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The No. 1 Sheriff in Texas

Page 6

by Patricia Thayer

  Brandon parked his truck and headed toward the emergency entrance, but stood off to the side. After a while a group of nurses came through the automatic doors. Nora wasn’t one of them. Then another group walked out, but she wasn’t with them, either.

  Brandon finally approached a nurse he recognized from earlier questioning. “Excuse me, Megan isn’t it?”

  The cute blonde smiled at him. “Well, hello, Detective Randell. What brings you back here?” Her smile dropped. “Did something else happen?”

  “No. So far everything is fine. Just checking to make sure you ladies are getting to your cars safely.”

  “Isn’t that nice of you.”

  “It’s my job, ma’am.” He glanced around. “I don’t see Nora Donnelly. Has she left work yet?”

  “I saw her in the nurses’ locker room.” Megan glanced over her shoulder. “She should be coming out soon.”

  “Thank you,” he said as a security guard walked to the group. “Looks like your escort is here. Have a nice night.” He tapped his finger to his hat, then headed toward the doors.

  He didn’t care anymore that Nora knew he was there. All that mattered was that she got safely to her car.

  Nora pulled her sweater and purse out of her locker and closed it. She was exhausted, but it was a nice tired. It felt good to be back at work. The only downside had been seeing Brandon. Since they’d parted company earlier today, she hated that she hadn’t been able to put the man out of her head. After one kiss, he was slowly working his way into her head, and her heart.

  As hard as she tried she couldn’t stop thinking about the way he’d kissed her. How he’d lavished close attention to her mouth, driving her to distraction so she couldn’t even think clearly.

  No! She had to put Brandon Randell out of her mind. She slammed her locker door and jerked on her sweater. Maybe the best thing for her to do was not to risk fate and just move on. Away from a man she could never let get too close to her. She couldn’t entangle Brandon in her mess of a life. If Jimmy found out…

  She walked past the rows of lockers, through the door and into the deserted hallway at the back end of the hospital. Suddenly the stairway door opened and out stepped a man dressed in green scrubs. She didn’t recognize him since his head was down, but the fact that he wasn’t wearing a badge set off her weariness. She picked up her pace, but didn’t get far.

  She let out a loud gasp for help as he gripped her by the arm and jerked her into the stairwell. She fought him but he was too strong. “Please, let me go,” she cried.

  “Shut up. I’m not going to hurt you if you behave.”

  Her rapid heart rate and her intuition told her differently. She glanced around for an escape, praying someone would come into the stairs.

  He backed her against the wall. “I just need to talk to you, Nora Donnelly.”

  Oh, God! He knew her name. “Please, I have to get home.”

  “And you will as soon as you tell me where Karen is.”

  She stole a glance at his face. The man in the picture Brandon had showed her. Pete Carlson. “I don’t know where she is, Mr. Carlson. You need to check with the hospital.”

  In a flash, he grabbed her arm again. She gasped.

  “You’re lyin’.” He snarled through his teeth. She smelled alcohol. “You were with her the night she came here.”

  Nora tried to pull away. “I don’t remember,” she lied again, praying that someone would come by. Her thoughts turned to Zach. She had to get away.

  “Yes, you do,” he hissed. “This is all your fault. It was you who told Karen to leave me,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Carlson! Take your hands off her!”

  Nora jerked her head around to see Brandon in the doorway, his gun pointed at them. Suddenly her legs gave out and she slid to the ground, breaking the man’s hold. Her assailant took off down the steps.

  Brandon ran up to her. “Nora, are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m fine. Please, just get him.”

  “I will,” he told her as he helped her to her feet. At the same time the security guard showed up. “Don’t leave until I get back.”

  Brandon called for backup as he hurried through the emergency room and outside. He glanced around and saw a figure running for the back lot. Calling for another security guard, together they ran up the rows of parked cars. He wasn’t going to lose this guy. Several yards ahead, he spotted a figure dash between two cars.

  In pursuit, he heard the siren and finally the cruiser pulled up in the aisle. Deputy Griggs jumped out and caught up with him.

  Brandon wasn’t going to stop. This guy wasn’t going to get away. He continued to search between each car until he finally lucked out and saw a pair of boots sticking out under a large truck.

  He took cover and pulled his gun from its holster. “Okay, Carlson. Let’s make this easy.”

  No answer.

  “C’mon, I know you’re behind the truck. You have nowhere to go, so don’t do anything else foolish. If you have a weapon lay it down and kick it out, then come out with your hands locked behind your head.”

  He was met with more silence.

  Brandon glanced to his right to Griggs. He motioned for the deputy to stay while he circled around to the other side of the vehicle. The overhead lighting was dim, but he could make out a figure crouched behind the truck.

  Brandon moved silently as he trained his .45 on him. “Try anything, Carlson, and I guarantee it will only turn out badly.”

  “Okay! Okay!” The man slowly raised his hands in the air, and Brandon and Griggs moved toward him. They had him against the car, and patted him down for weapons, then Griggs cuffed him.

  They walked the suspect back to the patrol car. “I wasn’t going to hurt her,” Carlson swore. “I wouldn’t hurt her. I just wanted to know where Karen is.”

