Book Read Free

The Friends Zone

Page 2

by Tarrah Anders


  I open my eyes and I am immediately in search of the alarm clock telling me what time it is. It’s 3am. There’s a heavy arm around my waist and the sheets are twisted around my feet. I slowly remove Ryan’s arm from my waist and crawl out of bed, his breathing is still steady so I worry not now that I’ll wake him. I start to head towards the bathroom but instead I walk into a wall. That’s right! I’m at the B&B, not at home! Now… OW! Where’s that bathroom? I snicker to myself and I rub my forehead, I grab my cell phone on the way to the restroom.

  I have 3 missed messages. One from Candace asking to borrow my car on Saturday, and two messages from Dane.

  2:15am - Dane: I was thinking we should road trip it to see your parents… put those gifts to good use!

  2:25am – Dane: Or, we can go to ssdfrthyum

  My brain is having problems wrapping my head around the second message, but I just smile and figure to ask him later. By the looks of the time of his messages, I’m pretty sure those are just drunk texts. I finish up and head back to bed beside Ryan.

  His arm seems to find its way back to my waist and he pulls me in closer. He smiles and I see that he’s awake.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.” I whisper.

  “It’s okay, the plumbing in this place is ancient – so it technically wasn’t you.” He says as he kisses my nose. “but now that we’re up…” he trails off as his grip tightens and he kisses the corner of my mouth. His leg slides between mine and he’s slowly rolling me on my back as he rolls on top of me. He grabs the bottom of my tank top and pulls it over my head. His hand immediately cups my breast while the other is holding most of his weight off of me. He claims my lips and his tongue plunges into my mouth in a frenzy. I can feel his erection against my stomach and my hands inch down his solid back to lower his boxers. I use my feet to finalize the job and his erection thumps against me. His pelvis is pressing into my center and my breathing is getting rushed in anticipation. He pulls back and angles himself towards my opening, and with one swift move, he pummels into my channel. Both of us hiss, mine more so in slight pain as I wasn’t fully ready, but within seconds Ryan’s small movements have eased the pain and now my hiss is for an entirely different feeling. Ryan hips are circling my center; his small thrusts are slowly building up to longer ones. He eventually pulls almost all the way out and then he slams back in.

  He picks up his pace, no longer doing his small thrusts like he’s trying to fuck me to next Tuesday. His breathing is becoming erratic. I’m starting to feel the start of my orgasm as I pull my hand to my front where we are joined and I rub the bundle of nerves. My eyes close as I feel it coming on and suddenly, I’m seeing colors from behind my closed eyes. It seems to last forever and just as it’s subsiding Ryan stills, he thrusts in two more times and I can feel him pumping into me. His cock is throbbing and he lets out a long breath of air as if he was holding it the entire time. He stays on top of me and inside me as he catches his breath with his head between my neck and shoulder. My hands are slightly rubbing the back of his neck as I know that helps him relax. He twitches one last time and I can feel his lazy smile. He lifts up off of me and climbs out of bed to wash up. He returns with a wash cloth for me to clean up myself and crawls back into bed.

  Again, he pulls me to him and I spooning me in the nude. He kisses the space behind my ear and whispers: “Goodnight”

  I settle into him and smile, kissing the arm that is under my neck. “Night.” I say and close my eyes again.


  The clock reads 10:27am. I’m not used to sleeping in this late. I roll over and see that Ryan is already awake staring at his phone. I yawn and stretch as he turns his head noticing my movements. The sheet slips under my breast and his eyes roam to them. He puts his phone down and has an appreciative smile as he leans over to catch my nipple in his mouth, he rolls the bud between his teeth and sucks.

  “Good morning.” He says pulling back looking up at me through his long eyelashes.

  “Hi.” I breathe, feeling a little excited after his good morning kiss. I can feel the heat coming from between my legs so I clench them together and I grab the back of his head and bring his mouth to my other nipple. He repeats the same pattern and I express a moan. My center is throbbing now in desire and Ryan’s hand slides around my hip and between my legs. I open my legs as his hand is reaching for me. His fingertips reach my wetness and he gives me a happy moan. One finger enters me slowly, he pulls it back out and pulls away from my breast to trace my nipple. He sucks off the wetness and closes his eyes. When his eyes re-open there is a dark desire hidden there. He smirks and rolls onto his back pulling me on top of him.

