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Eluan Falls: A Whisper of Fate

Page 19

by Dane G. Kroll

  “This isn’t a battle. They are uncoordinated, and ill trained. The soldiers are just throwing themselves into the fight. You might win this, Farrah.”

  “We just need to hold out long enough,” said Abigail. “Myrus is coming.”

  “How are you so sure?” Odessa asked.

  “Because I remember,” said Abigail.

  Cassandra grew enraged as her army was held outside the town. She could not expand enough of her power to properly coordinate her army the way she wanted. And her power was draining. She had spent too much of it already getting the army ready for the first charge. Every drink of Tamor Blood she took now helped, but it would not be enough. Commanding an army took more energy than she had.

  “Get down there,” she ordered the Red Cast. “Break them.”

  The Red Cast did not say a word. They took their orders and headed for the battle. The four women rode their horses hard across the open field straight into the battle.

  The horses charged forward into the Eluan soldiers. Then the Red Cast took to the air. They used the momentum of the horses and soared over the battle as light as clouds. The four of them stuck close together as they glided through the sky, untouchable.

  “Get away from the window,” Odessa told Abigail. The beauty of seeing the Red Cast soar through the sky was overshadowed by the fear that they were coming straight for Abigail’s cabin.

  Then the Red Cast touched down with a hint of grace just behind the follower’s army. Unprepared for such an attack the Red Cast made easy work of their enemies near them. They huddled into a circle and struck anything within reach of their daggers. Bodies started to pile up around the women as they pushed forward into the back of the lines of the followers.

  Panic grew as people started dying behind the followers. They could not concentrate on their enemies in front because they were too busy looking back behind them. The collapse of the defensive strategy by Abigail’s followers created an opening in their ranks. The Eluan soldiers pushed forward and were able to completely separate the followers to two sides and started to close in on them.

  Paltro and the other outlander strangers braced themselves for the coming attack. They stood their guard as the Eluan soldiers broke through the ranks of the followers. The stampede of soldiers didn’t run straight for Abigail’s cabin. As they rushed across the tents and houses they had to stop for a brief moment to see if she was inside. They could not find her immediately.

  Abigail showed no fear. She kept her eyes out on the empty horizon. Odessa turned to the doorway. She was the last line of defense. If anybody got through Paltro and the others then she was all that stood between them and the savior of their home.

  The first wave of Eluan soldiers entered the cabin. Paltro and the others were quick to bring them down. The outlanders were trained soldiers. The Eluan army was nothing but crazed addicts fueled by emotion. All the strangers had to do was outlast the numbers.

  Darden and Grifith were pushed back farther and farther away from the town. The Eluan army was fighting fiercer than ever. Rage drooled down their chins, and their eyes never blinked. The group that Darden and Grifith were in was slowly getting cut down. It was only a matter of time before there would be nobody left.

  Abigail could hear the fighting on the floor below her in the cabin. More Eluan soldiers were pouring into the city. They were all funneling toward the cabin.

  Footsteps echoed up the staircase. Odessa crouched low. When the door opened she did not hesitate. The Eluan soldier fell to her blade before he even saw Abigail.

  “We are out of time,” said Odessa as she heard more footsteps make it up the stairs. She could still hear Paltro and the others fighting, but Eluan soldiers were getting past them.

  “No,” said Abigail with a forced smile. “We will make it.” The pain she was taking from her flock was growing stronger. Abigail winced at the concentration of feelings piling up in her.

  Down the horizon a new army was rushing toward the battle. The banners were held high of both Myrus and Francesco de Seres, the End of Ages. Cassandra turned around to see the commotion that was stirring. She cursed under her breath at the sight of one of the last remaining armies of the Eluan Empire.

  She sent new orders to her men down on the field. Half her army turned their attention away from Jemn and looked on with glazed eyes at the new opposition on approach. Many Eluan soldiers growled and yelled for the challenge ahead. Then they charged into their next battle.

