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Just One Promise

Page 4

by Baker, Tory

  I’m locked down, completely at Heath’s mercy, and I am completely fuck drunk. His thumb finds that one spot, slowly pushing in as he pulls out of my pussy. It makes me that much hotter for him. With all my might, I get back on my hands, thrusting back as he sinks inside me. His thumb working perfectly in time with his cock, and I know I’m about to come.

  “Come for me, Baby, now,” he demands. My body locks down on him, and every muscle is tense as I come.

  “It gets better, every fucking time, Audrey. Every god damn time,” he grunts, and I feel every jet of come he has to give me, heating my insides.

  He falls on me, both of us slick with sweat, not minding his weight. No, in fact, I love feeling him on top of me. I don’t want him to leave my body, but all good things have to end, and I feel him slowly disengage from my body.

  “Stay right here, Audrey. I’ll be right back,” he states.

  “I’m not sure I could move if I tried,” my eyes slowly closing for a moment.

  I roll over to my back, knowing I need to get up and clean myself, but I don’t have the energy for it just yet.

  “Spread your legs for me,” Heath demands.

  I do as he asks and feel a warm washcloth land on my center. Heath is completely taking care of me, and I know if he asked me to stay, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell him I could never imagine my life without him. I’d drop everything, my job, my rental back home, and I’d do it with open arms.

  Heath moves me under the covers, gathering me in his arms, my head on his chest hearing the heavy staccato of his heart beating, and with that last thought in mind, I whisper, “I could easily fall in love with you, Heath.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on,” he replies before sleep takes me under.



  This week has been the best of my life, but also one of the most worrisome, our days are winding down. I know Audrey’s life isn’t here with me, and I’d move heaven and earth if she’d stay here forever. I heard what she said the other night, before falling asleep.

  The only time we’ve been apart has been when I’m working from my home office. When that happens, she hangs out with Summer, Quinn, and even Mom joins in. Lots of shopping has been done by those four, including spa time too.

  “Heath speaking,” I say into the phone, while working on the computer crunching numbers and seeing what needs to be invested and where things need to be moved.

  “What’s up little brother?” I hear Mason say on the other end of the line.

  “Trying to figure out a way to keep Audrey here for good, but I gotta tell you, if she decides to leave, I’ll follow her,” I admit.

  “I get it, it would suck. But if I were in your shoes, I’d do the exact same thing. Of course, with your job you can do it remotely and travel as needed.”

  “True, it’s something I’m kicking around. Though, with the girls and mom hanging around, things could go in our favor too,” I reply.

  “Fucking hell, Quinn is putting a dent in our credit card for sure,” He grumbles.

  “Don’t tell Rome, he’ll have a coronary,” I joke, knowing full well he wouldn’t.

  “What about you? Did you give Audrey your card?” Mason asks.

  “I fucking wish, I tried. No dice, she was adamant about paying her way, but I outsmarted her. Mom has my card and buys Audrey shit when she’s not looking. Still, it isn’t much. You know these women could shop every day for the rest of their lives, and it wouldn’t make a dent in our bank accounts,” I say into the line. All of us are smart with our money, add into the fact Carter Real Estate Firm is doing great and has been for quite some time now.

  “Sneaky little shit,” Mason laughs.

  “Gotta do what I gotta do. I still haven’t managed to get her on a surfboard yet,” I grouse.

  “It’s been how many years that Summer and Quinn have been in our lives? We still haven’t managed to either. These women, they have us by the balls,” he laughs.

  “Damn straight, wouldn’t have it any other way either,” I counter.

  “I’ll be out at the beach tomorrow, you gonna be out?” Mason asks.

  “As if I ever miss the waves? It’s you and Rome that can’t drag your butts out of bed” I get it, if Audrey and I ever have a family, things would change. Though knowing Audrey, she’d be out there watching me ride the waves.

  “See you tomorrow, love you baby brother.”

  “Love you too, hope to see you out there,” I respond, then hit the end button, returning to work.



  Heath didn’t think I knew what he was doing when all of us went out shopping, but I did. Things would randomly get put into my bag if I did purchase something, including a bikini that caught my eye. When I saw the price, it was promptly returned back on the rack and I moved on.

  On a shopping trip surrounded by Summer, Quinn, Momma Tina, Sawyer, Parker, and Alana it was the best of times.

  We were at lunch when Momma Tina told me how three boys forever changed her life after she lost her one and only true love. Tears ran down unchecked on my cheeks, I respected her before, but my heart, it went to a whole different level for her.

  Three days left, that’s all I have left on my vacation, and I don’t want to leave, but Heath hasn’t mentioned again that he wants me to stay either. We’re at a standstill right now, something I hate.

  I even called my father for advice, like that would be any help at all. Which by the way, it wasn’t, he told me to let things go, take it day by day. It’s going against everything I stand for, the proverbial planner, wanting to know what I’m doing next. My father never planned anything, that made me become the complete opposite.

  Walking into Heath’s place after another day out with the girls, I hear him on the phone, and what I hear shocks me to my core. I would never let him leave his family, not when my job can be based anywhere. Heath’s family is here, his mom, his brothers, their wives, his niece, and his nephews.

