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The No. 1 Sheriff in Texas

Page 11

by Patricia Thayer

  Brandon tried to stay professional, but it was impossible. Too many emotions were tearing him apart. He’d come to care for both Nora and Zach.

  “Is that why you didn’t tell me who you really are?” he asked.

  “I wasn’t going to tell a law officer that I kidnapped my son and crossed the state line.”

  He pushed aside the hurt from her lies, and tried to concentrate on doing his job. “There’s no warrant for you. Tell me why your husband didn’t report you?”

  Nora folded her arms across her chest and stared out the window. “Because Jimmy plays by his own rules. Sending guys to rough me up turns him on.”

  “You have rights, Nora. You’re the one who convinced Karen Carlson to get help.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “This is different. I had no proof of abuse. Besides, Jimmy has money and power, and he used Zach against me. Even after the divorce, I couldn’t move out of his house. He found a way to get me fired from jobs so I couldn’t support myself. And I needed to make sure that Zach was taken care of and Jimmy used that to his advantage.”

  Brandon’s fists clenched. “Men like your ex are scum.”

  Nora agreed, but it didn’t matter. “I tried to get help, I really did. The only way to make sure Zach was okay was to stay at the house.”

  Her words sounded pathetic even to her. “And I was doing all right the past few months, until I was attacked in the parking lot.” She flinched. “It’s Jimmy’s way of punishing people when they cross him.” She took a shaky breath. “I should have taken off after the night I was attacked. We’d be miles away.”

  “No, that’s the worst thing you could have done. We can protect you.”

  “What will you do, take me into custody?” Tears flooded her eyes as she bit down on her bottom lip. “Oh, God. Zach. What’s going to happen to him if Jimmy gets to me?”

  Brandon shook his head as he started to reach for her, but stopped. “Like I said, there isn’t a warrant for you. So for now both of you are safe. But you have to trust me, Nora.”

  Wiping her tears, she nodded. “Okay.”

  “How did you get away from him?

  “When Jimmy got arrested, he wasn’t at the house. I didn’t even stop to think, I just needed to get Zach out of there and as far away as I could. In the past, Jimmy always managed to get off on a technicality. This time, though, the judge refused him bail because of his import/export business into Mexico. Before the police got a warrant to search the house, I found the combination to Jimmy’s wall safe and took some money out, then I took insulin and some clothes, whatever would fit in a small bag, then with Zach we hurried out of the compound and called a taxi.”

  “How much money did you take?”

  She glanced away. “About twenty thousand dollars.”

  He whistled.

  “I didn’t take it all. I had to buy a used car, but I only spent what I needed until I found a job. Mostly I used the money for Zach’s medicine.” She searched Brandon’s face for any sign of sympathy. “You’ve got to let me go.”

  The pain and fear in her voice tore at Brandon. “Do you really think that your ex-husband will stop coming after you?”

  “If he’s in jail, I have time to get away. There’s plenty of money left, and the evidence I have will keep him away from me, whether he’s in jail or not. Please, Brandon, just let—”

  “What evidence?”

  She glanced away. “There was a small ledger hidden in between one of the bundles of bills. It has names of people and drug transactions.”

  “Good Lord, Nora. No wonder the man sent people after you. You still have it?”

  She nodded.

  “Then you need to turn it into the authorities.”

  “Don’t you think I tried? Before leaving San Diego, I was to meet a police detective at a coffee shop. When I got to the location, I recognized one of Jimmy’s men with him. No, the only chance I have is to take Zach and keep going.”

  “And you’ll end up looking over your shoulder for the rest of you life. I don’t want to find you and Zach lying dead somewhere.”

  She gasped. “I wouldn’t let that happen.”

  “Then stay and cooperate with the sheriff and I’ll call in the DEA. You might have the key to strengthen the case against Jimmy.” He froze, then said, “Where’s the ledger?”

  “In a safe place.”