  Francesco de Seres rode his horse at the tail end of his legions. He was perched on the hill just at the end of the valley and could watch the entire battle play out. His men never stopped to assess the situation. They charged into battle with confidence. They outnumbered the Eluan army and even with just a glimpse of the battle they saw they were certain in a victory.

  The fight started to die down in the streets of Jemn as the Eluan legion was pulled away into battle against the Myrus soldiers. Paltro drove his sword into the last Eluan soldier that had infiltrated the cabin. The floor was covered with nearly a dozen soldiers, but Abigail’s guards had gotten through it. Odessa stepped downstairs. Four more bodies were left upstairs with Abigail safely secured.

  “Good job,” said Odessa.

  Paltro nodded his head at his commander. “Thank you. Is it over?”

  “Not yet,” said Odessa. “But it will be.”

  But their celebrations was cut short by the sound of a body collapsing on to the floor above them.

  The new battle erupted across the open valley outside of Jemn. Quickly, Cassandra could see she was now outmatched against the Myrus legions. They cut through the Eluan army with ease. They were organized, coordinated, and most of all prepared for an attack by arcan fueled warriors.

  The Myrus army was trained by not only Seres, but also Heric and Foreman’s strategies they had learned from Louson. The arcan crazed Eluan soldiers moved similar to the horde of avadons that plagued the empire. Seres made sure that was never going to happen again to Myrus.

  The Eluan army started to fall even faster as more of them were slain on the battlefield. Cassandra could not continue pushing her men further into madness.

  The Red Cast had returned to her when the Myrus army appeared. Cassandra had called them back even though they had not gotten to Abigail yet.

  “It’s time to go,” said Cassandra.

  “We can still get Farrah,” said the Red Cast.

  Cassandra looked back toward Jemn. Abigail was stronger than she or Nikali had anticipated and that was the reason for their loss. Another attack would be too risky. They didn’t have the time, and the Myrus army was gaining ground every second.

  “No,” said Cassandra. “We have to get back to the Capitol. She can be free for another day. We will be back. Nikali will get us stronger.”

  Then Cassandra and the Red Cast retreated from the battlefield. The five women left their army behind to be slaughtered by Seres and his army of Myrus soldiers.

  Seres saw the women retreat with a sense of bittersweet victory. Abigail was in his grasps now, but Emperor Nikali would learn of his betrayal. Eluan would not fall so easily the next time. He was sure of it.

  Seres turned to one of his messengers. “Leave no prisoners. I want the false Eluan army dead. Then round up the survivors of the others. And find Farrah! Jemn is under our control now.”

  Chapter 41

  Myrus soldiers formed defenses around the ghost town of Jemn. The Eluan army had been slaughtered, but there were still worries that another attack would come. Reports varied from the Capitol and there was truly no telling how many soldiers Nikali and Cassandra had recruited for their personal legions.

  Cassandra had left the battle, but two members of the Red Cast remained out on the horizon. They did not make a move against the Myrus army surrounding Jemn, but their presence was permanently felt. The soldiers found themselves constantly looking over their shoulders to see if the two women were still there. They were. Every time.

bsp; After a few hours order was starting to return to the camp. Myrus soldiers were able to retrieve the women and children that made their escape from the town while the rest of the followers defended them. Darden and Grifith took over in leading the followers back to safety. They reassured Abigail’s flock that everything was okay, and the Myrus soldiers were not there to harm them.

  Francesco de Seres marched through the camp. He was saluted by all of his men as he walked past them. His scouts had finally found Abigail, but she was not in good condition.

  The battle had taken a toll on Abigail. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling unblinking and dead to any movement around her. Her breathing was shallow, and her skin was growing pale.

  During the battle she was taking the pain away from her followers, and concentrated it all to herself. She felt the wounds of hundreds of men, and felt the deaths of even more.

