Book Read Free

The Friends Zone

Page 13

by Tarrah Anders

  “I’m happier than a pig in shit!” She exclaims, her Texan side sure comes out when she’s excited. “I mean, it would be an honor Mr. Crawford.”

  I laugh as I start to look at the resumes in front of me. I’ve looked them over already and hand them over to her. “Call them up and set up interviews that will work with your schedule first hand, then see if either Max or I can sit in. If neither of us are available, then Lukas can sit in as well.” Her smile is instant as she stands.

  “Thank you. Really, I’m really excited about this.” She gushes as she strides to the door.

  “And Melissa?” She turns. “It’s Dane, Max and Lukas. We’re family here, none of that mister crap.” I smile.

  “Yes, sir… I mean, Yes Dane. Thanks. I’ll keep you posted on interviews.” And she’s out of my office. Seeing how excited she was propels me into excitement as I ring Max’s desk. He doesn’t answer so I venture out of my office and head to where I can hear voices in Lukas’ office.

  I walk in, Max and Lukas are sitting in the recliner chairs arguing over the local baseball team, and it sounds like a Who’s on First skit. I drag over one of the spare chairs alongside the wall and sit facing them, watching this spectacle in silence. Both are so serious in their defenses as to why either the team sucks or is good that they haven’t taken notice to my presence yet. I’m leaning forward and finally jump in.

  “You realize if the coaches would get off their asses and view footage on teams that actually win championships; they can see where they mess up. They trade off fantastic players or they ultimately leave pitchers in there that are too tired and let runs happen, of course they’re going to fail next season.” Both Lukas and Dane stop and stare at me. They both know I am not a San Diego Padres fan, and would take any pleasure in rubbing my San Francisco Giants victories in their faces at any given time, while I’m not saying anything nice about the local team, I’m also not rubbing my team in their face.

  “At least our team is consistent. They haven’t won a championship in years. Your team seems to take a year off in between wins.” Lukas quips.

  “Well, you realize this is an even year then.” I offer smiling as I cross my arms over my chest. “And it’s been almost ten years since the Pads have even been in the playoffs.”

  I move to change the subject.

  “I want to draft up a few additional positions. Melissa is working on the front desk interviews and she’ll include all or one of the three of us.” I turn to Lukas and say; “I want you involved in this too, just like with the business plan stuff, I trust you and want to further your path with us if you’re still up for it.” I return back to Max. “Can we see about leasing out more office space upstairs? I remember that there’s still space upstairs that we could potentially use for the three of our offices as the lead engineers and then down here, we could maybe divide up into a few different departments as we etched out?” I know I may be getting ahead of myself but then Max has the same look that I do.

  “Already did dude. The building manager said that they’re not interested. So I did some other digging. There is a 2 story building that is near finished in Mission Valley off the 8, it’s a standalone and cheaper than what we would have to pay if we leased this place along with what the manager is asking for the upstairs. It has a huge looking warehouse attached as well as plenty of open space and parking. I can call to set up a walk through?”

  “See if we can get in this afternoon.” I say getting up. Max follows me out and walks into his office. He motions at the door for me to join.

  “I’ll call, gimme a second.” He says striding to his phone.


  We are standing in a huge empty office building. Scattered cubicles are still lingering and the windows are providing plenty of light. This space offers us a lot of potential and the butterflies in my stomach are making me nervous. We’ve walked each room, there’s a total of 5 meeting rooms, 7 definite offices and plenty of open space to add a waiting room, front desk and heck, you can park a RV in there. I turn to Max who looks like he’s hit the jackpot.

  “So, what’s the catch?” I ask the woman showing us around. She reminds me of a politician.

  “There’s no catch, it’s been vacant for over 2 years, so the owners really want to have someone occupy fast, hence the huge price decrease recently.” She explains very professionally.

  Max looks at me and I nod to him. “We’ll take it! We’ll of course want to do some renovations to the interior, but overall it shouldn’t affect anything structurally.” He smiles his 1000-watt smile.

  “Well, considering your field of work, I’m sure you know what you’re doing. I will mention it to the owners and need to get their approval, but I can have contracts by the end of the day if you would like?” She asks.

  We shake hands, part ways and then we are on our way.

  “This is for real?” I ask.

  “You betcha buddy! Time to start planning our own plans. I say we give a month for reno with a move in date not too far after?” Max estimates while obviously doing calculations in his head.

  I nod as I pull out my phone to text Sterling.

  Me: We’ve put plans to expand in place, offices moving next month, we hope. New employees and hopefully less work for me soon. Does this make me a grown up officially?

  Sterling: You’ve been adulting hard for years! Congrats!

  I smile as I put my phone back in my pocket. We have so much work to do.


  Max, Lukas and myself did the majority of the new design at the new office. We hired out for some, but we can wipe our hands and be proud of what we’ve done in less than a month. Melissa and our new receptionist Talia have excelled in packing and arranging for our office for being officially moved. Lukas had a friend in who installed digital signage throughout the place at a very low price, while I contracted out for signage for the building. We had been in our new location for a day when we received word that the Valley project was awarded to our company and we had a company party that night to celebrate.

