Hanna's Awakening

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Hanna's Awakening Page 9

by Sue Lyndon

  “The surprise is outside. It arrived earlier than I expected. I think you’ll like it. Let’s get you out of your pajamas and back into that cute little dress, and we’ll go outside together.”

  This time, Hanna wasn’t shy about letting Daddy dress her. He laughed at her enthusiasm and grabbed her hand, leading her through the house to the front door. Lady was barking up a storm on the porch, and Hanna wondered if they had a visitor. She regarded Daddy in question, but he didn’t give away any clues. If anything, he appeared nervous.

  He dropped her hand and held the door open, nodding for her to step outside. Even though she trusted Daddy that it was safe, his nervousness was contagious, and she peeked her head out the door first.

  Lady shot down the steps, still barking. Hanna’s gaze followed her through the overcast afternoon and landed on a huge bus parked in the grassy clearing in front of the cabin. No, not a bus. An RV.

  Excitement raced through her and she wondered if Eli had come, but as she left the porch and approached the RV, no one exited it. Daddy’s footsteps sounded behind her as she peered into the windows. Nothing. No one. Eli hadn’t come. He wouldn’t have been able to drive this far in a day or two anyway. She felt silly for her error.

  “Daddy…” Confusion settled on her and she spun to gaze at Daddy.

  “It’s an RV, Hanna.”

  She laughed. “I know what it is. Why is it parked here?”

  “I bought it. It’s the nicest one they had at the dealership in town. They delivered it while you were napping.”

  The confusion dispersed as she looked from Daddy to the RV. If he’d bought this huge, expensive thing, then he’d bought it for a good reason. To drive somewhere. To drive a long way. Maybe as far as Oregon. Her head snapped in his direction, and his guilty smile brightened the overcast day. But her spirits sank in the next moment. What would happen between them once they reached Oregon, assuming that was indeed his plan?

  He strode to her and clasped one of her shaking hands in his and brought it up to cover his heart. The pain in his gaze carried so much raw emotion she couldn’t tear her eyes from his.

  “Hanna,” he began. He took a long breath before continuing. “I care about you very much. I don’t want to stand in your way though, and I know you want to see Eli and visit his family.”


  “Let me finish.” He stroked a hand down the back of her head, and she melted under his gentle touch. “I told you I had a plan. Well, here it is. We’ll drive all the way to Oregon, and we can take Lady with us in the RV too. We’ll take the long way there so you can see whatever parts of the county you’ve been wanting to see. You can help me map out our trip. We’ll visit Eli for as long as you’d like. We’ll also…”

  Hanna listened as Daddy went on and on about his plan. She thought it was brilliant. He confessed Eli wasn’t thrilled about their relationship, but Daddy was certain he’d come around eventually. They would stay with Eli’s family for as long as Hanna wished, and Daddy said they could go anywhere in the RV. He could bring his laptop and still continue to work on his web design business, and if Hanna never wished to set foot in Pennsylvania again, he’d find a way to make it work. In short, they would still be together in the coming days, together indefinitely.

  “I don’t want to lose you, Hanna. I love you very much, and I’d like to be with you and take care of you for as long as you’ll let me.”

  Daddy’s profession of love burned into her memory. She’d never forget the moment he’d said he loved her. Not only was he the first person to ever speak of love to her, but he was the first man to teach her about love. He’d always have her gratitude for that, no matter what happened in the years to come.

  Joy filled her to overflowing. Grinning wide, she launched on her tiptoes and kissed Daddy on the lips. “I love you too, and I love your plan. This was the best surprise I can think of.” She kissed him again. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Relief spread across his face, and his shoulders relaxed. He squeezed her hand. “Come on. I’ll show you the inside.”


  “Hanna!” Ben called. “Time for your bath!” He strode into the living room where he’d left her while he ran the water. She wasn’t on the floor in front of the TV watching cartoons anymore, and he glanced around as he wondered if she was playing a trick on him. His palm twitched as he also wondered if she was up to something naughty. He suspected she was hiding behind the curtains or the couch. “Hanna, baby girl, you’d better come out by the time I count to three! One. Two. Three.”