  Odessa had Abigail resting in a makeshift cot of straw and blankets. Abigail drenched her bed in sweat as her body overheated. Cold cloths were placed on her body to help relieve any of the discomfort, but there was little Odessa or the others could do. Abigail was their healer. She never needed treatment herself, and the other doctors that joined the following had not yet returned from the battle’s escape.

  Seres entered the room to look in on the situation. He had not come all this way to let Abigail slip through his fingers. If she was the key to taking full control of the Suraya then he was going to make sure Abigail lived.

  “How is she?” Seres asked when Odessa turned to him. She still wore the usual silk head covering that blocked out her face.

  “I can feel the heat radiating off of her,” said Odessa. “She’s not responding to any of my cues. It does not look good.”

  “My medics are on their way,” said Seres. “They have herbs and medicine that may help.”

  “Thank you,” said Odessa. “I’m sure our own medics are coming as well. They will want to look at her too. Farrah has helped too many of us for us to not return the favor.” Odessa grabbed Abigail’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. She wanted Abigail to know that she was there for her.

  Seres looked down at Farrah. He instantly recognized her. Even without the orange eyes, he remembered her from their return journey to the Capitol from Myrus.

  “I think it will be best if you leave it to my men,” said Seres. “They are trained for battlefield injuries, and they are properly equipped.”

  Odessa stood up to confront Seres’ suggestion. “Abigail’s medics have not let her down yet concerning her people here. They are properly equipped as well.”

  “Too many doctors here will only cause easier mistakes,” said Seres.

  “Then perhaps your men should stand down and let us handle our own people,” said Odessa.

  Seres stared back at the veiled face before him. Even with her face behind a dark cloth Seres could sense the snarl that Odessa was displaying.

  “The truth of the matter, outlander, is Farrah is under Myrus custody now,” said Seres. “It is only out of my good graces that you are still here and that her people are being cared for. Farrah is an enemy of the empire. I have every right to have her executed right now for her crimes. But my men will see to it that she survives.

  “I would suggest you do not push the matter further. I came here for Farrah, not her entourage. For now we can work together because this does not have to be the situation. We can work together, but do not think for a second that anybody else is in charge. I am the commander now. These people are now under Myrus rule, including you, and including Farrah.”

  “What are her crimes?” Odessa said with a hushed tone. She could not believe this gentle woman was anything but a savior. There had been no word spoken about her being an enemy of Eluan. Of course the followers were going against Emperor Nikali, but Odessa was surprised at the sternness coming from a man that had done just the same. She lost respect for Seres with his every word. He was a man that would play both sides until his ultimate benefit was achieved. He didn’t have any convictions except toward himself, and Odessa despised that about him already.

  “She’s the granddaughter of Aldrin the Ageless,” said Seres. “She joined Tcher during the war last year. She can be held responsible for the deaths of thousands of Eluan citizens and soldiers.”

  “She’s Ageless?” Odessa said, unable to hold back her surprise. Odessa turned to look at the vulnerable Abigail. This whole time Odessa thought she was chasing their savior when in fact she was chasing their executioner.

  “Not many people around these parts know,” said Seres. “I doubt the rest of your followers realize that or they wouldn’t be here. Now, you can go out there and tell them about the crimes her family has committed. Then I would have no choice but to take Farrah into full custody and execute her. Or you can keep it a secret, and help me. Convince the people to listen to my command, and you will be rewarded with a home in Myrus, and no harm will come to Farrah.”

  Odessa held back her anger. She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell at Seres, and most of all at Abigail.

  “Is your silence an agreement?” Seres asked.

  “I won’t say anything,” Odessa let out. “But she better live.”

  Then Odessa left the room. She couldn’t be around Abigail for much longer. Seres’ revelation changed everything and Odessa had to decide how to respond for not only herself, but for her people as well.

  In the short time Odessa knew Abigail she had seen dozens of miracles. Odessa was sure she was the one that would save her home. But, Abigail had to answer for her grandfather’s crimes. It was justice that her people had been looking for.