  I’m really going to have to pull up my big girl panties and talk to him, both of us can’t be on different levels and have a relationship.

  “Heath,” I yell out, letting him know I’m looking for him as I walk up to the second story of his home, a home that’s so warm and welcoming you’ll never want to leave.

  “In the office, Babe,” he responds, as I make my way around the corner. I see him behind his desk, his button-down shirt is open at the collar, the sleeves rolled up. My heart stops beating for a moment as I take him in, his hair is a shaggy mess from the shower he took this morning after hitting the waves, his golden skin that’s highlighted by the sun coming in through the windows.

  My mouth waters, walking closer to him, needing to feel him more than anything in this world.

  “Did you have a good time out today?” he asks.

  “Oh yeah, how was your day?” my voice has taken on a husky tone.

  “Went into the office, came home, getting shit done, and planning something. Come here, Audrey.” I’m standing in front of his desk, with a nod of his head, I answer his command, slowly moving toward him. Wanting to be with him, as much as he wants to be with me.



  Seeing the way Audrey was looking at me when she walked into my home office, sets my soul on fire.

  She’s everything to me. But her standing there in a pair of cut off shorts, a tank top, and skin that has gotten bronzed by the sun, it takes everything in me not to rip her clothes off and take her right here, right now.

  Audrey comes around my desk, I guide her by her hips, bringing her onto my lap. She straddles me, her ass on my thighs, my hands glide up and down her warm skin.

  “I have something for you, but you may hate it. I’m hoping like hell you’ll at least give it a try,” I rasp before I take her mouth. Her hands find my chest, and she holds on while I take her lips just the way she likes.

  When we pull apart, she asks, “We’re not jumping out of a plane rig
ht? Because there’s a lot I’ll do but that’s one thing I will not do.”

  “Nothing like that.” I spin us around, with her still in my lap, grabbing the box that’s on the ground, moving it to my side, realizing she won’t be able to open this while on my lap. I place her on the desk, her legs are hanging off, and this is something I’ll be coming back to. She’s at the perfect height for my mouth to be in its rightful home.

  I hand Audrey the box, watching as she opens it. When she sees what it’s in it, a smile takes over her face. “Is this what I think it is? Are you teaching me how to surf? Can we go now?”

  “Yes, that’s what you think it is, another few months and you won’t need it. Who the hell else would teach you how to surf, and we’re going tomorrow morning, early,” I annunciate, knowing full well my girl loves to sleep in, and late.

  “You had me, until you said the word early. That word isn’t allowed in our home,” she chuckles.

  God, I love how she refers to this place as our home.

  I laugh and say, “I’ll greet you with coffee, swear.”

  She hops off the desk, climbing back in my lap, and kisses me. I can feel the emotion pouring off of her.

  Audrey pulls back and says, “I stopped by the grocery store on my way home, you’re in for a treat tonight, you won’t be eating burnt anything tonight.”

  “Someone’s been talking to my mother. Rome and Mason got more of the cooking skill than I did. Try as I might, my mind drifts away when I cook, and bam, it’s burnt to a crisp,” I tell her honestly.

  “That’s okay, I love to cook, and as much as I love pizza, we can’t eat it every night, or eat take out all the time either,” she pats her belly, and we both chuckle. She’s perfect in every way, no matter her size.

  “You need any help? I can at least cut whatever needs slicing,” I counter.

  “Nope, I got this. I want to wow you with dinner tonight. Are you still working?”

  “Babe, you already wow me. I have a few more things to do before I’m done for the day, then I’ll be down,” I respond.

  “Okay, see you soon,” Audrey gives me one last kiss, then walks out of my office. I watch her ass sway the entire time. Something that’s made me have to adjust myself, but wanting to call her back in here, taking her again and again.



  I’m so excited to make a dinner for Heath, I’ve made a few things here and there this week, but nothing like tonight.

  The one thing my dad did every night is cook dinner, we always ate it together. It didn’t matter if I had a school event, he’d make sure dinner was cooked before, and it was always delicious.

  I pull out the ingredients for brown buttered scallops with parmesan risotto, it’s a quick type of dinner, but it’s so good and will melt in your mouth.

  Knowing it’ll take me the next hour or so to prep everything, including a salad to go with our dinner, I pull out my phone and turn on some music.

  I get lost in what I’m doing, chopping, slicing, and stirring the food. My hips moving to the rhythm of the beat, reminiscing a few short days ago when Heath and I were out on the dance floor. Another idea pops into my head and I think tomorrow night we should go back out to where this all started, kind of like a standing date night. Something that if I moved down here could become our own tradition.

  I’m so lost in thought, I let out a scream when Heath’s hands find my hips and moves to the music with me. “Shit, you scared me,” I tell him once my heart goes back to beating at a normal pace again.

  “Can’t help myself. You out here, the music going, your body moving, it was a sign calling my name,” Heath tells me, while my hips move to the cadence of his. I spin around, my hands going over his shoulders, fingers playing with the ends of his hair. It’s soft to the touch, and I love having my hands in it, if we’re cuddling on the couch, in the heat of the moment, or if we’re dancing like we are now. They always seem to find their way into Heath’s hair.