  Hanna didn’t appear, but a noise in the kitchen caught his attention. Slowly, he crept through the house in the direction of the noise. He peered through the doorway and caught sight of his baby girl pushing a chair up to the refrigerator. Drawing back into the shadows of the hallway, he continued to spy.

  She bit her lip and glanced around, as if making sure he wasn’t nearby. The guilty look on her face was so adorable he almost laughed. She crawled up on the chair and reached for the cookie jar he’d placed there earlier. He’d told her if she was a good girl he’d let her have a cookie after dinner tonight. The naughty, naughty little girl was trying to sneak behind his back and sneak a cookie while he ran her bath.

  Without speaking, he entered the kitchen, picked her up by the waist, and set her down on the floor. The shock on her face as she gawked up at him was priceless.

  “Da—Daddy. I was just… I was…” She bowed her head and shuffled her feet.

  “I know very well what you were doing,” he said, crossing his arms. “You were being naughty, Hanna.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she admitted. “I’m sorry.”

  “You know very well that the cookies were for after dinner. I’m very disappointed that you got up to mischief while I was preparing your bath, baby girl.”

  “I won’t do it again,” she said, her eyes pleading.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Hanna, and I think a red bottom will help remind you to behave in the future.” He dragged the chair away from the refrigerator and into the center of the kitchen.

  “Please don’t spank me, Daddy. My bottom is still sore from this morning.”

  “Not sore enough, apparently.” He smirked as he sat down and patted his thigh. “Come on. Over my knee, baby girl. Let’s get your spanking over with quickly so your bathwater doesn’t go cold.”

  Her hands flew behind her and she cupped her bottom.

  “Hanna,” he warned. “One. Two…”

  She hurried to his side before he made it to three. “Please not hard, Daddy.”

  Locks of hair obscured her face as she tucked her chin down, staring at the floor with a trembling lower lip. He hated to cause her tears, but he suspected she’d been testing him by leaving the living room. To go soft on her now would be a mistake. He needed to be firm in his discipline, lest she try to get away with naughtier schemes in the future.

  He guided her over his lap and rubbed her bottom over her dress. “Baby girls don’t try to sneak cookies before dinner, and baby girls most certainly do not stand on chairs. You could have fallen and hurt yourself.”


  He swatted her backside twice. “Quiet, Hanna. You know you were naughty, and you know you deserve this spanking, don’t you?”

  A defeated sigh left her and her shoulders slumped. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Ben decided he’d scolded her enough, so he set into her bottom, spanking her with hard swats over her dress. As he spanked, he peeled back the layers of her skirt, slapping her backside a few times before lifting another layer and giving her more punishment. Redness showed through the last layer of the white fabric, and he flipped it up to reveal her panty-clad bottom.

  “Such a naughty baby girl.” He yanked her panties down to her knees.

  “Please, Daddy,” she said, squirming. “Please, that’s enough spanking.”

  “I decide when you have enough.” With that, he laid into her reddened butt with rapid smacks. Her litt
le legs kicked and she reached back to cup her bottom. Clucking his tongue, Ben gathered her wrists in one hand and secured them at her lower back.

  Sobs broke through as her struggles ceased. Her shoulders heaved and her legs stopped kicking. Ben placed a dozen blows to her lower bottom to drive the lesson home before stopping to caress her glowing mounds. A string of apologies flew out of her mouth as she cried, and he lifted and turned her to sit in his lap, needing to comfort his baby girl. Her panties had fallen to the floor, and her heated bare bottom rested on his thighs.

  “It’s all right now, baby girl,” he soothed. “Your spanking is over and all is forgiven, all right?”

  She sniffled and nodded. “All right.”

  He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. “Come on. It’s bath time.”

  Ben led her to the master bathroom located in his bedroom. He wiped the last of her tears away with a tissue and dabbed her nose. Adoration shone in her eyes as she gazed at him, and he gave her another hug before tugging her dress over her head.

