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Eluan Falls: A Whisper of Fate

Page 38

by Dane G. Kroll

  Darden was there to greet Abigail, relieved that he had not been crushed by the surrounding crowd.

  “That was good,” said Darden.

  “Thank you,” said Abigail. “But I’m not through.”

  Abigail turned back to look at the crowd. All eyes were on her.

  “Myrus is now our city,” announced Abigail. “It does not belong to the immoral, the senators, or emperors. It belongs to us now. And it’s time to fight for it.”

  The crowd roared back in agreement with their new leader, Abigail.

  Chapter 81

  By nightfall, the Senate House was filled to the brim. Abigail’s followers returned in droves and brought along with them people that had been injured and scared by Nikali’s more devoted believers.

  It was a hectic evening and by the time everything was said and done Darden realized he had not situated a room for him or the rest of their core group. Paltro chose to remain hidden away from the rest of the community and was placed, once again, in the garden house out back. Odessa said she would stay with him there.

  Abigail chose to sleep in the room that was meant for her to treat her patients. There was nothing accommodating about the room, but Abigail said she would make due, and it kept her closer to the followers that needed her.

  That left Darden and Grifith. There was no other choice than to sleep outside under the stars and the returning Cate and Willem bugs. Only a handful of people chose to sleep outside under such conditions. Most of the other followers that couldn’t find room simply found a spot in the hallways of the Senate House and made do.

  “I can’t believe we’re turning this around,” Darden told Grifith while they settled themselves out in the front yard of the Senate House. They unraveled their blankets under a tree, and set up a small net around them to help prevent any bugs from bothering them while they slept.

  “Do you think it’s safe out here?” Grifith asked. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the front gates. They were closed for the night, but they all knew that it wasn’t true protection. If another riot broke out that night the gates could easily be scaled or toppled.

  “Safe enough,” said Darden. “You heard Farrah’s words. Most of them came around. I think the others will follow once they see what she can do.”

  “Something just doesn’t feel right,” said Grifith. “It’s too calm.”

  “We fought through a lot of crap. I know, it’s strange when something isn’t going wrong all of a sudden,” assured Darden. “Just go to sleep. I’m sure something bad will happen tomorrow.”

  “Then I’ll tell you so,” laughed Grifith.

  “I’m glad you’re still around, by the way,” said Darden. “I’m sorry I backed out on you there.”

  “I get it,” said Grifith. “I messed up. I’m sorry about that. I just hope its past us now. It got us here, somehow.”

  “Yeah,” said Darden. “It’s all working out.”

  Across Myrus, the Blood Beauties were convening once more. They shared between the three of them a cup of Tamor Blood mixed with Grifith’s blood they had accumulated over the weeks he was coming to them.

  The drink was thick. The Tamor Blood could not fully dilute the blood they had added in. It was an unusual concoction for the three women. Typically they drank their blood straight without the added effects of the Tamor Blood. Their sources were ripe with arcan already in their blood and it was always more potent than just Tamor Blood. But Grifith did not drink much Tamor Blood independently. He always saved everything he could for Abigail. That meant his blood would not offer the Blood Beauties the arcan powerful enough that they desired, but it still had its benefits.

  Grifith was connected to Abigail whether the two realized it or not. They sensed it when they first met him. Arcan has a footprint that can be traced from one user to another if you know how to look. The connection was even stronger with people who have shared their arcan with each other. The Blood Beauties could tell Grifith and Abigail had shared arcan. Now, between Grifith’s share of power, and the Blood Beauty’s concoction, their arcan was in Abigail’s core.

  Abigail’s source of power was going to be her biggest weakness.

  The Blood Beauties finished the cup of Grifith’s blood. They could feel their arcan tingle down their spine. Then their minds spread out of their hideout and fell upon the Senate House. They could feel Grifith’s emotions with ease. A part of him was now being consumed as a part of them.

