flushed prettily, and her head bowed as she came to stand before him. Her sweet submissive display, coupled with her shame over her nudity, called up his darkest, most depraved desires. The things he wanted to do to her. The things he wanted to teach her. His cock swelled up and pressed painfully against his jeans.

  “Turn around so Daddy can see how well-spanked your bottom is.”

  Her eyes widened at his request. Hesitance flashed over her face, and she bit her lower lip. She unclasped her hands and reached back, rubbing her bottom. “It’s very well-spanked, Daddy. Trust me. It still hurts.”

  He smirked. “I’m sure it does, but I want you to turn around and show me.”

  A soft sigh escaped her, and her shoulders hunched in defeat as she obeyed. Ben’s cock twitched and his balls tensed up at the sight she presented. He guided her a few steps to the right and urged her to bend over the bed. He stroked her rosy cheeks.

  “Your bottom still feels hot, Hanna. And it’s bright red too.”

  She whimpered, and he wasn’t sure it if was out of embarrassment, pain, arousal, or a mixture of all three.

  “Now remember for the rest of the day, Daddy is in charge. You need to be a good baby girl, or I’ll add more red to this bottom. Do you want to end up over Daddy’s knee again?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Then what are you going to do today?”

  “Be a good girl.” Her response came out in a whisper.

  “That’s right. Now you can stand up.” He backed away and searched through the nearby dresser, choosing a pair of plain white cotton panties. When he faced Hanna, she had resumed her submissive pose with her hands clasped and her head bowed.

  “Step into these.” He bent slightly and allowed her to step into the panties, one leg at a time. She wobbled when she lifted one foot and put her hands on his shoulders for balance. Ben pulled her panties up and paused as he reached for the dress. He’d expected her to be somewhat embarrassed as he dressed her, but the level of anxiety in her eyes was over the top. Her feet shuffled in place and she kept glancing at the bathroom door.

  Of course. He should’ve asked if she had to pee before getting her dressed in the first place.

  “Do you have to go potty, Hanna?”

  Crimson bloomed on her cheeks and she avoided his gaze.

  “Answer me.”

  She whimpered and stared at her feet. “Yes.”

  “Come on, I’ll take you potty.” When she didn’t follow immediately, he held out his hand.

  “Can’t I go by myself? Please, Daddy?”

  “No. Now let’s go before you pee your panties. If you have an accident, I’ll have to put a diaper on you today.”

  Her little hand landed in his and she followed obediently. In the bathroom, Ben instructed her to wait next to the toilet while he slid her panties down to her ankles.

  He hovered over her, taking in her flushed face and pretty, wide eyes. A surge of protectiveness tightened his chest, and he once again despaired at the thought of losing her. He hoped she liked his proposal regarding Eli, but he’d save it for later when it was time for the big surprise. The evening couldn’t come soon enough, but he shoved his anticipation down and focused on sweet little Hanna.

  “Are you going to leave the bathroom?” she asked, biting her lip.

  He shook his head and lifted her up, sitting her down on the toilet. She covered her face with her hands and sat as still as a statue.

  “Please leave.” She peeked at him through a few spread fingers.

  “I’m not leaving. Do you want to wear a bulky diaper instead?”

  That did the trick. She buried her face deeper in her hands and bowed her head as she peed.

  “Good girl,” Ben said once she’d finished. He lifted her off the potty and cleaned her up. She didn’t uncover her face the whole time. “Are you going to hide from Daddy all day?”

  She nodded stubbornly.


  “Be—because I’m ashamed.”

  He pried her hands away from her face and lifted her chin up, forcing her gaze to his. “You have nothing to be ashamed about, Hanna. Daddy likes taking care of you. Now come on. Let’s get these panties back up and get you dressed.”

  She tried to smile through her embarrassment, and her sweet attempt stole his heart a thousand times over. After he got her dressed, he brushed out her hair and led her to the kitchen where he prepared oatmeal and toast. He tucked a napkin into the front of her dress and watched her eat. She picked at her food, and it took a few stern looks to get her to finish.

  “Daddy, may I please have coffee?”

  “Sorry, baby, but little girls can’t have coffee.” He grinned, knowing she was testing him. He’d never seen her drink coffee before.

  She huffed and tried to leave the table, but he leaned forward and caught her hand. “Finish your milk, young lady.”

  “But I am finished. I just don’t want the rest of my milk.”

  He arched an eyebrow and sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Are you trying to test me, Hanna? I suggest you be a good girl and finish your milk, unless you want to face the consequences.”

  Lady barked outside, and Hanna gazed longingly out the window. She still hadn’t touched her glass.

  “How about this. Finish your milk and then we’ll go on a walk with Lady.”

  She lit up and nodded eagerly. Sunlight streamed through the windows, reflecting off her shiny golden hair as she reached for her cup. The last of her milk disappeared in a few seconds. Ben dabbed her face with a napkin, prompting her cheeks to redden once more.

  “I have a feeling you’ll be blushing a lot today, baby girl.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hanna rubbed her eyes and yawned. She rolled over, glancing at the clock on the nightstand and gasped. She’d napped for two hours in the middle of the afternoon! Smiling guiltily to herself, she recalled how she’d argued with Daddy that she wasn’t sleepy. The walk through the woods with Lady must’ve tire
d her out more than she’d thought. She stretched and sighed as her bare legs caught the cool spots under the sheets.

  A breeze blew through the window, the curtains dancing to the tune of the wind chimes. Sadness squeezed her heart. If she left with Eli, she’d never wake up to the sound of those wind chimes again. Of course it wasn’t the actual loss of the wind chimes that darkened her spirits.

  Daddy. She’d grown to love him so much she couldn’t breathe when she imagined a future without him. Was it wrong and foolish to give up her dreams of moving so far away from the farm? As far away as Eli had moved? She wiped her tears and wondered about the conversation Daddy had had with Eli while she’d napped. Surely he’d called her brother then, when she wouldn’t have been able to overhear.

  Whatever plan Daddy had, she hoped he realized how much she cared for him. She resolved to work up the courage to tell him today. It had to be today. She loved him with everything inside her. The secrets of his past didn’t affect her love either. It had been an unfortunate accident, and she grieved to know he’d been hurt and alone for so many years.

  The door opened and she sat up in bed, pushing the covers down.

  “Hi, Daddy!” She smiled at him and laced her arms around his neck as he sat beside her. She placed a kiss on his cheek and hugged him tight.

  “Did you sleep well?” The strength of his arms surrounding her made her feel safe and loved. While some of the things he’d done for her today had embarrassed her, like helping her in the bathroom and cleaning her face off after meals, a part of her liked being taken care of so thoughtfully. He made her feel special, and that was an emotion she wasn’t used to experiencing.

  “Yes, Daddy, I can’t believe I slept so long.”

  He kissed the top of her head and drew back to gaze down at her. His expression turned serious, and her tummy fluttered. “Do you remember the plan I told you I had? The surprise?”

  Her throat burned, and the uncertainty of not knowing became too much. She tried to answer, but her voice cracked, so she simply nodded.


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