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The No. 1 Sheriff in Texas

Page 14

by Patricia Thayer

  “I love you, Nora Donnelly.” He kissed her over and over. “Just don’t leave me again. I need you in my life.”

  Suddenly Brandon realized only one thing could make this day more perfect. He dropped to one knee, and watched her eyes widen in surprise. “I know we’ve only known each other a short while,” he began, trying to hide his nervousness. “But I knew from the first time I saw you that you were everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, a lover, a wife. I never thought I’d feel like this about anyone. Will you marry me, Nora?”

  She nodded and pulled him up, then went into his arms. “Oh, yes, Brandon, I’ll marry you.”

  With a loud whoop, he swung her around in a circle. By the time he sat her down they were both dizzy. “And Zach,” he said. “I want to be his dad, Nora. I want him to be able to depend on me to be there for him, to teach him to ride a horse, to love the land.” He raised a hand to stop any protest. “I know there could be problems with his diabetes, but we can handle it together. Most importantly, I want Zach to have the chance to be a normal kid. I couldn’t love him any more if he were mine.” He swallowed hard. “Do you think I could adopt him?”

  Nora trembled as her fingers touched her mouth. “Maybe you should ask him.” She nodded toward the door to where her son stood with Abby and Cade Randell.

  Brandon nodded at his parents who couldn’t hide their happiness. He then went to the little boy, who looked excited and bewildered at the same time.

  “Hey, partner, hi,” Brandon said as crouched down in front of him.

  Zach nodded. “You want to ’dopt me?”

  Brandon felt a well of emotions and nodded.

  “You’d really be my dad?”

  “Yeah, but only if that’s what you want, too. You can think about it for—”

  The boy launched himself into Brandon’s arms and he had to catch himself to keep from falling backward. “No, I want you to be my dad.”

  “And I want you to be my son.” Brandon glanced up at his own father and mother. There were tears in their eyes. He knew they were remembering years ago when Brandon learned that Cade was his biological dad.

  Zach pulled back, and Brandon brushed at the tears on the boy’s cheeks. “So, you like the idea of me marrying your mom?”

  “Yeah, ’cause she was really sad since we had to go away.”

  He looked back at Nora. “I’ll see what I can do to make her happy again.”

  “She likes it when you kiss her,” Zach volunteered.

  Brandon grinned and went to his future wife. “That makes me happy, too.”

  His mom and dad joined the group. “Hey, Zach, maybe we should go and leave the happy couple to make plans.” His mother hugged Brandon. “Congratulations, son. We’re so happy for you. Not only do we get a daughter-in-law, but our first grandson.” She then hugged Nora, whispered something to her and both women laughed.

  His dad slapped him on his back. “I guess your mother was right. Nora needed to come back to you.” He shook his head as they watched the two lovely women together. “Another redhead.” Cade fought a grin. “Things will never get dull, that’s for sure.”

  Brandon had to agree.

  Abby released Nora and took hold of Zach’s hand. “We’re headed for the cafeteria, maybe you two will want to join us for lunch, later.” She shrugged. “Or maybe not. Come on, Grandson. It’s Grandpa’s treat.”

  The threesome walked out, leaving the couple alone. Brandon drew Nora in his arms. “Looks like we need to make some plans. And I’m thinking it could take a while, maybe all night.” He grinned. “Do you think Grandma and Grandpa will babysit tonight?”

  “I think your parents will do anything to help the wedding along, since your mom’s the one who helped get me back here.”

  Brandon was glad his mother and Nora were becoming close. After all, they were the two most important women in his life. “I’m glad she could be there for you. By the way what did she say to you that made you laugh? Some deep dark secret about me?”

  Nora slid her hands up Brandon’s chest and around his neck. “Just what I already knew—that Randell men are hard to resist.”

  “Good, then I have an advantage here.” He hugged her close. “Does that mean I can have my way with you?”

  “As long as I can have my way with you.”

  He kissed her until they weren’t thinking much at all except how wonderful it was that they’d found their way back together. “For a lifetime, Nora. And that’s not nearly enough time.”


  NORA stepped outside to the cabin porch. She drew in a relaxing breath, enjoying the fresh, earthy smell. There was nothing like springtime in Mustang Valley.

  Well, maybe a few things. She glanced at the platinum rings on her finger—a diamond engagement ring along with the matching wedding band. It had been seven months since she returned to Texas, and two months since she’d become Mrs. Brandon Randell in a small church ceremony just a few miles from the valley. Cade and Abby hosted the reception back at the ranch with family and friends.

  The honeymoon had been the only thing they’d had to compromise on. They’d taken a long weekend, wanting to stay close to home. Millie had offered to stay with Zach, and Brandon and Nora agreed that as long as they were together it would be a perfect honeymoon.

  During their wedding night at the secluded cabin she’d stayed in before, Brandon had shown her how much he loved and cherished her. They’d also shared much of their past as well as plans for their future together, and both definitely wanted more children.

  Nora hadn’t returned to work at the hospital. Instead she chose to volunteer at Hidden Haven House. She wanted to help other abused women find their way to freedom and independence. It helped her, too. She’d joined a group session to continue her own therapy. For the first time in years, she was stronger, and happier. Her past was where it was supposed to be: behind her.