  Then the Blood Beauties pushed their arcan further. They found Abigail sleeping in her room alone. She was powerful. She had defenses that were unlike any other arcan user they had come across. They could never penetrate her thoughts for long. She kept her enemies at bay with ease.

  But they were no longer her enemies. Grifith was a part of them now, and in turn they were a part of Abigail’s friends.

  Abigail opened her eyes. She sat up in her makeshift bed of clothes and blankets in the corner of the room. She had no thoughts. She had no purpose. Abigail was no longer in control of her body. The Blood Beauties were the ones in power now.

  Silently, Abigail walked through the Senate House. She did not disturb any of the sleepers around her. Her body gently glided over the floor with each footstep.

  None of Abigail’s followers woke up as Abigail approached the front entrance of the Senate House. The doors pushed open without a touch. The Blood Beauties could use Abigail’s arcan for their own purpose.

  Abigail exited the Senate House. The doors closed behind her with the same gentle silence that was used throughout her journey. No longer impeded by sleeping followers on the floor, Abigail was able to make her way down the front steps with ease.

  “Hey!” broke the cold silence. Grifith rushed forward to tend to Abigail. Unable to sleep from disturbing dreams he noticed Abigail walking out of the Senate House with nothing but a loose night blouse on. “Where are you going?”

  Abigail did not respond. She never even turned to acknowledge Grifith. She just continued walking away from the Senate House.

  “Farrah, is something wrong?” Grifith asked. He stepped in the way of Abigail, but she did not stop. Her smaller frame pushed right past Grifith and nearly knocked him to the ground.

  “Darden!” Grifith called out. “Darden, wake up!”

  Across the lawn, Darden began to stir in his blankets. With a groggy head he heard Grifith calling out for him. Then he looked up and saw Abigail continue her walk down the courtyard. Darden got to his feet and rushed over to see what was going on.

  “I can’t stop her!” Grifith yelled as Darden made his approach.

  “Did she say anything? What is she doing?” Darden asked as he ran closer to the situation.

  “I don’t know,” said Grifith. “She hasn’t said a word. I don’t even think she knows we’re here.” Grifith waved his hand in front of Abigail as he kept up with her pace. “See?!”

  Then suddenly Abigail stopped. Grifith stumbled forward several more steps and had to backtrack to join her again. Then Abigail turned around and stared directly at the Senate House.

  Grifith waved his hand in front of Abigail several more times. Darden finally caught up to the two of them. He grabbed hold of Abigail’s shoulders and tried to wake her up with a gentle nudge. When there was still no response the gentle nudge became a full fledged shake.

  “Farrah!” Darden yelled in her face. “Farrah, wake up! Answer me!”

  “Go get Odessa,” Darden ordered Grifith. “Something is wrong.”

  Grifith did as he was instructed. He ran off into the night to find Odessa and Paltro out on the other side of the Senate House.

  “I really don’t want to do this,” said Darden as he made a fist with his right hand.

  Then he swung with only a little bit of strength behind it. He didn’t want to hurt Abigail. He just wanted to get her attention.

  But his fist never made contact. A burst of energy threw Darden back several feet. He hit the ground hard and rolled several more feet befor
e stopping. Abigail was untouchable.

  Grifith ran through the Senate courtyard. When he got to the small garden house where Odessa and Paltro were staying he immediately began to bang on the door to wake them up.

  The door swung open and Grifith was greeted by Odessa wearing a hastily put on veil. “What?!”

  “Farrah is in trouble!” Grifith said. “She’s walking around and not responding to any of us.”

  “It’s them,” said Paltro from inside the garden house. “It has to be.”

  “Take me to her,” said Odessa.

  “Wait, I’m coming too,” said Paltro as he struggled to get to his feet.

  “You’re too sick,” said Odessa.

  “I’ll be fine,” said Paltro. “It’s just a little pain. If it is the Blood Beauties then you’ll need all the help you can get.”

  “Hurry!” said Grifith.