  With hangovers the following day, the guys and I had a jam-packed schedule in interviews for a IT manager, a product analyst, an energy engineer and a structural designer. After lunch we rallied with greasy cheeseburgers and more interviews. We had two to three people for each position interviewed today and by the end of our day, we were exhausted and arguing on whether a second interview would be beneficial.

  We chose not to conduct the second interviews and trust our guts, we decided to hire both IT guys and one of each of the other positions. Our new receptionist, Talia was exceptional, and a quick learner. She was around my age and a single parent of two. I handed her the resumes to get working on their offer letters and welcome packets.

  In a way, it seems like everything is happening at a rapid speed, but we’re just progressing forward. We have a full staff currently at The Crawford Hunter Group, we have actual departments and we have several projects currently in progress. I mentally pat myself on the back and turn my heel to walk into my office on the second floor. Behind our new office building, we face the canyon and that would be my view from my floor to ceiling windows that take up the back wall, which my desk sits in front of.

  I sit at my desk and immediately notice my email inbox is flooded with several items needing attention. I dive into the correspondence that I don’t even notice Sterling’s presence at first. She has her hands placed firmly on her hips and she’s standing smirking down at me. She clears her throat and then sits down.

  “Lunch time mister big shot!” She smiles as she places two brown bags on my desk.

  I crack my knuckles and rotate my head. I have been sitting in front of my desk for the past several hours getting lost in emails and then proposals that I didn’t even know it was lunch time. I stand and motion to the conference table in the middle of my office.

  “What’d you get?” I ask her as I pull out her chair and kiss her temple before sitting.

to eat.” She deadpanned.

  “Har!” I quip back with a grin.

  Sterling removes two salads and a huge wrap from the bag. “I thought we could share the wrap. I didn’t know this place made them so big!” She exclaims as she holds up the wrap in two pieces.

  We start in on our food with haste in silence. I steal glances at her and think to myself how lucky I am. I look at the ring that is on her left hand and instantly my pants tighten.

  “You know, the moms are hassling me about the wedding.” She mumbles between bites, noticing my eyes staring at my ring on her finger.

  “I think my dad may have texted me something about how we need to respond to them or something.” I pull out my phone. “Yes, his exacts words were: put me out of my misery or talk to your mother about this wedding business.” I laugh.

  Sterling snickers as she chews. “I told them that we’re planning slowly.”

  “I think the furthest we’ve gotten was you buying those bridal magazines!”

  “Neither of us are going anywhere, what’s the rush?” She shrugs.

  “Sterling, there’s no rush. But I want to be married to you.” I say placing my hand on hers atop the table.

  “And you will. We will. We should just elope!” She laughs.

  “You say the word babe.” And with that we change subjects and discuss work. I tell her about the progress with the new staff and she talks about some of her cases. She glosses over some of the general facts of one of her struggling cases and then boasts about the improvements on another. A few months ago, she was struggling with being offered a promotion, while it would mean more money and a managerial role, she didn’t want to not be working with the kids and instead delegating cases and sitting behind a desk all day. I admire her in so many ways, and she would make an excellent mother one day.

  I blink, shocked that I even thought that. We never have had the children discussion since we’ve been together together. So I clear my throat, this is as good time as any.

  “Question,” I start. “I know growing up, you always mentioned kids and wanting them. Has that changed?” She knows that I want a kid or two, so I know she won’t be taken back by the subject.

  “Yeah, I think though, that I would want one of our own and then to adopt one.” She smiles.

  “That wouldn’t be like taking work home?” I ask in all seriousness.

  “I don’t think so, especially since I couldn’t be the case worker on the file. But it’s like this, some kids never get permanent placement, I would love to be the household that does offer it to someone.”

  I nod, taking in this new information. “I’m not objecting it. I think it would be something to strongly consider.” I say. She smiles and leans over to kiss me briefly.

  “We’ll come to that bridge when it’s time. First, let’s get married, then the rest can fall into place, there’s no rush. We have the rest of our lives.”

  “You really are the best!” I gush taking my turn to lean over the table to kiss her.


  I stand in the spacious dressing room, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I’ve tried on at least 15 dresses and none have given me that feeling that you see on television shows or hear in books. The appeal of eloping is getting better and better.

  “Well?” The store attendant with the thick Russian accent asks from the other side of the door.

  “C’mon out girl!” Betsy shouts.

  I unlock the door and step out. Betsy can tell by the look on my face that it’s not my dress. The attendant starts to ruffle up the sides. It’s tulle and has some roses shaped within the gown along the side, while I told the attendant I wanted a strapless corset style, she still brought me every style in my size.

  I do a quick turn and instantly Betsy agree with the lackluster of excitement in my features.

  “Next!” She insists.

  “This was the last dress.” I state standing with my hands on my hips.

  “Maybe we need to go just a little bit over your budget?” She asks.

  I shake my head, but not in defeat. “Let’s call it a day. You’ve got dinner plans with Max tonight, right?”