  A breeze brushed against Nora’s cheek as she heard voices. She looked toward the ridge and smiled as she caught sight of the riders. Brandon, atop Shadow, and Zach, not far behind on the mare, Suzy Q.

  A lump lodged in her throat at the sight of her son happy and confident on his horse. Amazingly, in the past months, he’d grown an inch and put on much needed weight. Most importantly, his diabetes was under control.

  “Hey, Mom,” he called as he rode up to the porch. “Grandpa Hank said I could help with the mustang roundup this year. But I have to okay it with you and Dad.” He gave her his best grin. “Please, Mom, can I?”

  The normal panic set in; she immediately wanted to protect her child. She turned to Brandon. He was dressed in his familiar worn jeans, a Henley shirt that hugged those broad shoulders and a cowboy hat cocked just right. He wasn’t only a good-looking man with a sexy grin, but he also played an active role as Zach’s father.

  It was such a relief that she didn’t have to deal with these decisions alone. “What does your father say?”

  “I said we’d discuss it.” Brandon swung his leg over the horse and jumped to the ground. He gave her that secret look. “Discussion” was a word that usually got them some private time alone in their bedroom.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she smiled.

  “Ah gee, Mom,” Zach complained as he dismounted his horse. “You have to let me go. I’m eight years old now. The other kids will make fun of me.”

  Brandon could only grin. A year ago, he’d never dreamed this would be his life. He had a wife and child. He’d even moved them all back to the ranch house to start their life together as a family. It hadn’t taken long to realize that was where he was meant to be. He still worked as a detective for the sheriff’s office, but he’d also decided to go back to school for his law degree. He wanted to help abused women. Women needed a voice, and more rights to protect them from men like Jimmy Archer.

  He couldn’t have prevented what had happened to his mother or Nora, but maybe he could help other women.

  Maybe someday, he might even run f
or public office.

  He looked at his wife. Nora was stronger now, but he also knew there were still bad times when memories crept in. He made sure he was there for her, like his dad had been there for his mother. That was what being a family meant. He still couldn’t believe Nora and Zach were his family now and he would always look after them.

  He turned to his son. “Zach, you better go inside and get your duffel bag. Uncle Chance will be here soon.” They’d planned to work with Hawk’s Flame, and the colt was stabled at Chance’s place for now.

  “What about Suzy Q?”

  “I’ll get her back to the barn.” He smiled at Nora. “Maybe your mother will ride her.”

  Nora’s head shot up. She wasn’t exactly fond of horseback riding, yet. “I thought we were going to spend the weekend here?” She gave him one of those seductive smiles.

  He hadn’t forgotten his weekend alone with his beautiful wife. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to let them spend the night in the lean-to. The weather is warm enough and there’s plenty of feed.”

  “You want me to help?” Zach asked.

  He was still a mite too young and inexperienced to handle a horse on his own.

  “That’s okay, son. I can do it.”

  Zach handed his reins to Brandon, and headed inside when his mother called to him. “Don’t forget to test your blood sugar.” The boy had started wearing a pump that did a much easier job of regulating the insulin.

  The boy turned around. “I know, Mom. I’m not a baby.”

  Brandon didn’t like the boy’s attitude. “Zach, your mother is only concerned about you, and no matter how old you get, she’s going to worry.”

  “You mean like Grandma Abby does with you?”

  “Yep, just like my mother does. Believe me it’s nice to have that.”

  Zach nodded. “I’m sorry, Mom.” He walked back to her and gave her a hug. “I’ll be careful and while I’m at Aunt Joy and Uncle Chance’s I’ll make sure I check it, too.”

  She held on tight to her son. “I know you will. I keep forgetting how grown up you are. You’ve had to handle so much…”

  “Don’t, Mom,” the eight-year-old chided. “Don’t think about before in San Diego. We’ve got Brandon now, and we get to live here with all the Randells. It’s the best life ever.”

  Nora nodded and kissed him. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

  He grinned. “So be happy.” He kissed her cheek, then ran into the cabin.

  Brandon came up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her middle. “You raised a great kid.”

  She cleared her throat. “Sometimes I think he’s the parent.”

  “He’ll always be protective of you. But it’s time he’s a kid again, and we’re all going to make sure of that.”

  Brandon’s family made sure that Zach got to experience true ranch life. They’d all been trained on what diabetic symptoms to look for, and how to handle them.

  “It’s already working—Zach is thriving.” She turned around. “You’ve had a lot to do with that, Brandon. You’ve been a good father.”

  Brandon smiled. “It’s easy. All I do is love him.” He kissed her. “And love his mother, too.”

  The door to the cabin opened and Zach rushed out. He gave them both a quick kiss. “Bye, Mom, Dad,” he called as he took off up the steps to the parking area about fifty yards away, where Chance waited by his truck.

  His uncle waved at them, then cupped his hands and called. “Come by tomorrow afternoon, and we’ll show off Flame’s progress.”

  “Thanks, we might do that,” Brandon answered.

  With a last wave, Zach and Chance climbed in the truck and drove off.

  Brandon untied the horses, and walked them to the lean-to not far from the cabin. The water trough was full and he gave them some grain before he headed back, anticipating a passionate afternoon with his wife.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5521-4


  First North American Publication 2010.

  Copyright © 2010 by Patricia Wright.

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