  Then Odessa and Paltro were out of the garden house and on their way to the front of the Senate courtyard where Grifith had left Darden and Abigail.

  Darden was on his knees in front of Abigail pleading for her to snap out of whatever was happening to her. She did not move. Abigail simply stared at the Senate House.

  Then Darden could hear it. It started small. It was just a little rumble and crackle. Then the sound roared to life. That was when he could feel it, and see it without turning around.

  The Senate House was on fire.

  Grifith, Odessa, and Paltro turned the corner around the Senate House. They could feel the flames bursting through the windows and the exterior walls. The fire was growing fast and out of control.

  “No. No!” Grifith shouted. Instead of heading toward Abigail he turned right toward the entrance of the Senate House. He rushed to the door to open it. There were people inside. He had to help them.

  Grifith pulled on the doors, but they would not budge. As hard as he tried he could not get the doors to open, and even then the doors were getting hotter to the touch. On the other side of the doors he could hear people screaming. They were pounding on the doors trying to push the doors open from their side, but they were having no better luck than Grifith. Something was keeping them trapped inside.

  The fire continued to grow. The flames burst through the windows with the roar of death and destruction. Odessa ran up to the front doors and grabbed hold of Grifith.

  “Get out of there!” she yelled as she pulled him away from the doors.

  “No! We can get them opened! We can do it! Help me!” Grifith yelled to no avail. Odessa would not listen. She dragged him away from the burning building.

  Darden continued to plead with Abigail to stop the fire. There was nothing else he could do.

  Then Abigail blinked. She blinked several times as her head rocked back and forth. She was taking in her change of scenery. Her body nearly feinted to the floor. Darden was quick to reach out his hands and keep her steady.

  “Farrah!” Darden shouted. “Farrah, do you hear me?”

  Abigail looked around in shock. She looked over at Darden then at the fire that was consuming the Senate House and all of her followers.

  “What’s going on? What happened?” Abigail asked. “No. No, no, no.”

  The screams of Abigail’s followers inside echoed through the quiet night. The fire continued to grow larger. The entire city of Myrus would be able to see the fire from their homes. The carnage would not go unnoticed. “Not like this,” said Abigail. “It wasn’t like this.”

  Grifith, Odessa, and Paltro joined Darden and Abigail down the courtyard. They huddled together content to still be alive despite the awful trap that was set before them. There was nothing any of them could do now, but push forward and figure out how to survive.

  Then Abigail heard the Blood Beauties whisper in her ear. “You can still end this. Join us, and there will be no further deaths. You have the power to change our fates. Myrus will destroy itself if you do not. The blood is on your hands now, and there are people that want vengeance.”

  “No,” said Abigail. “I will not join you.”

  “Then you will perish with the rest of them. If you will not change your fate then he will. The World Breaker is coming. Nikali will finish you all.”

  Then the Blood Beauties were gone from Abigail’s head. They released her to watch the result of their handiwork through Abigail’s hands.

  The heat from the flames could be felt well past the gates of the Senate House. Abigail collapsed to her knees. She could no longer bear the weight of the people that were suffering because of her, and all those that were still to come.

  Chapter 82

  Even with her arcan Abigail did not need to connect to anybody to know the rage that was coming. The fire at the Senate House was a beacon for all of the supporters of Nikali and their extremist actions to finally unload on the city. Already Abigail and her group could hear the sounds of vengeful celebration as people began to lay eyes on the flames from the streets beyond the courtyard.

  “We have to go,” instructed Odessa. A nod of the head directed everybody’s attention to the gates. The streets were filling up with people; lit torches in hand. They were shouting, demanding to burn away all of the people with the Tcher Touch.

  “That is a wonderful suggestion,” said Darden. His eyes could not part away from the sight of two men grabbing hold of an elderly gentleman and setting him on fire with their torches. The old man’s screams were weak and hollow. He wouldn’t have the strength to scream for help even if he didn’t have the Tcher Touch. When the old man was completely consumed by the flames his two attackers moved on to find their next target, along with dozens of other frenzied Myrus citizens.