  He studied her for a second or two. “Then you need to decide where to go from here, Nora. Is it Nora, or do I call you Kathryn?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m Nora Donnelly from now on.”

  He released a breath. “So do I call the sheriff?”

  She hesitated, then nodded.

  “Okay,” he stood.

  She placed her hand on his arm to stop him. “I’m scared, Brandon.”

  “So am I, Nora.” His gaze locked with hers. “I’m going to do everything I can to keep you and Zach safe. You have my word.”

  A few hours later, Brandon hung up the phone after talking to the sheriff, one of many calls they’d exchanged back and forth during the night. Brandon blew out a breath. It wasn’t over yet.

  The DEA was involved now. It seemed Jimmy Archer, aka Rey Alcazar, had been under surveillance for suspicion of drug trafficking for a while now. So they were very interested in the ledger Nora had taken from Archer’s home.

  Earlier, he’d learned from Nora about her journey over the past months. In Arizona, she had found someone willing to get phony IDs for her—for a price. She was a nurse, but had to get her license under her new identity, taking the name “Donnelly” because it was her grandmother’s. That might have been how Archer found her. It was good thinking on Nora’s part to put the ledger in a locker.

  Brandon headed upstairs, knowing from the very beginning how fast and intense things had gotten between Nora and him. She had tried to warn him off, but he hadn’t taken the hints. How could he when he had fallen for her the second he’d laid eyes on her? And now, he might just have to back away for good.

  Brandon walked down the hall to his bedroom, where he found Zach sound asleep in the bed. His mother was tucked in close behind her son, a protective arm over his slight body.

  Brandon had some idea of how scared Zach must have felt living with an animal like Archer, remembering his own stepfather’s special form of abuse. No way would he let that man back into Nora and Zach’s life.

  He studied Nora. She looked so peaceful in sleep, but how many nights had she been too frightened to close her eyes? How many days had she been afraid that she’d be found?

  He wished he could take away that fear and all the pain of her past. Careful not to disturb her, he sat down on the edge of the bed. His chest tightened with the overwhelming need to lie down beside her. Just to watch her, hold her for as long as he had her here. To dream of what might have been if things were different. If Nora could stay and give them a chance. If she would let him love her. But he couldn’t think about his own feelings now. Their safety had to come first.

  Nora moved closer, wanting his touch, aching for his hands on her. She moaned as she rolled onto her back and her eyes shot open to find the room dark. And no Brandon. Just a glimmer of a light coming from the hall.

  She lay back on the pillow, trying to recall her now illusive dream, but her thoughts were interrupted when the events of the day came rushing back.

  Warm and restless, Nora slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb a sleeping Zach. She grabbed her borrowed robe and walked down the hall. In the office, she found Brandon talking on the phone. He glanced up, but didn’t look happy to see her. She couldn’t blame him.

  “You should try and get some rest,” he told her.

  Not without you, she wanted to shout. She wanted him to hold her, to comfort her. Now, there was this uneasy distance between them. “You should be in bed, too.”

  “I have work to do. Besides, considering what you’ve told me, you’ll both need round-the-clock protection.”

p; She went to the sofa and sat down. “I never meant for this to happen. Not to you, or your family.”

  Brandon stood and stretched his arms over his head, revealing his lengthy torso covered by a fitted black T-shirt, and jeans hanging low on his narrow hips.

  Her pulse jumped into double time. She closed her eyes, doubting she’d ever have a peaceful night’s sleep again.

  He went to her and sat down next to her. “You need to make some decisions.”

  “I know. After I turn over the ledger, I need to get far away from Jimmy as possible.”

  His gaze narrowed. “He caught up with you once, he could do it again. You need to make sure he stays in jail. That means cooperate.”

  “Cooperate! I tried that so many times. Where was law enforcement when I needed them? When I tried to leave and get full custody of my son? No one believed me…no one was there for us. Now, you want me to risk our lives so the government can make a case against Jimmy!”

  “I won’t let that happen,” he argued.