  Brandon had to work hard to control his anger. “You use your wife as a punching bag, and you want to know where she’s gone? How about anywhere away from you?” Brandon placed his hand on top of the man’s head and pushed him into the backseat of the patrol car. “Just get out of my face.” He slammed the door shut and looked at Jason. “Take him to the station. I’ll be by later to help with the report.”

  The deputy nodded and Brandon marched off. Now that they’d captured the guy, his thoughts turned to Nora. He went inside the emergency room, searching around the waiting area until he found Nora with one of the security guards next to her. She looked lost sitting in the cold plastic chair, a cell phone against her ear. Probably telling Millie she would be late.

  By the time he reached her, she’d hung up as he questioned the guard about how the assailant had gotten into the hospital. The guy didn’t have any answers.

  Nora stood, her eyes wide. “Did you catch him?”


  A single tear trickled down her cheek and it was like an arrow to his heart. He hated to see women cry, and also knew what it cost Nora to let him see her weakness.

  “Thank, God,” she breathed.

  Brandon wanted to be relieved, too, but every emotion he had was churning inside him. Nora wasn’t just another victim to him. He couldn’t continue to make this about the job. And in his head, he couldn’t stop thinking about how this could have turned out much differently.

  His anger surfaced. “What were you doing by yourself?”

  “I needed to talk to my supervisor. I had no idea someone was going to be in the stairwell.”

  Brandon’s fists were clenched. “If I hadn’t showed up…” He turned away. He stopped pacing and returned to her. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head and more tears filled her eyes. He cursed again as his hands dropped to her shoulders, then down her arms. She felt too delicate to carry so many burdens. It was over now. “I don’t know what I would have done if…”

  He drew her against him, and immediately felt her trembling. He brushed a kiss against her hair, and held on; more for himself.

nbsp; “I was so scared, Brandon.” She gulped and made a sobbing sound.

  “Shh, it’s okay. It’s over and you’re safe now.” He tried not to think about what could have happened if he hadn’t showed up tonight. He pulled back and their gazes locked. Even with her haunted look, he read a connection that set off sparks. A surge of heat shot through him.

  Nora glanced away. “I hate feeling like this. Not having control.”

  “It’s over.” He wanted to be the one she leaned on, the one to protect her.

  “Thank you.” She sighed. “I’ll get Harry to take me to my car.”

  “No, I’m walking you out. I’m going to make sure you get home.”

  She didn’t argue.

  He placed his hand against her back and together they walked out the door. He was glad for the cool air, hoping it would clear his head.

  “Do I need to give a statement or something?”

  “Yeah, but tomorrow is soon enough.” God, he didn’t want to let her out of his sight tonight, or tomorrow, or ever.

  They arrived at her small sedan. She turned around, her eyes large, questioning.

  “Brandon. Why were you at the hospital?”

  He held her gaze. “Why do you think, Nora?” He gripped her by the arms, leaned down and kissed her.

  His arms wrapped around her as his mouth moved over hers. Slow and deliberate, he wanted to taste her until he got his fill. But that wouldn’t happen in this lifetime. He finally broke off the kiss and took a step back.

  “Make sure you lock your doors, and wait until I get my truck here to follow you home.”

  “But the guy’s been caught.”

  “Humor me. You’re still shaky. I just want to be sure you get home all right.”

  She started to open her mouth, then nodded. “Okay.”

  Nora climbed inside her car and started the engine, then rolled down the window. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, Brandon, but you can’t keep coming to my rescue.”

  Oh, Lord, save him from stubborn women. “Let’s hope this is the last time.”

  The next morning, Nora sat in her kitchen. She felt secure knowing her attacker was caught, and in jail. That she and Zach were truly safe now. It was an even bigger relief that the assailant was Pete Carlson. Sick as it might be, the man wanted revenge because she’d helped his wife. Was there any reason to doubt it?

  There was no reason to think Jimmy was after her. Wrong. She didn’t doubt for a minute that her ex-husband would try to track her down until the day he died…or she did. That had been Jimmy’s promise to her if she ever left him. She’d done so much more than leave him. She stole from him. Not only money and his son, but something even more valuable. It was the only insurance she had to fend off the madman she had once been foolish enough to marry.

  One problem solved, but another one had popped up. She glanced down at the letter from the bank. They’d tried calling her yesterday but couldn’t reach her. Apparently someone had tried to hack into her account. They’d succeeded in taking a few hundred that she’d kept for bills. Nora kept most of her cash on hand. In case she had to get away, and so there wouldn’t be any trail. The same thought nagged at her. It could be Jimmy.

  Millie Carter carried her coffee mug to the table and sat down. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go along with you to the sheriff’s station?”

  Nora glanced at her neighbor. “No, I have to stop by the bank and run several errands. Besides, you need time for yourself.”

  The older woman sipped her coffee. “Yeah, I can’t miss those great deals on the Home Shopping Network.”

  Nora grinned. “You never know when you might need something for a hot date.”

  The woman made a rude sound. “The only one who has a worse social life than me is you.” A twinkle lit up Millie’s kind hazel eyes. “Of course I have faith Detective Randell can turn that around.”