  “You’re so ready for me baby.” He says lining his hard cock up with my center.

  I lower myself slowly onto him, relishing on the feeling. His hands are gripping my thighs tightly. Finally seated on him and I start moving back and forth. Paying close attention to my clit. I know how to get myself off better than anyone, without it- Ryan wouldn’t know what to do as I generally assist my orgasm to start myself. I bring myself to the edge and start to pull up and slam back down on him, his hips are elevating to go as deep as he can, knowing that’s how I like it. I lean down and start bringing him out, and then back in making sure he is rubbing against my clit in the right way to keep myself on the edge. The friction is building and before I know it I am coming hard. I think I even see stars but I’m not 100% sure because I cannot form a thought.

  When he notices that I have come down from my high, he flips me on my stomach and enters me from behind. He lifts up my hips slightly and starts pounding into my flesh, within a minute he’s reached his point of no return and he slows his pace stopping every other thrust until he’s completely still.

  Sated we both relax our bodies and try to regulate our breathing.

  “How about a nap, and then we go out and get some pie!?” He asks like a little boy.

  I giggle and turn my head to face him. “You can nap, but I’m going to start to get my day going.” He smiles as I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

  After I emerge from my shower, I open the door and Ryan is sleeping in the middle of the bed. The sheet is tucked in at his waist. I stand there in the doorway to admire him. His dirty blonde hair is tussled from both our bed escapades and sleep, his barely there stubble is at the perfect length that makes me weak in the knees. His perfect lips are slightly open as he breathes in and out during sleep. How did I get so lucky to have Ryan Shaw choose me? I constantly have asked myself that in the past year that we’ve been together. He’s a successful bar owner, avid surfer and master of my bedroom. I wonder if this will be there weekend that we finally have a serious conversation and tell each other that we love another. Yes, one year into our relationship and we’ve never really discussed our feelings. In fact, we’ve never really had many in depth conversations.

  I hear my phone ding on the nightstand next to the side of bed I was sleeping on.

  Dane: Sorry about the late text, was drinking, got home late and couldn’t sleep.

  Me: S’Okay, I figured alcohol was involved after reading the second message. Party night?

  Dane: Date.

  Weird. He didn’t mention any date to me. And why is he so vague.

  Me: And…?

  Dane: We’ll see. Call me when you get back. Drinks. Peas

  Me: Carrots.

  I snicker at our inside joke. I look up to Ryan and he’s still peacefully sleeping. Grabbing the door key, I scribble a note to him and leave the room in search of food.

  I’m gone maybe a half hour at the cute café that is downstairs at the B&B we’re staying at this weekend, when Ryan saunters down the stairs. Freshly showered, He quickly glances around the room and finds me. I love to watch him walk. He carries himself so matter of factly, so assure of himself, almost cocky. He grins as he rounds my table, kisses me on the cheek and sits in the chair beside me. His arm goes behind me and props on the top
of my chair as he leans in and smells my neck.

  “I wish we were still in bed.” He whispers softly running his lips across the side of my neck.

  “You’re insatiable!” I gasp and his tongue trails a path up behind my ear giving me goosebumps.

  He pulls away and looks at the menu that I have beside my chai tea.

  “Did you eat anything?” He asks reading over the menu items.

  “I just ordered the Chicken Caesar for me and the Ham and Cheese Panini for you probably 5 minutes before you came down.” I stated sipping my drink.

  “You’re the best.” Ryan says as his fingers trails the inside of my arm.

  Our meals come and we eat in silence. Once we’re finished, Ryan wipes his mouth and watches me.

  “While I was re-cooperating after our session this morning, Petey boy texted, two people called out for tonight – so we need to get back home a day early. I can’t have Petey work all day and all night. Especially, if he has to open up in the morning for the games tomorrow.”