  “I’m glad you came down, I was missing you,” gazing into his eyes, showing him that I truly mean it.

  “We really gotta talk about what’s going to happen when your vacation is up, but I don’t want to pressure you either,” his fingers are going under my shirt, lightly grazing my side, goosebumps pebble up on my skin.

  “I promise you won’t pressure me into anything I wouldn’t willingly do, Heath,” I reply.

  “Promise, just one promise, if this is too much, too soon, you’ll tell me,” he grunts.

  “I will and this isn’t too soon, I swear. Maybe we can talk after dinner?” I ask.

  “Fuck yeah, we will,” his voice deep with need. We finish our dance, then Heath helps me plate everything and we enjoy our dinner together.



  I didn’t want that to come out the way it did, well really, I fucking did. But, maybe not at that point in time. I wanted to ease Audrey into it, but my big mouth opened up and blurted it out.

  Now here we sit at the dining room table, finished with a delicious meal. Audrey is biting on her bottom lip, something I love seeing, yet also wanting nothing more than to nip at myself. Her legs are crossed, and she has a wine glass hanging loosely in her hand.

  “I’m just going to lay it out, I want you here with me, but if that’s not possible, we can make this work in any capacity. I’ll go up to your place on the weekend, you can come down here on your time off, or I can move up there to be with you,” I tell her, and then take a sip of my beer, needing the liquid courage to hear her answer.

  I no sooner set my beer down than Audrey’s flying into my lap. I brace my legs at the last minute to keep us from tipping over.

  “I’ll move down here, you have way too much here to pack up and move. There’s no way I can go five days without you, not since my body and heart crave you more and more every day,” she admits. I fist her hair, my lips meet hers, our tongues are dueling, both of us trying to get as close as physically possible. It’s not enough, it’ll never be enough when it comes to Audrey.

  “You sure about this? I don’t want you to look back with regrets,” I tell her, when we finally calm down.

  “I’m positive, my job is remote, thank goodness. If I had to go into an office with him every day, I’d pull my hair out. Not only that, my dad is off in Europe, who knows when he’ll actually come back stateside, if ever. Plus, I’m already so in love with everything that is you,” she rambles. I’m not sure she understands what she just said to me, but I know. I lock it away in my memory, wanting it engrained forever.

  “Then I guess we need to get you moved, and fast. I’ll call my brothers, see if they can help us this weekend that way, you’re ready to rock and roll come Monday morning. You can even take the home office,” I say to her.

  “Are you sure? I can go back, get everything packed and hire a moving company. I don’t want to put anyone out.” Audrey, her heart is full of gold, always willing to take the world on her shoulders so she doesn’t burden anyone else.

  “Positive, both of those fuckers owe me. Helped move both of their wives, it’s what us brothers do.” I close the conversation as I pick her up and carrying her to our bedroom.

  Fuck yeah, I’m going to take care of my woman now and forever.



  The next morning, I called Summer to let her know our plans. She then three-way called Quinn. Heath went into the office this morning for a meeting, so this is giving me a chance to gab and cackle with the girls. It would be awesome if we were all in one place, but the kids haven’t been feeling their best.

  “Oh my gosh, when these Carter men know they freaking know!” Quinn squeals into my ear.

  “Well, no duh. Have you seen the three of us? We’re perfect, but so are they. Though, I think I won the best. He’s amazing in bed and can cook, not to mention his daddy skills. I won the jackpot, just saying,” Summer says quietly into the phone. She must be checking on the boys.

; “You girls can say that all you want, but Heath has all the moves on and off the dance floor,” I chuckle.

  “Let’s just come out and say it, we lucked out. Welcome to the family, Audrey. I’m so glad Heath found his one. We knew it would happen, even when he denied it ever would.” Quinn brings tears to my eyes with her words.

  “I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and I promise you I will do my damndest to make sure Heath is happy too,” I respond.

  “Oh girl, we know that, we knew it the first time we met you and you brought real food. Heath would just bring himself, maybe beer. Ha! When he and Mason burnt the food on the grill when Rome and I were starting dating, I knew those two were not meant to man the grill,” Summer says with a laugh, you can hear her moving through the house.

  “I heard an alternate story, one where you kicked Mason and Heath to the grill, and a little boom chicka boom boom happened. Mason tried to man the grill, Heath took over, and it was burnt to a crisp.” All of us laugh with Quinn’s admission.

  “I don’t even care that he can’t cook, I’ll cook for us or we can eat out,” I state.

  “Talk to you guys later, I have lots to get ready. Are you sure you don’t mind Rome and Mason being gone this Saturday?” I say before getting off.

  “No!” Summer and Quinn say at the same time.

  “Okay, well I’ll see you two when we get back,” we finish saying our goodbyes. My next phone call is to my dad. Knowing him, he’ll be happy for me, not even thinking anything of it either.

  He’ll just say, “when the heart knows, it knows.” He loved my mom with every ounce of his being, but it wasn’t in the cards for them.


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