  “Nikali is coming,” said Abigail.

  “All the more reason to get out of the city,” said Odessa.

  “He’s coming for me,” said Abigail. “If we leave he will just follow.”

  “Then at least he’ll only attack us and not the entire city,” said Grifith.

  “Is there any way we cannot be attacked?” Darden wondered.

  “No, Grifith’s right,” said Abigail. “If we get out now, we can direct Nikali away from Myrus. Maybe we’ll save some lives.”

  “Then what?” Paltro asked. “We’ll be vulnerable out in the open.”

  “We’ll have to chance it. Figure it out as we go,” said Abigail. “Nikali will destroy this city if it means eliminating me.”

  Then the sudden sound of metal crashing onto stone ended their conversation. The metal gates of the Senate House had toppled and a stampede of Nikali’s believers came storming through the property.

  “Towards the back!” Odessa yelled. “We’ll escape through the garden.”

  The group did as Odessa instructed. They still had a lengthy lead on the riot that was charging in their direction. The group of five could move faster through the dark courtyard than the entire horde of attackers.

  Odessa kept point as she led the group through the gardens behind the fiery Senate House. The flames made the shadows of the bushes and trees dance back and forth as they ran for their lives.

  To their dismay a handful of rioters had already made it into the gardens. Their presence came to be seen here and there as the fire continued to consume the Senate House. Paltro fought as quickly as he could. If anybody got close to Abigail or the others he would charge forward and throw them to the ground. He did not have the time or the energy to finish off their attackers, but the stunning appeared to be enough. The rioters wanted chaos, destruction, death, but they did not want a fight.

  Paltro’s rashes burned stronger than ever as he moved his body more than he had in the past few weeks since contracting the infection. He could feel his skin tear open as he over extended his arms and legs in his brawls against the swarm of rioters.

  Odessa came to a halt just before one of the smaller exits that surrounded the Senate House. They were at a gate that was used as a private exit for Seres and his personal staff. The gate did not appear to have been tampered with yet. The rio
ters that had already found their way into the garden would have come from the service entrance on the other side of the yard.

  “We need to stick together when we get out there,” said Odessa. “Farrah, is there anything you can do to stop this? Can you soothe these people? Calm them down?”

  “I’ve been trying,” revealed Abigail. “Something is affecting them. It’s more than the fire. Their fear is turning into rage, weighing down their every thought.”

  “What about us?” Darden asked. “Can you give us cover? You blocked the bugs out of our minds? Can you block us out of their minds?”

  The group was quiet as they waited for Abigail to answer. Odessa shifted from one foot to the other. She kept a look out at the door just ahead of them and constantly shifted back toward the garden they had just come through.

  “Well?” Odessa impatiently asked.

  “I think so,” said Abigail. “But it’ll be only for people that I can see around us. Whatever is affecting the city is too powerful.”

  Outside of Myrus where the Red Cast once shone a lantern every night to tempt the people of the city with betrayal was now occupied by their emperor, and god, Nikali Caning II, Charos. His eyes sparkled at the sight of the flames of the Senate House reaching high above the skyline of Myrus. His body teetered and waved with the motions of the flames. Nikali laughed with excitement and the fire crackled back.

  “Heric would be proud,” exclaimed Nikali. “I am Eluan now. I am its leader. I am its fire. I am its new creator! Myrus will fall like Heric always wanted, and I will rebuild the dream that he had in the beginning. It will be beautiful.”

  Abigail and the others made their way down the streets toward the eastern exit of Myrus. The southern entrance of the city was always the busiest, but the eastern gate still had its problems. There was no direct street to the eastern gate. Odessa would have to lead them through the city of chaos as quickly as she could. More fires began to break out across the city. Building after building was beginning to go up in flames. Myrus would be ashes once again.


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