  Chapter 42

  To everyone’s surprise, Nikali had called a Royal Council meeting. This was the first time since Nikali took the throne that he had called one. The Royal Council was only more surprised when they began to arrive to find that Nikali was already there.

  Nikali was waiting for the members of the Council out on the balcony. He was sitting on the railing with his legs draped over the side, looking out toward the city. Nikali never turned around to greet them as they entered. He simply waited in silence for all the members to show up.

  Once the ten members of the Royal Council were present, they sat in their seats around the table waiting for Nikali to join them. He was yet to move from his spot. Instead, Nikali kept his seat and dangled his legs over the city.

  “Incase none of you have heard,” began Nikali. “Our once dear friend, Francesco de Seres the End of Ages, has turned his back on Eluan!”

  The Royal Council turned to each other in shock. There was no report about any such development yet. Quaet was the only one that took the news in silence.

  “What has he done?” Quaet asked.

  “He attacked my legion,” said Nikali. “He saved Farrah.”

  “How do you know this?” Quaet asked. “I have seen no such report.”

  “My team reported to me,” said Nikali.

  “They are already back?” Quaet asked. “That is a quick journey from Jemn.”

  “They hustled,” said Nikali. “It’s what servants should do for their emperors. But that is not the point! Why would Seres turn on us? Where does he get the balls to become my enemy?”

  “Seres has always been a bit headstrong,” said Sharif. “I am not surprised at his actions.”

  “I see,” said Nikali.

  “Do you wish to retaliate?” asked Rohmer.

  “With what army?” asked Twell.

  “His legion was just defeated,” said Palin.

  Nikali overheard the two soldiers’ comments and began to mock laugh. He locked his feet into the railings then swung backward. Nikali dangled just over the floor of the balcony as he stared upside-down at the Council in the room.

  “Yes, the Eluan legion was just defeated!” Nikali gleed. “It is a great moment in our history!”

  “You can call back our original army,” suggested Twell. “Send them to Myrus.”

  “No,” sai
d Nikali.

  “Then what would you like to do?” asked Marais.

  “I want my revenge,” said Nikali. “And I will have it. First, I am going to start with the people that encouraged Seres in the first place.”

  “We don’t know who encouraged Seres to save Farrah,” said Quaet. “We didn’t even know about Seres.”

  “No,” said Nikali. “I think you do. This guy said so himself that Seres has always been headstrong. Why is that?” Nikali half heartedly pointed at Sharif.

  “This is your fault,” ranted Nikali. “The Royal Council are the ones that decided to promote Seres into a position that he could take his headstrong attitude and use it against his Emperor. He did nothing to earn it! He provided men to fight Tcher. Good for him! So did I. Do I get another promotion?”

  The Royal Council was silent as Nikali continued yelling at them from his perch upside-down on the balcony railing.

  “We let Seres fester and do whatever he wanted until its come back to bite you all in the asses. And I’m not even going to mention my mother, who thinks she can sleep her way back to the top. An Empress that the Royal Council shunned is now given a free pass in Myrus because Seres saved the city. Yay!”

  “Seres has been loyal to Eluan his entire life,” said Quaet. “There was no reason to suspect a betrayal.”

  Nikali repeated Quaet’s words with mockery. “Well, he betrayed me! And people have to answer for that!”

  Then Nikali flipped his legs back over the railing. He rolled across the balcony before springing back to his feet.

  “We can speak with Seres,” said Quaet. “I’m sure he does not want to fight against the full strength of Eluan.”

  “I will get to Seres,” said Nikali. He approached the council table. The members kept a close eye on Nikali as he slammed his hands down on the table. “But there is more. Oh, so much more. He knew my legion was coming. He was ready for them. Now that is a puzzling scenario. How did he know? Who told him?”

  “You announced you were attacking Farrah in front of the entire city,” said Palin.


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