  Chapter Ten

  Hanna rubbed her sore bottom as Daddy tested the bathwater. She never should have left the living room, but she’d been on her way to ask Daddy if she could have one cookie before dinner when she’d decided to sneak one instead. She’d thought she had enough time before he came back. Of course, the thrill of possibly getting caught played a part in her naughtiness too. Her hands cupped her burning backside and she winced. Getting caught hurt.

  “Do you have to go potty, baby girl?”

  Though he’d taken her to the bathroom a few times today, and a part of her liked being taken care of that way, it still embarrassed her thoroughly. She covered her face and nodded. Daddy picked her up and sat her on the toilet, and she kept her face hidden as she peed.

  “Next time we do a baby girl day, Hanna, I’m going to put you in diapers.”

  She uncovered her face and stared at him in shook. Her pulse accelerated and her insides fluttered, and her face grew so hot that her ears and neck burned.

  “I have never seen you blush so hard, Hanna.” He lifted her off the potty and cleaned her, then helped her into the bathtub.

  Hanna sank down in the bubbles, gasping as her tender backside hit the warm water. She was grateful to be able to hide underneath the soapy water, and tried not to think about the shame she’d endure during the next baby girl day, though thinking about it caused heat to surge between her legs.

  All the muscles in her body relaxed as Daddy scrubbed her gently with a washcloth. She sat up in the water when he instructed, and lifted her arms and even gave him her feet to scrub.

  “All right, baby girl, stand up so Daddy can clean your bottom now.”

  “My bottom is clean. I’ve been sitting in hot soapy water.” She was still reeling from his promise to put her in diapers, and now he intended to shame her further. It probably wasn’t smart to argue, but she couldn’t help it. “Please, Daddy, I’d just like to get out of the tub.”

  “Stand up.” One thick eyebrow arched up, and the lines on his forehead creased.

  Water cascaded down her body as she rose up, sighing in frustration as she did so. Daddy immediately began soaping her up between her thighs, and she whimpered at his touch. She whimpered even louder when he slipped a finger into her bottom hole as he washed her.

  “Next time we have a baby girl day, you’ll be in a bulky diaper and a short dress all day long,” he said as his finger moved in and out of her bottom hole. “You’ll have to lie down on the floor so Daddy can change you after you wet yourself. And if I catch you trying to use the potty like a big girl, guess what will happen?”

  “I… I’ll get a spanking?” Her voice wavered and she struggled to remain standing.

  “That’s right. You’ll get a spanking. I’ll take your diaper off and paddle you with a hairbrush for being such a naughty baby girl, Hanna.” As he spoke, his fingers worked magic behind the washcloth, smoothing over her throbbing center as he described her future humiliation.

  Hanna’s chest rose and fell rapidly. There wasn’t enough air in the room, and she needed more of Daddy’s touch. Her nipples tightened painfully and her breasts ached. Her pussy felt slick, and not just from the soap. Desire spiraled outward from her core, and her achiness built as she began moving against Daddy’s hand. The washcloth fell in the water, and his fingers replaced it, much to her relief. She rested one hand on his shoulder and the other against the wall to keep balance.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  One thick finger still penetrated her bottom hole, and he kept pumping it as he swirled another finger over her pulsing clit. Her legs felt as if they’d give out at any moment, but she knew Daddy would catch her if they did. The friction built and built, and he pressed a second finger into her bottom hole.

  “Let go, baby girl. Daddy has you.”

  She let go, and when her legs gave out as the wave of pleasure consumed her, Daddy caught her as she fell.


  Ben gazed at Hanna from across the table. The pitter-patter of a light rain sounded on the roof. Lady was sprawled out in the middle of the floor, snoring and occasionally yipping and moving her legs as if chasing the squirrel that had eluded her yesterday. The lights were dimmed, and a single candle burned in the center of the table. Thunder boomed in the distance, and Hanna jumped in her seat.

  “Are you scared of thunder?” he asked.

  She shrugged and avoided his gaze.