  She stood and crossed the room. “What do you care? Since you’ve learned the truth about me you act as if I have the plague.”

  He went to her. “Dammit, I have to. It’s my job to protect you and Zach. I can’t let my personal feelings distract me.”

  “Well, you’re very good at your job, Detective Randell.” She started to leave, when he grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him.

  His dark gaze was intense, smoldering, but she wasn’t frightened. Never of Brandon. Slowly his hold on her relaxed and finally he reached out and he cupped her face with his palm.

  Nora’s heart was pounding against her ribs; every nerve ending in her body was electrified. She should back away, but that wasn’t an option with this man.

  He made a groaning sound as he lowered his head until his mouth was only inches from hers. Just then there was a sharp knock at the door.

  He released her. “That’ll be federal agents—you better get dressed.” Then he turned and left her as if nothing had passed between them.

  Brandon opened the door to find two men dressed in black trousers, open collared shirts and dark jackets. They held up their badges.

  “Detective Randell, I’m Agent Matt Conroy and this is Agent Dan Paulson. We’re here to speak with Mrs. Archer.”

  Brandon checked the IDs then stepped aside. “She’ll be down shortly. We didn’t expect you so soon.” He led them into the kitchen. “Coffee?”

  Both men nodded, and Conroy spoke. “This case takes top priority.”

  They sat down at the counter. “We’ve been building a case against Archer for two years,” Paulson began. “He was born in Mexico as Rey Alcazar. Once in the U.S., he changed it to Archer. And over the years, he’s managed to slip through our fingers, mostly on technicalities.”

  Conroy spoke. “This time we have him on tape making a drug deal with one of our undercover agents. Of course we always have to worry about his lawyer crying, entrapment.” The agent shook his head. “In the past we’ve had witnesses to his drug activity, but by the time it comes to trial, they’ve refused to testify for fear of retaliation.”

  He took a sip of coffee. “We knew Kathryn Archer was living in the compound. We spotted her and the boy walking the grounds, but she was never alone.”

  Brandon had no idea that Nora had been held against her will.

  “When we went in with a warrant she and the boy were gone. And since Alcazar knows where she is, we feel she’d be safer in protective custody.”

  “I won’t be held prisoner again.”

  They all turned to see Nora come downstairs.

  Although the middle of the night, she looked fresh with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, showing off her pretty face and rich blue eyes.

  “Mrs. Archer.”

  “No, I’m Nora Donnelly.”

  Conroy nodded, then introduced himself and his partner. “Like I was telling Detective Randell, we feel you’d be safer under protection.”

  She looked at Brandon, unable to hide her hurt. “So you’re finally getting rid of me.”

  “It’s for your protection.”

  She turned back to DEA agents. “Then keep Jimmy in jail. He’s a drug dealer for goodness sake!”

  “And we need to prove it, with your help. We hear you have a ledger.”

  “Yes. But before I hand it over I need some guarantees.”

  “What are they?”

  “I’ll need protection, especially for my son. He’s diabetic so it’s imperative he has competent medical personnel watching him.”

  “He’ll have it,” Paulson said. “If there was any other way, Ms. Donnelly, I wouldn’t put you through this.”

  “And believe me, if I had a choice, I’d be long gone.”

  “Then let’s go get the ledger.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t leave my son alone.”

  “I’ll stay with him,” Brandon volunteered.

  Nora met his gaze. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I want him in a safe place.”

  “We can’t arrange for a safe house before tomorrow.”

  But Brandon knew of a place. “I can keep Nora and Zach at the ranch, in one of the cabins in the valley. It’s secluded…there are security cameras and no one gets through the gated area without us knowing about it. You can monitor all activity from our office, see everyone who comes in or goes out.” He looked at Nora. “That means nobody is getting to you or Zach. They’ll have to go through me first,” he finished, hoping he’d sold her on the idea. He wanted to give her peace of mind, and help keep them safe. The ranch was the best plan. He turned to Paulson. “The sheriff’s office can assign extra manpower if needed.”