  Betsy nods her head. “Yeah, we are celebrating the fact that I’m not at the beckon call for some lawyer.”

  I give her a questioning look as she further explains while I undress and place my street clothes back on.

  “I’ve been working late nights with one of the lawyers at the office who is trying to nail down some bad guy and his buddies at Merrill Lynch. I’ve listened to phone calls, dug through emails and probably trash… I deserve a raise! Either way, Max and I haven’t had any you know what time, so we’re taking advantage.”

  “Where are you guys going?” I ask stepping out and holstering my bag on my shoulder.

  “Some steakhouse off the 15. I don’t know the name, Max made the reservations.” We walk out into the San Diego sun and towards our cars.

  “Well, have fun tonight. Maybe we can pick this up over the weekend. At another place, mother Russia in there was scary as fuck!” I joke as we reach the trunk of my car.

  “Indeed. Later gator.” Betsy calls as she walks toward her car.

  With a wave, I get in my car and start the engine.


  I sat at my desk scheduling one of the families I work with for their home inspection, in which I monitor for safety concerns. I’ve been working for a few months on a file where I had to complete several match meetings to determine a 12 year olds ideal placement. It’s been challenging due to some of her triggers as well as her own past behaviors. But after several potential matches, I believe the family that we placing her with is perfect.

  I finalized a few case plans and cleaned up my desk area. It was thankfully closing time and I was ready to get home.

  A short while later, I walk into the front door. I can hear Dane in the kitchen either playing the drums on some pots and pans or cooking very loudly. I set my bag and sweater on a dining chair and peek into the kitchen.

  He’s wearing a light blue polo shirt and weathered jeans with no socks. He’s bent over reaching into one of the bottom cabinets under the stovetop. He emerges holding a skillet in one hand and a spoon in the other. A dishtowel is resting on his shoulder and he looks like he’s in the middle of Gordon Ramsey’s kitchen on a timeline to finish his plate. His eyes don’t look as frenzied as he notices me. He seems to take a deep breath and he no longer looks like he’s a rabid animal.

  “Hey.” I say stepping into the kitchen cautiously.

  “I was trying to have dinner started before you got home. But I seem to have forgotten where everything goes.” He smirks as he wraps me in his arms. He leans down and captures my lips with him. His tongue grazes over my bottom lip and I open to welcome it. We search another’s mouth for a moment and then pull back.

  “What’s on the menu tonight Mr. Crawford?” I ask while looking around the space.

  “Well, soon to be Mrs. Crawford, I plan to wine and dine and if I’m lucky 69 you this evening.” He smirks.

  I playfully hit his chest as I pull away and hop up on the island. “Shrimp scampi with some greens.” He says placing the dishtowel on the counter and moving in between my legs. He pulls me to where my center is flush against his stomach and leans in for another kiss. His hands tangle with the ends on my hair at my back and my fingers graze his scalp.

  He releases me, and digs in the drawer that I am sitting above. He grins as he holds up a spatula and turns to face the stove. Next to my right leg, on the counter Dane’s phone rings. It’s an unknown number, I hold it up and show him the screen.

  He shrugs but takes the phone from my hand and answers.

  “Dane Crawford here.” He answers. Such a silly way to answer the phone. Dane goes completely still and the spatula in his hand drops. He slowly turns to me, he’s listening intently and the color in his face fades. He grips the side of the counter closest to him. And fumbles for the phone screen. He pushes something
and suddenly the speakerphone is activated.

  All I hear is a lot of background noise and then I hear muffled sobs. Dane mouths Max and my heart stops.

  “Hey buddy, can you tell us where you are right now?” Dane asks.

  A sniff sounds through the speaker. “On the side of the 15, the police and ambulance are on the way…” Max cries out in pain. “Crash… blood… glass…Bets!”

  My heart is hammering in my chest. What happened? Is Max okay? Where is Betsy?

  “Max, I need you to stay on the phone with me buddy. Where is Betsy?” Dane questions.

  “I don’t… I don’t know….” And Max is crying out. We can hear the sirens louder then stop and shuffling of feet around wherever Max is.

  A voice with Max speaks; “Sir, we’re going to need to get you out of there. Sir, can you understand me?”

  Max mumbles something. “Sir, can you open your eyes for me?” The voice requests. The voice then says to someone else presumably next to him. “He’s on the phone.” Then closer to the phone and we assume to Max the voice asks; “Sir, may we see your telephone?” Max is sobbing and we hear a rustle and then another voice speaks into the receiver.

  “Hello, I’m officer Daniels. Who am I speaking with?”

  “My name is Dane Crawford, I am Max’s best friend and business partner. What’s going on?”

  “Sir, your friend has been in a collision with an 18-wheeler and another vehicle. It appears the driver was discharged from the vehicle during said collision. You’re friend, Max appears to be fine, but we will be taking him and the driver via ambulance to Mercy.” Officer Daniels explains.

  “Thank you officer, the driver… is she alright?” Dane asks. My vocal chords have frozen up and tears are flowing from my eyes.


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