  Nora sighed and put down her coffee mug. “I don’t have time to date, Millie. Besides, my relationship with my husband—”

  “Wasn’t as perfect as you want everyone to think,” Millie finished.

  Nora lowered her gaze. Millie had never asked many questions. If inquisitive, she hadn’t shown it. Over the past few years, Jimmy made sure her friends had been discouraged to come around. Millie Carter was a rare find. “I can’t talk about it.”

  “You don’t need to say a word, Nora. I only want you to know that one man shouldn’t keep you away from finding another. There are some good guys out there.” She smiled fondly. “And I think Brandon Randell is one of them.”

  The older woman looked thoughtful. “I knew Brandon’s daddy from school. Cade was as wild as they came back then, but every girl wanted his attention, not to mention the other Randell bad boys, Chance and Travis. They all had problems living down their daddy going to prison.”

  Nora knew all too well about having a past she’d like to forget. She brightened. “I didn’t know you knew the Randells.”

  Millie waved her hand. “I doubt any of them remember me. They went for pretty girls like you.” She took a sip of her coffee. “And your Brandon is definitely smitten.”

  A shiver went through her. “Stop it. I can’t get involved with any man. I need all my focus on Zach.”

  “There’s no reason why you can’t do both.”

  Nora could think of one big one. “I should get to the sheriff’s station.” She took her mug to the sink, and got her jacket and purse. Together the two women walked out.

  “I’ll see you after your shift tonight,” Millie said as she went to her apartment two doors away.

  Nora had started down the steps when she saw Brandon leaning against a patrol car. She immediately felt a rush of excitement. He looked so good in his crisp, white shirt, fitted khaki pants and polished boots. He tipped his hat to her in that polite Texas way.

  A smile creased his strong, handsome jaw. Goodness the man was gorgeous. Her gaze collided with his dark eyes, then moved to his mouth. Memories of his kiss filled her head, causing heat to flood to her cheeks, and other places.


  “Brandon,” she managed as her heart rate did a double-take hearing his deep voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “That seems to be your favorite question.”

  “Are you following me again?”

  He pushed away from the car. “I wanted to make sure you’re okay and to give you a ride to the station.”

  “I should drive myself. I need to go to the bank, too.”

  “We can stop by there first.”

  He came closer and she could feel his strength, that sense of protection he gave her. But something in his expression bothered her. “Is there something else you need to tell me?”

  “There might be a slight problem.”

  She waited. “What?”

  “Carlson swears he wasn’t anywhere near the parking lot last week, that he never attacked you.”

  Nora’s heart skipped a beat then started racing. Oh, no. “It’s got to be him.”

  Two hours later, Brandon had finished taking Nora’s statement and sent her out for her signature. She hadn’t been able to identify Carlson as the man who’d attacked her the previous week. They still had to confirm the suspect’s alibi before they could move ahead with anything.

  The good thing was that Carlson had already been charged for the assault on his wife, and he couldn’t make the bail. So for now, he remained in jail. Brandon hoped Karen Carlson wouldn’t back down on her promise to testify against her husband. Too many women never went through with it. Even his own mother had stayed with her jerk of a first husband, Joel Garson. Brandon had been grateful every day since she’d packed them up and left.

  His cell rang, and he checked the ID, seeing the ranch’s number.


  “Brandon,” his mother said.

  “Hi, Mom. How’s Dad?”

  “Impossible. Bullheaded. Stubborn.”

  Brandon smiled. “Giving y
ou a bad time, is he?”

  “He won’t stay in bed, or take his painkillers. In other words, he’s driving me crazy. Do you think you could stop by?”

  “And what? Hold a gun on him? I don’t think that’s going to work, either.”

  “Well, something better. He’s going to pull out his stitches.”

  Great. “Does he need to go back to the doctor?”

  She sighed. “You and what army is going to take him?”

  Brandon checked his watch and glanced through the glass partition to see Nora. “Just a minute, Mom.” He went to the doorway. “Nora, my dad is having some trouble with his stitches and he won’t go to the doctor. Do you think you can take a look at them?”

  She glanced at the clock. “I guess I have time.”

  “Thanks, I owe you,” he told her.

  She gave him a half smile, lighting up those sapphire-colored eyes. “I believe I owe you a few favors.”

  He could conjure up a lot of things he’d like to ask her for. But he thought it would be wise to keep his mouth shut, and just enjoy the time he was going to get to spend with her.

  Brandon heard his father’s loud voice the minute he opened the back door. He wasn’t sure they shouldn’t turn around and leave.

  He turned to Nora. “Come on, but be ready to duck flying objects.”

  Brandon led the way into the great room to find his shirtless father pacing around. His mother had her arms folded across her chest, glaring at her husband. He was used to his parents’ heated arguments, but he also knew of their passion for each other. He wanted the same kind of marriage.

  The room grew silent. “Now comes the standoff,” Brandon said.

  Both his father and mother turned to him. Abby smiled. “Brandon, Nora, good you’re here.”

  Cade glared at his wife. “So you called for reinforcements. That’s really underhanded, Abby.”


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