  My elation of how great this weekend was turning out, just deflated. “Oh, Okay. When do you want to leave?”

  “It might be best if we check out after this and just start heading back. Maybe, rumple up the bed one more time… you know, to make sure that we used the amenities properly.” He winks. He kisses my nose. “I’m sorry we have to cut our weekend short babe. Maybe you can hang out at the bar tonight?”

  “Yeah, maybe.” I squeak. “I’ll see if Dane wants to hang out maybe.”

  Ryan scrunches his nose. He’s not a Dane fan, but he knows that Dane and I have been friends since we were kids, and he comes with the territory. The two guys can hardly tolerate to be in the same room together, and it’s so rare that I force that upon either of them, so when it does happen, it’s not an ‘in your face’ thing.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  We start back up to our room. Ryan’s hands are on my hips the entire way up the stairs. Upon entering our room, he attempts to pick me up and throw me on the bed. Unfortunately, he misses the bed and I land swiftly on my behind on the hardwood floor. He snickers and rushes over to me apologizing in between laughing. It’s funny, but now my behind hurts and the last thing on my mind is making use of the amenities.

  We pack up the belongings we have throughout the room and we are on our way. It takes an hour and half to get to my house in Pacific Beach and as Ryan pulls up to my curb, he turns his body and grabs my face in both his hands. “I’ll make up this weekend to you, I promise.” He says kissing my nose first and then angling his head for my lips. Our kiss is slow and the ache between my legs is back. I pull away before I can’t stand it anymore and get out of the car. Before I reach my door, I turn around to wave, but Ryan’s already gone.

  I pull out my phone and text Dane.

  Me: Last minute change of plans, back home. Shaw’s tonight?

  Dane doesn’t immediately text back. I go about un-packing my bag. I finish and settle on my couch with the television and begin flipping through channels. I am halfway into watching one of the crazy housewives reality shows when Dane texts me back.

  Dane: Sorry kid. I’ve got plans. Rain check for game day brews?

  Me: You got it dude. I text back a little bummed. I lay down and scroll through my contacts. Oh! Betsy!

  Me: Hey chick… you and Max wanna partake in fun at Shaw’s tonight? Back in town early, but not wanting to pretend I’m back yet…

  Bets: Max is a no go. But I can get Candace to come, yeah? Girls night!!!!

  Me: Sounds Perfect. Rally at my house at 9?

  Bets: It’s a date. A girl date, but you don’t get to go to 2nd base with me, I’m taken! Ha

  I snicker at our back forth. Betsy is my best friend, aside from Dane. She is the tiny little spit-fire that captivated me the first day of school at San Diego State. We both lived on the same floor in the dorms. Both our roommates were boring and we latched onto another for fun. When I would have those “girl moments” that I couldn’t talk to Dane about, she was my go-to girl through thick and thin. At the beginning of our friendship, she had a small crush on Dane, which was uncomfortable at first, but it went away especially when nothing ever happened between them. She eventually started dating Max, Dane’s other best friend and his business partner. We never knew when they officially started dating, but as far as I am officially aware, it’s been about two years.

  Candace is a friend of Betsy’s, who in turn became my friend. We rarely see another since she travels a lot but when we do see another; I’m always enamored by her adventures of saving the world. We haven’t had too much girl time with her since she is only home for weeks at a time in between her next trip.


  I must have nodded off, because I opened my eyes and it’s dark outside. I hear my front door open and close and then excited chatter coming down my hallways. I slowly lift my head from my pillow on the couch and see that Betsy and Candace are here.

  “Girl!!! Get up already, go get sexified so we can pregame and then vaminos! I’m only in town for a bit, so lets get this show on the road!” Candace fired out in her sexy Latin accent.

  I push myself to a sitting position and glare at them. Betsy comes to my side, grabs my hand and pulls me up, then pushes me in the direction of my bedroom as Candace starts to pull bottles out of her purse.

  Twenty minutes later, I walk out of my room, freshly showered and dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a cute tank top. Betsy and Candace have turned on some music and are sitting at my kitchen counter drinking out of red solo cups and chatting quietly.