  “Hanna,” he warned.

  “Yes!” she whispered quickly, still refusing to meet his stare.

  Ben found her childlike fear charming. “Are you finished with your spaghetti?” he asked.

  She nodded, jumping in her seat as another crack of thunder rang out. He cleared the table and threw the dishes in the dishwasher in record speed, then led Hanna into the living room. A single lamp illuminated the area dimly. He sank down on the couch and patted his thigh.

  “Come sit on Daddy’s lap.”

  She crawled into his lap and he covered her with a blanket, wrapping her tight in his arms at the same time. She fit perfectly and nestled her head next to his heart. He decided now was as good a time as any to discuss their plans in the coming weeks, and he hoped talking would offer a distraction from the storm.

  “It’ll take a day or two to close the cabin up. When would you like to leave for Oregon?”

  Instead of stiffening in his arms the way she normally did when the topic of leaving came up, she sighed and snuggled deeper into the blanket and his embrace. “Let’s wait until Eli calls to say Annabel had the baby. Then by the time we arrive at their home, they’ll have had some time alone to get used to their new family member. I know Annabel has lots of sisters and other family members nearby, so it’s not like they’ll need help. What do you think?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Ben was nervous about driving off and leaving the cabin for an extended time for the first time in years. He’d be out in the real world, but at least they wouldn’t be traveling near his hometown and the pain of his past. He imagined Hanna gawking out the window of the RV as they drove through a city, or past a landscape unlike anything she’d seen before. The desire to show her the very things he’d spent years hiding from gave him the courage to take the bold step of leaving. He’d do anything for her, for his sweet baby girl.



  “I looked at the calendar today. Tomorrow’s my nineteenth birthday.”

  Being reminded of her age no longer shocked him, but he was a little upset with himself that he hadn’t asked when her birthday was. He’d known it was coming up. No matter. He’d find a way to make it special. He tilted her chin up and let his stern gaze fall on her. His groin tightened at her light gasp and nervous look.

  “We have a tradition in the English world you may not be familiar with, baby girl.”

  “What tradition?”

  “Birthday spankings.”

he drew back in surprise. “Birthday spankings? I think you’re making that up, Daddy!”

  He lost control of his faux sternness and broke into a smile. “It’s true. You’ll get twenty spanks in all tomorrow. Nineteen for your age plus one to grow on. Over my knee on your bare bottom, of course. It’s the proper way for a daddy to give his baby girl a birthday spanking.”

  Warmth hit his neck as her breathing increased. She squirmed on his lap, no doubt feeling his stiffness beneath her backside. But a second later, thunder rumbled overhead, closer than before and shaking the cabin. She stopped squirming and burrowed under the blanket, wrapping her arms tight around his waist.

  He decided to distract her again, and ducked under the cover to purposely graze her cheek with his stubble on his way to kissing her neck. She released her hold on the blanket and it fell away. The sharp peaks of her stiff nipples drew his gaze, and he leaned to tease them through the thin fabric of her dress. He was glad he hadn’t allowed her to wear a bra today because her response was immediate, her quick intake of air coupled with her chest thrusting upwards to receive his touch. Pulling back, he cupped her breast with one hand while his other hand traveled up her dress and past the barrier of her panties.

  “My baby girl is soaking wet.” He claimed her mouth then, and her tongue danced with his, gliding past his lips and within. He groaned and felt her rubbing his cock over his jeans. She’d slipped a hand underneath her to squeeze and massage him, and his stiffness ached to be freed from its confines. He swirled his finger in her moisture before pushing inside her wetness, and her pussy clamped down on his digit. She no longer had her virginity, but she was still so deliciously tight.

  He broke away to catch his breath and stared down at her. She glanced up, and the moment their gazes connected, thunder roared and lightning flashed, but she didn’t jump in fear. Perhaps she hadn’t heard the loud noise. Ben couldn’t be sure why, but as the thunder crackled overhead again, she began tugging at his t-shirt, the storm outside forgotten. Grasping her hands, he shook his head.


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