  “Let me clear this, first,” the agent said as he pulled out his cell phone and walked away. “But I don’t see a problem. If that’s okay with you, Ms. Donnelly?”

  “I don’t have a choice!”

  Nora turned and walked up the steps.

  While the agents made their calls, Brandon went after Nora. He followed her to the bedroom, but stopped in the doorway. An ache erupted in his stomach as he eyed the woman whom he’d come to care for so much.

  Her gaze rose to meet his eyes. Hell, he was in love with her. And he had a sinking feeling that when the dust cleared, he could lose her.

  He swallowed. “You both will be safer if you stay at the ranch. There are a lot of people around to watch out for you. Besides, Zach loves it there.”

  “I told you before, Brandon, we’re not your responsibility.”

  “This has never been about responsibility, Nora.” He closed the space between them and drew her into his arms.

  After a moment she moved out of his embrace, blinking at threatening tears. “We both know it can’t be about anything else.”


  AN HOUR later, along with the two sheriff’s deputies as escorts, they drove Brandon and Zach to the cabin. No one was sure if his condo was being watched, so they’d used the darkness as a cover.

  Zach hadn’t seemed frightened about the change of location, but he definitely was concerned about his mother. The forty-minute drive was pretty quiet, so Brandon was happy to see his dad at the cabin door. The kitchen had already been stocked with food and supplies for however long they needed to stay.

  While the deputies checked the place out, one stayed up in the parking area, Brandon set up radio communication and Cade showed Zach the movie video selection.

  By noon everything was in place for their stay, and the seven-year-old had been fed. Now he sat in front of a small television watching cartoons. Brandon checked his blood sugar and was happy to see it was in the normal range.

  He sat down in the chair and watched the sullen child. “Are you feeling all right?”

  “Yeah.” Zach turned to him. “Is my mom really coming back?”

  “Yes, of course she is.”

  He seemed to mull it over, then asked, “Can we go see Hawk’s Flame.”

ot today, partner. We need to stay close to the cabin.” He wasn’t even sure he should take the boy outside at all, so he expected cabin fever to set in eventually.

  Zach studied him. “There isn’t going to be another time, ’cause I have to go back to my dad.”

  “No, Zach, you’re not going back. You’re never going to have to live with him again,” Brandon assured him. “But I can’t lie to you—there’s a chance you might have to go back to San Diego so your mother can talk to the police.”

  “Is she in trouble ’cause she took the money?”

  “No, son.” He sat down on the floor. “She’s trying to help the police.”

  “So my dad can’t get out of jail. Ever?” the boy said, frowning. “He’s mean to me and mom. He hit her and one time he locked me in my room. Mom got scared ’cause I didn’t have my medicine.”

  Brandon tried to stay calm, but it was difficult. How was he supposed to let them leave, knowing they could possibly be in danger? “Your father will never hurt you or your mom ever again. But you need to tell the judge everything that happened.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know it’s hard, Zach. It was for me, too. When I was your age, I had to tell the police that my stepfather was mean to my mother.”

  “But Cade is your dad.”

  How could he explain this? “He’s my real father but he didn’t come to know about me until I was about your age, when he married my mom. And even though I did things that weren’t always good, Cade never raised a hand to me. He’s the best dad ever. And that’s what you deserve, too, Zach.”

  The boy looked hopeful as he glanced up at Brandon. “I wish you could be my dad. So I can stay here forever.”

  Brandon’s gut tightened as he spoke of his own feelings. “I want that, too, Zach. But other things have to happen first.”

  “Grown-up stuff, huh?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, but I’m working on it, partner. I’m workin’ on it.” No way was he giving up on the boy, or his mother.

  The boy’s big brown eyes stared up at him. “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  The door opened and Nora walked in. Zach jumped to his feet and ran into her open arms. “Mom, you’re here.”


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