  “Classy ladies.” I tsk at them as I walk in. I open a cabinet and pull out a real glass and start to fill my glass.

  “I don’t feel like doing dishes for you, so we work with what we can!” Betsy smiles.

  We finish our drinks, and call a cab. And arrive at Shaw’s Bar right when the place is picking up in business. We grab a high table close to the bar and I search for Ryan. I can’t find him for awhile and eventually I stop looking. I see a blonde standing at the bar in a crowd full of guys, she’s got her eye on someone behind the bar. I crane my head around the crowd and finally see him. He doesn’t notice that we’re here yet, with how packed it is in here, so I watch him without him knowing. He leans over the bar and the blonde says something to him. He acts like he can’t hear her and so she lifts herself up on the bar, I’m sure giving him and anyone else in view a good shot of her cleavage and says something in his ear. His usually masked face slows into a grin and he nods his head and turns to start on a drink. He finishes up her drink and hands it to the busty blonde, not accepting her money at the moment. He starts to help the next customer and I stop watching. I shiver, knowing that this is his place of business, and that sometimes he has to deal with the hoochies, I just can’t get used to seeing it. That’s why I’m not a regular here. The crowd eventually clears away from the bar and I turn my head and that Ryan is missing from behind the bar and one of the barbacks is there looking lost. A few minutes later, Ryan walks back onto the floor from the back hallway carrying a case of beer, his favorite red hat is on backwards and he finally spots me. My heart leaps a bit as his smile spreads to his face. I get up and walk over to the bar, I lift myself as the busty blonde did and give him a kiss. Out of the corner of my eye, as I’m lowering myself back to the floor, the busty blonde is coming out from the very same hallway. I see Ryan’s eyes stray to the side for a mere second before they land back on me. He hands me a drink and I go back to Betsy and Candace with a wink from him.

  “So, where’s Danielle tonight?” Betsy asks meaning Dane.

  “He said he had plans. Did you know he went on a date last night!?” I rush out of my mouth in shock.

  Candace giggles while sipping on her fruity drink. “Yeah, I set him up with a co-worker of mine from the office. He went out with her last night with Max and I.” Betsy smiles.

  “And, how did it go?” I ask, a little perturbed that he was so vague in his text wi
th me earlier today.

  “Well, Max and I went home after dinner and Kendra and Dane went out for more drinks. So I assume it went well. Max hadn’t talked to him today, maybe his plans tonight involve Kendra.” Betsy says sipping on her beer.

  I think to myself, he would have mentioned something, right?

  Ryan suddenly appears by my side. He puts his arm around my shoulders. Betsy eyes him strangely.

  “Sup Ladies.” He says a little too eagerly. “I had forgotten you were coming by.” He looks at me.

  “Just gossiping. It’s busy tonight.” I say smiling up at his handsome face. He looks distracted, but it’s a busy night at Shaw’s, and he’s short staffed, so he’s probably running a mile a minute. How sweet that he is taking a moment with me. I think to myself with a small smile.

  “I wish it wasn’t, so I could hang with you.” He winks.

  Candace rolls her eyes as Betsy’s attention is elsewhere, she deliberately ignores Ryan most of the time, I’ve grown to get used to it, as they are both hot and cold towards another most of the time. I turn into him and wrap my arm around his waist. I know my friends aren’t huge fans of Ryan, but I try to not let it affect me.

  “Wanna take me home tonight, so we can finish our weekend at your place?” I ask gazing up at his perfect lips.

  He smiles, as he looks me in the eyes. “Nothing more, I would rather do baby doll!” He smiles, gives a swift kiss on the cheek and starts back to the bar.

  “He’s up to something.” Betsy plainly states staring at him as he walks behind the bar.

  I shush her and we commence our girls night. Last call happens and Betsy runs to the bar to get one last round. The girls and I are in the corner booth now laughing up a storm as the bar is shutting down. I probably shouldn’t be standing straight right now, which is a good excuse for my bottom staying flat on the booth bench waiting for Ryan to finish his closing duties. The girls call themselves a cab and as their ride pulls up, Ryan emerges from the hallway shrugging on his hoodie.


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